CotJ II: The Last Stand Act 2 Part III

Story by Cartoon Malero on SoFurry

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#13 of Chronicles of the Justicar II: The LAst Stand

Necron402: yeah, for some reason on my profile it didn't show part 2 of act 2, which was really...odd. So heres the link in cased you missed it


Yeah I don't get it either, now i'll shut up so you can read, I had alot of fun writing this one:D

[The Shadow Core; Dark Spire 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 9:50AM]

Lord Vurdamis walked past a number of the shadow master's creations along with large groups of the organic worshippers that helped the infinite; parts of their fleshy organic bodies were replaced with metal and circuitry with weapons grafted onto their arms or out right replacing their limbs. The infinite lord also passed by a few ascendant lords; the half organic half infinite beings were heroes of the guardian of life but finally joined the Void God's army when they saw there was no hope left, each of them would prove more than a match for any of the Seer's followers.

The infinite lord finally arrived at Malero Alterus private monster making lab where he was greeted by two students of the shadow master who were at his door. Lord Vurdamis entered where he saw the half dragon had a captured female knight in chains where the doctor was measuring her head with a measuring tape as he hummed a tune to himself.

"You said you have found a way to stop Azerigan once and for all?" The infinite lord asked

"Oh yes, indeed I do, yes!" the positive shadow master answered with a smile.

Malero walked backed to his work benched where he began writing down the numbers he had taken from the captured knight who was scared out of her skin. The doctor walked back to his test subject as he held her by the under jaw and began turning her head to see where would the best place to make the insertions.

"Please, just let me go, I won't say anything!" the prisoner pleaded but the shadow master seemed not to notice her voice as he went back and took more notes.

"A while ago the clan prince showed up on one of my harvests I was personally overseeing, luckily his consort showed up to stop him. But that gave me an idea, oh great one." Malero answered

Lord Vurdamis watched Malero Alterus take a marker and began drawing a doted line around the captured knight's forearms, knees and tail. The once highly disciplined soldier of the Draconian Kingdom was now crying like a scared little hatchling for their mother.

"Continue..." Vurdamis responded.

"Well what if we use his brashness to our gain, to our advantage? I was thinking, thinking like I do all the time, I could have a detachment of my experiments attack a village, he would show up to defend them, and the royal guard would be contacted to come to the aid." Malero said excitedly

"But wouldn't the organics see the forces you have deployed." Vurdamis asked as his interest was intrigued

"My experiments are highly sophisticated...despite their more 'savage' look, a simple change in preparing the chemicals and it would destabilize and disintegrate on command." Malero answered as he injected the prisoner with several needles at the areas he had marked previously

"So when the guard shows up..." Vurdamis said

"Azerigan will be the only one around a burning landscape." Malero grinned, "Then my students will accuse the prince of doing this action, they will never find any evidence and with your word he will be banished from society." The doctor put the needles down on his work bench as he pulled out a huge hack saw. "With Azerigan alone Baphomet could do your specialty and break down his will allowing for me to turn the once mighty prince into a fearsome experiment."

"Excellent work, Malero, I'm glad to see not all of you organics are worthless." Lord Vurdamis had complimented, "Lord Havoc will go ahead with capturing the other organics to either be turned or killed."

The frozen infinite lord disappeared in a blue fog as the prisoner thrashed about while watching the grinning mad doctor ready his bloodied saw to dismemberer her limbs without any anaesthetic to be replaced by cold metal knives to become a blade dancer.

[Gamma Sector; the Dorian Grey; Briefing Room; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 10:30AM]

"The infinite have a large operation going" Serverus announced when he pointed at a small blue and green planet in the holographic solar system that projected from the table

"More suit building?" Arjun asked whose helmet was rested on the table

"No, not this time." Serverus answered, "As you know the infinite require the aid of their organic followers to build them suits or use magic to summon them in directly so they physically interact with this realm, which is why the cult members are so precious and why they resort to 'cult monsters' for most of their forces."

"That's why we see so few cultists out on the field." Xross added with a nod

"Exactly." Serverus pressed a button on the small control panel on the large circular table to bring up two holographic images of a Darkspawn male and right beside it was the same person only converted into a blade dancer, "Shadow master Malero Alterus and his minions rely on grave robbing or kidnapping anyone that can to swell their numbers"

"That's horrible." Liken commented

"Which brings us to the cult's operation here; they are using the local draconian population to harvest into cult monsters. If we can stop their forces there it should put a hamper on their army."

Mitchell Constantine folded his arms, "We aren't even sure what the infinite are trying to accomplish. I'm all for helping innocents but we should focus on finding a way to get to Azerigan."

