
Story by MythRat on SoFurry

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Ok, bear with me, this is my first yiff story... out of a whole three pieces of writing that I've EVER done... anyway, comments would be helpful. Legal stuff: this story and characters are copyright to MythRat so no using any of them without asking first.


Ok, you guys should know the drill by now, you must be 18 or older to read this stuff, so if you aren't SHOO! Go on, get outta here! For the rest, enjoy.


Ok, now that we have all the boring stuff out of the way, I'd just like to say that this little story came out of a role playing session with my dear friend Alice, I hope you guys enjoy it.


Diurne walked through the dungeon looking at the slave cages. The place was filthy and crawling with rats and other vermin that it was better not to think about. Diurne was quite tall, even for a gryphon, standing nine feet tall and was powerfully built. He had an eagle's head with a short razor sharp beak, his honey amber feathers were as soft as silk and the fur that covered his powerful lion's legs was as soft as rabbit's fur. He had a long sinuous tail with a tassel of soft brown fur and his golden scaled hands ran up to strong arms and well muscled shoulders and down his huge black tipped wings. Although, like most gryphons, Diurne generally thought of humans as vermin, he knew the females sometimes made for good toys, though they never lasted very long. That was the reason he was here today, his previous pet had finally died and he was in need of a new plaything. He walked over to the cage in which they were holding the new slaves, the long black talons on his feet clicking audibly on the stone floor of the dungeon. All the slaves in this cage were female and all of them cringed at his presence, more than a few moving to the back of the cage, never taking their fear filled eyes off Diurne. He understood, he knew humans were not the most intelligent of creatures and ran more on instinct than anything else, but that suited him just fine. He wasn't looking for a smart pet, just some pretty little toy. The huge gryphon sighed and was about to turn away when he noticed a young little thing that hadn't even stirred the whole time he'd stood there. He stepped closer to get a better look and she lifted her eyes and locked her gaze onto his. He stood and studied her for a short while. She was young, no older than sixteen summers, and she was well built, with nicely rounded breasts and a well toned abdomen, her limbs were slender but strong. He let his golden eyes roam over her svelte curves for a while longer, although he noticed that she continued to stare at him; why, he had no idea, it bore investigation. He looked back over his shoulder at the slave trader.

"That one." He said, indicating the young girl.

"A good choice, sir." The trader said as he unlocked the cage, "She was a hard one to catch but well worth the effort." He pulled her out of cage locking the door afterwards, the girl didn't fight at all. "This lovely little thing is a virgin-."

"I'm here to buy, not talk." Diurne interrupted. He handed the trader a small pouch. "Three hundred and I'm not going to pay any more than that. This little thing is hardly worth that much."

The trader took a moment to count the coins in the pouch. Normally he wouldn't have settled for so little, but trade was always slow in winter and right now he'd take every coin he could get. "Very well, sir. I hope you enjoy her." His words were wasted, Diurne was already heading out, his new pet in tow.

* * * *

Diurne flew back to his castle on the edge of the Lurian woods, carrying his new pet in his arms. He was not used carrying another being and he was starting to feel the strain in the muscles in his arms and wings. He needed something to keep his mind off of it. He looked down at the girl curled in his arms, she held tightly to him, keeping her face buried in the soft feathers on his chest. She trembled slightly, whether from fear or the chill air, he wasn't sure.

"Are you cold, little one?" He asked, having to raise his voice to be heard over the wind.

She shook her head, "Scared."

"Don't be afraid, I won't let you fall." He crooned. She smiled slightly and held tighter to him, though she stopped trembling. She was fast asleep by the time they reached the castle. He carried her through the ornate halls of his home to his rooms and lay her gently on the couch in the common room. He called in a servant and told her to watch the girl until she woke and then get her cleaned up and properly dressed. With that he walked out to attend to other matters.

* * * *

Sara watched over the young girl as she was ordered. She knew why Diurne had brought the girl here and couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She sighed and moved a stray bit of dirty hair away from the girl's face and was surprised when the girl suddenly woke up.

"I'm sorry, miss. I didn't mean to wake you." Sara apologized.

The girl sat up and looked around, a touch of fear behind her bright green eyes. "Where am I?"

"You're plenty safe, miss. You're in the castle of my Lord Diurne. He's asked me to take care of you until he returns."

"Lord Diurne? You mean the gryphon?"

Sara nodded. "Yes. He's the one that brought you here." She smiled a bit. "I'm Sara. What's your name?"

"Charlotte, but everyone calls me Shari."

"Well, miss Shari, it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled, stood and pulled Shari to her feet. "Now, we need to get you cleaned up and get you some proper clothes. Come on." She pulled Shari into the bathroom where the tub was already full of pleasantly hot water.

