Sabertooth Tiger/Dinosaur Transformation

Story by tetsumi on SoFurry

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"I really can't believe how goddamn hot it is here." Lucy said dejectedly, traipsing through the desert with her colleague.

"No kidding." Nina replied. "Whenever you tell people back home about the heat, they say, 'Oh, but it's just dry heat over there'. Like they have any fucking idea!" she said, echoing her friend's frustration. At the moment, the two of them were winding their way down a hillside switchback, carefully trying to avoid tumbling down the jagged rock face the quick way. Rising in the east, the sun was just starting to bake the area between ridges, its heat reflecting maddeningly off of the rocks. "I mean, they think just because we're in a desert here there's no humidity. But if you get up near the river, like we are, it's as humid as anywhere in the states! It's damn near suffocating if you step down into a gully or something!" Nina continued ranting. For her part, Lucy kept her eyes on her footing and muttered to herself.

"Where the hell are we going anyway?" Nina said from behind her.

"Where no one else feels like going." Lucy replied, not looking back but holding the map over her shoulder so Nina could see it. "That's what we get for being 'interns'. We're the rookies, so we get shit on."

"That's such bullshit, you know?" Nina kept on. "I mean, all the guys, all the 'veterans' get to dig up the cool dinosaur bones at the main dig site, with air-conditioned tents, and plenty of water, and they sent us wandering over the ridge to look for 'possible' dig sites. I mean, we're never gonna find anything over here! That's why no one has ever dug over here! Cause there isn't any thing!" Nina flung her hands up in a useless gesture, rolling her eyes. Lucy kept on walking.

The pair had been friends since high school. They had decided on careers together, and picked a college together. Both had wanted to be archaeologists since they were little kids, watching Indiana Jones for the first time. As they got older, and stopped believing in the movies, they were excited to find that real archaeologists dealt with somewhat similar adventures. It seems that there is always some warring faction or civil unrest around dig sites, and archaeologists frequently have to deal with competitors, and 'grave robbers' who want to steal the artifacts and sell them for money. Thrilled, the two decided to pin their hopes on their dreams, and go for it as archaeologists.

Now, in grad school, and wandering across the desert in search of dig sites that didn't, and never would, exist, their dreams seemed further away than ever. As they neared the bottom of the ridge, both were sweating and badly in need of a break. They found shade under a small tree, a bush really, and sat sipping water. Neither spoke much, and they sat staring across the valley floor for several minutes.

Finally, Lucy spoke up. "Well, look. We have to get this done, and at least show them that we didn't fuck around when they sent us out." She laid out the map between herself and Nina. 'We're here right now, and if we head this direction," she pointed at the map, "we should be able to cover about this much area before the sun starts to go down and we have to head back. We'll take a break around 1 or so, when the sun is hottest, and then pick up again around 2:30." She looked at Nina.

Grumbling, Nina agreed. "Fine. At least we can say we did something, and maybe they'll let us help out at the main dig tomorrow. This is pointless anyway." With a huff, she opened her canteen and took another pull off of it. "You about ready?" she said, glancing over at Lucy.

Glancing back, Lucy said, "Yeah, might as well get to it." With that, she stood, capping her water bottle and shouldering her daypack. The two women stepped from under the protective umbrella of the tree, and crunched purposefully out into the desert. Their wide-brimmed sunhats flopped with each step, and their neckerchiefs hung loosely around their necks, already damp with sweat. Each had her shirt unbuttoned a bit, not worried about modesty in the middle of the desert. They both wore short, khaki cargo shorts, cinched tight around their waists, and their bare legs dipped down to rough-looking hiking boots. Their socks laid scrunched atop their boots as the girls continued under the scorching sun, each thinking about how much nicer it would have been to have become doctors, or even nurses. Blood and guts were nothing compared to blistering heat and jagged rocks. At least they had air-conditioning in hospitals.

The hours passed slowly, and the girls' pace mirrored their enthusiasm. It was nearing 12:30 now, and the pair was approaching a cluster of small, scrub-trees. "Fuck one' o' clock." Nina said. "I'm stopping now. I'm not fucking dying out here." Lucy nodded in agreement, already taking a long gulp from her water bottle as she shrugged off her daypack. The girls sat wearily beneath one of the trees and looked around them.

"This is kinda nice actually." Lucy said between breaths, sweat dripping from her matted hair. "This is the first place I've actually seen soil out here. I guess that's why all these little trees grow here." she said, grinning at the obviousness of her statement.

"Ha, little tired there, hon?" Nina chided, grinning back at her.

"Shut up, you're just as smoked!" Lucy fired back, leaning comfortably against the tree, already starting to feel better. "Seriously though, this ground is pretty soft here. It's kinda like the soil you get in a forest. We wouldn't even need trowels to dig here." Nina looked around as Lucy spoke, taking in their makeshift shelter. There were only a handful of the little trees around them, each only eight feet tall or so, and lending shade to an area only 20 or 30 feet in diameter. It was truly a shady little oasis in the middle of the desert. All it was missing was water.

"You think we ought to dig a little?" Nina said. "Just to say we tried?" She looked at Lucy.

"Well, yeah, I mean, why not?" Lucy said, looking back at Nina. "It's the only place we've found yet that actually has dirt, and it's not like it'll be hard or anything." She walked into the center of the tiny clearing, looking up at the trees above her. She looked back down and began kicking at the dirt with the toe of her boot. She was happy to see it easily giving way, and bent down to start digging with her fingers. Beside her, Nina began pulling at the loose dirt with her hands as well, working quickly. In a short time, the pair had a small depression dug out of the ground and started using their trowels to pull at the damp, dark soil underneath. "This is really too wet to have any kind of fossilization going on here." Nina said, not looking up. "I doubt we'll find anything, honestly."