Carpender turned to the former general, "If we liberate these draconians then they should provide proof that the infinite aren't their allies and may offer a way to get to him."

"Fair enough." Mitchell agreed

Captain Ranorin rubbed his chin, "What resistance can we expect?"

Serverus shook his head, "There will not be much as the infinite don't leave security in harvest operations especially from a village whose is cut off from the rest of the kingdom."

The human ship captain pointed to his major, "Get your men together major and bring whatever you can just in case"

The EVO trooper saluted, "yes, sir."

Serverus sighed to himself that the humans were sending down more than he wanted for Lord Havoc's ambush but he pushed it from his mind as the infinite lord was personally overseeing his plan and no amount of organics would stop him.

"We will set course immediately, crew dismissed." Captain Ranorin ordered

[Draconian Kingdom; Wing's Hope; Outer farming colony; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 11:30AM]

Lord Havoc was now contained in his full battle armoured suit, his giant mechanical spider legs crushed entire buildings as his drone minions walked under him firing their weaponry at the pathetic defenders of the farming colony.

"The subjugation of this colony is running behind you incompetent idiots, the Seer and his followers will be here soon!" Lord Havoc yelled

A dragon patriarch flew straight towards the infinite lord to bring down the ancient evil but the infinite lord cackled as his socket less eyes glowed intensely and exploded the organic in mid flight with his built in eye cannons.

One of the rampaging drones picked up a draconian priestess who pleaded for their gods to stop murdering their own citizens but the drone showed no emotion as it crushed the young priestess like a rotten banana in its cold metal grip.

Lord Havoc cackled menacingly as his soldiers rounded up the last of the civilian population. The colossal spider shaped mech lowered his main body as close as he could to the ground for his skull shaped head to see the entire cowering crowd.

"A ship full of organics will be landing here shortly; you will all obey what I order of all of you." The massive infinite lord demanded

One of the draconian citizens walked from the crowd up to the Lord's face, "Why do you harm us! We would have done what ever you have wanted!"

"But I wouldn't have the pleasure of tasting your life energy not to mention you would have reported to your Queen when you saw what we plan to do with you all after we had left." The infinite lord seemed to have cracked a smile as cult monsters began materializing all around the village

"Serve us and you will live on, defy us and you will become what you see."

"We will never cow-tow to something as evil as you!" the same citizen yelled before the disguised mage teleported the last of the colonists to a safe location

Lord Havoc groaned, "We will deal with them later, they will not be able to get off world so they will not warn anyone thanks to our magic suppression shield."

The infinite lord raised his body back up and turned his head into the sky as he could see the star ship that carried the Seer all the way into space. "Its time for the flies to get caught in my web." The infinite lord laughed

[Planet Drakos; High wind Territory; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 12:30AM]

Clan prince Azerigan sat alone on a small hill trying to think of a way to mend his almost broken relationship with his mate. The large dragon sighed hoping that time would heal this wound allowing for his family to be well again; Azerigan hated himself for what he was did by allowing his own stupid paranoia get in the way of what was suppose to be a special day for him and Talsora.

Azerigan stood up on his claws and feet to find something to do to help kill time so his consort could calm down and would be easier to talk too. The dragon saw something on the corner of his eye to see a wounded draconian lizard folk had walked up to him.

"You got to help us...their killing everyone!" the wounded guard said

"What's killing everyone?" Azerigan asked concerned

"The infinite! They've turned on us, the royal guard has been altered but we need you now otherwise there won't be a village for the guard to get too!"

Azerigan had mixed feelings; he was happy that this would be it and the guard would see the infinite for what they truly were but was anxious that Talsora would find out but the clan prince knew if the guard would believe him than Talsora would take back everything she said.

"Where is the attack?" Azerigan said boldly

The guard with his last breath pointed towards the east, "There..." the lizard folk said before he succumbed to his wounds

Azerigan took off towards the direction he was given to finally get the proof he badly wanted.

[Dorian Grey; Drop Ship K-32; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 12:30AM]

The Justicar sat beside Liken inside the drop ship's holding bay where marines sat in rows that varied with humans, Xross' rebels, darkspawns, forgotten ones, and red claw mercenaries.

Arjun pulled the harness from above over his chest plate that locked in place holding him to his seat firmly. The Justicar started to rock his head as he played beat boxing with his mouth while patting his armoured thigh to help keep himself from going bored until the drop ship would leave the ship's hanger bay.

