Love's Shadow Part 6

Story by Korrado-Xan on SoFurry

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

#6 of Love's Shadow


  • Love's Shadow part 6. c. Grey K. 1997


  • Love's Shadow part VI,

The bright green material of the robe rubbed softly against

Jace's fur as he embraced the feline, slowly undoing the belt from

around his slim waist. Patrick acquiesced, allowing the skunk to slip

the robe from his shoulders and arms. He felt slightly exposed lying

next to Jace with nothing clothing his body except his short fur,

until the skunk pulled him close, pressing their bodies together.

The two lay chest to chest, their fur mingling as they moved

against one another. Jace could feel Patrick's nipples against his

chest as they snuggled closer, the feline put one arm around his hip

and the other around his sable and ivory furred back. Patrick purred

as he felt Jace's hand sidle down his side and around his back,

settling on his spine near his tail. The skunk's fingers moved slowly

at first, seeking out a spot at the base of Patrick's spine, just

above the base of his tail.

The feline wondered what Jace was doing until he felt the

skunk begin to rub the spot he had sought out in a quick back and forth

motion. Jace smiled as he felt the feline's legs spasm, jerking in a

quick, kicking fashion. Patrick gasped as electric tingles erupted up

his spine, washing back to shoot down through his legs, "Ahhh!, Ooooh,

oh!, Jace!, Stop that, it tickles!, Ai!" Jace relented allowing the

feline to recover his breath, "Sorry., I couldn't help it, Cherokee

has sort of a 'magic spot' there on her back too., I just wanted to

see if it translated over between species."

Recovering his composure Patrick snuggled up against Jace once

more, stroking the fur on the skunk's hip lovingly, "You're sworn to

secrecy that I'm so ticklish there., Do skunks have a spot?" He watched

Jace suppress a manic grin, "Yeah, you found it earlier, at least for

me., As for other skunks, I dunno., I guess you could ask my brother."

Jace saw Patrick smile and felt him chuckle, "Oh, I don't know if I'd

want to embarrass your brother like that., But it seems to me rubbing

your spot has a much more spectacular effect than rubbing mine."

The grin on Jace's face widened, "Want to test that theory?"

The smile was contagious spreading to the feline, "What do you have

in mind?" Patrick nuzzled Jace's cheek, licking the edge of the

skunk's ear. He felt the hand that had been resting on his hip slowly

begin to move, settling on his rear for a moment then gently rubbing

up and down the cleft of his rump. Jace felt Patrick's back arch

slightly and slowed his hand, "Only if your ready., If you want to do

something else more comfortable for you I'll go along."

The feline answered by moving his hips against the skunk,

feeling Jace's hand venturing deeper into the cleft of his rear.

Jace smiled gently looking into Patrick's eyes and stroking the

feline's neck with his free hand, "You're sure you want to do this?,

You're sure that you're ready?" Patrick nodded again, biting his lip

softly with nerves and closing his eyes. He felt Jace's chin brush

against his neck as the skunk whispered into his ear, "Easy, easy.,

It'll be alright., Just calm down, relax and enjoy yourself., That's

it, just relax..."

Patrick felt better, calmer, more prepared at the tender

encouragement from the skunk, "OK, I'm ready Jace." He felt less

nervous as Jace's hand slowly worked it's way between his rump cheeks,

slowly rubbing at the entrance to his body. The sensation was new and

not unpleasant, the skunk's softly furred fingers massaging the skin

around his back-passage. The sensation changed drastically as Jace's

fingers slowly slid his up into his body.

Jace heard Patrick gasp and start to squirm reflexively,

slowing his progress and being as gentle as he could till the feline

got used to the new sensations swamping his senses. Jace remembered

his first few times, the odd feeling, painful at first then slowly

growing more familiar and natural with each instance. His first time

hadn't been an ideal beginning...

