Diary of Balto Mercer Ch1 Part 4

Story by ShadowChronicler on SoFurry

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#4 of Balto Mercer's Diary

Monday 1, 2017, I think

I learned something, as soon as I woke up. "Hi daddy!" I turned towards the voice, to find a little pup, sitting in a chair next to the bed I was in. I lifted the covers, peeked, and groaned.

"Good Morning Sleeping Beauty." The same panther was on the other side of the room. "Fuck you." "That's exactly what I want." "You disgust me." "You thrill me." "Go fuck a goat." "I prefer wolf dogs."

A nurse walked in, with a mask on. "Let's check your memory, see if any of it was messed up by the testing they did." "My name is Balto Mercer; I have a sister named Krystal, and an uncle named Krazier. My parents died by a cannibalistic holocaust that wiped out my clan. I recently exposed Furries to the world, which triggered a general who wanted to kill us, who destroyed the town I lived in. And my girlfriend disappeared to a safe house."

"She's closer than ya'd think." The nurse took off the mask, and Jenna stood there. "Have I ever told you that you look hot in a nurse's outfit?" "No, but that's because I never wore it." She kissed him, which made the panther roll his eyes, but he chuckled.

"So how about telling me about the pup in the chair calling me daddy?" "Balto, you were out for ten years." "I was what?" "This is one of your children, Kapu." "Hi!" He hopped onto the bed, next to him. "Hi Kapu." He turned to Jenna. "So I was out for ten years. You are telling me, that the children have been growing without me, for this long?" Kapu nodded. "All six of us." "There are six of you?"

"I'm sorry Balto, we'll brief you on family matters later, right now, I'm sure the leader wishes to see you. On the way, Charlie can show you around." Please don't let the panther be Charlie, please don't let him be Charlie. The Panther got up.

"Alright, that's great with me. Come on, everybody out, while I help him into some clothes." "Nice try, Charlie." "It was worth a shot." They all went out of the room, while I put on the clothes they had available. A tank top and some jeans was a suitable pair, considering how I felt.

When I stepped out, Charlie whistled at me. "Nice ass. Can I try it some time?" "Go to hell." Jenna simply chuckled, and walked down the opposite hallway, with my son. "Now, where do we go first?" "I'd say the living quarters would be a good place to start." "Good and we need ground rules. No kissing, no touching, no commenting, and no holding." "Man, you make the job of getting to escort the hot wolf dog around boring."

We stepped into a bright room that reminded him of a park. "This is where most people choose to live, because it's a lot like the wild. Most Furries aren't comfortable living inside, so we made a simulation wilderness." "Whoa." They kept walking, until they made it to a gym. "The gym, as you can tell. I spend most of my time here." "You love looking at people's sweaty muscles?" "That's the best part."

We then walked into a room filled with people. "This is the marketplace. It's where everybody buys everything they need." I have to say, I was impressed. There were things for literally, everything. Guns, food, jewelry, drinks, bars, whorehouses, daycares... Okay, maybe I shouldn't have put those two together. Someone might think they were right next to each other. Thank god, they weren't.

We made our way past, making it to a heavily armored door. Two lions stood guard. "Hand over your weapons, please." Charlie sighed, and began taking guns out of his jacket. He took two knives out of his pockets, he took a frag out of his shirt, and he pulled a sword out from behind his jacket. "Damn, if you weren't gay, I'd ask you if you wanted to be friends."

"I'll have to turn you bisexual, by the end of the week." "Good luck with that." We opened the door, and walked in. I was impressed. There were monitors everywhere, all reading battle plans. Schematics were laid out, and generals were talking about it. I walked past them all, with Mister Gay Charlie close behind.

We made our way to a large war table, and an artic fox sat in the front. "So you are Mrs. Big in the britches United Sentient Being?" "Indeed. Please, sit Balto." I chose a seat away from Charlie, but he just took the one next to me. "I've wanted to meet you for awhile."

"I would've been here sooner, but I've apparently been asleep for 10 years." "Yes that would slow you down." "For leader, you aren't very stuck up and full of yourself." "Our last one was. That was until I snapped his neck and took over." "Ah, I love that technique."