"All personal, this is the captain speaking; all personal prepare to drop. We are at t-minus three and counting." The ship announcement speaker spoke

The Justicar could here the large squads of marines going into the many drop ships that also were held within the hanger bay ready to be deployed on the planet below. The last of the marines that entered the Justicar's drop ship were followed by the major in his EVO power armour who had his plasma gun on his back.

"We will be liberating anther colony from these void creatures." The EVO trooper said to his men, "You kill anything that has blades for limbs as for everyone one that dies is one person kept safe! You get me!?"

"We get you sir!" the drop ship marines yelled while Liken kept to herself as Arjun continued to beat box

The hanger bays door open; anything that wasn't nailed down was sucked into space allowing for the large VALOR drop ships to exit from the flag ship and head towards the planet below. The 'G' force accelerated immensely as the VALOR aircraft entered the atmosphere of the planet where marines yelled in excitement, vomited on the ground or just stayed silent. The ship shook intensely as everyone vibrated in their seats; the Justicar felt something grab his hand which caused him to look down. Arjun found Liken was holding his armoured hand tightly while looking directly forward not making eye contact with anyone. The Justicar moved his hand so he could hold the valgary's black scaled claw to make it easier for him to hold hers as well.

[Planet Drakos; High wind Territory; High wind village 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 1:30AM]

A blade dancer cart wheeled after a lizard folk merchant; the bandaged covered freak chased the draconian citizen down the ally way behind his house that was engulfed in flames. The cult monster stopped and pointed its left arm forward where the blade shot forth with a chain attached the projectile, the knife impaled the innocent worker and was dragged back as the chain retracted the blade back to the blade dancer's arm.

The cult monster separated the merchant's head from his shoulder with a quick swipe of its free arm before the blade dancer was picked up by Azerigan's front right claw and was crushed into a battered heap.

The clan prince swung his tail sending a number of cult monsters into the sky where they all fell to their deaths. Azerigan turned to find a hulking undead monstrosity that was made up of countless corpses; the legion swung its massive right fist at the dragon but the clan prince bathed the abomination in fire from his mouth that turned the undead giant into a slag of organic waste.

Azerigan looked around to find any citizens that needed to be protected but all he found were more burning buildings caused from collateral damage from battling against the undead monstrosities. The mighty dragon let out a roar of victory as the attackers of the defenceless village were no more, he picked up a dead blade dancer that had been crushed by his powerful tail in his left claw when he saw the royal knights of the Queen Matriarch teleporting into the burned down town.

As Azerigan walked forward the cult monster in his hand began to spasm and in a second the entire body dissolved that ate the bandages and metal blades. The dragon shook his hand in pain from the acidic death of the cult monster when several fully armoured knights walked up the clan prince.

"Azerigan, you are under arrest for the destruction of High wind." The knight-captain said

"What are you talking about?" the prince asked

"We were alerted that you were attacking this village." The head lizard folk answered as his soldiers surrounded the large dragon, "You are to come with us to Caer Sidi and await trial for your crimes."

"I didn't do this!" Azerigan yelled as he turned around, "It wa-" the dragon said when he saw all of the monsters were gone, just like the one he held in his hand they had all dissolved leaving no trace of their existence leaving one Azerigan surrounded by a burning village and dead draconians.

"Don't make this any harder it needs to be." The knight-captain said sternly as he reached for his sword

Azerigan felt his stomach drop as magical bindings were put in place to keep him from flying away. The once proud clan prince now walked in arcane shackles as he was escorted by groups of royal knights back to the fortress that was Caer Sidi.

[Draconian Kingdom; Wing's Hope; Outer farming colony; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 2:30AM]

"I don't get this, no ones here." A marine reported as his squad looked around the destroyed farming settlement

"Can the chatter marine. Some one is alive in this place." A sergeant answered, "Watch those corners and check the roof tops."

VALOR fire teams that varied in races patrolled through the destroyed farming colony looking for anything that may have been of interest.

"I smell nothing, what ever hit here is long gone." A red claw responded

"Maybe the Intel is crap?" an EVO trooper asked

"I said check those corners!" the sergeant repeated himself as his squad entered a barn

The Justicar kneeled down and picked up a clump of dirt in his hand and let it fall back down to the ground as he stood up before talking himself, "Something doesn't feel right, its way to quiet."

"Just keep following the quadrants I gave you." Serverus ordered as he stood on the Dorian Grey's bridge.

"Whatever." Arjun answered

One of the crew members on the Dorian Grey took a sip of his coffee while at his computer terminal when suddenly a large numbers of lights came on and the radar began picking up seventeen unidentified ships that had just entered the planet's orbit.

