Hope and Dreams part 11

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#11 of h+D

here we go. i just want to point out first i am done with the story and im pretty proud of it, im just going back and adding little details before i give it too you guys. :P im not this fast a writer TRUST me. oh, and Ruth of Pern who dropped in here a fiew times is the my amazing editor. SHOUT OUT FOR RUTH!!!! without him, my stories would be jumbbled and fuuuullllllll of spelling errors. :P

aaaaannnnyyyyway,here you are. :P

They walked out onto the field, it was grass, but it was the actual size of a football field. Coach had them do laps, forcing Nathan's arm off Issac's shoulder. At first Issac was avoiding looking at Nathan, what had just happened was rather embarrassing/romantic/conflicting.

Once more Issac had needed to be saved, his manhood, wherever it stood, just took a step lower if it was possible. At the same time, holy crap that was sweet. Nathan had just saved him from the bully. But in the back of his mind Issac felt like a traitor. He was sleeping under Vincent's roof, and after their love fluster of confusion Issac was falling for the new guy. He knew he shouldn't feel that way, and worse he knew it was pointless, but deep down Issac couldn't help it. He knew with annoyance Jeromy's words had got to him.

Then again Issac wasn't even sure when Nathan walked into the lockers. Did he just see the beating or hear the whole breakdown? Did he hear about them living together?

"Hey your pretty quick buddy, slowdown will yah?" Nathan asked, coming up beside the quick dog. Issac gave a confused look then realized in his zone out he was running ahead of the pack. He pulled back and started breathing hard to fake it.

"Don't push yourself". Jeromy mocked knocking him out of the way and taking the lead with his group.

Issac rolled his eyes, slowing down more. Nathan looked at him, running backwards, his face a confused one.

"Ok you are a continuous circle of self pity".

Issac blinked. "Excuse me?".

"Your openly gay, but ashamed of it. They pick on you, and you only fight back weakly now and then. That misery is building up into your next breakdown which will be silenced, forgotten and turned into more misery. And then there's the fact that you're too scared to change". Nathan added in an as a matter of fact way. Then he went back to running forward.

Issac was quiet honestly blown away. He recovered a while later. "When exactly did you piece all that together?"

"Just today, I want to be a psychiatrist". Nathan shrugged, smiling a smug smile. "I've been told I'm pretty good".

"Umm....I'm not gay I'm bi". Issac tossed in weakly, trying to fake a smug smile. Nathan smiled too, turning Issac's into a laugh.

"Oh, and I forgot to add that you're not even aware of the obvious fact that you can pull yourself out of this spiral easily".

Issac gave him a look, the coach stopping them, handing them a football and selecting captains.

Issac, Nathan and Jeromy were on the same team. They were playing touch football, an easy going game just to get the heart pumping, but everyone knew that with same gender gym classes the boys were always playing to win.

"Ok who's QB?". Their captain, a rather lanky otter asked. No one volunteered right away.

"Fine I got this. My names Nathan I'm kinda new here". Nathan pointed out, readying to accept the punt.

"Fag!" Jeromy coughed into his arm, getting laughs from some, and eye rolls from others.

Issac's head was on Nathan's last words. He kinda laughed at himself because apparently it was obvious, that bit of info just annoying the crap out of him. The ball was up and Nathan caught it, tucking it close to his chest and started running. He was tall and fast, but seemed uneasy in the sense that he probably couldn't change directions fast enough to matter in touch football.

Issac casually kept pace, they were just about to hit the charging adversaries when Nathan called to Issac, grabbing his attention.

"Slow down!" Issac did, falling behind and watched in horror as the ball was tossed back to him. "Now run!"

To be honest, Issac just stood their having an Ah-ha moment, the pieces clicking. His feet. His previous curse was what Nathan thought could save him. But he realized he needed to run, even against Jeromy's groans about how Issac couldn't run jack shit.

He shot forward, his legs dashing him by the charging guys, he weaves by them, never stopping, and never getting touched. He made it to the end zone, turning to face the class.

The looks where all speechless, even Nathan, probably not expecting such results himself. Issac found only joy in their awe, like he was the......he was the center of attention. He handed the ball back to a horse with a pinny, casually walking into his teams praise.

"Damn man, where the hell did that come from?". "Yeah man good on ya". And high fives where his favorite responses.

"Told you". Nathan said, handing the returned ball to Jeromy, who insisted on kicking it. Nathan wore a cocky, all knowing smile until the end of class. Their team won.


"Need to shower?". Nathan asked teasingly.

"Not with you. And not with Jeromy within a four mile radius". Issac spoke casually, trying to hide the stupid smile on his face.