After she'd gotten Shari bathed and dried her off, Sara walked out and came back a moment later with a pair of doe skin breeches and a deep blue silk shirt with a low neck line and Shari dressed herself. The breeches hugged her legs like a glove and the shirt showed off a fair amount of her cleavage. Shari took a moment to look at herself in a full length mirror hung on the wall.

She looked back at Sara. "Do I not get a pair of shoes?"

Sara shook her head. "No, but don't worry, you won't be needing any. The floors of the castle are laid with some of the finest marble to be found."

Shari hadn't noticed that fact but now that she looked she saw the white marble floor she stood on. "So they are." She said with a bit of a smile. She took one last look at herself in the mirror, at her milky skin and red hair, sparkling green eyes. She sighed. "Do you know when Lord Diurne will be back?"

"He should be back in time for supper. He's expecting you to dine with him."

"Well, he's been kind enough to get me out of that wretched dungeon," Shari said with a smile, "I won't disappoint him."

Sara fidgeted nervously, 'She doesn't know... the poor girl.' She thought to herself.

Shari's brow furrowed. "What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid you may be a bit shocked by this, but my Lord's expecting much more than your company at dinner." Sara explained, her eyes falling to the ground regretfully, "You're his new pet, miss."

"I know." Shari said quite calmly.

"You know?" Sara asked, surprised, "How can you be so calm when you know what he means to do to you?"

Shari gave a little sigh. "I thought I would die in that dungeon and I thought it to be far preferable than the fate of a slave. When Lord Diurne bought me, I knew exactly why he had." She explained calmly, "I thought I would rather die than be a sex toy to some brutal lord, but now that I see this place and I can't help but be grateful. I will do what my master wishes of me. It's the least I can do to repay him."

Sara sighed. "Well, my Lord is far from brutal, but I know he can sometimes get carried away. That's how his last pet died. I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

"I don't really, but this is my life now and I'm grateful."

* * * *

Diurne returned just after sunset, setting the scroll clutched in his clawed hand on the cherry wood desk in his office. A few thoughts of the newly completed trade with a neighboring lord hadn't completely faded from his mind but those that remained he ignored as he was far more anxious to see how his new pet was doing. He made his way through the tapestry lined halls to his rooms and found his new pet in the common room, talking with Sarah. Neither had noticed his return.

"As always, my dear Sarah, you've done a wonderful job of making my pet presentable." He spoke suddenly, making both girls jump a little in surprise.

"Forgive me, my Lord, I hadn't noticed you'd returned." Sarah said apologetically.

Diurne just smiled, "That's alright." He walked over to his pet and pulled her rather roughly to her feet when she did not stand at his approach. Her surprised, almost hurt expression told him that she hadn't noticed her mistake. His voice was gentle at first when he spoke. "You will rise when I approach you, pet. A small mistake, one easily forgiven," his tone turned suddenly cold as ice, "Repeat it, however, and I'll beat you. Understand?"

Shari nodded meekly, fear worming its way through her belly. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Diurne bit back a low growl. "You will address me as 'Master', pet." He turned to glare at Sarah, "You were supposed to teach her the rules of the house." He ignored Sarah's attempt to apologize, "You'll have double your normal duties tonight, you will not sleep until they are done."

Sarah bowed slightly, "Yes, sir. Shall I bring your dinner here, sir?"

"No. I'm not hungry. Now get to your duties and do not disturb us again until morning."

Sarah nodded and scurried off, closing the door behind her.

Diurne circled Shari, taking slow deliberate steps, letting his golden eyes roam over all her lovely curves testing to see if his presence frightened her; she didn't so much as flinch.

He smirked slightly, "Yes, a very worthy pet. I think I did quite well in choosing you." He paused to fasten a simple brown leather collar set with an oval shaped piece of malachite around her neck, "Do you have a name, pet, or shall I make one up for you?"

"Charlotte, but everyone calls me Shari, Master." She met his eyes as she said this and got a smack across the face for her trouble.

"Your eyes will never meet mine, understand?!" he growled. Shari only nodded, not minding the sting of the cuts on her cheek.

Diurne sighed, his tone turning almost apologetic as he healed the cuts with a simple spell, "Now look what you've made me do. I don't like hurting my pets, but sometimes you leave me no choice." He pulled her close against him, running a clawed hand through her soft hair. "Now, don't make me hurt you again, alright?"