" need to see this" the crew member said as Ranorin walked over

"What is it?" the captain asked

"A large number of ships entered the system, they match the same details as those the infinite use."

Ranorin nodded, "Set to combat alert." The captain walked backed to his command chair as the lights around the entire ship dimmed red "Get all rail gun and missile batteries online and ready the squadron fighters."

The Justicar walked into a large metal wall without paying attention, the human shook his head when he examined it carefully, "Draconians don't use metal like this..." he said to himself

Suddenly the metal wall moved and a large red eye appeared like a camera turning on, the entire colony shook as the drone burst from the ground with dirt and building debris falling off of it. Blades shot up from the ground allowing the burrowing blade dancers to come up from behind to capture their victims.

The Justicar gripped his sword but a drone picked up the silver knight and as he struggled to get free when a huge metal spider materialized from above that was so large it darkened the entire colony with its whole body.

The drone raised his claw so Lord Havoc could take the Justicar into his own pincer who continued to struggle out of his vice as he raised him up to his skull shaped head, "This realm belongs to the infinite now."

The Justicar stared at the soulless sockets of the mechanical spider that cackled madly.

[Planet Drakos; Caer Sidi; Underground Prison; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 2:30AM]

Azerigan lay down on the cold stone floor at the back of his large prison cell, his stomach hurt immensely and every part of him just wanted to curl up and die. He didn't touch any of the crummy, old food the guards had brought him as he hated himself to much too even move towards the plates and it didn't help himself either as he overheard guards talking about him in disgust what they caught him for which was anther reason why the clan prince didn't touch his food as the guards could have poisoned it to have their own vengeance.

One of the royal knights walked up the large cage and clanked on the reinforced bars with his shield to get Azerigan's attention. The dragon looked up at the high ranked soldier.

"You got a visitor, scum." The knight said, "Don't know who would want to see you."

The draconian knight walked away allowing for Talsora to walk up to her consort who was behind the bars of the prison cell. Azerigan looked into her eyes but he didn't see sadness or anger just an overwhelming a sense of disappointed acceptance like she had already came to peace before hand.

"Tal, listen to me it wasn'-"Azerigan said

"Just, just don't talk." Talsora whispered "I didn't come here to argue, only to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Azerigan asked

Talsora sighed, "I'm leaving you, and I'm taking the young ones with me."

"Tal please, I need to see my hatchlings." Azerigan argued

"I think its best for just forget about you." She said coldly

"You can't do this! I have rights to see my children!" Azerigan yelled

"You have rights to nothing!" Talsora yelled, "You're a murderer Azerigan, a cold blooded killer!"

"I didn't do it!" Azerigan yelled back, "By my family's honour I did not murder them!" he cried out

"Then who?! The infinite did it? You need help, you aren't the same prince I fell in love with!"

The clan prince grabbed the cell bars with his claws as he stood on his hind legs, "Look at me Tal, do you really think I would do what I was accused of?"

Talsora looked into her mate's eyes that seemed more determined than ever before, "Azer, don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

"Dammit Talsora!" Azerigan yelled "Why would I do such a thing!? If I wanted to get proof I wouldn't frame the infinite by doing something this horrible! Can't you see it's just an obvious plot to set me up?!"

The dragoness shook her head, "The children can't have a father who faces execution or at the very least, banishment. I'm sorry Azer, its over between us. You said you would keep your word and you lied. Your selfishness has finally done it and I will not have the young ones grow up with being labelled of having a father who was banished."

Azerigan shook the bars angrily as he was tired from his mate never listening to him, "I didn't do it!" he screamed

"All I wanted was to be a family!" Talsora yelled back, "I put up with all your paranoia so I could be with you and raise some hatchlings until my motherhood became nothing more than being talked about as the one who mated with the crazy prime consort!"

"Tal, plea-"said Azerigan before he was interrupted

"No Azerigan you listen!" the dragoness argued back, "I hate you for your selfishness that you would rather go after crazy ideas than to be with your family! We wouldn't even be here if for once in your life you would just have acted like a decent father! I hate you Azerigan, you ruined my life!"

The dragoness turned around and walked away on all fours as the knights went back to their posts. The left most guard turned his head backwards glared at the dragon, "You monster." The knight said

Azerigan took his claws away from the cell bars and went back to sitting at the end of the large prison cage and awaited his punishment alone.

[Draconian Kingdom; Wing's Hope; Outer farming colony; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 3:30AM]

Drones patrolled the colony as cult monsters gathered up the organic followers of the Seer in the middle of the farming colony. The hideous experiments had taken all of the weaponry the VALOR troops had carried with them. The pushing and shoving of the cult monsters towards their prisoners were only snuffed out by the loud stomps of the drones that continued to walk around looking for anyone that might try to escape.