Jace had lost his virginity to an older male fox in high-

school. More experienced than he, the older, larger male had decided

to take advantage of the young skunk's inexperience, naiveté and

smaller stature to perversely indulge himself. It had been very rough,

really near rape. The older male hadn't obliged Jace any of the

things that the skunk now insisted on being with Patrick. The fox

hadn't been gentle, patient or loving at all, merely interested in

sating his own libido with the virgin skunk. Jace remembered stabs

of pain as the bigger fox morph had penetrated him with his large


The older morph neglected the use of any lubricant and didn't

allow any time for the skunk's tight rump muscles to adjust to his

swollen erection. The fox had begun humping the inexperienced young

skunk hard and deep from the start, not stopping, despite Jace's

cries and protestations, till he had climaxed heavily in the

weeping young morph. He had left the skunk huddled in a ball, bleeding

and raw from the near sadistic penetration and rough, forced mating.

To further his own aberrant inclinations the fox had actually stood

over the battered younger morph and jerked himself to a second orgasm,

using his seed to mark his conquest. The skunk had looked up from his

prone position only to be hit in the face by repeated bursts of the

foxes' thick semen.

Jace remembered these things and had sworn to himself that

should the situation ever come up he would never do the same thing

to anyone else, no matter what the circumstances. It would have been

easy for the slightly larger and much more experienced skunk to take

sexual advantage over the vulnerable feline as he had been taken

advantage of those years ago. But Jace wanted Patrick's first time

to be a gentle, warm, passionate and loving mating. Not an intrusive,

cruel and brutal violation as his first sexual encounter had been,

that could end up hurting both of them.

Under Jace's slowed pace Patrick was almost giddy with new,

overwhelming sensations. He could feel the skunk's fingers moving

against his insides, flexing and sliding around as Jace slowly moved

them in and out of his body. The faint stretching sensation that had

been painful at first had subsided to a mild tickling feeling.

Patrick thought that it was probably Jace's fur moving across the

sensitive skin of his tail-hole. Jace felt the strong muscles of

the feline's rear contract around his fingers as he rubbed at the

warm, moist skin of Patrick's insides.

The feline arched his back, pressing his face and chest harder

against the skunk as Jace used his thumb to rub between Patrick's

thighs. Finding a sensitive spot just behind the feline's balls and

pressing on it. Patrick started a fresh round of shuddery moans as

Jace gently twisted his fingers as he thrust them in and out of the

feline's body. He buried his face in the sable fur on the skunk's

neck, whining softly as Jace added another finger up his back-side.

"Does that feel good?" The skunk already knew the answer from

the rock hard erection that was pressing into his thigh. All Patrick

could muster in reply was a low, groaning rumble, making Jace smile

and flex his buried fingers teasingly. Patrick barely heard Jace's

voice through the warm, hazy sensation that blanketed his thoughts.

This, despite the fact that the skunk was practically talking into

his ear, "Roll over." Patrick sighed, whimpering softly in

disappointment as the skunk's fingers slipped free of his body.

He felt Jace's strong arms helping him to maneuver on the bed.

He opened his eyes as Jace settled them both, they were back to

front on the bed with the skunk behind. Patrick heard Jace's voice

as looked over his shoulder and seeing the skunk's smiling face,

"I'm glad you're enjoying this." The young feline felt a warm surge

in his belly, Patrick wanted nothing more than to seize the skunk

and kiss him in the same way they had kissed earlier, deeply,

showing their passion.

Jace smiled again, seeing Patrick looking heatedly back at

him. The feline's fathomless golden eyes burned with an intense and

powerful new fire. Jace marveled at the change in Patrick over just

the last few hours. A sudden thought struck the skunk, "Oops!, Almost

forgot..." Patrick watched curiously as Jace rolled slightly,

reaching down to open one of the drawers set into the pedestal of his

bed. He rolled back holding what resembled a tube of tooth-paste,

Patrick didn't recognize it immediately, "Oh, water soluble?"

