Blood in the Moonlight 1

Story by IriomoteWildCat on SoFurry

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#1 of Blood in the Moonlight

Blood in the Moonlight Authors Note: This story contians VERY strong language and suggestive themes. Also, I don't own Digimon, blah, blah, blah... World Rules: This story takes place in 2007. The human world knows nothing of the Digital World although they have a complete awareness of us. In this story, the characters of previous seasons of Digimon do not have relevance here. This world is completely of my own making. I just decided that there were too many fanfics of the shows characters. This story does however take something from each season including Savers. I went with a lot of the traditional stuff like angel digimon being the leaders of the good side. The digivolution rules are that the energy from the human partner transfered via digivice is what cause their digimon to digivolve, not tags and crests or crystal matrix digivolution and such. It is actually very similar to the 'digisoul' from Savers. Other digimon in the story just digivolve on their own naturally. Digimon are not born in Primary Village. Male and female digimon mate and the female gives birth to a digitama which hatch into babies. Also human type digimon and beast type tend not to get along that well. Human types such as Sakuyamon tend to dwell in cities and beast types like Greymon live a more primal life in nature with very little technology. And I decided to add more culture to digimon because I was annoyed that the makers of digimon made every digimon (or at least the human type) caucasian or just Asian. Yup, everyone in the world is a friggin' white person (sarcasm)! So you will notice black Lillymons and latino Wizardmons and such. Hope you enjoy, I sure enjoyed writing this! Chapter 1 The Angel and the Devimon The little bat thing flitted about her her frantically and she swatted at it absently. She couldn't seem to recall what had caused the massive tidal wave that loomed in the distance, only that there was no escape from its mass of destruction. She turned to the bat creaure. "Get back to the Digital World. Before it's too late." She told it Sternly. "No, no, no!" It cried. "You just have to come with me!" "You know I can't. Don't you think that I'd be there right now if I could. Now get in there!" She held out a hand held computer infront of the creature. It looked at her with tears running down it's face. "You can't make me go! I want to stay with you!" She reached forward and kissed it on the top of it's head. "Good bye. Don't worry, we'll see eachother again... somehow." She tried to smile through her own tears. "Ok." It sniffed. "I promise I'll never forget about you. Ever." It flew towards the computer. "Bye." It shrunk upon itself and disapeared into the computers small screen in a burst of light. She let the computer slip from her grasp and watched the tidal wave as it grew closer. She had to admire the beauty of the clear calm night. Finally she closed her eyes and silently awaited the inevitable... Angel awoke in the darkness. She rubbed her eyes and glanced at the alarm clock. It read 6:34 am. She sighed and closed her eyes to try to fall back asleep since she still had an hour left before the alarm went off but the dream stuck in her mind. It was strange, she hadn't had that particular dream in years. She could remember having the dream when she was very young but this time she could recall more. She had remembered there being something with her in the dream when she had been younger but this time she had actually seen it. It had begged her to go with it to some world but she knew she wouldn't be able to follow it so she had sent it alone promising she would see it again. Angel decided to get out of bed after a few minutes of wakefulness and got ready for work. She left early since she didn't feel much like hanging around her apartment on such a beautiful summer morning. Today was different though, normally she enjoyed the walk to her job but today she was distracted by the dream. Images of creature haunted her thoughts. "Hey! Watch it!" an old man exclaimed as she walked right into him on the way to work. "Sorry." Angel mumbled. She shook her head and tried to get her mind off of the dream. By the time she had gotten to work she had forgotten about it. When she arrived at the auto shop where she worked as a mechanic she groaned aloud. A flashy blue Mustang was parked around back. That meant that its owner, her co-worker Mike, had come to work early as well. Angel loved getting her hands dirty and working with cars but she really hated working along side that jackass. She was sure he had been involved when she had been attacked on the way home from work a few months ago. She had been walking alone when someone had sprayed mace into her eyes and grabbed her. When she had fought back another person had incapacitated her furthur with a tazer gun. They had begun removing her clothing persumably to rape her but the people had been scared off by a passing elderly couple who had been walking their dog. She had heard his voice among the people that had attacked her but since she had been blinded she hadn't been able to prove it. Mike had also had a conveniant alabi for that night as well so the charges had been dropped completely. Angel could have quit this job to get away from him but she had decided that she would stay put at the auto shop. Not only did she want to prove that she would not be scared off so easily but it had been difficult to find an apprenticeship in the first place. She knew that as soon as she had enough experience under her belt that she would ditch this job but it was difficult being patient. Angel resisted the urge to hork on Mike's car as she walked past it to get in the backdoor. She thought about how oneday she would make him pay as she threw her bag on the staff table. "Oh, it's you." Mike sneered from behind her. "Why are you so early?" Angel turned to face him and narrowed her eyes. He was about 6 feet tall with dark spikey hair and well built. He was actually quite attractive but everytime Angel looked at him she was filled with revoltion. "What the fuck is your problem Angel?" he sneered as he turned to leave. "Stupid bitch," he added under his breath. "Oh go smoke a cock," she replied to his back. He turned around instantly. "What?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "I said: GO-SMOKE-A-COCK-YOU-HOMO!" "If you weren't a woman, I swear I'd..." He clenched his fists. "You'd what?" She shot back. "Mace me? Use a tazer?" "Fuck you bitch." He shouted as he left the staff room. Angel could hear him in the shop throwing his tools around and she laughed. It felt great to blow off a little steam at his expense. She sighed and made her way to the shops tiny office. She frowned when she saw that the computer had been left on all night. She sat in the chair and jiggled the mouse to reactivate the system. The screen faded in slowly and she was surprized to see a flashing icon. It was MSN Messanger. Bob, her boss, had probably just forgotten about the computer when he closed down the auto shop last night. The message read: 'Do you want to enter the Digital World and meet your partner?' Angel laughed at what she supposed was some sort of online dating thing that Bob was into. She was about to close the window when she noticed that the message was addressed to her name. "What the hell..." she muttered aloud. She didn't have an account with MSN and the senders name was just strange. MagnaAngemon. Angel figured that this was Mike's idea of some weird joke and was about to close the window but stopped herself and grinned devilishly. Maybe she would play along with this one. 