
Story by Kenostic on SoFurry

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In this world there are three states of being.

There is the dream state in which one can observe anything in space and time. This is because the mind seeks truth to the world it perceives in the unlimited possibilities that are the universe. Sometimes we stumble across things so disgusting and horrific that we wake up in our puddle of sweat, breathing hard the nightmare still flashing before our eyes before it is erased to preserve our minds. Other times we see some sexual act so erotic we end up with our fluids running down our legs and blood rushing through our veins.

Very few find what they are looking for. Those who do lose themselves in the perfection of the answer, the truth and end up in asylums scratching their heads, pounding their faces against the walls, or murder their friends and family in a sad altruistic attempt to save them from a fate without perfection. Others come very close, and these are the lucky ones, they understand enough so they can be happy with the universe, but not so much that they lose their mind. From Buddha to the old lady who sits on her porch smiling at the world, many have found it but find it impossible to express due to the nature that they have found an aspect close to the truth that only their mindset can comprehend.

Finally, there are those who find hidden powers so great they threaten the universe it's self, wrapped in an improbability cloud so thick only the most unusual circumstances can unlock them. These powers are the ability to bend the laws that the universe set down to make it able to be comprehended. Those who find it can control gravity, time, space, create matter and destroy it, change elements and unleash monsters with too many legs to be possible, too large to hold their own weight and so ferocious they can destroy planets and suns alike. This power drives most sentient being that find them insane, dooming entire civilizations. Only one in almost infinity can control it, and never on purpose.

Second, there is reality, as we know it. No new innovations are possible. We live with problems and spend our waking times attempting to fix the world. We futilely use vague memories of dreams and observations of other things in our environment to do so. Creativity is impossible in this state; we simply live out the most logical situation our brains can come up with.

Finally there is the state in between. In the moment when you are not awake, your eyes are closed and your mind is still trying to draw it's self out of the small eternity it spent searching is the state when both innovation and creation are possible. Very few are able to utilize this state effectively; most use it to solve simple problems in their lives. Some use it to create works like that the world has never seen. Shakespeare used it to create his plays in a manner that has never been seen before and likely will be never seen again. This is also the state in which our story takes it's routes.

Our protagonist, a 6'4" fox, blue fur and blue eyes was by no standards normal. He was the kid you look at while he sits in the corner, then look away and move towards the popular crowd. He is the kid the eyes of the rejects pass over and a small shiver runs up their spines as the exclude themselves or is excluded. Nobody approaches him. This person usually senses that he is different and tries hard to get back into the group. He makes loud jokes, he annoys people, he screams and cries and gets all the attention he can to confirm that he is human and that he still has a connection to the multitudes of people all around him. He usually seeks the connection that all the others hold and value so easily. He dreams about the drama and tears and feelings that all the other boys and girls get.

This young fox did not do this. Nor did he take up a craft or skill like some boys did. Most importantly, he is not what you may already expect him to be. He is not disabled nor is he neither a sociopath nor even simply a deadbeat who doesn't care about his life.

In fact, he just isn't quite awake. People don't recognize him because he isn't in the world of logic and reason and therefore cannot be explained logically. Their minds can't comprehend his state of mind because it is so unfamiliar, and therefore ignore him. At the same time however, a deep resentment stirs in their chests because he is in a state that the mind desires... and simply because he is different; which, to the sentient mind, is always evil.

Although fate or some other power had led this fox into this position; it is most likely nothing would ever happen. To awaken this power one must have a unique moment in time in which your conscious mind merges with the most illogical, creative, uncontrollable force one can experience while awake, then have them both split apart in a cataclysm that either leaves you dead, heatless, soulless, damaged, or broken, and you have to be broken.

The merging then separation of logic and confusion, then the abrupt split in a mind so different that it sees the universe from a unique perspective allows this creature to escape the borders made to protect space and time and unlocks unimaginable power.

He almost wakes up in a sweat, trapped in the middle ground between land and dream in agony. Still trapped in eternity he moves in a daze towards his dresser and grabs his clothes from the ebony dresser in the corner of the room, next to the window. He gazes out, looking at the spiral patterns of flowers and dragons in a land far away before heading down the creaking steps into the dark kitchen, slightly lit by the morning sun. His parents 'loved' him on principal, they could never not love their son, but they never had any true affection towards him. He never spoke to them, never shared his world. More than "good night" and "thanks for dinner" was rare. They never bothered him, and he pretended he didn't exist.

He always walked to school, and today was no exception. The icy ground crunches under his claws and fog disturbs the air in front of his muzzle before dissipating after a second of life. He didn't look up to acknowledge those around him, even when he approached school. He never spoke to anybody, he never spoke to his teachers, he simply turned in his work, and got B's in most of his classes because he knew it all.

The only connection to the world, the only thing that kept him anchored to this world and the only thing other people would recognize was his drawings. They were the art that Da Vinci would envy. Designs travel from page to page, drawing you in, driving you in circles until you need to lay your head down while your brain tries to cope. He drew horrors that made your fur stand on end and stifle a scream, or simple pictures of love that brought a longing so deep that it would bring tears into your eyes.

But of course, the plot twist is when he, walking under the doorsill, head lowered and minds piercing the floor below him, has his book snatched from his grasp by a much larger yellow wolf. He is the kind of wolf that nobody likes, but everybody respects. He is big, fat, and tough. Nobody takes things from him, and he pushes around whomever he wants, along as it isn't the popular party.

The usual scene occurs, the reject, eyes widening, screams his hatred and lunges for his book. The bigger of the two laughs, keeping it out of his reach, and eventually gets bored and trots off with the desired object, after throwing his annoyance into a trashcan.

Here is where it breaks the typical scene. The boy, getting out of the can, suddenly realizes he has no anchor. Fear fills his veins as terror drops his stomach a foot down in his belly. He feels his grip on reality breaking and starts breathing hard, attempting to keep any connection at all to the world he lives in. His eyes travel around in panic, those around him are laughing, or ignoring him. His eyes lock onto him. Tall, red furred, built like pro athlete, drop dead gorgeous, he falls in love.

At once the world stops spinning, the shapes he usually sees disappear. Love, a balance between the dream and the world, mimics his own situation, mimics the state in between the states of mind. At once he is free from his demons, he sees the world in colour for the first time.

That day, people saw him for the first time. He started to interact, and it was as if a baby was learning to talk for the first time. Talking with all around him, his eyes lit up in joy, he looked over to where his love was, only to find him gone. The effect was instantaneous, people last interest, and he started to drift again.