Jace nodded, "Are you kidding, I've had to trim my fur before

because of grease based lubes., This is the only kind I use." The

skunk rolled back to his previous position, with his chest brushing

the fur on Patrick's shoulders. There was a click as he opened the

top of the tube of gel lubricant. Jace stroked himself a few times,

encouraging his already very erect cock to almost painful hardness,

then applied a small but generous amount of the gel to the tip and

upper shaft of his erection.

The skunk smiled inwardly, if William had been there they

would have already gone through half of the lubricant. The massive

tiger had been one of the most spectacular lovers Jace had ever been

with, but due to certain species proportion differences there had

been some complications. Namely the relative size of the skunk to his

tiger lover. Jace's own cock was an average length, about seven

inches, seven and a half if he was really excited.

William was, however, another matter, standing well over a

head and shoulders taller than Jace's own 6'and weighing in at nearly

450 pounds of solid muscle and fur, the tiger possessed a monster

sized cock. Nearly over a foot long from base to tip when he was

fully and frighteningly erect. Jace knew from personal experience

that the massive tiger could actually suck himself off when fully

hard, his massive cock reached slightly past his navel. Jace had

seen William in action several times when the two had watched

X-rated videos, or been caught up in fore-play.

Needless to say the sight of the massive tiger playing with

and sucking his own massive genitals was a stimulating sight when

in the middle of masturbating either himself or a partner. Jace

remembered the first time the two of them had coupled and William

had mounted him, impaling the younger morph with his humongous

maleness. The young skunk had howled softly and fainted after only

eight inches had been driven into his rump. That had been the first

and last time Jace had been inclined to attempt dry sex with the

amazingly hung tiger.

From that point on Jace had kept numerous tubes and bottles

of the highest grade lubricant he could find on hand for mating with

William. When properly lubed and inserted at a modest rate Jace found

the large tiger's mammoth erection to be one of the most astonishing

things he had ever felt.

Jace braced himself against Patrick, slowly and gently easing

his maleness into the young feline's rump. Patrick cried out, gasping

and whining softly as he arched his back and grasped at Jace's

outstretched hand, gripping it tightly. Jace slowed immediately

almost to a stop, "No, no, don't tense up or it'll hurt even more., I

know it's uncomfortable but it'll be OK., It'll pass., Just relax.,

Relax..., Relax..." The skunk gripped Patrick's shaking hand


He pressed his cheek against the feline's and whispered to

him to try and distract Patrick from the pain of his first

penetration, "Shh, shh..., Don't tense up., That's right, relax,

just relax., You're doing just fine., We're almost there., There,

you did it., It's OK, it's OK..." Jace stopped his initial thrust

as his balls brushed against Patrick's own furred sac, pausing and

allowing the feline's muscles to adjust to his maleness. Patrick was

relaxing slowly as he recovered from the shock and pain of Jace's

cock entering him.

He still gripped the skunk's hand like a life-line but he had

stopped shaking so much. Patrick was mildly uncomfortable with all

the new stimulations. He had a nagging full sensation in his bowels

as Jace's cock occupied his tail-hole and his anal muscles were only

just beginning to relax around the skunk's smooth shaft. The only

familiar, albeight surprising reaction to the penetration for Patrick

was that he now once again had a raging hard-on and his balls were

contracted against his body so tightly they almost hurt.

He heard Jace's voice from his shoulder, "Good., Good., You

did it., OK, now remember don't tense up or it'll hurt., I know it's

hard not to, but try, and let me know if I start to hurt you at

all., OK?" Jace was amazed at the feel of the feline's tail-hole. It

was so hot and so tight, it was incredible. It felt wonderful,

gripping and massaging his erection as Patrick's body acclimated to

its new arrangement. He felt the feline nod, gasping slightly as he

caught his breath, "Uhhh, OK., I'm all right., Ahhhh, Jace!!, Just

not used to this., Give me a minute..., Please..."

Jace acquiesced, allowing a brief pause for Patrick's comfort.

