The WindDragon Lullaby

Story by Demon the WindDragon on SoFurry

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Be Brave little one....

You feel unsafe, unloved and hurt...

But when the wind blows you know that I'm with you....

Holding you close to keep you safe and warm...

So be brave little one for I'm here now to keep you safe from anything...

Go to sleep little one as I hold you close...

So be brave little one for I'm here now...

And always will be here with you!

like it? this goes with my series that i'm making! Demon (Aka me) sings this song to her sister to make them both feel better because about 12 years ago their mom (Fiara a fairy wind legendz) had died while trying to save her daughters from death. this was during the legendz war and unfortunatly the girls had to watch as their mom died in their arms while singing this song! well tell me how i did!