Matheau and Beijore:: Sneak Peek

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Sneak Peek:: Matheau and Beijore Novel opening Intro

To all of my Loyal Matheau and Beijore fans, i have decided to give a special little treat. This is the opening Introduction of the Matheau and Beijore Novel. I wanted to see what people thought, and if i could get any feedback on it. And i may be possibly considering sharing a little bit more, if i can get enough requests.........

An arc of lightning flashed across the night sky, momentarily lighting even the heavens with the glow. Moment later, a crack of thunder pierced the night air before rolling off into the distance. Rain fell down in thick sheets upon the kingdom of Alexandria. But this was no ordinary kingdom. There were no streets with people rushing to get out of the rain. There was no tavern where the people were enjoying drink, the warmth of the fire, and company of others. No, Alexandria was anything but a normal kingdom. It was a kingdom of the dragons.

Rather than castles, lording manors, and the buildings of the residents clustered together, the kingdom was allowed to blossom and grow with its own natural beauty. The kingdom of Alexandria was not just a small town or city either. Its boundaries stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles in every direction, taking residence in many locations. Mountains, meadows, forests, plains, swamps.....Alexandria's borders even took up some of the glacial territories of the far, far northern reaches.

Ruling over this beautiful kingdom were the dragons Matheau and Beijore Stratford. Like her kingdom, Beijore was a natural beauty. Her body was slim, sensual, yet terrifyingly strong. Her eyes were pools of deep, rich emerald, and from her tail tip to her snout, she was nearly thirty feet in length. Beijore was beautiful, graceful, but had a deadly temperament when she was angered, or her family was threatened. Her body was covered almost entirely in gorgeous sapphire blue scales, save for the golden scales of her breast and belly.

Whereas Beijore was thin and delicate in frame, King Matheau was anything but. At nearly forty feet in length, Matheau's body was large and full of muscles, yet it was not bulky in any way, and it did not take away from his grace in flight. With scales the color of rubies, when he flew against the sunlit sky, he almost seemed as though he were on fire. His eyes burned crimson red, and like his queen, his underbelly was golden in color.

As another exceptionally loud crack of thunder split the night air, another sound joined nature's orchestra in the lair of the king and queen. It was the frightened shrieks of children, three of them to be exact. Matheau and Beijore had been together for as long as anyone could remember, and they were seldom seen alone. Throughout Alexandria's history, war raged with the humans and the dwarves, and the elves, all of the races outside of Alexandria's borders that wanted the beautiful and plentiful land for themselves. When Matheau became the king, instead of fighting, he wanted peace so that they could all live in existence. During the times of these peace talks, Beijore had conceived three children from her mate, and these three children were now frightened of the storm.

"When will it stop?" The youngest of the children (though only by a few moments) asked. He was Matheau's only son out of his three children. His name was Aurokhan, and though he was most definitely his father's son, he got all of his beauty from his mother. His scales shone a white that contrasted perfectly with the freshly fallen snow of the mountains. His eyes nearly matched his mother's, though his eyes were just a lighter shade of emerald than Beijore's.

"It looks as though this storm will be with us for a good while." Beijore announced to everyone. The children groaned as they stared forlornly out into the rain. "But mamma, we want to go outside and play." This came from Jocelyn, the eldest of the three children. Though Jocelyn was young, she showed an almost sagely intellect that Matheau knew she had to have gotten from her mother. Jocelyn's scales shone like black diamonds, and her parents both knew that once she was older, the black coloring would give her an unbeatable edge for hunting. But being parents, what they were most concerned about was her beauty. When she came of age to choose a mate, she would have her choice of any dragon she wanted, as well as the affections of many others, they were sure.

"Now all of you know full well that you can't go outside in this kind of weather." Matheau rumbled softly as he came from further back in the cave towards the group of his family assembled at the cave's mouth, his daughter Sasha hot on his heels. Despite her brother and sister's coloring, it was Sasha who had been the biggest surprise of all. She was practically inseparable from her father, save for the obvious size difference. The same beautiful ruby red scales, the same intense, burning crimson eyes; she even had her father's attitude and carried herself in a manner very much like her father. From her birth, she had always followed her father around. Though Matheau did not play favorites, for he disciplined and rewarded the children equally, Sasha was most definitely a daddy's girl.

"Your father is right." Beijore said, turning her head to welcome her mate with an affectionate nuzzle and a soft kiss. "You could easily be hurt out there. So why don't you all find something to do inside until the storm passes?" There was another louder chorus of groans from the children, followed by a chuckle from Matheau. "There is nothing to do inside!" Sasha said, making her voice heard for the first time that evening. "There aren't even any good hiding places."

"Why don't you read a story?" Beijore suggested. "Better yet, why don't your father and I tell you a story? It has been quite a while since we last had some quiet family time together." Being the kind of dragon that he was, Matheau had insisted upon them having family time at least once a week. But of course, being the king and queen with all of their duties and responsibilities, this rarely happened. As it so happened, the children were thrilled at the idea. They loved the stories that their parents came up with.

"I want to hear a story with romance and passion." Jocelyn said softly. Aurokhan was appalled with the idea, and he said as much when he held his throat and acted as though he were going to throw up. "I want to hear a story that's full of adventure, and battle, and glory!" Aurokhan said, causing Jocelyn to sneer. "You are a barbaric beast." She mumbled while Aurokhan stuck his tongue out at her.

"What about you, Sasha?" Matheau asked, making sure that all of the children got a chance to make a suggestion as to the type of story that would be told to them. Sasha looked first at her father, then to her mother, and even spared a glance to her siblings, who looked on the verge of fighting with one another. "I want to hear a real story." Sasha said firmly. "The made up ones are good, but I want to hear a story that really happened, something that happened before we were born."

Matheau and Beijore looked to one another and gave a knowing nod. No words needed to be exchanged between them, because they both knew what the other was thinking. They laid down side by side, entwining their tails together in a way that only dragons who were truly in love could. "As it so happens," Matheau said, motioning for the children to get comfortable. "We have a story that is full of romance, adventure, battle, and it really happened."

"It is the story of how your father and I met, and how we came to be the king and queen of Alexandria, and how we came to have three beautiful children." Beijore added, looking fondly at her children, who watched and listened to their parents intently. "This is a long story." Matheau cautioned. "And there will be no interruptions. You can ask questions afterwards. Do any of you need to heed nature's call?" All of them shook their heads, eager to start the story. Matheau nodded and cleared his throat. "This story starts many years ago, when I was not as I appear now......

End of Intro