He then wrapped his black furred arms around the feline's flat

stomach and slowly started to rock his hips, gently beginning to

thrust himself in and out of Patrick's rump. The feline stiffened,

"Ahhhh!, Uhhh-ohhh God!" Jace froze mid-thrust with his cock half

out of Patrick's rump at the outburst, feeling Patrick pant and grasp

at this arms, "No, no, no, don't stop!, It doesn't hurt as much.,

You feel good inside me., Don't stop..., Please."

Jace resumed his soft thrusts into the feline, slowly

increasing their speed and intensity until he had a good, moderate

rhythm going. Patrick was swamped by the full sensation of Jace's

cock up his rump. He was amazed as he realized he could feel the

smooth skin of the skunk's member sliding easily against his

sensitive insides. Jace's fur was rubbing against his own and

Patrick imagined the near steel grey of his fur mingling with the

pure black of the skunk's glossy coat.

The skunk's warm breath was coming in short pants against

his neck and Jace was grunting softly with each thrust. Patrick's

own maleness was still rock hard, laying pressed into the discarded

robe that lay in front of the feline on the bed. The soft terrycloth

rubbed softly against Patrick's engorged shaft and glans as he and

the skunk moved with one another. Little shivers were running through

Jace as he neared climax and he slowed purposefully, trying to prolong

the session for as long as possible to maximize the pleasure both he

and Patrick gleaned from their first mating. His first mating in a

long while and Patrick's first mating with someone of his own gender.

Jace almost lost it when the feline removed one of his hands

from around his slim waist, placing it on his amazingly swollen

erection. Patrick gasped as Jace gripped him hard and started to jerk

him off almost immediately. The feline moaned loudly feeling himself

being pleasured almost painfully on two fronts; Jace's cock driving

into his rear and the skunk's softly furred hand jerking his straining


Jace could almost feel the pressure building under the smooth

skin of the painfully hard cock in his hand. He guessed that Patrick

hadn't had any release in a while either. The feline was twitching

against the skunk, being masturbated while fucked from behind was

nearly too much for the young morph to take. The sensations shooting

through his body finally overwhelmed Patrick and he shuddered, crying

out and tensing hard inadvertently despite himself.

Jace gasped a soft snarl, totally losing control as Patrick

tensed sharply and the feline's anal muscles squeezed his already

near-bursting cock painfully. The skunk buried his face in Patrick's

nape, howling as he orgasmed violently and uncontrollably into the

recesses of the feline's body. Patrick was almost sobbing, crying

out and panting as he felt Jace buck against him, thrusting almost

painfully deep into his rump then stopping cold.

He heard the skunk's loud howling moan at the same instant as

a sensation of pulsing heat erupted through his bowels. The

sensation was repeated over and over and the feline realized that

Jace was cumming in his rump in huge jets. Patrick found himself

shaking, nearly screaming as the skunk continued to climax, his hot

seed flowing deeper into his body. Jace's hand was still gripping his

cock as the skunk's body spasmed. His fist moved up it's swollen

shaft and the already totally overwhelmed feline couldn't take the

pressure anymore.

Jace felt Patrick's body arch like a bow against him. All he

could see were the whites of the feline's amazing eyes as Patrick

threw his head back and moaned loudly. The feline was drooling

slightly and his jaws were set in a wide snarl as he panted and

moaned desperately. He felt numb as his senses were locked onto

the searing waves of heat and electric tingles that were shooting

through his cock and balls, washing out into his stomach and legs.

Patrick's whole body convulsed as the muscles in his stomach and

thighs twitched painfully hard and then within a spilt second his

cock begun to erupt over and over in Jace's grip.

Spurt after spurt of semen jetted out of the feline's

maleness, covering and pooling on the emerald fabric of the

discarded robe. Patrick's orgasm seemed to last forever as his body

ejaculated an amazing amount of semen. Jace felt his hand and wrist

growing slick with the thick fluid and Patrick was gasping raggedly

over and over. The spouts of hot seed slowed then stopped as the

feline screamed a final time, then slumped against Jace.

