Once Upon a Stormy Night, Part 4

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#4 of Once Upon a Stormy Night

Once Upon a Stormy Night.

Written By Wolfie Steel.

Authors warning: You guys know the routine, if you are underage or just plain don't like the material written within the following chapters, please do not continue. There will be bad language, gay yiff, maybe even varying degrees of violence with the possibility of death; I would also like to thank in advance any true life furs who appear in this story. I think that has covered all bases, anyway if you are still reading, enjoy!

Part 4.

After our visit to the vet's office, which resulted in my dog gaining a few bandages and a host of different medications, I solemnly walk out of the office knowing that I would have to leave Tango with the vet for at least the next few days. The raw emotion finally catches up with me and I slump to the floor.

Nathan slowly kneels down before me; he gently wipes away the tears from my eyes and then whispers to me.

"Hey now Dean, Tango is going to be just fine, I know that what is really upsetting you though is the loss of your mother"

I nod gently and take my wallet out of my jacket pocket, I retrieve a colour photograph of me and my mother standing side by side, smiling as though there could be nothing wrong with the world, she is......was the perfect mother, six foot of pure breed female Rottweiler, everyone she ever met would instantly fall in love with her. I make my reply to Nathan.

"That was taken in April last year, we had just left the restaurant after a meal which we had to celebrate my birthday, the meal wasn't much to speak about but that didn't matter, I was there with the only female that I ever cared about. We had one of the other restaurant guests take the picture for us, happy days"

Nathan takes hold of my paw and holds it tightly but very gently.

"Dean, your mother looks and sounds like she was one hell of a woman, and judging by the fact that she raised a perfect Rottweiler male as a son all by herself, all I can say is this, I'm just sorry that I didn't get to meet her. Now I want you to stand up and wrap your arm around my neck, I will lead you back to my car, then we'll both head back to my place for the rest of the day, then in the morning we can decide how it will be best for us to move forward"

I allow Nathan to lead me from the vet's office and back to his car, he gently sits me in the passenger seat and then gets into the driver's seat, I don't even look at Nathan I just stare blankly forward, Nathan switches on the radio, but again I pay it no mind.


We arrive back at Nathan's cabin and he helps to get me inside, we end up sat on the couch side by side, my brain chooses this moment to begin to process things again, though what it processes is just meaningless things.

"I guess in the morning I will start looking for a new place, my old home won't be fit for me and Tango to live in, and I will need to contact work and tell them what has happened, maybe I can ask a friend of mine if Tango and I can bunk with them until I find a new place"

Nathan gently places his paw on my right leg.

"Dean, firstly you and Tango are welcome to live here with me, secondly, get a grip of yourself, you have just lost your home and your mother in a tragic accident, you need time to grieve, as for contacting your workplace, I will do that, honey I'm here to support you and I won't let you go through this on your own"

Nathan's words suddenly bring me back to the here and now, and I break down in floods of tears, Nathan is quick to act and takes me into a warm and loving hug, his own tears beginning to flow.

After many minutes, we finally manage to get most of our emotions back under control, a lump forms in my throat as I say the next few words.

"Nathan, I don't know what I have done to deserve the hand of cards that I have been dealt. While fifty one cards in the deck are going against me, there is the king of hearts that seems to be helping me out, that king of hearts is you hun, and yes I could quite happily throw in the rest of my hand and be left with nothing but the king of hearts, and I would still come out of the game as a winner"

Nathan blushes at my compliment as I continue.

"That stormy night has actually proved to be a double edged sword, yes it hurts like hell that I lost someone so dear and close to me, but sweetheart look at what I have gained, when Tango is fit enough I will still get to take him for walks and play with him whenever I want to and then there is you, my knight in shining armour, you sat with me on that stormy night while we waited for the tow truck, you let me stay in your beautiful home while my car was being repaired"

I hang my head as I continue.

"You were there to support me when the rug was pulled out from under my footpaws and I lost everything"

I gently take hold of Nathan's paw.

"I know that I might be jumping the gun a little here, but I know that I have found love. You told me before that the reason that you didn't have a mate was that you hadn't found the right guy, I just hope and pray that I can be the right guy for you, because Nathan I love you so much"

Nathan's paw begins to tremble a little; he then takes a deep breath and then takes me into a deep and loving hug.

"Dean, you are right, normally I would have thought that you were jumping the gun, but if I'm gonna be truthful I too have found love and it comes in the shape of one of the most incredible Rottweiler's that I have ever seen. I believe that it is too early to talk about forever, but as for the foreseeable future I see just one guy standing next to me and that guy is you Dean Wilder"

I instantly melt into Nathan's hug, his words are like a dream to me, we both stand there contained in the hug our heads resting on each other's shoulder, finally Nathan gently pulls away and then softly kisses my muzzle, this act alone is enough to show me that what I feel for Nathan is also the same way that Nathan feels about me. Nathan pulls slowly away from the kiss and then speaks.

"Look Dean, you and I are both way too emotional tonight and also physically drained, so why don't we head up to my bedroom and try to get at least some sort of sleep, I promise that there are no ulterior motives, it's just that I don't think that either of us should be alone this night"

I gently nod my head and Nathan leads me to his bedroom, once inside his room Nathan gently lifts me into his arms and then lowers me down onto his bed, he then walks to the other side of the bed and he begins to remove his clothes. I again find myself in a conflict, normally I would sleep in my PJ's but my PJ's are now nothing but ashes, I mean sure last night I slept naked but I was in Nathan's spare room and in a single bed, now I'm in Nathan's bed and I know full well that very soon Nathan will be in the bed next to me and judging by the fact that I have as yet seen no sign of nightwear I can only assume that he sleeps naked.

I mentally chide myself for being such a prude "For the love of god Dean, you have just told Nathan that you love him, you have shared a kiss with him, hell you have even sucked his fucking cock and now you are afraid of sleeping naked with the guy" as I finishing getting over my turmoil I feel Nathan's side of the bed compress, I turn my head towards him and sure enough he is as naked as the day he was born.

Before my anxiousness gets the chance to fire up again Nathan pulls the sheets over us, he can obviously tell that I'm not totally comfortable.

"Look Dean, if it bothers you so much us sleeping naked together, then tomorrow morning we'll head into town and get some nightwear"

I gently shake my head and reply.

"No Nathan, you have slept naked for as long as you can remember, I won't do anything to make you change the way that you live, we are both in love and it's not as if we haven't seen each other naked, it's just something that will take me a little time to get used to"

Nathan shuffles a little closer to me, so much so that I feel the tip of his sheath rub against my own; the touch sends shockwaves up my spine. We both then take each other into our arms and glide off into a warm and loving sleep.