Lord Havoc placed the Justicar back onto the ground where several blade dancers immediately surrounded him threatening to kill the others if the human made anything that would go against them.

The massive spider mech lowered its main body down so its huge skull like head could look directly at the Justicar at eye level, "Don't bother trying to contact your ship, your communications have been jammed and they are busy dealing with my own vessels."

"Why haven't you killed us yet." The Justicar said sternly

"The shadow master could use more experiments and he prefers live subjects." Lord Havoc answered

Out of the horde of cult monsters came one lizard folk mage, the skeletal magi wore the same robes when it was once alive but now it was battered and torn from most likely how the mage died in the first place. The skeletal magic user raised its staff to create a small man sized portal and immediately following that the cult monsters began directing their hostages inside the swirling vortex.

Lord Havoc turned his head to an infinite drone that stood beside him and was not patrolling like the other ones, "You can oversee it from here, commander."

The drone's eye became green for a moment as it understood the order before going back to its blood red color. Lord Havoc in a flash of an eye completely vanished from the farming colony leaving his forces to continue herding the organics into the portal that led to Dark Spire itself.

The Justicar peered ahead of the line to see the skeletal magi was guarding the portal as more VALOR troops were shoved inside by the cult monsters that surrounded the whole line up. Liken was one of the prisoners near the portal, the skeletal magi waved its staff forward for the blade dancers to push the valgary into the vortex.

"No!" yelled Arjun when he saw Liken disappear as the cult monsters began to restrain the Justicar with sheer numbers

The skeletal draconian looked around when a large ball of fire impacted the mage sending it flying in different directions at once. The Justicar looked around puzzled as did the rest of the VALOR forces. When the mage died the portal collapsed, causing the cult monsters and drones to look around for their attackers.

A blade dancer pointed upwards to the sky when an arrow went right through its head sending the undead to the ground. The infinite drones looked towards the sky to see a mass of draconian dragons with their smaller kin on top of their backs and immediately opened fire on the survivors of the colony.

The Justicar and the VALOR forces took advantage of the commotion and began to engage the infinite forces in hand to hand combat to take back their weapons as the drones were too busy looking up into the sky.

The farming colony of Wing's Hope erupted into a battlefield in seconds; dragons landed throughout the village to drop off draconian militia while the cult monsters broke ranks and started running off wildly to fight their own battles in a bloody brawl. Drones engaged the larger dragons in hand to hand combat as well as their weapons would result in hitting their own forces as well.

A blade dancer swung its knife arm but the Justicar ducked under the attack and brought his shield up to slam it against the side of the cult monster's head causing it drop dead from the massive trauma. Arjun twirled his sword around in his hand before he swung upwards against anther one of the bandage wearing freaks that split the monster in twine.

Draconian militia groups ran for their lives as a single drone chased down the civilian combatants as it fired its wrist mounted cannons that obliterate both organics and structures in fiery explosions.

VALOR fire teams took cover in what ever structures they could to put distance between themselves and the mutated aberrations that were the experiments of Dr. Alterus. Ally ways, barns, and even the farming homes themselves saw conflict from Lord Havoc's ambush being disrupted by the survivors of the colony.

Several marines with rocket launches huddled together in an ally way as an infinite drone walked past, a number of anti-vehicle explosions detonated on the side armour of the drone's hull that only served the drone to know where its attackers were located. The drone's upper torso spun like a top so it faced the rocket crews and with its shoulder cannon it sucked up the VALOR forces into the black hole it had fired.

A draconian guardsman landed on top of the left wrist cannons of an infinite drone as it passed by the roof he was sitting on. The light armoured guard did not even warn the attention of the drone as he slashed at the metal hull with his sword as the armoured infinite continued to lay waste against its organic targets.

[Planet Drakos; Caer Sidi; Chamber of Justice; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 2:49AM]

"Clan Prince Azerigan, Prime Consort to our Royal Majesty, Queen Matriarch Natyria, you stand accused for the destruction of High Wind village, how do you plead?" the draconian crier asked

Azerigan stood before the Queen Matriarch along with her council of advisors that all hailed from different parts of the Draconian Kingdom. The highly decorated chamber had no jury of the imposing dragon's peers as the general public wanted to see Azerigan at the very least killed for what he was believed to have done that would no doubt have bias in their verdict of having him be guilty.

"Innocent." Azerigan answered before the elders

The Queen's advisors began muttering to each other as they traded words but the Matriarch herself didn't partake in the banter instead she continued to stare into her Prime Consort's eyes with unmatched fury but he didn't falter as he stared back just as hard.