The skunk felt totally drained, finding it hard to even move

as he hugged Patrick to his body. The feline shivered slightly as

Jace licked his ear lovingly, slowly recovering his senses after his

explosive climax. He tried to roll over to face the skunk but felt

pain in his rump and stopped, bewildered. Jace groaned as Patrick

shifted, pulling on his cock. The skunk was trying to relax as best

he could but his length was still granite hard and deeply embedded in

his feline lover's tight rump.

Patrick's virgin tail-hole had tensed up around the skunk's

still painfully swollen cock and was gripping it immovably.

Experimentally, Jace pulled a bit harder to try and free himself from

the confines of the feline's rear. Pain shot through Patrick's bowels,

making him squirm and cry out, slapping at Jace's hip. The skunk

grinned but his ears were ruddy, "I'm sorry!, Sorry, sorry., This

may take a minute., I haven't had this happen in a long time, guess

we both got a little too excited., I told you not to tense up." He

was rewarded with another slap on the thigh. "Hey!, I said I was


Patrick sounded sleepy as he snuggled into Jace's chest,

hugging the skunk's free arm, "That's all right., I guess we did get

a little hot and heavy., Just think small...and don't pull like that

again till you've shrunk a little!" Jace smiled, then both of them

fell silent just enjoying the feel of each other's bodies, basking

in the post-climax warmth. They lay motionless, still coupled like

that for a few minutes before Jace felt his cock begin to shrink.

It was several moments more before Jace felt both of them

were relaxed enough, then gingerly eased himself from Patrick's rear.

He rolled over slightly, feeling his member slip back into his black

furred sheath. "Patrick..?" Jace looked over at the feline. Patrick's

eyes were closed and his breathing was deep and steady. His tail

flicked slightly at his name but then settled back down on the bed.

The skunk chuckled softly as he gently pulled away from Patrick,

easing himself off the bed, "All right, you've earned it., Pleasant

dreams, if not wet one's after what we just did."

Jace sniffed, smelling Patrick's musk strongly then remembered

the robe he had climaxed all over. The skunk bundled the semen

covered robe up, setting it on the edge of the bed as he pulled the

black robe over his body, leaving it open down the front for the

moment. As he picked up the green robe again Jace's sharp nose caught

the feline's sex scent again and grimaced as his crotch began to

tingle with excitement once more. Jace tried not to think about it as

he sat the robe down on the floor.

He gazed back at Patrick's sleeping form, smiling at how

peaceful the feline looked. Taking a soft flannel throw blanket that

reminded him of the shirts William always wore from the foot of the

bed, he covered the dozing feline carefully then turned and picked

up the strongly scented robe once more. Jace stepped out into the

hall, gently closing the door behind him as he exited. He figured

he'd let Patrick sleep as long as he wanted, after the day the

young feline had experienced Jace assumed he probably needed the


Jace passed the other doors of the hall, glancing at the

front window as he strolled out into the front room. The day was

still darkly overcast and looked threatening. As he walked toward

the kitchen Jace heard a knock at the front door. Wondering who

could be visiting at that time of day the skunk sat the semen

scented robe down on a side counter and bundled the one he wore

closed. Jace peered out through the eye-hole in the door chuckling

as all he saw was a wall of blue flannel broken by silver buttons.

Only one person was that tall and as the skunk had been

thinking only moments before, often wore flannel. "William, Hi."

Jace opened the door seeing his long haired tiger friend. William

smiled at him, "Hey Jace., I brought your mail., Am I interrupting

anything?" The skunk took the bundle of mail from the tiger's large

hand, "Thanks., No, no, come in, please." The tiger entered the

apartment, gazing around and smiling again, "Where's the little

one?, You eat him or something?"