I have to say, she's great! I would have never seen this coming. And when I thought she couldn't get any better, she did. "Excuse me; could you get my friend here some whiskey?" "Thank you." "I just thought you deserved one, considering you haven't had one in ten years."

I quickly got my whiskey, and quickly downed it, reveling in the buzz of my old friend. "Now Balto, we wish you to join us." "You mean join the USB?" "Yes. We need your help. We are currently in a war. The OSB War." "What's up with you guys and abbreviations?" "Will you join with us, against the human army?" "Sounds like a plan."

"Now, I believe you would like to go in a practice simulator, to make sure you aren't rusty?" "Yes. I would like to crack some skulls." "Charlie will take you." "Why does everyone want Charlie to show me around? Why can't I have my hot girlfriend?" "Because, then you'd be more focused on her, than the places." "Good point."

Charlie got up, and I followed. We walked for awhile. I actually wish I had added staring to the list of things he couldn't do, because all along the way, he was staring at my butt. After a long time, we went into an army style room. He walked up to a panel. "Alright, set the scenario."

I cracked my knuckles. "One soldier alone, facing over fifty thousand enemies. I have no weapons. They have state of the art weapons, artillery, vehicles, and equipment. We are in this place, it's raining, and most of the skylights are busted through. The power is out, and there are no innocent bystanders." "Nice imagination. Just like your nice..." "Don't say it."

Charlie chuckled, setting up the details. "Hey, do you want to go somewhere after this?" "I told you, I'm not gay." "How about going to a bar?" "I would only go to a bar with you, if I knew it was just for a drink. Plus, don't think you can get me drunk. I have a natural immunity to alcohol." "It was worth a shot." "It was, but no luck."

Charlie typed in a few more details, and then a door opened to his right. "Alright then, just step through this door and you'll be immersed in your training simulation." I saluted him, and then stepped through. I pretty much ended up on a mirrored version of the same place I was in. Except it was dark, and rain was leaking in.

I cracked my knuckles, and walked in. It was deserted, and it looked like the whole place had been ransacked. It was silent, except the dripping of rain. I saw a whiskey sitting on a bench, and grabbed it. I opened it, and drank the wonderful drink. My ears immediately perked. A door opened. I set the empty bottle down, and then silently walked along. I went inside of a sports store, and went into the batting room. I found the ball shooter, and smiled.

I tweaked with it for awhile, and then picked it up. I carried it to the front of the store, and found my target. Private walking in first, scoping it out. I aimed it at his head, and opened fire. Baseballs to the head are very effective. He was down by the fifth one. I set the ball shooter on automatic, shooting out the front. It would provide a distraction.

I sighed, and walked to his body. I took his knife, and grabbed his communicator. "Listen up, I'm gonna kill you all. So why don't you come in here, and take me on in a real battle." I asked for it, I was granted. About fifty men rappelled in, and pointed their guns at me. "Nice. I bet you were waiting for me. You see that's a funny story." I bolted towards them, and laid out the first dude. I grabbed his pistol shot to both of my sides, and threw the knife into a guy's head.

I slid on the rain, knocking people's legs out from under them. I grabbed a rifle, spraying it into them. One of them jumped on me, and drove his knife into my chest. I lit his face full of bullets, and yanked the knife out, throwing it into someone else's chest. I was stopped by a guy in full body armor, picking me up, and throwing me into a wall.

It hurts when not only are you thrown into a wall, but you are thrown so hard, you go, through, the wall. It hurt like hell, but I had to beat them. I sprayed the rifle through the hole in the wall, as I slid on the floor backwards. What do ya know? Another guy in armor was waiting. About this time, I was getting pissed. I slammed the rifle up the side his head. Then I grabbed him, and slammed him through the wall with my devil arm. His armor was knocked clean off of him.

I grabbed his armor, and searched through it, finding what I needed. I flicked the top off, and jammed it into me. Oh that felt so much better. I stretched, and then I heard something. Of course they would have helicopters. I would have faced them, but then something else decided it was more important. Flame throwers hurt like hell. I hate when I catch on fire.

