Morals { Balto/Steele } (Short )

Story by Nanohaybugcha on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I do not own Balto, or any of it's characters.

Warning: This is a slash story meaning that two males will be the dominant pairing. This is a one-sided relationship story.

~0*0~0*0~ Story Start! 0*0~0*0~

Balto was confused. He was confused about his linage. He was confused about his feelings. But mostly he was confused about his sexuality.

Sure he knew he liked Jenna... He just wasn't sure he _loved_her. At first he had been afraid about expressing his doubts to the small crimson Husky, but when the truth had been told, she had simply smiled, nodding understandingly. She only requested that before they went separate ways that he give her a litter of pups. Balto had agreed, knowing that it had always been Jenna's dream to be a mother.

...But when the pups came along, Balto had found it imposable to go. They were his children, he loved them. He couldn't just leave them, they were the family he had always prayed for.

And so the years came and went... he stayed by Jenna's side and watched their children grow to be fine adults.

He still dreamed of running lose and free of course. He would often dream of running sled team with a certain black furred Malamute, and being his mate. He would dream large shoulders, lean muscle, and a deep bellowing laugh, always waking up in a sweat.

But family was family, and Balto was a Wolf of morals... even if those morals left him heartbroken.