Shari nodded and buried her face in the warm feathers of his chest. She took a deep breath to hold back the tears brimming in her eyes, breathing in his sweet musky scent. She found his scent comforting somehow and held tighter too him, bringing a smirk to his raptorial face. He wrapped his huge amber wings around her and bent his head down to nip the nape of her neck affectionately.

"Such a sweet little thing you are." He crooned, "And so willing. You may be the first pet I haven't had to break."

"You won't have to, Master, I want to be yours." She said a bit timidly, "You can use me in any way you please, I won't fight. It's the least I can do to repay you."

He cocked his head slightly, "Repay me? What have I done that you think you have to repay me for?"

"Everything you've done for me, Master." She explained quietly, "You saved my from the slave cages and brought me here to this wonderful place. You give me nice clothes to wear, good food to eat, and let me share your bed. You deserve to have my body. It's the least I can do to repay you for your kindness."

Diurne grinned, "Are you really so eager to let me ravage you?" he whispered evilly, lightly running one jet black claw along her neck, following the artery.

She shivered at his touch. "If that's what you want... I won't fight." She answered, her voice quivering a little.

"Very well." He purred. "Take off your clothes. Let me see your body, pet." He sat down on the couch, legs apart, revealing the tip of his black cock poking out of his sheath. She was quite eager to please him, so she decided to make a show of it for him, turning her back to him and slowly slipping the silk shirt off her shoulders and tossing it aside. She glanced back at him over her shoulder and smiled innocently at him as her hands went to her waist and slowly slid her doe skin breeches down to her ankles and stepping out of them, kicking them to the side. He watched her as she undressed, slowly stroking his cock to attention. She smiled and very slowly turned around, still acting timid and innocent.

"Very good, pet." He crooned, but then his voice turned suddenly cold, "Now..." He leaned forward, hooked a couple of talons under her collar and jerked her forward, making her fall to her knees in front of him. "Pleasure me."

Shari just sat there for a moment gaping at the sheer size of his still growing cock. It was more than two inches thick, it would take both of her hands to fully encompass its girth, eight inches had already emerged from his sheath and she guessed at full size it must be at least fourteen inches long.

"Now, pet." He growled impatiently, "Before I beat you."

Shari hardly heard him, she was too entranced by the sight before her. Diurne leaned forward and wrapped one hand around her throat. Shari's eyes went wide, afraid he might strangle her; he didn't. He lifted her off the floor and moved her so she was straddling his lap.

"Do you want me to punish you, pet?" He asked, his tone low and threatening as he took a claw and ran it between her breasts, cutting her just enough to draw a few drops of blood. He had expected her to cry out, but in pain and not the slightly surprised sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips. He let go of her neck and she pressed closer to him, burying her face in the amber feathers of his neck and wrapping her arms around him and gently massaging the base of his wings, trying to make up for angering him.

He raised a feathered eyebrow, "You enjoy pain, pet?"

"A little pain in the right place is good." Shari spoke with a timid, almost apologetic tone, "Would you cut me again, Master? Please?"

"Perhaps. He purred, licking up the little trail of blood, making her shiver, "But you will have to give me pleasure first." He brushed the tip of his cock against her sex and she held tighter to him giving a little whimper of fear, but made no move to stop him. "You're afraid. Why?"

"It's just that I- I've never..." her voice trailed off as she blushed in sudden embarrassment.

"You're a virgin, I know." He said softly, running his claws through her hair.

"Will you be gentle with me? Please?" she mumbled, cursing the one tear that fell from her eye.

Diurne sighed, mentally berating himself for giving in so easily, "Alright. I'll be gentle, but I get to take your ass tonight and I'll kill you if you fight me."

"Yes, Master." She kissed the hinge of his beak and locked her arms around his neck, burying her face in his soft feathers.

He gripped her hips, her soft skin like silk against the tiny scales on his hands, and eased the head of his throbbing cock into her waiting sex. She gave a muffled cry as his size stretched her virgin cunt to it's limits. She was wonderfully tight and his eyes threatened to roll back into his skull, he couldn't wait to push his whole cock into her tight little body, but he'd promised to be gentle and as cruel as he could be at times he was a creature of his word. He pushed about two inches in and stopped, purring and running his claws through her hair, giving her a few moments to adjust to his huge size. She reached around and started running her hands along his wings, making him purr. He eased in a few more inches of his cock until he touched her virginity. A few silent tears rolled down her cheeks and a little shiver ran through her body. He licked her tears away and pulled out almost completely before moving slowly back in, again stopping before tearing through her virginity. He kept doing that for a while until he could move easily enough and then stopped for a moment to whisper in her ear, "This is going to hurt. Best to get it over with as quickly as possible." Before he pulled out and slammed back into her, ripping through her frail virginity. Shari cried out in pain and held tighter to him, tears pouring from her midnight eyes as a few rivulets of blood trickled down her thighs. Diurne didn't stop, he moved in a slow steady rhythm, her blood and juices slicking her tight cunt and making it much easier for him to move. At first every movement drew little cries of pain from her but the pain slowly faded, giving way to pleasure and her cries became soft moans of ecstasy. He purred and growled deep in his throat as he pumped into her sweet willing young body, each thrust sending his throbbing shaft a little deeper than before.