I grabbed a piece of debris, and chucked it at one, earning myself a hearty explosion. I dealt with the rest, pretty much the same way. I made my way back to where I started. The soldiers opened fire, which was countered with a trip back to the sports store. I think it was Dick Sporting Goods. Doesn't matter!

I grabbed a golf club and a metal baseball bat, and got a basketball goal as a shield. I ran back into the fight, shielding myself with the goal. I slammed the bat across one guy's face, and then pounded another with the golf club. I ran up to an armored guy, and smacked him with the bat, into three other guys. "Grand Slam!" I laughed, and threw my bat into the crowd. I spun around, dealing people out with both my golf club, and basketball goal.

I ran towards the rest of the stores, trying to make it far while they recovered, or sent in reinforcements. I went into a gun store, and looked around. "Hey bro. Fancy meeting you in this simulation." Krystal sat behind the counter, smoking a cigar, and holding a sniper pointed at the door. "Yeah. I thought only one person at a time could be in here." "Nah, they allow some bystanders." She shot a soldier. "Yes! Headshot, brutality, decapitation!" She laughed to herself. "You are messed up, ya know that?" "Yep."

"Oh yeah, they sent in the sword crew through the food court." "Really? I might have to check them out." "You go ahead. I'll deal with the yahoos you were dealing with." She got up, and walked out, popping two more headshots. I grabbed a shotgun off the shelf, in time to hear three more. She was insane. But, if you ever need a sniper, she's your girl.

I walked quietly towards the food court, my eyes slowly calculating the number of hiding places for soldiers. There weren't that many, considering that the walls were blown out. There were two things that could cause this damage. RPG's, or... A tank crashed through the wall next to me. I held my arm back, and punched the tank. It left a good dent in it, but nothing to phase it. I hopped up, and pried the top off. A sword almost cut my head off, so I hopped off, and watched a swordsman jump out.

"Alright buddy, let's dance." We circled for awhile, before he lunged. I sidestepped, and kicked his hand, sending it sprawling across the floor. He kicked my chest, sending me on my back. He pulled out a knife, lunging at my throat. I lifted my legs, letting him fall on them, and then kicking him behind me. I jumped up, and ran for the sword. He threw the knife, and it embedded in my devil hand.

I chuckled wrenching it out. I put it away, and slid to the sword. I grabbed it, and hopped up, to find two more swordsmen come out. I ran towards them, and they did the same. I blocked the first one, and then dodged the second. I cut off his hands, and then grabbed him by the back, slitting his throat. I tossed his body on the first one, and then ran. He tossed the body off, and was met with my charging form. We fell to the floor, and I stabbed him through the chest.

I sighed, but turned, to find the first guy I fought, standing with two swords. I pulled my sword out, and we circled again. "This dance is gonna shed some red ribbons. You might want to back out, while you are still whole." He showed no signs of retreat, so I lunged. Our blades clashed, and we danced, our movements having a grace to them. We met, and we pushed our blades against one another's.

"Give up now!" I laughed at his suggestion. "I'd rather do this!" I drove my shoulder into him, and then jumped onto him, driving the blade through his heart. I panted, and then pulled it out. The simulation seemed to melt away, and a door opened. I walked through. "Your simulations are hardcore." I collapsed into Charlie's arms.

Harry looked up, to find everyone falling asleep. He checked his watch, but it was only 3 p.m., so he closed the book. He saw Sierra had fallen asleep with her head resting on his lap. He rubbed her head, smiling. He laid back, thinking. Balto, why did you choose us? We all are nobodies. You could have chosen these big time scholars, but you chose kids.

It isn't about choosing kids, Harry. It's about choosing the people that will believe the legacy the most. After awhile, the story may be passed to scholars, but it first takes the imaginary minds of young ones, to embrace a world, they never thought could be real. You all have embraced it, and you are reveling in it. Trust me, my story, and in all of you. Trust, is the best thing you all have. Trust with your life.