"Do you have any proof to prove your innocence Azerigan?" The farthest elder on the left asked

"Only my word as a clan prince and the mate of our Queen." He answered without pause

The elders went back to talking amongst themselves while Natyria continued to think to herself as she heard her advisors opinions in whispers.

"We have heard your words about the infinite before hand, and again you bring no proof of your allocations." A lizard folk elder spoke

"Your right, I didn't." Azerigan answered, "But what would happen if I did? Would you all really be on my side? No you wouldn't, why? Because the infinite have dug their claws so deep into our society that you wouldn't dare to go against them! They saved us from our enslavers, the ghouls, yes." The dragon nodded afterwards, "But how can a race that killed so many just spare us! Something is happening that they aren't telling us and all of you refuse to make any effort into investigating!"

"For what you say Azerigan we still need hard evidence for accusations that large." The elder said when the doors to the law room opened up for a large blue fog to overtake the entire floor.

Lord Vurdamis emerged from the cold blue clouds that hung low to the ground, each of his skull faces that covered his armoured body grinned at the situation in anticipation of what to come out of this trial.

"Sorry about the interruption, I had to come when I heard poor Azerigan here finally snapped." Vurdamis bowed

"I did not 'snap' you monster!" Azerigan yelled at the ice armoured infinite lord

Lord Vurdamis turned to the Queen Matriarch, "Natyria will I be subject to this yelling when I am just trying to represent the infinite fairly?"

"You will not." The well dressed dragoness answered, "Azerigan remain quiet when others are speaking."

"I guess you missed that class at the rookery..."Vurdamis whispered to Azerigan as he laughed

"And the same goes for you Vurdamis, I will not have this place be nothing more than mindless bickering! Natyria ordered, "Now please, Lord Vurdamis do you have any evidence."

"Besides the fact the entire village was burned down and had claw marks so large only Azerigan could have made them and he was caught at the scene? Yes." Lord Vurdamis answered

Using the same large door the infinite lord had entered through, came the same guard that had warned Azerigan about the attack which caused the dragon to immediately cry foul.

"That's not possible, you were dead!" Azerigan yelled

Vurdamis coughed, "He looks plenty alive to me, or is he one of the lucky few you didn't finish off?"

Azerigan answered Vurdamis with a growl as the lizard folk guard stood at the infinite lord's side who stated his case.

"Azerigan was the one who destroyed High Wind, I watch him set fire to everything while mumbling madly about saying the infinite did this. I think he wanted to frame them." The guard said

"I did no such thing!" Azerigan yelled

"See! That's the anger that caused all of this!"

"I only get angry when I'm being lied about!"

Natyria growled so the two would stop arguing, "Enough! Both of you."

Vurdamis sighed, "Queen Natyria I have many more eye witnesses who all share the same view, I don't mean to rush but I still have to capture the Seer and I don't plan on staying for a trial that could last days."

The advisors began talking amongst themselves before one of them whispered to the Queen Matriarch herself of what they thought would be a fair enough punishment.

Natyria nodded at her own answer, "Clan Prince Azerigan, you are sentenced to public execution for your crimes against the Draconian Kingdom."

"Now let's not do anything we might regret." Vurdamis stated that surprised both the Queen and Azerigan, "Yes he did murder in cold blood but there are far worse things than death, I suggest banishment so he could live the rest of his life with a guilty soul."

Queen Matriarch Natyria understood where the infinite lord was coming from and accepted his punishment than that of her advisors.

"Azerigan you are instead banished from the Draconian Kingdom, your possessions will be given to your ex-mate and you are stripped of all prestigious titles that you once had." She said sternly

Vurdamis folded his arms, "A pleasure to see justice has been served..." he laughed

[Dorian Grey; Wing's Hope; Outer farming colony; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 3:50AM]

Captain Ranorin shook in his chair when his flag ship was hit by anther volley of plasma torpedoes from the near by cult controlled war ships.

"Any responses from the ground teams?" Ranorin asked

"No, sir! The bastards have jammed our communications!" a crew member said at her station

Captain Ranorin rubbed his chin as he pushed a button on his chair to open a communication channel with the Seer, "Can you teleport our men back up to us?"

The ship's hull groaned as more rounds impacted the massive star ship with small one man fighters trying their best to take out the stolen battle cruisers.

"No, ship master, I cannot. There is too much interference I can't single them all out." The Seer responded

"Sir, were taking a lot of hits out here..." the private spoke

"Continue firing on those war ships, the Justicar will take out what is ever blocking communications we just need to continue to stay alive."