Shari was a quick study, picking up her master's rhythm after a few minutes and moving against him, rubbing her sensitive clit against his feathers. His cock filled her so completely, stretched her to her limits and far beyond them, pumping relentlessly into her abused body, moving harder and going deeper with every thrust. It hurt like hell but she forced herself to enjoy the pain, this was for her master not for her, if he chose to hurt her she wasn't going to tell him to stop; she had already asked too much of him, it was only right that she be punished for it. She wanted so much to please him, she did everything she could to force more of his cock into her virgin hole, eventually taking all but four inches of his glorious length. His barbs had started to harden and once in a while one or two would catch in her flesh and tear her a little. She muffled her cries in his feathers, again forcing herself to enjoy the pain.

Diurne smiled evilly, he was quite proud of his pet, of how much of him she could take, how hard she tried to coax him closer to his climax; she was doing a very good job. He gave a low rumble and stopped his rhythm. Shari cringed, waiting to be hit for whatever she'd done wrong. He didn't hit her, he held her tightly to him and slowly shifted position so that she was beneath him and resumed his relentless rhythm. She was thankful for the change of position, the muscles in her legs were sore from keeping pace with her master's rhythm. She risked a quick look at her master's face. His eyes were closed, raptorial features twisted into a look of increasing ecstasy. She gave a small loving smile and ran her fingers through his silky feathers, feeling the hard muscle beneath, making him shiver slightly. His pace increased and Shari gave a little cry of mixed pain and pleasure as he pounded into her abused body with extreme ferocity. He didn't hear her cry, he was too caught up in his own pleasure to notice her suffering; he was so close to his climax that nothing else mattered. Her virgin body couldn't handle the ever increasing sensations of pleasure that flowed through her being and she finally gave in to ecstasy and called her master's name in release. Her climax triggered his own, her tight cunt walls getting even tighter, pulsing around his throbbing shaft finally pushing him over the edge. He threw his head back and shrieked in rapture as he hilted all fourteen inches of his cock in her, his barbs catching in her tender flesh and holding him inside as he filled her with his hot seed. Shari screamed as his barbs tore at her already abused flesh. She held tight to him and buried her face in his soft amber feathers, tears of pain falling from her eyes, making his feathers damp. He shot stream after burning cum into her tight body, filling her until she thought she would burst, some of it leaking out from between the tight seal of their bodies.

Finally, he was spent, panting, holding tightly to the back of the couch lest he collapse and crush the girl. Diurne's wings, fully extended in his pleasure and now slowly furling again, twitched slightly as waves of lingering pleasure washed over the gryphon. Shari held tightly to him, muffling her pained sobs in his feathers. Diurne smiled slightly and ran a claw lightly along her jaw, she shrank away from him a little, frightened that he might hurt her. He sighed and shifted back to their original position, being as careful as he could so as not to injure her further, so that he was sitting on the couch and she on top of him. Shari gave a little gasp of pain as one of his barbs moved, tearing her a little more, but it passed quickly enough and she lay against his chest, silent tears still running down her cheeks.

"Now, now, no tears, my pet. The pain will fade, don't worry." Diurne crooned as he licked her tears away.

Shari forced herself to stop crying and held closer her master, reaching around behind him and gently massaging the base of his wings and he purred in pleasure. Finally she asked softly "Will it always hurt so much, master?"

"There will always be some pain, I can't change that." Diurne ran his claws through her hair, enjoying the feel of her soft hair against the smooth scales of his hand. He waiting until his barbs had softened and released their hold on his pet before slowly pulling his softened cock out of her abused hole. She gave a little cry as he left her, a mix of blood, semen, and her own juices dripping out of her cunt. He shifted her position so her back was to his chest, his hardening shaft pressed against her virgin ass. Shari looked back at him, fear quite obvious in her eyes.

"Don't you remember our little agreement, pet?" he purred with a bit of a sneer, "I promised to be gentle, but in return you let me fuck you up the ass." He tightened his grip on her hips, claws digging into her flesh and drawing four little rivulets of blood. "Fight me and I'll kill you. Understand, pet?"