'Yes I would do anything to meet my partner. Even enter the Digital World, honey.' She bit her lip to keep from laughing as she hit 'Enter'. Angel was actually shocked to receive a prompt reply. 'Then take the digivice beside you and prepare to be transported.' She laughed but looked to her right and noticed something she hadn't seen earlier. It was some sort of shiny black cell phone or mini computer, she wasn't sure what it was but she picked it up. She almost dropped it when it glowed breifly in her hand and beeped. As she examined it furthur she was distracted by the computer screen which seemed to be getting brighter by the second. She put her a hand over her eyes to shield them from the increasing glare. Then all at once she felt like the floor had opened up beneath her. She felt her herself falling head over heels but then feeling stopped as abruptly as it had came. She opened her eyes which she had kept squeezed shut the whole time and gasped at the sight before her. Angel was no longer sitting but standing in a strange room and before her was a gorgeous eight winged angelic being with long pale blonde hair. Behind him stood a taller six winged angelic being with long black hair that appeared to be of native descent. Angel swallowed hard when she came to the realization that if these were angels then she must be dead. "Ummm, if I'm dead, then I have to know how it happened." She told the one infront of her. The angelic being chuckled softly. "Why do you humans always think that? But to answer your question, no, you're not dead. I am MagnaAngemon and behind me is my General, Angemon." The six winged angel nodded and Angel could swear he was blushing. "Let us be the first to welcome you to the Digital World." MagnaAngemon told her with a charming smile. "Digital World?" Angel asked increduously. "Like in the message? Did you send that?" "Yes, I sent that message." MagnaAngemon replied. "Oh, I thought it was an invitation to a online dating service so I answered as a joke." She told him. His beautiful ocean blue eyes sparkled as he laughed. "No my dear, that's not what we're about here." She smiled and relaxed a bit, the angel seemed friendly enough. "Ok then, what are you about?" "I'm glad you ask. This is the Digital World, a world seperate from your own but which mirrors yours topographically. I am a digital monster or digimon for short and we Digimon are the inhabitants of this world. As far as we know, digimon began to inhabit this world during the age of Atlantis, a civilization of great technology. It was said that we were even able to have limited contact with the human world during that age but unfortunately the Atlantians destroyed themselves with their own technology. We digimon continued to exsist in our world after their downfall. We really don't know much about our origins beyond that. "The Digital World went through its times of war and peace through the millenia just like the human world. Infact we have always been influenced somehow by the human world so our histories and cultures are surprizingly similar. Fortunately we have been able to learn much more about your world since the creation of your internet." MagnaAngemon stopped speaking when he noticed Angels attention waning. Angel stared at the strange creature that peered at her with large green eyes from behind the six winged angel, Angemon. MagnaAngemon turned to the creature. "Don't be afraid, that is Flamemon one of my troops," he told Angel. "You may as well introduce yourself Flamemon." he said to the creature. It stepped forward and bowed. "Greetings human." Angel thought it resembled some sort of satyr. "Hello." she replied with a smile. MagnaAngemon turned back towards her and reached out a hand to help her from the platform on which she stood. She thought about it for a moment but accepted the outstretched hand. After all he was an angel. "Please come with me. I'm sure you have a lot of questions" Angel nodded and the two angels lead her down a series of corridors until they stopped at what appeard to be the mess hall cafeteria. The whole place seemed to remind Angel of an army base. Many new creatures of all shapes and sizes sat at long tables. They all turned to regard the two angels and the human. They all whispered among themselves as the angels led her to an empty table. Angel felt nervous with so many eyes on her but she tried to relax and flashed the monsters a shy smile. She noticed MagnaAngemon staring at her intently and she blushed. "I'm sorry, it's only that the other humans we brought here were a lot more mmm..." he paused as he searched for the appropriate word. "Intimidated by the Digital World. Most of them fainted actually." Angel shrugged, she was quite facinated so far but what she had seen. Not to mention the fact that both angel digimon beside her were easy on her eyes. "It's a big universe, so why not a Digital World full of digimon?" she laughed. "But there are more humans here?" "Yes, I'll get to that," he told her. "During the end time of Atlantis some digimon began searching for a rumored permanent portal that would allow all digimon access to the human world. The digimon never returned and the portal was written off as a myth. About 400 years ago a vampire digimon known as Prince Vamdemon sought out the portal to gain entrance to the human world. His goal was to use his Obsidian Army to take conquer both our worlds. "Well, Prince Vamdemon found the portal. It was guarded by ten ancient dragon digimon who were unfortunately defeated by Prince Vamdemon himself. According to our history, he was thwarted and destroyed by his own servant just as he was to enter the human world. "Somehow Prince Vamdemon has been ressurected or reborn with the same intention as before and has been massing the Neo Obsidian Army to take with him into the human world. In order to maintain the safety of both worlds I began to mass my own army, the Holy Allied Forces to fight back against Prince Vamdemon. However, when I crossed swords with Prince Vamdemon myself I was fortunate to escape with my life. I began to realize that no ordinary digimon could hope to stand a chance against Prince Vamdemons power. "We worked tirelessly to find a way to embue a digimon with the strength needed to defeat Prince Vamdemon. We found that it could be possible to make a digimon much stronger than normal if it evolved using the energy of a human partner. "Trust me, if sounds simple it is not. The digimon and human must share identical energy signatures. And summoning a human to the Digital World was another challenge unto itself. Fortunately our Datamon were able to find a method using your