Nathan frowned, putting on his tee and his jacket. "Ok then, what do you want to do?"

Issac packed the rest of his things away in his oh too heavy bag. "Go to class, see you tomorrow".

"I meant after school". Nathan clarified. "Some coffee, a movie, come to my house, I don't know something".

"Can't, I need to find a job, do schoolwork and hit the gym". Issac said, about to walk into his next class.

"Well....my dad could ways use help, I could get you a job. And what gym would that be?".

Issac stopped him. "Look, thanks but to be honest I don't know you enough yet to take a job, and you're being obsessive slash overbearing again".

"So then coffee". Nathan said more then asked. "And I'm sorry. I just feel.....different around you, like you're real and truthful and I need to help you blossom or whatever and......I don't know, butterflies". He said lamely, his hands in his pockets, his eyes looking down for an invisible can to kick.

He actually seemed nervous for once. "And I just poured my heart out to you in public and you didn't SEEM weirded out".

Issac looked up at his savior, rocking back and forth on his heels. Issac knew he would crack so he just decided to tell the wolf.

"Ok, I go to Dynamic Form Gym like ten minutes from here. I'll call you later about that coffee and the job". Issac paused, giving an awkward smile and waving goodbye.

The wolf smirked, pulling the dog in for a hug. Isaac's face was in his firm chest, his body melting into place like Nathans body had been crafted as the mold to Isaac's. "I think after this morning we can manage a hug." He said quietly, releasing the dog and walking away

The white wolf smiled, waving and departing. Isaac just stood their blushing for a moment, but returned to his thoughts. He had a lot to do....


Vincent was unusually late from his extra thing. He appeared to have gotten over the scene at lunch, and the two left for the gym.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what your extra thing is?" Issac asked, rolling down his window.

"It's an extra sciences class so I get some early medical college credits. Their tough man, the body is a complicated thing, and so many different species to learn about. But that's not important...."

"Is too". Issac said. "Damn man, good for you doing all that".

"Thanks, but I mean you showing up Jeromy....."

Issac froze in his seat, how had he forgotten the fucking fight?! "Shoot turn around! To Pizza Shack!"

Vincent gave him a shocked look for the outburst, but obeyed. "What's wrong? You can't want pizza before the gym can you?"

"Forget the pizza, Nathan is fighting Jeromy! Oh fucking a, how did I forget?!" They pulled into an empty parking lot, it was already like two hours past the meeting time, what Issac had expected was a mystery to him, he pulled out his phone and called the number Nathan gave him.

Another guy picked up the phone with a casual "Hello?"

"Hi is Nathan there? It's Issac". There was a little yelling for Nathan to pick up the phone, and he did.


"How was the fight?! Shot I totally forgot!" Issac stammered that self-disappointment you get from letting someone down washing over him like the water at Lake Enix.

Issac could practically see the wolfs grin. "We'll add forgetful to that list. Umm I'm fine, his ego is hurt but he'll be Ok. I didn't really do more than block his hits and like slap him in the side of the head to make a point, then he stomped off fuming about how he would have won if practice wasn't so soon". Nathan laughed. "It was funny actually. Glad you care".

"Don't let it go to your head". Issac fumed, angry the wolf had had it so easy then heard him groveling his apologies; hanging up, and silencing his phone. Turning to Vincent. "He's fine, apparently Jeromy got his ego beaten down".

Vincent smiled. "He did seem a bit off today".


Behind Vincent's smile was a pained bear. Literally after a weekend this little dog had thrown him into a spiral of self-evaluation and realization. But how could he ever be bi? He didn't look at other men that way? He still loved women, and the one time he did do something to pursue it, it had made a friendship awkward. Nothing about being bi seemed right to Vincent.

But every time he looked at little Issac he felt conflicted until he left. And now this wolf was somehow making the confliction worse.

He realized with a guilty shock that maybe it was jealousy. He hated that Nathan could make Isaac happier than he could. He was jealous that the wolf knew who was, and he was proud of it.


The gym was nothing special that day. Max had them lifting and running, Vincent was having was to much fun with the idea that Issac had shown up Jeromy which brought Max back to the whole "i could train you" thing that Issac had to turn down again to the tigers disappointment.

"I still don't understand your avoidance of natural talent." Max went on. "Scholarships, self....no that feeling of achievement...ummm...."

"Self-satisfaction?" Issac offered, sitting on the bench, looking up at the tiger, who had shockingly enough become their friend, even though he was 23, he was pretty cool and the company at the gym was enjoyed for both parties, both were mellow typically, but Max had his passions aside from the gym and his body. Funny thing was he wanted to be an artist, do some traveling and was a self-acclaimed master chef.