Shari nodded, no tears left for her to cry, too much in shock from the sudden change in him to care. She didn't understand how he could be so kind one moment and so cruel the next. She wasn't given time to think about it as a sudden burst of pain ripped through her as he forced the head of his cock into her tight little star. He moved slowly, but his cock was simply too large for her body to take in such a manner; thank the gods there was enough left on his length from their previous round to act as a lubricant, otherwise he may well have split her in half. She shut her eyes and grit her teeth against the pain, giving little cries now and then as he slowly forced his shaft deep into her ass until he'd gotten a good ten inches into her. He stayed like that for a moment, enjoying how amazingly tight she was like this, before slowly pulling out of her and then pushing back in. He continued to keep his rhythm slow and steady, ignoring her pitiful cries of pain, but as he continued to creep towards orgasm he couldn't stand moving so slowly. He increased his rhythm, moving steadily faster, pumping into her tight virgin ass as fast as he could without splitting her open until he finally reached his pique and emptied his load into her. She screamed as his essence boiled her insides, nails digging into the soft fur of his legs. His orgasm finally subsided and he pulled his cock out of her before his barbs caught in her flesh and a little of his cum dribbled out of her brutally stretched hole. Shari was limp in his arms, beginning to fall unconscious and not caring if she ever woke up.

"Are you dead, pet?" Diurne whispered, hoping he hadn't gone and killed another one. Shari barely had the energy to shake her head. Diurne sighed and got up, gently cradling her in his arms, "Well, I think we could both use a nice warm bath." He carried her into the bathroom and drew a steaming bath for the both of them and settled into the warm water.

Shari was thrown back to full consciousness and the hot water seared her tortured flesh and she bit back a scream and held tightly to Diurne. The gryphon sighed, kicking himself for being so easy on this pet, and healed the worst of the damage with a spell. Shari murmured a thank you and just lay against her master as he washed the blood and cum from them both. The bath and her master's gentle caresses restored some of Shari's energy and will and she began to return his attentions, running her fingers through his wet feathers and fur, tracing the fine scales on his hands, making him shiver a little. She smiled a little teasingly and her hands went to his cock and she slowly stroked him to attention as he murred and groaned in pleasure.

"Oh yes... my sweet pet." He murred, head back, golden eyes half closed as he enjoyed the attentions of his willing slave. Her hands worked slowly over his throbbing member, keeping him within reach of the edge but never letting him reach it. He finally stopped her. "No, pet. Not here. You will share my bed this time." Shari nodded and they both got out of the tub and she helped him to dry his feathers and fur. He dried her off and then carried her to his bed, pulling back the silk and satin sheets and laying down with her above him. She smiled at him and sat back against his hips, slowly impaling herself on his meat. She gave a little cry of pleasure as he moved within her, deep and hard, slowly coaxing them both toward climax. Diurne ran his claws over her skin, leaving thin red trails behind and making Shari shudder in pleasure, begging for more.

"Again, master, please... please master, cut me again." She pleaded, leaning back into the gryphon's claws as he ran them down her back, making him cut her deep. Small rivers of blood flowed from the cuts and she closed her eyes in sheer pleasure, letting a low moan escape her lips. She put all her energy into pleasing her master, moving hard against him, sending him deeper with every thrust. Diurne murred and moaned and finally screeched as he rammed his entire fourteen inch cock into her willing body and filled her with his burning essence once again. Shari leaned back and cried out with him, screaming his name in unbearable ecstasy as his entire length filled her. Pain and pleasure mixed forming one glorious sensation and she came again and again one orgasm after the other. She screamed his name again and finally succumbed and lay against her master as waves of pleasure washed over her, her young body shuddering with the intensity of it. Diurne growled in pleasure as her already tight cunt clenched and unclenched around his cock, milking him of every drop of cum. Slowly the sensations of pleasure subsided, leaving them both exhausted, bodies shivering as receding waves of pleasure washed over them. He let his barbs harden, tying him with his new pet; every movement she made, no matter how slight, sent shocks of pleasure through him.

He bent his head down and nipped the back of her neck affectionately before laying his head back against the satin pillows and closing his eyes, wrapping his wings around her and reveling in the feel of his pet's body against his.

Shari relaxed against her new master, moving his cock inside her a little and making her shiver. She wondered if she would ever get used to his barbs, she could feel them softening slowly, releasing her torn body from their hold. It still hurt, but her body still hummed with the pleasure of their lovemaking, making her somewhat numb to it. She sighed happily and lay against her master, relaxing completely in his strong arms. "I love you, Master." She whispered and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed it. There's more on the way so just keep your pants on ;)