internet system." MagnaAngemon stopped at this point. "Do you understand everything that I have said so far?" Angel nodded, she was beginning to understand why she had been brought here. "We decided that because of the enormous drain on our armys resources that we should limit the number of humans summoned to ten. We chose ten renouned digimon here and searched for the humans that matched their individual energy signatures..." "You mean I'm one of those humans?" Angel asked excitedly, interupting MagnaAngemon. "Well, not exactly," he answered. "Oh." He chuckled. "There is more my dear. After we summoned the ten humans to the Digital World and sent them on their quest we discoverd that somehow Prince Vamdemon had been able to hack into our program and was able to summon ten of his own humans by 'piggy backing' our signals. Fortunately he was limited to the same number of humans we summoned. However I was still greatly disturbed by this news and we all prayed for a miracle. "Well, our prayer was answered when I recieved a prophetic dream instructing me to summon another human, that this particular human and her partner digimon would be powerful enough to turn the tide in our war. I was given the digimons energy signature and location and was instructed to find him and summon the human who matched him. Well, you may have guessed by now that we've found that human." MagnaAngemon smiled widely. "You mean me?" she asked increduously. "Yes, you Angel." "So I have to save the world with a partner digimon? But where is he?" she asked looking around. "We'll get to that in a while, but first please tell us about yourself. I am afraid that very little information was found on you." "Well, I'm 23 and I'm a mechanic and uhhh... you know there's really not much else." She shrugged. Angel didn't really know what to tell the two digimon, at 23 she still had no real life to speak of. She had no friends, no family, her only love was old Camaro SS which she was in the middle of restoring. Aside from fixing cars she really had no talents. Not to mention she felt that she had not been blessed in the looks department either. She wasn't that short at 5'4" but at a slight 100 lbs most mistook her for much younger than she actually was. With medium length wavy brown hair and boring brown eyes she didn't feel that she was ugly, just that her looks were plain at best. "Do you have any family?" MaganAngemon asked. "No. My mother died giving birth to me and since she had no family of her own and didn't know who my father was, I was given up for adoption but was never adopted because I had a heart condition when I was younger. That's about it." "Oh, I'm sorry." he told her. "Don't be, I'm not. I figure I could mope all my life or I could just live my life." She told him. "Of course." He smiled. "Then I hope that we can become like a family for you..." He was cut off by digimon that MagnaAngemon had named as Flamemon. "My Lord," Flamemon bowed. "There is a situation that demands your attention." "Excuse me." MagnaAngemon rose to leave. "Angemon will keep you company." He told Angel. Angel looked at Angemon. She found the blushing digimon very charming. "Sooo... you're a mechanic. Why?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. Angel smiled. "I don't know really, I think that maybe machinary is easier to deal with than people." "I can understand that." Angemon relaxed a little. "How did you end up a General?" she asked. Angemon scratched his head. "Well, I prefer not to fight directly but I design a lot of the battle stratagies that we use. It's a difficult job as Prince Vamdemon is quite the strategist himself." "Sounds like an important job." Angel said. "Yes, although I wish it wasn't. I really don't like the spotlight." "I don't think I could handle being someone important, too much attention." Angel smiled. Angemon smiled back. "I like you." he said, then as if realizing that he had spoken outloud blushed deeply and looked away. Angel blushed as well and held back a laugh. She thought that it was the nicest thing anyone had said to her. MagnaAngemon returnd a few moments later with a grim look on his face. "Angel, there is a problem. It seems your partner has mmmm, escaped during the night." Angel gave him a confused look. "I'm not sure I understand." "The truth is that when we located the digimon with energy signature specified by my prophetic dream I was confused myself. The digimon turned out to be a noted bounty hunter, Devimon. When we approached him he was less than willing to hear us out. I had to trust that the information I was given was from a divine source, so I captured him. I had planned for you to talk to him yourself later in hopes that he would find you less threatening. However we must go after him at once, I will need you to try to get through to him. We must make him realize how important it is for him to cooperates with us." "Ok, but what makes you think that I'll be able to get through to him if you couldn't?" She asked. "I'm just a grease monkey, not a warrior." "I have a feeling that he'll trust you." he told her. "But we must leave at once, he has a good start on us." "Alright," she said getting up from the table to follow him. As they walked through the base MagnaAngemon stopped suddenly. "Before we leave I think you should see your partner. I don't want you to be frightened when you meet him for yourself." "Ok." she said, not quite understanding. "You can use your digivice." he instructed her. Angel had put the black computer thing in the pocket of her coverall when she had arrived in the Digital World. "You mean this?" She asked pulling it out to show him. "Yes," he took it from her and pushed a couple of buttons and handed it back to her. When Angel took the digivice some sort of hologram jumped from the screen and she almost dropped it in surprize. The hologram depicted a muscular demon man obscured by black clothing with two huge black wings. "Impressive," angel said aloud and she meant it. She wasn't sure how she could possibly help the demon man in the hologram to become stronger. He looked as strong as any digimon she had seen so far. "Indeed," MagnaAngemon replied. "I must give him much credit in being able to escape. No other digimon has ever accomplished getting in or out of this base." "Then why would he need me?" "Well digimon are able to become stronger overtime naturaly by a process called digivolution. During this process we become much stronger and even evolve to new forms, however by sharing your energy Devimon will become much stronger than he normally would when he digivolves to his new form. That digivice will direct your energy to him when the time is right." "I see," Angel said as they stopped at a massive steel door. MagnaAngemon punched in some sort of code on a control panel and the door began to creak and part slowly. Angel was surprized to discover that the door opened into the inside of a cave. MagnaAngemon spoke to the control. "Computer, deactivate shield, voice authoriztion MagnaAngemon." 