Boys Lives - Andy’s Story - Part 1 - Daddies Girl

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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Boys Lives - Andy's Story - Part 1 - Daddies Girl

By: DarkSerpent

Pay close attention to the titles in each of these stories I will chronicle a period of the boys lives through each of their eyes. This is the starts of the final season of this series.

I let out a soft yawn and sat up slowly. Wiping my eyes I looked at the window. My personal little portal to the beautiful world around my home. I smiled and stood stretching before moving to the bathroom. Soft snores came from the other rooms as I stepped up in front of the mirror. I smiled at the mirror seeing the soft cream colored bunny staring back. A large brown patch lay around my left eye. Long blonde hair stretched to my upper back. My frame was slender and perfect, almost female without the breasts.

"Good morning," I jokingly smiled at myself and grabbed my toothbrush. I began to brush my teeth when my brother stepped in. The tall muscular soft red and orange kangaroo yawning. His entire body was near god like with lots of thick muscle. Two short horns sticking up from his head as he moved to the toilet. "Morning," He yawned and gave my butt a soft pat. "Morning Curt," I muffled back and rinsed out my mouth. He started to use the bathroom to no surprise. He was the captain of the football team and used to just going in front of other guys.

I turned and moved back to my room to get ready for school. My dad's heavy hoof prints moved down the hall as I slid on my short top. "Hi daddy!" I yelled and he grumbled back a response that I truly couldn't understand. I grabbed my jeans and slid them on having them hug my big hips. Tying my hair back I completed my female look. It truly wasn't needed, everyone at school already thought I was a girl. I headed to breakfast seeing my brothers fighting over the shower. Luke trying to push Curt out while curt tried to do the same.

Luke was always slim and fit just like mommy Matt. The best was to describe him was the cutest demon you ever could see. Wings, hooves, long tail, and horns gave him that appearance of classic demons in old books. "Boys cut it out," My momma walked past us. "Yes momma," They both grumbled and shared the bathroom. Moving to the kitchen I saw mommy Glenn making my daddy breakfast. "Here ya go sweetie," He leaned over setting a plate in front of him. "Thanks honey," Dad planted a small kiss on his lips. I hugged my big strong daddy from behind kissing his cheek.

"Hi baby," He kissed mine back. "Hi daddy, your coming to the game tonight aren't you?" I asked and next to him. "Of course we are," Matt spoke from behind me as he slid my cereal in front of me. "Wouldn't miss my baby cheering it for the world," Daddy muffled out with his mouth full. "Hey what about me playing?" Curt stepped in with his book bag. "Of course we'll be watching you play to," Adam kissed his cheek and sat his cereal in front of him. Luke sat down quietly at the end of the table staring at his algebra 2 book. He was the brains of all of us; he got strait A's and was in all advanced classes. Glenn gave him his pop tart which was pretty much all he ate during the day.

We all ate breakfast and suddenly a car horn came from outside. "There's my ride, c'mon Luke," Curt smiled and him and looked quickly ran outside. "I don't like Curt and Luke piling in that car with four other boys," Matt huffed picking up there dishes. "It's the football team honey, let them do it now and this winter he can go back to the limo with me," Daddy spoke and Matt sighed. Dad knew what to do to keep order in the house; we knew if dad was mad we were screwed. He was strict but could also be the nicest guy ever. He bought Luke a brand new laptop because of his report card. Then turned right around and took Curt's cell phone and ran it through the garbage disposal when he found out about the cigarettes. My daddy was old fashioned but he always told us it was for the best.

Another car horn came from outside and I quickly sat up. "Oh that's Daku, I gotta go!" I smiled and rushed to my room to get my things. "Tell Daku to be careful the roads are wet today!" Adam yelled and I nodded. "Ok mom," I kissed him goodbye and rushed out the door. Daku sat waiting in his old beat up hot rod. "Hi Daku!" I waved and ran down to the car hoping the passenger side. "Hey Andy," He smiled and I stared at him. He was my life long crush, the person one person I loved outside my family. He was a big muscular shark with orca colorations, an orca tail, and very sharp teeth. He pressed the gas down and we slowly pulled away and moved down the road.