[Wing's Hope; Outer farming colony; 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 3:55AM]

Several gunner cult monsters traded fire power with a mix of VALOR marines, draconian magi and archers from behind a destroyed barn that once housed the animals the colonists got their food from. The chain guns that jetted out of the gunner's huge tumours on their backs continued to lay down a lethal suppressing fire that kept the human and lizard folk soldiers from fighting back. The gunners groaned as they advanced; their sluggish moments only added to their grotesque appearance, as the ranged focused cult monsters moved out into the open a draconian dragon landed on top of the hideous experiments flatting them all under its massive weight.

An infinite drone wrestled a dragoness to the ground, the beast clawed at its glowing red eye to no effect while the machine held her by the neck and with its free hand it started to pummel the draconian's face with repeated punches. The dragoness' face became swollen and bloodied as the drone choked the beast to keep her in place so it could continue to swing at her causing her head to hit the ground with every swing. The consort of the dragoness that was being beaten within an inch of her left grab hold of the drone by the shoulders and threw the machine into a farm house where it was utterly flattened by the drone. The dragon helped his mate from the ground and with both of their combined breaths of fire they turned the fallen infinite drone into molten slag causing it to boil and dissolve into itself.

The Justicar tired to activate any of his communication systems but again nothing had worked for him. Several marines and draconian guardsman ran passed the knight to help support anther group that was setting up to ambush the infinite drone that was referred by Lord Havoc as "Commander".

The infinite commander walked leisurely through out the battlefield that was the colony of Wing's Hope, stray ammunition bounced harmless off its thick armour plating and magic was absorbed by the same defences as well.

A dragon ran straight towards the infinite commander but the machine made no pause in its walk, it simply fired it primary shoulder cannon and sucked the large beast into a black hole along with a couple buildings that were destroyed instantaneously. The silent commander continued to give telepathic orders to its unintelligent soldiers when a VALOR grade rocket struck the side armour of it. The infinite commander turned immediately to face the attack when VALOR troops began sticking powerful explosives all onto one of the squid like legs of the drone commander. The rocket crew began to pull back when they saw their distraction worked perfectly as when the commander walked ahead to follow its attackers the explosive charges went off causing the machine to fall to the ground. As the commander tried to get back up three dragons landed around the wounded prey and with their powerful arms they began to pull apart the commander into thirds but not before it sent a distress call to Lord Havoc.

The Justicar's helmet buzzed with static until he heard the clear voice of Captain Ranorin, "Come in ground teams, this is Captain Ranorin, come in."

"Yeah, it's us, this whole thing has been a fucking trap, and Serverus must have known this was coming." Arjun answered angrily

"Serverus? I'll have a security team find him immediately. Stand by for pick u-" The captain suddenly paused as Arjun watched the rest of the VALOR forces mop up the rest of the cult monsters, "I'm picking a huge energy readying right on top of your position..."

Suddenly out of now where materialized Lord Havoc, the enormous black mechanical spider completely towered over the entire colony as his massive body put everything in darkness as he blocked out the sun.

Lord Havoc impaled the last of his own drones with his colossal front left leg that destroyed the machine instantly, "Waste of energy." He said

The infinite lord's pincer hands began to cackle with dark energy, and with a loud bang his claws began firing the same anti-matter weaponry his drone shoulder cannons used but at a much higher rate of fire that flattened everything. Lord Havoc cackled as the pathetic organic firepower tickled his protective energy shield and even the powerful draconian dragon's fire did nothing to him as well.

"I am the general of the Void God's army! I have conquered entire universes! What hope do you think you have!?" Lord Havoc yelled as he fired more powerful dark matter rounds at the tiny organic like the vermin they were to him

Lord Havoc's torso opened up and several cannons extended from his backside that fired artillery rounds into the air that out right destroyed the ground they touched. His mad laughter that echoed out of his metal shell was only played down from the defining explosions caused from his advanced weaponry.

"You cannot win!" Lord Havoc cackled

The Justicar narrowly avoided being sucked into one of the black hole rounds himself thanks too his power armour unfortunately the draconian militia that were with him didn't have his reaction time and where sucked into their painful deaths. With his sword in hand the Justicar leaped from building to building in increased heights so he could be on par with that of the enormous spider shaped infinite lord.

"I will make this realm burn!" Lord Havoc yelled to intimidate the powerless organics

The Justicar stood on the tallest grain silo he could find that was on eye level with the mechanical beast.

"I hope this works..." Arjun whispered to himself before he pointed his sword at Lord Havoc, "I'm over here you over grown insect!"