'Voice authoriztion confirmed.' A monotone robotic voice replied. Angel watched as the opening blinked for a moment as the shield deactivated. MagnaAngemon led her through the door into the dark cave beyond. The closed behind them leaving them in complete darkness. MagnaAngemon lit the cavern with a luminous amethyst sword that appeared from the strange golden wrist band he wore on his right arm. Angel followed him through several large caverns until she noted a distant light that she assumed led to the outside. When they reached the outside MagnaAngemon halted at the caves entrance. He touched the strange tatoo or symbol on his forehead and there was a brief flash of light. He then stood before her clad in unusual looking battle armor. Angel thought that he reminded her of the archangel Micheal. He turned to her. "Your digivice has a locator for you partner." She pulled it out and handed it to him. He brought up a holographic compass and she could see a flashing indicator that could only be Devimons location. He handed her back the digivice and with out a word he reached over and picked her up and rose into the sky with incredible speed. Angel clutched him tightly as they soared over the emerald canopy. They flew for hours, over forest, streams, mountains and even cities before she felt the digivice vibrating. Angel had forgotten that she was still holding it in her hand. She glanced at it and the arrow was blinking rapidly. Devimon must be close she concluded and indeed MagnaAngemon had slowed dramaticly. As they descended toward the ground Angel suddenly felt nervous about meeting her partner. She wasn't sure she wanted to try to convince a digimon to join a holy army that he obviously didn't want to join. He had gone out of his way to escape so what could she possibly say that could change his mind? She couldn't force him to be her partner no matter what MagnaAngemon thought. They landed lightly in the middle of a swampy area. He gently set Angel down and she found that she could hardly stand from the stiffness in her body after being carried for hours. After a few moments to recover she turned to MagnaAngemon who appeared to be staring into the distance. Try as she might she couldn't make out anything unusual among the reeds and brush. "I'm picking up Devimon with my infared censors." MagnaAngemon told her. "Now what?" Angel asked nervously. Butterflies danced around her stomach. "You will wait here," He answered. "I believe Devimon may approach you if I am not present. You must impress upon him the importance of our mission. Don't worry, just speak what comes to your heart. I trust you. Good luck." Angel nodded. He placed a hand on her shoulder and with out another word he flew off into the distance. The afternoon sun sat midway in the sky playing peek a boo with puffy white clouds. Still the suns heat could be felt along with the humidity from the swamps many puddles and pools making for a fetid stench. The swamp seemed still and silent but the air was charged as though the swamp itself watched and waited. Angel crossed her arms over her chest and stood up straight trying not to look as nervous as she really was. Angel heard or rather felt the movement behind her and she spun around to find herself face to face with Devimon. Startled by his sudden appearance she backed up instinctively and fell backwards into a puddle with a splash. No sound passed her lips, she just stared into those cold crimson coloured eyes which seemed to see right into her. He appeared a little over 6' tall but his massive midnight black wings made him look a lot bigger. Dingy bandages and strange buckles adorned his arms legs and a red bat symbol was emblazed on his chest. Different though from the hologram that Angel had viewed earlier was that he seemed to be missing the black hood. He had slightly long yellow blonde hair that looked like it hadn't seen a wash or even a comb in a long time. He appeared to be around the same age as her, maybe slightly older. Muscles rippled under his shadowy garb and Angel could feel the power radiating off the man before her. She sat frozen for what seemed like an eternity, his gaze was cold, calculating and seemed devoid of emotion but she bravely returned his stare and refused to look away. Her attention was suddenly diverted to a movement behind Devimon. "Behind you! she blurted. Devimon whirled to face a huge white snake with a purple underside. It had reared up, poised to strike which it did as soon as Devimon turned to face it. It struck with blinding speed but Devimon was quicker. He grabbed both sides of the fang filled maw before it had a chance to clamp down on his head. Angel could hear him grunt as he struggled to keep the jaws from closing on his hands. The snake was enormous, perhaps 30 feet long with a huge purple hood. It began to thrash around and twist its entire length trying to free itself from those claw tipped hands but they held with an iron grip. The snake swung its tail around in Angels direction knocking her flying. She landed in a deep pool of thick mud or peat. The blow left her stunned for many moments and when she came to her senses she found herself unable to draw breath. She thrashed frantically for a few moments before her head broke the surface. She gulped air but couldn't open her eyes. The mud was thick and sticky like tar and she couldn't tread it. She tried to reach around to feel something, anything to grab onto but instead found herself sinking fast. After her head had slipped beneath the surface for a minute she relaxed, what was the use in fighting? She would have made Devimon a lousy partner anyway, he didn't look like he needed her help at all... Just as she was beginning to slip into peaceful unconciousness a pair of strong but gentle hands that could have only belonged to MagnaAngemon grasped her firmly under the arms lifting her clear of the tary mud. She felt her body being laid gently on the ground. She gagged and coughed up the mud after a few moments drawing in deep grateful breaths of air into her oxygen starved lungs. She ran a hand over her face and opened her eyes. She shaded them from the bright sun and looked into the face of her rescuer. She sat stunned staring into the face of Devimon. MagnaAngemon was nowhere to be seen. "Expecting someone else?" he sneered. Angel blinked in surprize but said nothing. "You tell that pretty boy that I'm not interested in enlisting into some war!" he growled as he wiped the mud off his arms and hands. "Either he leaves me alone or he'll be sorry." Angel nodded. "I understand." She told him and it was his turn to look surprized. "Good," he growled. Before Angel could respond he jumped and took to the air. He flew fast and was out of sight very quickly. She got up and began brushing the mud off of her coveralls. She frowned and gave up, she was completely covered. She looked around for MagnaAngemon but he was still nowhere to be seen. She was beginning to feel worried, especially with the snakes dead body laying a dozen feet away. It's jaws had been ripped apart and there was a bloody hole that went straight through its head. Angel had to admire Devimons efficiency. She had decided to let Devimon go without a fight, she knew had been right in figuring that nothing she said could have changed his mind. Behind her she heard a branch snap interrupting her thoughts.