"So what's on your agenda for today?" I asked him. "Oh nothing much, just gotta head to swim practice after school," He smiled. "Like you need it," I smirked. "True," We stopped at a red light. We talked the whole time we were on our way to school. It always seemed to come so naturally between us. I never ever really seemed to have to try and come up with random topics. "So any cute guys on your swim team this year?" I asked leaning back. "Maybe I don't know yet but I do know there was one very cute girl," He seemed to fade out.

I gave him a look and he didn't flinch. I never heard him talk about any girl ever before. I always thought he was gay, hell he flirted with me enough to make me think that. But with this new information I was completely unsure. "Oh well, maybe you could ask her out," I sighed and he smiled at me. "And why would I do that?" He smirked. "Well you're a handsome guy so it shouldn't be too hard for you," I teased making him blush. We pulled up to school and got out heading inside. Today was going to be an interesting day because after school I had to go to the doctors. Being an SOMT I was required to get bi monthly checks ups.

I headed to the large lunch room to wait for the morning bell to ring. Daku wandered off to be with his friends and I noticed Curt standing in a corner by him. I made my way over to him slowly and stopped next to him. "Hi Curt is something wrong?" I asked and he shrugged me off walking away. "Is Curt ok?" I asked walking over to Luke. "Oh his girlfriend dumped him this morning for a college guy," Luke muttered his nose buried in his book. "Oh poor guy," I looked at him stop and kick the wall. Suddenly the bell rang and I ran off to first period.

The day slowly moved by and I worried about Curt. His was my little brother by a few seconds' minutes. He was the only bi one of the three of us. We usually got picked on because of us either being gay or half breeds. Curt would rush in and instantly the taunts would stop. He was the strongest of us but he had a naturally small heart. He never opened up and held everything in and we always knew at sometime he would snap. Before I knew it the lunch bell rang and I moved to lunch. I shared lunch with Luke and since I was the cheerleading captain I was surrounded by girls. But I always made a spot for my little brother.

Making the short trip through the line I quickly sat down becoming surrounded by girls. Luke came out after a while and sat next to me. We all talked about everything while Luke did his homework. Suddenly a large elephant from the football team walked up. "Good afternoon ladies," he smiled and we all giggled. "Hey Andy how about you and me go out this Friday after the game?" he smiled and I rolled my eyes. "And why would I do that?" I continued my brother looking up at him. "Cause you're a really sexy girl and I'm a hot guy," He flexed his muscles and I shrugged him off. "Sorry I don't date guys like you," I laughed to myself. He sighed and walked off slowly one of many who have asked me out and failed. Not that I didn't find them cute, but my heart belonged to someone else.

"Does no one in this school know you're a boy?" my cat girlfriend asked. "Nope to everyone even the teachers I'm a girl," I smiled and they all laughed. Luke even let out a small chuckle and Daku came up behind me planting a small kiss on my cheek. "I don't have much time baby, I just wanted to stop and give you a kiss," He kissed my cheek again and slowly walked away. "Daku is my man and that's that," I sighed and they all made a small aw. "Is he your boyfriend?" Luke asked looking up at me. "Oh no, nothing official we just like being around each other and doing things together," I looked down. Another bell came suddenly and I stood up. The group parted and we all moved back to class.

More classes past slowly before I heard the classic announcement. "Mr. Dane? Do you have an Andy Mills? In your class?" The women over the intercom asked and the teacher replied with a yes. "Could you please send him down to the attendance office someone is here to pick him up," The intercom clicked off. I smiled and gathered my things slowly walking out. I waved by to my friends and headed down to office. Daddy stood by the door with his briefcase under his arm. "Hi baby, ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. We headed out to the limo and he opened up the door for me. "Hi uncle Jeffy," I smiled and the black wolf smiled back. "Where to madam?" He teased and I blushed. "I have a doctor's appointment," I smiled and he pulled away. Daddy sat next to me and slid his arm around me. I loved my dad so I cuddled up against him.

