Dreamscape Intro

Story by Korky24 on SoFurry

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The beast had gained his scent and turned. Now, looking it dead in the eye, Elo lost the bravery he seemed to have seconds before. As the beast charged, he had no strength to turn and run, but stand there, until he tightened his grip on his sanity (or what he had left of it) and wished the beast away. The next thing he knew he was on the floor bleeding. He did not scream, but waited, as he had become used to this. He was now in a hallway, or what seemed to be one, with a light at the end. He did as he was used to, and now ran to the light, wondering if for once he could reach it, but instead he was brought back to his bed from the recurring nightmare. He was too powerful to lose to these nightmares.

Kork woke up to find his sister frozen in place at one second, and running out of his room the next. Who knows what she was up to this time, but who honestly cared? She was too young to cause much trouble anyway. He followed the same routine as usual, got up, washed, ate, and left for school, not noticing the new mark on his neck yet. At school, he met up with all his usual friends, and also met the new wolf, Marc, and got along with him well. He did not know yet that this was the only one who would go with him in the dreamscape.

My first post. tell me if you wanna see more.