Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace: Chapter 2

Story by Shade Fox on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

70 years after the fall of the old hierarchy and coronation of Sherro lo Kempura Himora-Tan...

The sounds of gentle snoring was coming from a room down the hall as a shadowy figure silently made its way closer to the room in question. The door, which contrasted greatly with the azure marble of the walls of the hall, was wood lattice with paper in between but it was surprisingly durable. The shadow gently slid the door back without a sound and crept farther in, melding with the shadows until it could no longer be seen. The source of the snoring came from a figure sleeping on a cot a few feet away oblivious to the world around it. The darkness seemingly parted by itself and a golden black striped, furred hand appeared from the darkness poised over the sleeping figures waist. As the darkness pulled away from the shadowy figure it reviled a ligress (non-anthro) crouched besides the sleeping figure, she wore loose dark blue leggings and a vest closed shut with a belt, she raised herself slightly from where she was crouching and brought her hand up like she was about to chop the figure "Get your lazy ass up already, its half past one!" she yelled and slammed her hand down on the figure. She jumped back as the figure jumped up holding his crotch and rolled on the ground in pain.

"Dammit Laurran why the hell'd you do that for! How would you like it if I kicked you in your balls?! Oh wait that's right, I forgot you're a girl you don't have any, so why can't you act like normal girls when you wake someone up and not chop someone in the balls?!" Kenshi yelled as he got up standing off against Laurran. Laurran growled and pulled her leg back. Kenshi noticed it and yelped as he jumped back and looked down at his crotch again; the kick had just barely missed its targets, and sighed deep.

"What the hell do ya mean normal?! I am normal! I just choose to wake up annoying ass brothers who keep me up all night with their snoring!" yelled right back to Kenshi their faces pushed against each other growling. Just then two more figures came into view a figer and a fox. The figer was wearing blue pants and a white t-shirt he had the general look of a fox but his ears which should be straight and pointed were slightly drooped near the tips and somewhat rounded. His fur which at the moment was ruffled from sleep was a rich black except at the tip of his tail which was white as well as his muzzle which the white tapered off slightly but throughout his fur there were stripes that ran along his body that was a lighter black and had a slightly orange-ish tint. He opened his mouth and yawned displaying his gleaming canines, the front ones being slightly longer and more feline than the rest "Come on guys its" he yawned again "way too early for this, Laurran your clock was three hours fast." Both Kenshi and Laurran turned to Hiranose "Shut up this is none of your business!" and went back to pushing each other and growling their faces once again mashed together.

The fox next Hiranose rubbed her eye with a paw and yawned too she wore gray lounge pants with a gray top her fur, also ruffled from sleep was a light red mixed with gold her tail swished behind her lazily as if trying to wake up too. "Hiranose's right you know it's way too early, and you guys do something like this almost every day can't this be the one day that you don't argue?" Shinaji said as she yawned. Kenshi and Laurran both looked over again. "Never, it's not my fault it's hers! She's always doing something like this!" Their answers overlapping each other and quickly grew in volume making Shinaji fold her ears back and clap her hands on them. Kenshi and Laurran's arguing grew until Shinaji had enough; she let her hands drop with a sigh and looked at Hiranose with a look that said do you want to or me. Hiranose laughed and stepped back gesturing Shinaji to continue. Sighing again Shinaji raised a hand said "Separ!" In between Kenshi and Laurran a translucent red rectangular formed and quickly grew squishing Kenshi and Laurran into opposite walls with a thud. Shinaji let her hand drop and the box disappeared. She turned and walked out the room as both Kenshi and Laurran fell on the ground leaving indents on the wall, looking around there were a number of similar indents on the wall where similar events probably took place "Man do I love kekkai, what can't they do?" Shinaji said to Hiranose he laughed as they walked back down the hall to the dining room for breakfast. Just another beginning to a beautiful day, they all thought together.