Jace choked on a laugh, making William look at him in a

puzzled manner, "Not yet., Ahem., No, Patrick is napping, he was

tired." The huge tiger sniffed, scenting the air, then grinned at

the young skunk, "I'll bet." Jace bit his lip as William continued

to sniff, finally looking toward the robe he had left on the counter,

"Yeah, tired..., I can imagine., You may want to put that in the

wash., It's putting off quite a smell., I can scent it from here."

Jace nodded looking sheepishly at his former lover, "I was

on my way to do that when you knocked., You can?" He had forgotten

how sharp the tiger's nose was. William grinned swatting Jace on the

rump hard but playfully, "Yes I can, I think a human probably could,

the smell is so strong., Being that's not your scent I'm picking up

I take it he likes you., Was he any good?" Jace grinned, "Compared

to whom?, I won't walk into that one., You were one of the most

awesome mates I've ever had, but for someone my own size and for

his first time he was just wonderful."

The tiger's ears perked forward, "A first timer?, Gods, I

haven't been with a first timer in years., You got lucky you little

punk., You went easy on him I hope?" Jace tweaked William's rock

hard rear through his jeans, "Yes I did., And I can understand why

you haven't been with a virgin in a long time., You do have mirrors

in your apartment, have you seen your dick lately?, You'd kill

someone., Remember the first time we were together?, You made me

pass out!"

The tiger took the teasing good-naturedly, "Ack, first you

tell me that I'm an amazing lover and then you insinuate my dick's

too big., Make up your mind!" Jace laughed and hugged the massive

feline as the two of them sat down on the couch. The piece of

furniture creaked ominously under William's weight as the tiger

settled himself but Jace knew it would hold just fine. He was just

happy he didn't have any wicker furniture with the gigantic feline


As the pair talked Jace noticed William shifting around a lot,

crossing and adjusting his legs repeatedly. The tiger's tail was

tapping against the floor. It was eliciting quite a bit of notice

from Cherokee who was crouched beneath the coffee table,

contemplating her striped target as it moved like a wounded snake.

Jace often found his own bushy tail the target of sudden pouncing

attacks from the high strung Siamese. "Hey, Stripes, what's wrong?"

William looked embarrassed, jumping as the playful Siamese

finally got the nerve to attack her sinuous prey, "Cherokee, shoo!,

Sorry, it's just the smell is getting to me..., The musk coming from

you and more so coming from over there is really strong., If I stay

much longer my jeans are gonna burst!" As the tiger uncrossed his legs

Jace saw he wasn't kidding. The pheromones drifting in the apartment

coupled with the smell of fresh semen had given William the

beginnings of a frightening hard-on. The front of his jeans were

bulging outward uncomfortably.

Jace chuckled softly, "Well?, Exactly what do you want me to

do about it..?" He looked at the uncomfortably aroused tiger, the

chuckle fading as he met William's gaze, "Oh, no!, I know that look!,

No way!, Patrick is asleep at the end of the hall!, No!" The tiger

was rubbing the front of his distended jeans, Jace thought probably

making the problem worse rather than better, "You did it you know."

The skunk rolled his eyes at the older morph, "Geez!, Are you 25 or


"What are you doing?!, Let go of me!, Ah fuck!, Ohhhhhhh,

all right, damn you!!, Just remember, you owe me big time for this.,

Let's at least go into the bathroom where Patrick can't walk in on

us., And by the way if he hears us and wakes up as far as I'm

concerned I don't know you and he's free to call the cops., I'll be

the one shouting rape, OK?"

The tiger didn't seem off-put at all, and Jace yelped as

William pretty much carried him into the bathroom, "Christ, Wil., I

can walk, put me down!, Maniac sex fiend!" He heard the bathroom door

close and the lock click before the massive tiger set him down. Jace

stood scowling at the tiger, "You owe me., God I hope Patrick was

tired., No noise, keep your big mouth shut while we do this."