Devimon relaxed a little when he had put some distance between and the human with her pet MagnaAngemon. He had no intentions of joining any war. He was an assasin and bounty hunter by trade and had no interest in the battle between good and evil. That stupid pretty boy MagnaAngemon had approached him and told him some incredible story about his destiny to destroy Prince Vamdemon and that some human would help him do it. He had spat in that pretty boys smug face and laughed. Did he look like he wanted to join the side of good and holy digimon? Not that he wanted anything to do with Prince Vamdemon and his fucking stupid plot to take over the world but he just didn't want anything at all do with some war. Magna pretty boy had captured him and placed him in a holding cell but the idiot hadn't counted on him escaping so easily but creating a portal that could punch through the bases shield had nearly drained his energy completely. Still he had flown all night and day to get away from MagnaAngemon but the fucker had followed him with the human. He had only been in the swamp, resting for less than an hour before he had shown up holding the human. He had really been surprized when he had caught sight of her. He had never seen a human before and he wondered if all human females were that small. How could something that looked like a doll help him become stronger? He had watched as MagnaAngemon had put down the human and left her. He saw the ruse for what it was, an effort to bring him out of hiding so that the human could try to persuade him to join their army. But he was curious about the human despite himself so he decided to take a closer look. When he snuck up behind her she had sensed his approach. He had to give her credit for that, most never even knew he was there until it was too late. She had seemed startled by his appearance but he was accustomed to that sort of reaction. She wore some sort of coveralls that were covered in grease and oil and she wore a pair of heavy black boots. Her hands though very small also appeared to be stained by oil. He laughed inwardly when he realized that the human was a mechanic of some sort. Despite her rough clothing he could see she was quite attractive. For a human he supposed. The only pictures of humans he had seen were from their internet. Most of the females appeared plastic and gawdy with oversized features. As he had continued to stare her down her attention had shifted. She yelled and pointed to something behind him and he had been stunned to find himself facing a Sandiramon. He cursed himself silently for letting his guard down as it struck. He had grabbed its jaws just as they were about to clamp down on his head. He knew that it would be an easy win but the way the stupid snake was thrashing around made it difficult for him to keep his grip on the fucking thing. When it knocked the human female flying with it's thrashing, he had ripped the snakes jaw right off in a moment of rage. 'Evil Wing!' He had followed up by blasting a hole right through it's head. The snake fell in a heap infront of him but the human seemed to had disapeared. It had taken him a minute to notice the disturbance on one of the mud pools and he understood what had happened. He found her easily under the surface of the tar like mud and pulled her up. She was dangling limply in his grasp so he laid her out carefully on the solid ground. She revived after a few moments and had looked at him surprized. Well, what the fuck had she expected? Her little boyfriend MagnaAngemon had been missing in action during the whole damn thing. That cocksucker MagnaAngemon had probably sent the Sandiramon at him just to see if he would protect the human. Did that stupid fag actually think that he would just stand there while he watched the human get ripped apart?... A gunshot echoed in the distance interuppting Devimons thoughts as he flew away from the human. He stopped and hovered in mid air debating whether he should return to the human. Perhaps there was more going on here than he had originally thought. Sending the Sandiramon to test him really didn't seem like a move that the leader of the Holy Allied Forces would make when he thought about it. MagnaAngemon was too much of a bleeding heart to put the human in real danger. He growled to himself as he made his way back to the human. He had the distinct feeling that he was going to regret this. It only took him a minute to get back to where he had left the human. He could see the human surrounded by a group of digimon who all beared the black and crimson uniform that marked them as Prince Vamdemon's soldiers. Devimon dropped from the sky to avoid being spotted. He cursed the sun overhead, as a digimon of darkness he found its burning rays dizzying and its light afforded him no chance of camoflage. MagnaAngemon was still nowhere to be seen and Devimon guessed that he had already been taken down. Devimon stood in the middle of a copse of tall trees as he wrestled with his own conscience. He knew that whoever had taken out the leader of the Holy Allied Forces was a force to be reckoned with. He wasn't sure he wanted to risk his life on the behalf of some human but he couldn't deny that the she had surprized him when she hadn't begged him to join the Forces. He guessed that maybe she hadn't been a willing part of MagnaAngemon's plan either. He clenched his teeth and punched the tree infront of him as he cursed his own conscience and took off running toward the human. Devimon crouched behind a large shrub and folded his wings around him as he surveyed the scene. A Dinohumon held one of it's large swords against the human's throat. Her eyes smouldered as she regarded the Dinohumon with a look of pure hatred. A Hookmon stood a little to the Dinohumons left and it pointed its musket arm at the humans feet and took a shot. "Dance ye little human!" It taunted in a sailors accent. The human flinched but didn't move or even break her stare. Devimon had seen enough. He opened a portal and appeared behind the Dinohumon. There was a sickening crack as he twisted the cowards neck killing it instantly. He picked up one of its swords and turned to face the Hookmon. "Wanna dance with ME bitches?" Devimon asked it as he weaved the sword in an intricate pattern. "Come 'n git some ya scurvy dawg!" The Hookmon shouted back. A BlackRapidmon and a pair of Mercuremon moved to back up the Hookmon. One of the Mercuremon grabbed the human by her wrists. "I see thou art not but a lone warrior." The second Mercuremon sneered. "Do not attack him yet." The BlackRapidmon told the others. "His Majesty would perhaps welcome a digimon of his skill into his ranks." Devimon almost laughed aloud at the absurd notion but caught himself. He doubted that these soldiers were the ones that defeated MagnaAngemon but the digimon that had, perhaps even Prince Vamdemon himself had to be close by. He knew that he would be hard pressed to win this battle quickly with the digimon holding the human hostage. "What makes you think that I would want anything to do with his Royal Faggotness?" Devimon spat. "His Royal HIGHNESS rewards those with special skills." The BlackRapidmon told Devimon. "A mon like you would do well. Have you ever given any thought to joining the Neo Obsidian Army? It has certain benefits." Devimon growled and the Hookmon laughed. "Ye can surely see that yous has no chance a beatin us ya scallywag!" "And if thou wishes to see the lady unharmed thou wilt surely surrender." The Mercuremon who held the human told him as it shook her wrists. Devimon gritted his teeth but dropped his sword in resignation. He had no intention of surrendering but it would be to his advantage if those idiots thought he did. He just needed to get close enough to the Mercuremon that held the human. He grinned revealing two gleaming fangs and put up his hands. "You got me outnumbered." The second Mercuremon stepped forward to apprehend him but Devimon used the oppertunity to open a portal and appear infront of the other Mercuremon. With its hands busy with the human it would have no time to brings its mirrors to bare. "Evil Wing!" His attack caught it square in the chest. It released the human who nearly stumbled right into him. The stupid Mercuremon bent it's head to look at the gaping hole in it's chest and fell over with a metallic