It took a while but we arrived at the particular building and stepped out. Soon I was sitting in a little medical room with my dad sitting in the chair across the room. "Is this one going to involve a shot like last time?" I asked. "No honey no shots this time, that was your last one," He smiled at me. I hated the doctors, I always had to be poked and prodded and it usually forced me into a heat. The heat I go into always made me want sex but Daku was never around. I let out a short sigh and the door opened letting the small fox enter. "Good afternoon Andy and how are you today?" He asked writing on his clipboard. "Oh I'm good doctor," I pulled my paper gown down over my knees.

"Well we need a few samples and have to check a few things then you're free to go," He smiled and I nodded. Standing up I leaned over the bed resting my upper body on the bed. I looked back blushing knowing my daddy could see my bare bottom raised in the air. My tail flickered and suddenly the doctors gloved hands rested on my ass. I bit my lip trying to hold back any moans or groans that could escape. His hands ran over my ass and I felt him slid the scapula into my ass. The intense feeling make me jump as he forced open my ass.

He slid a finger into my open orifice and lightly pressed his finger onto my womb. "Ok nice restriction," He muttered and grabbed a strange device from a tray. He slid it into me and lightly pressed in against my womb. I let out a soft gasp at the cold metal but then gritted my teeth as it pushed into my womb. It felt so strange to have an item inside me gathering a sample of the liquid in my uterus. With a very gentle tug he removed it and I gasped at the empty feeling. "Ok now just have to go a little deeper," He whispered and grabbed a different tool. The cold feeling made me shiver as it slowly moved deeper into my bowels. I gasped and groaned as it probed deeper until he reach an appropriate spot. He twisted it and I made a small squeak as it turned.

My member grew hard, my full three inches sticking up. He slowly began to pull back and sat the tool aside. A small pinch and he pulled the scapula out of my ass letting me relax. "Ok now I need a semen sample please," He handed me a cup. I moved to the next room and sat on a provided chair. I got comfortable and began stroking myself. The stimulation from earlier made this quick session. A few moments passed of me fucking me hand before I exploded. My light blue cum shooting into the cup as I placed a hand on the wall to support myself. Soft gasps escaped my lips and I instantly knew I was in heat. "Fuck," The word softly escaped my lips. I put the lid on the cup and composed myself. Stepping out I handed it to the doctor.

The hour of him examining my body in every single possible way continued brutally. Being in heat and enduring this was killing me. Having this cute older fox poke and prod my soft bunny fur only made me hornier. But the second I was about to climax again he stepped back. "Alright Andy your all done," he snapped his gloves off and I whispered a curse under my breath. He spoke to my dad for a second before we moved out into the hall and he talked to the lady behind the desk. It seemed like forever and I tapped my foot harder with each minute.

I couldn't wait to make it home and rub one out. We left the doctors and headed home. The only male in the seat with me was my dad and when you're in heat you just don't care. I stared at him intently examining every single little feature. His mature face, his strong arms, that bright gold nose ring. It was terrible because every single aspect of my father was turning me on. "You alright Andy?" He asked and patted my back. "Yes I'm fine daddy," I whimpered and he slid his arm around me. I loved Daku with all my heart but at the moment he wasn't here. The only person was the alpha male of my family and his arm was snuggly around me. His hand resting softly on my hip almost pushing me over the edge. Incest wasn't something I was interesting in but as I mentioned before when you're in heat you don't care.

As I got ready to make my move we arrived home. The door opened and I let out a frustrated grumble as we got out. Luckily no one was home and I had my daddy all to myself. He moved inside and went strait to his study. I moved up to my room and began looking for something to change into. My mother had a certain style that my dad loved and that was the classic tight shirt and miniskirt. Ever since I could remember my mother would take me out to buy cloths and he style rubbed off on me. I changed into my best and quickly moved down to dad's study.