The infinite lord immediately turned his skull shaped head to see the Justicar in front of his eyes.

"Your life energy will be a gift to the Void God!" Lord Havoc announced as his eyes glowed intensely to vaporize the Justicar into nothingness

Arjun leaped forward as the grain silo was disintegrated from the attack onto the top of Lord Havoc's skull and began running where the artillery guns that were still firing on his fellow soldiers. With his powerful strength the Justicar went up and bent one of the large cannon barrels so it couldn't fire properly and before Lord Havoc fired a round through his broken cannon the Justicar leaped off as the resulting blast created a chain reaction that did enough damage on the inside to bring the infinite lord's shields down.

Explosions rocked all around the infinite lord as the combined VALOR and Draconian forces threw the rest of what they had at the mammoth sized machine but Lord Havoc did not stop his own attacks as even though his defence was down the organic's weaponry was much too small calibre to even injure him let alone destroy him.

"We are going to need a bigger shoe!" A marine with rocket launcher said as he watched his round did absolutely nothing to the leg he was targeting

The Justicar laughed when he got an idea from the soldier's comment, "Ranorin, can you give us fire support?"

"We can, these cult ships are going down now that the Seer has bothered to help..." Ranorin stated

"Ship master, it is quite difficult to cause the enemy vessels to explode on a whim..." The Seer answered

"You want us to hit the power signature?" Ranorin asked

"With everything you've got." Arjun answered

The Justicar ordered for his soldiers to move away from the infinite lord as far as they could and when the draconians saw the VALOR troops pulling back they did so as well. The sky glowed intensely in various colors from the different types of ammunitions that were being shot faster than the speed of light towards the planet below. Rail gun fire and powerful nukes that were designed to take out enemy capital ships pounded the hull of Lord Havoc in huge explosions that sent shockwaves knocking all the ground troops onto the ground but the infinite lord remained undamaged from the bombardment.

"Your petty technology is no match for the might of the infinite!" Lord Havoc yelled triumphantly

The Justicar pushed a button on his wrist pad to communicate with the heavy weapon teams and Captain Ranorin simultaneously, "Maybe if we can focus fire a part of his body we can penetrate his armour!"

"I'll bring the ship's main gun online, just give us the target." Ranorin answered

With the use of his wrist pad the Justicar painted a green laser onto the forehead of the skull of Lord Havoc as the massive machine paid no attention to the tiny organic. VALOR rocket teams targeted the area that was highlighted on their Head's Up Display and began firing the last of their ammunition as the Dorian Grey as well fired the remaining shells it had left in its main cannon. Lord Havoc's head was pushed to the ground from the force of the impacts of the human star cruiser causing small armour plating around his skull to become too damaged to protect the important circuitry inside.

The Justicar stood in front of the damaged face of Lord Havoc with his sword gripped with both hands as the massive machine prepared to fire its laser eye vision.

"Divert all power to weapon." The Justicar ordered.

As the Justicar's suit began to build power within his sword while the Seer began teleporting both VALOR and Draconian troops to the damaged star ship. His blade glowed intensely as Arjun could feel the power behind in his attack building that would be the final blow against Lord Havoc.

"You organics are nothing! I am eternal! I. AM.-"Havoc boomed before the Justicar interrupted him

"Get the fuck out of my realm"

The Justicar took several steps forward and with all his strength he threw his super charged blade straight into the open wound of Lord Havoc. The infinite lord raised his head in the air as energy cackled around his body as ammunition storages began to detonate from inside his suit caused by the Justicar's final attack.

The Seer teleported both the Justicar and his weapon onboard so the Dorian Grey could move away from the planet's orbit by going into hyper space. Lord Havoc yelled in anger as the chain reactions hit his suit's reactor and breached it that engulfed the entire planet into one super massive black hole.

The Justicar took off his helmet with sweat across his forehead that patted his brown air down. He walked up to Captain Ranorin who had a bloodied nose from hitting his head against his chair during the battle against the ambushing fleet.

"They captured a number of troops, and Liken." Arjun said softly to the captain

"Then maybe Serverus could offer information on their whereabouts..." Ranorin answered

[The Shadow Core; Dark Spire, Construction Quarter 3,568 A.D, November 26th, 4:00AM]

Shadow master Malero Alterus took a measurement of Liken's skull with his measuring tape as he hummed a tune to himself and began putting the numbers down on his note book as she awoke to find herself in chains.

The half lizard folk alien made sure the valgary was looking at him before he spoke "Hello, my name is Malero. I'll be your doctor for the rest of your life."