The Hidden Beauty

Story by Tunuko on SoFurry


The Hidden Beauty

The fruitless tree stands tall and proud

Housing toneless birds who sing out loud.

Brightest lights its shadow shrouds,

Unique within the thousand crowd.

Sitting beneath the greyest cloud.

A slab of marble with the smallest crack,

Those swirls of white, brown and black.

Ignored for others, placed in the back.

The cruellest fate is put on track.

The broken soul receives the flak.

The frail woman soon will cry,

Tears run from her lazy eye.

Doubtful of a reason she should try

To find her dreams and perfect life,

At times she wishes she would die.

A bush that holds a single rose

Ignored in winter, thorns are froze.

Spring so beautiful yet tickles your nose

Accidently drowned by the spraying hose,

Muddy puddles from where it grows.

You won't caress the burnt scarred skin

And you fail to see the beauty within.

Yet we with strong souls continue to grin

Waiting for the rest of our lives to begin.

It's you that is ugly, you can't come in.

  • D.Ashford