William snorted, coming as close as he could to agreeing

without actually saying so. He looked surprised as Jace smiled then

pushed him down into a sitting position on the toilet seat. Jace

felt the tiger's strong hands on the belt of his robe, "What are

you doing?" William looked startled then flustered, "What do you

mean?, I thought we were..." Jace grinned at the puzzled tiger,

"Having sex?, And exactly who promised you were going to get any

tail?, This or nothing Stripes, better than going home sporting


The skunk kneeled down between the tiger's legs and drew the

zipper down the front of William's jeans, seeing the huge bulge of

his erection grow larger at having more freedom. The enormous tiger

busied himself with undoing his belt and the front of his jeans,

then he unbuttoned his soft flannel shirt, exposing his massive chest

and washboard stomach. Jace's eye was caught by a glint in William's

fur, "Hey, is that new?"

A large gold ring hung from the pale flesh of the tiger's

left nipple. William looked down at the skunk, "Yeah, I had it done

last month., Hurt like a bitch the first week, I could hardly wear a

shirt., Feels good now that it's healed, though." Jace grimaced, then

reached up and toyed curiously with the loop of gold, making the tiger

squirm and moan softly, "Yeah, sounds like a real barrel full of


Jace hated anything to do with needles or pain, his ears

weren't even pierced despite coaxing from most everyone he knew. It

was especially hard having a doctor for a mother, her career

represented something that practically embodied several of his

greatest phobias. Jace decided to stop torturing his old lover,

although he thought William seemed to be getting into having his

nipple ring played with.

He repositioned himself between the tiger's legs leaning on

his thighs after he pulled William's striped briefs down to the floor

in a sweeping motion. He found himself looking at the tiger's

gigantic maleness as it grew even harder now that it was freed from

it's confinement. Jace fondled the massive erection, hearing William

hiss softly as a small trickle of pre-cum began to leak steadily from

his engorged glans. The skunk had always been amazed at the huge

amount of pre-cum and semen the tiger produced both before coupling,

during sex and as he orgasmed.

As his hand swiftly became matted with feline pre-cum Jace

jokingly though that it was probably a mercy response, acting as a

lubricant and helping the tiger's mates to deal with him and the

sheer size of his cock. The skunk couldn't come close to being able

to suck the entire length of William's foot long maleness, he would

have liked to meet someone who could. Instead he and the tiger

settled on the first six inches or so, with Jace using his hands and

tongue to stimulate the remainder of William's mammoth cock.

Jace palmed the tiger's enormous balls, squeezing them gently

in their sac and hearing William groan. The twin orbs of tender flesh

barely fit into the young skunk's hand as he cupped his palm and

fingers around the tiger's bals and squeezed them gently. The tiger

was doing the best he could to stay quiet after Jace's warning,

muttering and moaning softly interspersing that with low sonorous

rumbles from his chest. Jace sucked and licked William's gigantic

erection, feeling it throb in his throat. Little twitches were moving

through the tiger's muscled thighs and ridged stomach, and the gold

ring glinted on his chest as he breathed in quick pants. The skunk

felt William's large hands on the back of his head and neck, tangling

in his hair as the tiger urged him to go faster and harder.

Knowing what turned the tiger on Jace let his teeth brush

across the smooth skin of William's cock, squeezing his balls a little

harder. The skunk smiled as the huge feline squirmed on the seat of

the toilet gripping Jace's shoulders tightly. Jace was struck by a

sudden inspiration, hoping that both he and William were agile enough

to make it work. He drew back, feeling some of the tiger's pre-cum

slide down his chin, "I've got an idea, slide forward Stripes."

The tiger looked at Jace bewildered but did as he was told.

Jace nodded, "OK, now spread your legs a little bit more, there

perfect..." The massive tiger was now in a reclined position on the

toilet seat, his ass as far forward as it could go without him sliding

off the seat with his huge dick thrust up into the air. Jace smiled,

"You're gonna like this......."

--------------------------------->end part VI