Pushing the door open slightly I peeked in seeing him working on some papers. This was the best time to ask him for anything. He was usually so busy he didn't know what he was saying yes too. I pushed the door open and he looked up at me. "Oh that's a cute outfit honey?" he smiled and I blushed. "You like it?" I twirled making my skirt rise up. "Of course it's very pretty on you," he leaned back and I moved up sitting on his lap. I made sure to put a lot of pressure on his crotch and I sat down. He let out a soft groan as I sat there looking at his papers. I only needed a brief second of him getting hard to make my move.

I waited patiently grinding back against him as I looked at his papers. "Daddy? What do you do for a living?" I asked and he huffed. "I told you a thousand times...I'm a CEO," He patted my back and I felt that strong staff of flash push against me. "Oh daddy are you happy to see me?" I giggled teasing him making him blush. "Baby maybe you should stop," He grabbed my hips and I gasped. He made a slight gasp as I let my tail flicker across his chest. "Do I make you happy daddy?" I asked and he blushed. "I'm being bad you should punish your baby," I leaned down pushing my butt up in front of him. The wait took and eternity but after a moment I felt his strong hand slap my ass making a loud thwack. I jumped at the sensation and he groaned.

"This isn't right Andy," He whispered and I reached back holding his hand. I continued grinding against his crotch and longing to have him inside me. "Make love to your baby daddy, please make me feel better," I whispered and his hand gripped my ass. Luckily with no protest my dad kissed my bare bottom softly make me shiver. He slid down my panties and I suddenly felt his hot breath press against my ass. I shivered softly whispering "Daku," mixed with "Daddy," He growled softly and I felt his tongue touch my pucker and softly push into me. I moaned lightly feeling his tongue swirl around inside me for a few moments. Daku and I had never tried this before. It was so strange but so amazingly pleasant.

"Mmm baby you taste so good," he whispered and kiss my bum gently. "Is my daddy gonna make love to me?" I whispered and moved up. I felt his strong cock press against my ass making me quiver. Daku and I had made love before but he wasn't built like my dad. He had two large cocks but my dad had one massive one. The strong head pressed against my entrance and begin pushing in slowly. I gritted my teeth and suddenly he was inside me.

My own father was inside me. The same member that had made me was now throbbing inside of me. Freud was right, every boy wants to make love to his mom and every daughter wants to make love to her dad. I was the closet thing to a daughter dad had so this made perfect sense. He pushed harder and suddenly he was buried deep into me. His waist pressed up onto me.

"Hold still baby," He held onto me as he pulled back. As he created room inside me I groaned before he plowed back into me. I moaned and he grabbed my ears pushing the out of my face. He held my ears like handle bars as he fucked me wildly. My daddy was a monster; I now knew why my mom's loved him so much. Any man who could fuck like this was and amazing catch for any man or women. His waist slammed against me harder and harder. I was already cumming, my entire body quivering as I exploded onto the floor. I groaned with every thrust still being pushed past the point of no return.

He kissed my neck repeatedly making me reach back and grip his horns. I clenched down on his member making myself tighter. My daddy started to huff and grunt as he tried to breed with his baby. "Daddy I love you! I love you so much!" I let out a loud groan. "I love you to!" He let out a low grunt and I felt the first strand explode into me. I stood shaking and quivering as he filled up my bowels. I soon passed out from the pleasure and passed out on my daddies' desk. What happened next was a mystery all I knew was that I was no longer horny.

I woke hours later cuddled up to my pillow wondering if what had happened was a dream. At three in the morning I wasn't too concerned. I got ready for school early and peeked in on my moms and dad. They were fast asleep in bed and I could smell the thick scent of sex in the air. With a small yawn I made myself breakfast and got ready for another day of high school.

To be continued.