clatter. Devimon grabbed the human and jumped into the air. He knew he was taking a chance taking to the air like that but he wasn't sure that he had enough energy to teleport again. A gunshot whipped by him courtesty of the Hookmon. The BlackRapidmon phazed infront of him a moment later. "Leaving so soon?" It pointed its cannons at his head. "Hand over the human and I'll make your death..." "Touch of Evil!" Devimon stuck his free hand into its chest. It struggled with all its willpower to stay in control of its own mind but it succumbed easily like the weak minded soldier he knew it was. Its eyes glazed over. "Master Devimon..." It rasped. "Obliterate the others." Devimon told it darkly. "I will obey your every wish..." And it teleported to appear infront of the Hookmon and Mercuremon. Devimon grinned at his own cunning and took off in a southernly direction. The human squirmed in his grasp and he realized that he had been clutching her rather tightly. He loosened his grip and set his mind to the long flight to his home city, Pueblo Fantasma. There he knew he would be safe for a while. It was dark by the time Devimon reached the edge of the desert city and the evening breeze brought welcome releif from the heat. He landed heavily and nearly dropped the human. He just didn't have enough energy to navigate the city by air. He sat with his back against a rock and panted heavily. He hadn't eaten or slept in days. "Devimon, are you alright?" the human asked. Devimon looked up. "Listen, I need to rest, so do me a favour and shut up." he snapped at her. She rolled her eyes at him and sat down several feet away with her back to him. His eyelids felt heavy but he forced himself to keep awake through sheer determination. He thought about the situation that he had found himself in with the human. He felt like punching himself for having gone after her. He knew no bitch was worth dying for but now the two of them would have the Neo Obsidian Army chasing after them and Prince Vamdemon would likely post a hefty bounty on their heads... Devimon opened his eyes to find the human shaking his shoulder and looked around in confusion. "You've been asleep all night." she told him. "But we have company." "What?" he murmured and noticed the sky lightening in the east. "I said we have COMPANY!" she insisted. "I heard you!" he snapped as he stood wearily. "Down there," she pointed down the hill that sloped toward the city. He could see three figures in the distance quickly making their way toward them. Devimon guessed that it would take them less than a minute to get to where he and the human stood. He growled with frustration and turned to the human and grabbed her shoulder pulling her close. "Do not speak." he warned her and she nodded. A Mummymon, Ravemon and Cockatrimon stopped several feet from them. The Mummymon had its rifle pointed at him. Devimon noted the red scarves that marked them as members of the Bloods. "Don't make a move Batman." The Mummymon ordered as it cocked its weapon. The Cockatrimon stepped forward. "What do you think you're doing sneaking around the edge of our turf?" It squawked. "Hey, that motherfuckers down with Prince Vamdemon, ha ha ha ha!" The ebony skinned Ravemon laughed. "Check it out, that bitch is a human!" "Why didn't you just say you were with Prince Vamdemon?" The Mummymon said as it lowered its weapon. "When did the Bloods become Prince Vamdemon supporters?" Devimon asked increduously. "When he made it worth our while." The Mummymon answered with a grin. "Yo, you look like shit dawg!" The Ravemon said as it looked Devimon over. "Shut your mouth." Devimon growled at the Ravemon. He felt like punching the gangster wanna be but held himself in check. He knew he didn't have the energy to hold off an ultimate and a mega. He would just have to go along with the situation for now. "Easy there uhhhh... who are you anyway?" The Mummymon asked. "That's none of your business." Devimon answered coldly. "Oh oh oh, I know him!" The Cockatrimon interjected excitedly. "He's a bounty hunter. Devimon, if I remember correctly." "Ahhhh, yes," The Mummymon purred as it touched a finger to its lips. "Now I recall. Devimon the famed slayer of mega digimon. Quite a reputation. But I wouldn't have guessed you to be one to enlist in the Neo Obsidian Army." Devimon grinned. "Prince Vamdemon just made me an offer I couldn't refuse and I get my very own pet." "Damn! That bitch?" The Ravemon laughed. "That hoe is dirrrrrty!" "Ravemon, shut up," The Mummymon told it. "Mummymon at your service. Do you two need help?" It asked Devimon. "Yes, we were ambushed by the Forces. We just need to rest a while before we rejoin the others. And I'll make sure your... kindness, doesn't go unnoticed by Prince Vamdemon." Mummymon grinned and pulled out a cell phone and dialed. "Hey boss, we got some uhhhh... special guests here. Just giving you the heads up. Yes, HIS guests. Good." Mummymon snapped the phone shut. "Hey, how is the old dog?" Devimon asked as the group walked down the hill. "He's been in a good mood since we added half the Crypts territory to our own." Mummymon told him. "Prince Vamdemon is a generous mon." "As long as you keep on his good side." Devimon added and Mummymon laughed. "Of course." The digimon set a quick pace and Devimon could see that the human was struggling to keep up. He just hoped that she wouldn't give them away somehow. As they reached the edge of Pueblo Fantasma a flashy red hotrod pulled up beside them with VenomWereGarurumon, the Bloods leader, at the wheel. Devimon sighed. He knew that this wasn't a good idea but the digimon had had him cornered out there. He and the human would be safe with the Bloods as long as they didn't discover their secret. He just needed to get his strength back and then they could ditch these idiots. Devimon was surprized to hear the human speak. "Nice wheels." She commented on the hotrod. VenomWereGarurumon grinned at her. "You two need a lift?" he asked them. "If you'd be so kind." Devimon grinned back at him as he opened the passenger side door. He gestured to the human to get in. She climbed in the back and he joined her there. He was hard pressed to even fit his wings in the door but he managed it by wrapping them around himself. The desert sun had risen and he was beginning to feel its heat. VenomWereGarurumon took off in a cloud of smoke and the two were thrown back in their seats. When they had slowed down some the human spoke up again. "This is a sweet ride." she said with admiration in her voice. "You into hotrods sweetheart?" VenomWereGarurumon asked her. "Heh, well I'd have to be into cars to work on them for a living." she answered with a chuckle. "Beelzemon's gonna get a kick out of you sweetie." He chuckled. They spent the remainder of the trip in silence. Devimon could see that the human was fighting to stay awake. He still felt extremely fatigued himself so he was releived when the car finally came to a screeching halt infront a strip club, the Bloods owned many of these as well as a large number of casinos. An Ogremon valet came running from the front as VenomWereGarururmon got out of the vehicle. Devimon exited and then helped the human out. She looked like she would drop any moment. "You guys look pretty rough so I'll show you to a room, we can get more aquainted later." VenomWereGarurumon told them. He led them through the club and to a room. "Sleep well." he told them with a wink as he shut the door. Devimon walked past the human and checked the room for bugs. He found two small cameras and a microphone. Irritated, he ripped them out and crushed them in his hand. He let the shards fall to the floor. The human collapsed on the bed with out a word and was asleep within moments so he settled himself into a chair and closed his eyes. It was dark when he opened his eyes again to a knock on the door. He got up and opened it. "You guys ain't even up yet?" Mummymon asked, laughing. He let himself in and threw an arm full of clothing at the human who sat at the end of the bed. "I figured you might want a change of clothes." "Thanks." She told him. "Well I'll leave you two alone while you wash up, heh, heh, heh." Devimon rolled his eyes as Mummymon left. He watched the human disapear into the washroom and pulled himself out a bottle of water from the fridge and settled back into the chair.