"Yeah there we go." he moved the bar out above Issac. "Whatever, it's your call" he pouted, "....1.....2.....3"

Issac really hadn't given the idea anymore thought since the last time. The prospect of being known quiet truthfully terrified him with its uncertainty. He was and knew he was a very self-supporting being with very little outside add-ins. if Vincent weren't so damn sweet and hot Issac would have avoided him after their first encounter.

And another thing on Issac's mind was Vincent and themselves friendship position. It was awkward but somehow still just as easy to get along with the big agreeable lug. But when he left the lunchroom after Nathans comment......what had he been feeling?

"And.....15. good job Issac," Max said, helping place the bar back to its resting position, the ring of metal on metal was short but shrill in the air. Issac went off to refill the water bottles as was officially tradition when Vincent got ready to lift.

And another mental plague. Nathan. The guy came out of nowhere and completely caught Issac off guard. But what Issac would never admit aloud was his attraction to the white wolf. His grace, clever wit, personality, passion, calmness and his personal sense of self were all both infuriating and tantalizing. Issac knew that that's what cartoons told kids love was, the bitter sweetness of being around someone so opposite of you, yet so similar. On the way Issac had guiltily thought off calling him to apologies for the hang-up, yet couldn't bare to tell the wolf he had been wrong, his smug grin......

After the work outs, Max had the time to join the two in the sauna's for once. They all talked and laughed before the bear and dog had to part ways from their feline friend.

"Your already improving in a week Issac. just remember the protein."

"Yeah yeah." Issac waved off, "You just remember to clean up real nice ok?" he mocked, the car pulling away, the smart comment earning him a particularly large finger from the cat with a big toothy grin to follow.

The radio was off and the two just talked for a while about the whole situation at home, work and Issac's crap car. It was decided that Issac would ask for a job at the coffee place tomorrow and unless Nathan's dad paid more and was convenient and such, he would work there.

"So what do you think of Nathan?' Vincent asked, shocking Issac who thought he would have to ask himself.

"Umm...very passionate and energetic." Issac said, looking out the window, "I'm not 100 percent sure i trust him yet."

"You trusted me after a day." Vincent pointed out, as if trying to show he was still the better prize, but Isaac knew it was just playful banter.

"Yeah but i knew you vaguely, he is completely new without a reputation i can go on." Issac defended. "What do you think?"

Vincent shrugged, "I don't know, I have less experience with him than you." he smiled, nudging Issac "He likes you, it's kinda funny how obvious he's being."

Issac flushed red beneath his fur. "Passionate and energetic." he said with a little aggression "and no consideration for how i feel about it cause he's so hung up on me. i don't even know why?! He literally just picked me out of a crowd." Issac turned to the bear, "And what about you? How are your issues going?"

Vincent didn't seem to react either way, he just shrugged, " I haven't tried anything new so their just the same. i don't trust that Nathan either, he seems sketchy, but at the same time." Vincent stopped, "I can tell you like him a little."

"Excuse me!?" Issac shouted a bit taken back by both the comment and who said it, yet at the same time his cheeks got redder from both embarrassment and anger "How would you know that? Not that's its true, but....what gave you the idea that........me and him...?!"

Vincent smiled a little, "I don't want to tell you how I know, but i know. You gave it away."

Issac was shocked, "No i didn't! What did i appear to give away to you hmmm?" They pulled up at the house.

"Never mind than, i won't bring it up." Vincent said, a grin still on his face, "You aren't I'm sorry for accusing you of such things."

Issac pouted, "I know you still think otherwise, just tell me what i did or said." he begged, getting out of the car, wishing to know what it was so he could fix it.

Dinner was turkey and mashed potatoes with some greens. Vincent watched Issac eat the food. As soon as his fork hit his tongue his left ear flicked slightly with joy. The same thing happened when the dog had stood at the cliffs in Lake Enix, hear racing with joy. When he was listening to good music. When he spoke about the wolf. Vincent made a promise to himself to check out everything there was to know about the guy, but first, he wanted his time with Issac. He watched the little adorable guy, his ear, his smile, his fur and scent all exploded with beautiful clarity in the room.

Vincent smiled to himself, eating his own food. He knew he had messed up his chances. He had spoken to soon and rejected Issac as more than a friend because he was truly afraid of what everyone would say, and how much his life would change. He was a coward, and Isaac deserved better. After that denial, Vincent had made a pledge that he would do what he could to make Issac happy. He didn't have the nerve to tell Issac how he really felt after he let the little guy down, but he would do his best.

The two ate, finished homework and went to bed. Little did either know, they both fell asleep pained over the same love triangle, and so did their new friend Nathan.