Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace

Story by Shade Fox on SoFurry

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This is my first story entry, so I know that there'll be some grammatical errors and other stuff so please feel free to tell me what you think. :)

BTW so no one will be confused early in the story I'm going to post the character sheet of the main characters. Also, to be sure that no one has a mini stroke trying to pronounce their names real quick I'll put the phonetic pronunciation in paranthesis ().

Kesherran (Kay-share-ron) Sherro (Shay-ro) lo Kempura Himora-Tan,

Keshe (Kay-shay) Kenshinomurahamoran (Kenshi-no-mura-ham-O-ran) lo Kempura Himora-Tan,

Kesha (Kay-sha) Laurran (La-u-rran) Salana lo Kempura Himora-Tan

Keshe Hiranose (He-ra-no-say) Abumanesan (Abu-man-A-san) lo Kempura Himora-Tan

Kesha Shinaji (Shi-N-a-G) Patusana (Pat-u-sana) Kempura Himora-Tan

Toshinamase lo Sempe (Sem-pay) Tensuge-An (Ten-sue-gay-an)

Tomanashiburama (Tom-ana-shi-boo-rama) lo Zanteponesa (Zan-t-a-pon-A-sa) Byatoran (B-ya-T-O-ran)

Character Sheet:

** Identifies species

*Lion* Kesherran (King) Sherro lo Kempura Himora-Tan: Warrior-King of the nation of Persia, and father of Kenshi, Laurran, Hiranose, and Shinaji.

*Fion (Fox-lion hybrid)* Keshe (Prince) Kenshinomurahamoran lo Kempura-Tan: Crown warrior-prince of Persia, prefers to be called "Kenshi", in addition, he is the oldest of his siblings.

*Liger* Kesha (Princess) Laurran Salana lo Kempura Himora-Tan: Crown warrior-princess of Persia, and Kenshi's younger sister.

*Fox* Keshe Hiranose Abumanesan lo Kepura Himora-Tan: Crown warrior-prince of Persia, and Kenshi and Laurran's younger brother.

*Figer (Fox-tiger hybrid)* Kesha Shinaji Patusana lo Kempura Himora-Tan: Crown warrior princess of Persia, and Kenshi, Laurran, and Hiranose's younger sister, as well as Hiranose's twin.

*Wolf* Toshinamase lo Sempe Tensuge-An: Head of the royal court guard squad, as well as Sherro's best friend.

*Tiger* Tomanashiburama lo Zanteponesa Byatoran: "Tom", is High Advisor and the First Steward of the King, but has been planning a coup to overthrow the King and royal family and take the throne for himself.

Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace:

By: Shade Fox

Chapter 1: Prologue

** For those who do not know, the worst possible time to lower your guard is the calm before the storm. The almost tranquil peace itself is nearly unbearable for this peace is not a natural one, this is the peace before the roaring wave of turmoil and despair comes barreling nearer and nearer before crashing down and obliterating all constructs of hope and washing away hope only to leave a path of destruction and distrust in its wake. This was one of the first lessons taught to the Persian kings of old; a time when paranoia and distrust was the norm, "preemptive strikes" was as socially acceptable as holding open a door for someone, and kings and queens and crown princes and princesses died of "heart attacks" in their sleep on a near daily basis. The nation of Persia, in the past, was divided up in a number of small warring countries, and whose rulers constantly fought, betrayed, formed and destroyed alliances to gain sovereignty over the other warring states. As the kings and queens of the warring states bickered and fought one another over everything they could, they sent army after army of troops into battle caring neither for the lives of their soldiers or civilians that were lost in the mindless battles. But there was one other important lesson that the Persian kings of old had forgotten in their need for conquest, and was ultimately their downfall. The lesson was that while the kings and queens has the power to govern, it was the will of the governed who gave them the power and can just as easily take it back.**

** A small group of civilians and soldiers who were sick of mindlessly and unnecessarily dying in the name of their ruler's twisted vision of a united Persia stood up against aristocracy and started to fight back. The founders of this revolution, Sherro lo Kempura Himora-Tan and Toshinamase "Toshi" lo Sempe Tensuge-An, were best friends who served in one of the armies of the warring states and witnessed the atrocities of this war firsthand were sentenced to death for treason for refusing carrying out the orders of the king to obliterate a village that was "supposedly" was harboring spies from a neighboring state. Before their execution, Sherro and Toshi managed to fight their way out of the city and hid from the war. After vowing to stop this needless war before is consumed the entire world they trained with many different masters and honed their skills. Years passed on the fighting only worsened; poverty spread across the states, famine was nearly epidemic levels, and if you passed anyone who wasn't in full armor bristling with weapons and darting from cover they were considered underdressed.**

** With their return Sherro and Toshi set out on their journey, targeting not the armies but the nobility who controlled them. Some nobles became wise to this and tried to put up defenses around them but they never worked. Nearly at the end of their quest Sherro and Toshi only had one noble left to deal with, the one who sentenced them to death in the beginning. The noble in question knew exactly who these "shadows" were. At the end he begged for his life but he too was dragged into the darkness kicking and screaming. With the last of the old hierarchy destroyed there was no one at the helm of this newly united nation. The people, the will behind the power, decided that these shadows should finally step into the light to lead. Sherro was pronounced the King of Persia, and his first act as king, to make sure that he never lost his shadow brother in the darkness by making Toshi head of the royal guards and the rest is history the true peace... for now.**