Angel was grateful to peel the coveralls off of her. They were caked in mud and stunk something awful. She took out her digivice and was releived to find it in good working order. She was worried the mud might have ruined it but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. She rinsed her underwear and bra and hung them to dry. She drew herself a bath and spent a good while scrubbing the mud off of her. When she had finsished she sorted through the clothing and frowned. Most of it consisted of cocktail dresses but there was one pair of black pants and a matching black top with a plunging neckline. Both fit snugly and she wondered how the digimon had been able to determine her size so accurately. She admired herself in the mirror and smiled. She didn't think she had ever looked so good. She used some of the hair gel provided and left the washroom. Devimon was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed. Angel took the opertunity to study him further. Despite his messy blonde hair and overall dirty appearance he was really quite attractive. His tight fitting clothing showed every muscle on his sculpted body. His eyes snapped open and Angel figured that he must have sensed her gazing at him. He narrowed his crimson eyes and returned her stare. She wanted to look away but for some reason she couldn't. His eyes seemed to draw her into their cold depths. They stayed like that until a knock at the door interupted them. Devimon rose and answered the knock. This time the red werewolf answered the door. He grinned displaying a mouth full of fangs. He spotted her and gave her a looking over. She could guess what he was thinking so she crossed her arms over her chest and stared back at him. "There aren't very many people that can look at me like that and get away with it sweetie," the werewolf told her with a dark chuckle. "But don't worry, I wouldn't hurt one Prince Vamdemon's own." Angel could feel the dark tone in his words and she suddenly understood. The werewolf knew that they weren't part of the Neo Obsidian Army. She looked at Devimon for some sign but his face was unreadable so she grinned back at the werewolf. "You two must be starved, we can get aquainted over dinner." "How very kind." Angel told the werewolf. Her heart pounded in her ears but she didn't want to show the werewolf any fear. "Heh, heh, heh," The werewolf chuckled. "I think I'm gonna like you. What's your name?" "Angel," she told him. "Oh, how deliciously ironic." It purred."The Angel and the Devimon." Devimon chuckled beside her. "Come with me," the werewolf told them and they followed him out of the room and down to the clubs lounge area. It was dimly lit with dozens of tables and booths surrounding a centre stage with exotic dancers. Digimon hooted and whistled at the females who were squirting eachother with water guns and Angel laughed at the display. There they were led to a round booth where Mummymon and Ravemon waited. Angel sat down beside Ravemon and Devimon took his seat next to her. She could see that sitting in the booth was uncomfortable at best for him as his wings had be folded close to his body. In such close proximity to Devimon, Angel could feel the heat from his body. She wondered if he had understood the message in the werewolf's earlier words. However, with all the digimon surrounding them there was no way she could know. Besides if Devimon was as starved as she was, he wouldn't have the energy to fight off so many digimon. She knew she would have to do her best not to give them away but she never any good at deception. She just hoped the digimon wouldn't ask her too many questions. "So what does a nice girl like you see in a rough guy like Devimon anyway?" the werewolf asked once he had seated himself. Angel grinned. "A lady wouldn't tell." The werewolf laughed uproarously as did the other digimon. "Yo Devimon," Ravemon said between laughs. "I woulda guessed that hoe to be cold as ice." Devimon chuckled. "Yeah, maybe she would be too much for a mon like yourself." Ravemon scowled. "Watch it mothafucka! I just finished bangin' three hoes before I got here." "Good for you." Devimon growled. "Awww, that human bitch is lyin'. You've never banged her. Infact, I heard you're a homo!" Ravemon taunted. "And what would you know about that?" Angel could hear the irritation in Devimon's voice. "Oh just somethin' a Silphymon told me today. The hoe told me that you turned her down flat a while back. She said that she even flashed her pussy in your face and you just sat there like you were a homo or somethin'." Devimon stood and glared a challenge at Ravemon who stood a moment later. "Or maybe you're still a virgin!" Devimons face twisted in rage. "Awww man, look at his face yo, he's a fuckin' virgin! No wonder, you're greasy as fuck..." Angel thought Devimon was about to snap. "Ravemon, shut up." The red werewolf growled and Ravemon sat down with a scowl on his face. Devimon sat down after a few moments of silence. "You guys hungry?" The werewolf asked but then turned to Angel. "You're not a vegetarian are you?" Angel laughed. "Hell no!" A moment later plates of chinese food was brought to the table by skimpy female waitresses and everyone dug in. When they had finished the waitress brought a round of cocktails to the table. Devimon didn't touch his and Angel played with the paper umbrella nervously. She wondered if the werewolf knew that she was wise to him. She was sure he did by the way he kept staring at her and grinning. She just hoped they would be able to get the hell out of there alive. "Soooo," The werewolf purred. "I heard that MagnaAngemon was seen with you yesterday." "What?" Devimon asked increduously. "A little bird also told me that you are not one Prince Vamdemon's own." The werewolf touched the claws of both hands together. "Perhaps your information is false." Devimon told him. "Is that so?" the werewolf cooed. "Devimon, I'd like a word with you alone if you don't mind." Angel's heart froze. Devimon crossed his arms and treated the werewolf to a glare. "I do mind VenomWereGarurumon. What kind of a partner would I be if left my most valuable possesion unprotected?" "Devimon, I insist." The werewolf growled. "My boys won't hurt your little Angel, I promise. Boys, why don't you take her to see Beelzemon. He's been bugging me all day to meet that one." Angel did her best not show how intensely frightened she was. "VenomWereGarurumon, lets end the charade." Devimon told the werewolf evenly. "Yes Devimon, lets. But I have one burning question. How did YOU end up working for MagnaAngemon? Please do tell." Devimon grinned evily. "I don't owe you any answers. But I must thank you for a lovely evening. I'm afraid that your lackeys caught me at a disadvantage this morning but I'm feeling much better. Now the lady and I will be taking our leave." With that Devimon stood and unfurled his massive wings with a snap. He reached a hand to help Angel stand and she took it. He pulled her against him and rose into the air to hover a few feet above the table. "I'll be sure to have MagnaAngemon send you a thank you card." Angel assumed he was going to teleport them out of the club and she could see his eyes closed in concentration. The scene before her shifted and faded to blackness as Devimon attempted to transport them. When they materialized Devimon was growling with frustration and Angel immeadiately discovered why. They had materialized right onto the exotic dancers stage. The nude dancers tsked them and the audience cheered."Let's see the human dance!" One yelled. Angel assumed that something was preventing Devimon from be able to teleport properly. The red werewolf and his digimon were making their way over to them. "Devimon," VenomWereGarurumon yelled. "You thought you could just dine and dash did you?" Devimon didn't respond to the werewolf, instead he jumped lightly off the stage infront of a digimon that reminded Angel of a freaky clown dressed in black. "Touch of Evil!" He grabbed the intoxicated digimon with his free hand and stared into his eyes. Almost immeadiately it slumped in Devimon's grasp. "Lord Devimon," it slurred. "Attack those digimon once," Devimon ordered him, mentioning to the approaching group. "And when you're finished fuck Ravemon up the ass." "I will do as you command Lord Devimon." And the clown turned toward the group. "Trump Sword!" It shouted as it threw it's four swords at them. It's aim however was lousy, likely due to it's intoxicated state but the three digimon still had to duck the attack. Angel watched as the clown peeled off it's pants and despite the danger she couldn't stifle a laugh as the clown jumped on Ravemon pinning him to the ground. "Yo, get off me you cocksucker!" Ravemon shouted as he struggled to push the clown off him. Devimon laughed and he jumped into the air heading for the front door. There was a shout from behind them. "Snake Bandages!" Devimon dropped from the air and fell heavily on top of Angel. She struggled for breath as the wind was knocked right out of her lungs and there was an intense pain in her ribs. She was sure she had broken a rib with Devimon landing right on her. The attack bound them with cloth and niether could move but Angel could feel Devimon tensing his muscles. After a second he broke the cloth restraint. "You'll pay for that." Devimon promised darkly as he rose to his feet. "Oh Devimon, you've hurt your poor little Angel." VenomWereGarurumon taunted. Angel clutched her side as she struggled to stand, her breath came in ragged gasps and she became aware of a burning sensation in her lungs. Devimon didn't move as Mummymon and VenomWereGarurumon approached. Angel coughed and was surprized to taste blood in her mouth. "Evil Wing!" Devimon shouted as he unleashed a dark blast from his wings point blank at the two digimon. The backlash from the attack pushed Angel over. She landed painfully and groaned through clenched teeth and coughed up more blood. She pulled herself to a sitting position. She could feel the blood pouring out her mouth and she realized her peril. She could hardly draw a full breath as her own life blood threatened to drown her. She looked up at the digimon that had unleashed the attack and felt an intense rage. She remembered her near rape and decided she was tired of being pushed around. She stood and saw the two digimon covering their faces as Devimon's attack faded. Her face twisted in rage as she threw herself at Mummymon. He stummbled backwards and fell over with Angel on top of him. She hooked her arm around the mummy's neck and squeezed. She punched his head viciously in a fit of adreneline filled rage with her free hand. Blood poured from her mouth with every rasping breath. "I'll kill you!" she shouted as her fists quickly became torn from the mummy's rough skin. Mummymon clawed at her arm drawing bloody lines but she ignored the pain. She was vaguely aware of her digivice vibrating in her pocket and brightening light. Devimon yelled beside her as darkness enveloped his form. "AAAHHHHHH YES! The power!... Devimon digivolve to... VAMDEMON!" Mummymon took advantage of the distracted Angel and tore her arm away from his neck. He coughed and clutched his at his throat painfully. Angel managed to stand and stared in wonder at the tall handsome man in blue who was gazing back at her. "A Vamdemon?" VenomWereGarurumon growled. "So MagnaAngemon planned to fight fire with fire." The man with the ice blue eyes finally turned his attention on the werewolf and grinned wickedly. "I shall enjoy watching you die." "Poison Wolf Claw!" "Crimson Lightning!" The werewolf came at the man with it's blood red claws raised but he threw out a whip of red lightning and caught the werewolf's arm and yanked him forward. The scene began to fade before Angels eyes as she found herself slowly losing consciousness from lack of oxygen and loss of blood. No longer having the strength to stand she stumbled forward and the man pushed the werewolf away to catch her. He gently lifted her into his arms and rose into the air. Angel closed her eyes, she had never felt so tired but she fought to keep awake. She heard the man speak. "Mark my words VenomWereGarurumon, I will return to finish you off. Watch your neck." The man laughed wickedly and Angel knew no more.

Devimon knew that evening would end badly when the werewolf had shown up at the room and the human Angel had sensed it as well. He just knew that in his famished state that he would have no chance. When the fighting had begun Devimon had found that holding the fragile Angel was preventing him from being able to fight properly. When he had ended up landing on her he had thought that he had crushed the life right out of her, but she had gotten up and thrown herself at Mummymon in a blind fit of rage. He would have never believed that she would have been able to hold down an ultimate level digimon unless he had seen it with his own eyes. She had choked his neck with one arm and punched his head repeatedly with her other hand until her fist had become a bloody mess. Then he had felt the power eminating off of her. Her rage had fueled his and her energy filled his body triggering his digivolution to the ultimate level... When he opened his eyes as Vamdemon he saw that Angel was seriously injured. She appeared to be drowning in her own blood and he knew that she needed to see a healer or she would likely not survive. VenomWereGarurumon interuppted his thoughts but he hardly registered the voice. He finally looked up at VenomWereGarurumon and gave him a dark promise. "I shall enjoy watching you die." The ignorant digimon actually thought that his powers could contest his own and attempted to attack him. He stopped the attack easily with his own Crimson Lightning however Angel began to lose strength and started to fall forward. Victory would have to come later he decided and he shoved the digimon away to catch her. She fell unconscious in his arms and he knew that he didn't have much time. "Mark my words VenomWereGarurumon, I will return to finish you off. Watch your neck..." He laughed in the digimon's face and basked in the feeling of utter superiority. As a digimon of darkness however he knew he had no power to heal Angel. He closed his eyes, he knew that this time that who or whatever had foiled his ealier attempt to create a portal could not hope to overcome the power of his new form. He reached out with his mind to an old aquaintance and he felt the force attempting to block him. He let the rage well up in him and he focused it on the source. He was able to sense that the source of the block had been courtesy of a Vademon employed by VenomWereGaurumon. He could feel it trying to feeblely resist his mental intrusion but he concentrated harder and destroyed it's mind with his own will power. He imagined it's lifeless body falling to the ground and grinned with delight. He let his concentration shift back to the task at hand and focused on creating a portal to his old aquaintance.