"You might be right, but I at least want to have some samples or something to take back. I just don't want to go back empty-handed." Lucy replied, digging away as well.

"Ouch, fuck!" Nina suddenly cried out, drawing her hand out of the hole and clutching it to her chest.

"What'd you do?" Lucy said, almost laughing at her friend's reaction.

"I scraped my hand against something down there. It's right there, poking out of the side of the hole." Nina said, still holding her hand tightly.

"Are you bleeding?" Lucy asked, trying to seem at least slightly concerned for her friend.

"Yeah, a little bit. It's just a scratch, I think." Nina responded, working up the courage to look at her hand. She held it out for Lucy to see. A thin red line stretched from the knuckle of Nina's index finger to the bone of her wrist across the back of her hand. As Lucy watched, a few droplets of blood welled up from the tiny wound and Nina drew it back, clutching it to her chest again.

"Oh my God, just try not to pass out from loss of blood!" Lucy teased, giving her friend a loving shove.

"C'mon, it hurts!" Nina said, pouting her lips and feigning disappointment. Lucy laughed, and Nina smiled at her, giggling to herself as well. She looked back into the hole, trying to find what had scratched her. A tiny point of green poked out from the side wall of the hole, looking like a piece of jade. "There it is." she said to Lucy, pointing. "See if you can get it out."

Lucy set to work, working her trowel around the tiny object, trying to pry it loose without damaging it. In short order, she had popped the bauble out of hole into her hand. As she did so, several others, of different colors and shapes spilled into the depression between the two girls. "Wow! We actually found something!" Nina said, rather excited now. Lucy held the object that had scratched Nina up to her face to get a better look. It appeared to definitely be jade, and it was shaped somewhat like an arrowhead. It truthfully looked more like the head of a harpoon, now that Lucy thought about it, in that one side was mostly straight, while the other had a sharp barb, more like an arrow. Peering closer, Lucy could see faint markings etched into the surface.

"Look at this Nina." she said, still examining the object. Nina looked up from the other objects she had been pulling from the hole and laying out beside it. "It's got a little picture carved into it." Lucy turned the object over to Nina now. Nina took it and held it up so the sun shone on its surface. Carved into the side of the object was a slender, almost triangular shape. It was slightly wider at the base than at its apparently sharp point. "Kinda looks like a tooth or something." she observed, handing the object back to Lucy. "All of these have little carving like that on them. Look." she said, handing one of the other artifacts to her friend.

Lucy held the tan colored object up, noticing the carvings on the sides. This one had another triangular shape to it, but the edges were clearly serrated. It curved sharply back on itself, on one side, looking very much like the tooth of a tiger shark. She discarded that one to pick up another. It too had similar carvings, but was a different shape. Each one she inspected had a different carving on it, but all appeared to be teeth of some sort. Together, Lucy and Nina began pulling the spearpoints out of the hole they had dug. Reaching the bottom of the hole, Lucy saw another point protruding from the dark soil. She dug at it with her trowel a bit, loosening it as much as she could and reached to pull it free. She tugged at it for a moment when her fingers slipped. "Ah, damnit." she said, more with disgust than alarm. She looked at her index finger as the blood welled up, and soon began to drip from it. She quickly stuck it in her mouth and sucked on it, looking wryly at Nina who was suppressing a laugh.

"At least I didn't scream like a little girl!" she said around her finger. Nina giggled a bit and finished digging the purplish colored point out of the ground.

"Same as the others." Nina said, holding the object up for Lucy to see. Another apparent tooth was etched into its side, this one appearing to be long and thick, but slightly curved and serrated on one side. "What do you think these are?" she asked.

"Just arrowheads, or spearpoints or something. I mean, think about it, you're a Neanderthal, so you carve decorative teeth on the sides of your arrowheads to make them 'sharper' or whatever." Lucy replied. "Makes sense to me." She shrugged. "They believed in all kinds of weird shit."

"Yeah, I guess so." Nina agreed, leaning back on her hands. She fanned her face with one hand, wiping the sweat off her brow. "It's really freaking hot out here." she said, taking a deep breath.

"No kidding." Lucy retorted. "It is the desert you know." She took her finger out of her mouth and pressed it into her shirttail, trying to stop the blood.

"No, I mean I'm really hot. Maybe I haven't been drinking enough water or something." Nina said, furrowing her brow. "Whatever it is, something's not right. Do you think we can just mark this site and head back now?" she said, looking up at Lucy. As Lucy looked at her, she could see that Nina was sweating a little more than she should have been, considering the amount of work they'd been doing and the time they'd been sitting in the shade.

"Yeah." she said. "No problem." Lucy picked up her day pack and shrugged first one arm through, then the other. "Let's just sit here for a sec and drink some water before we start packing these things up. See if you feel better, you know?" she said, crouching beside her friend and offering her water bottle. Nina gratefully took a sip, but coughed when it went down the wrong tube.

"Are you feeling ok Lucy?" she asked, her eyebrows still tucked together, worry lines running across her forehead. "I mean, I'm really feeling shitty here. It's getting worse. You think those little points could have been poisoned or something?" She took another sip of water. It went down this time.

Lucy considered what she said for a moment. "No, not really. As close as they were to the surface, they must have been exposed to the elements for some time. And any organic poison would be long gone by now on something like that." she said, trying to reassure her friend. She bent down and began to gather the little artifacts together in a bundle. 'Damn,' she thought, wiping her brow, 'it really is getting hot.'

Nina was feeling worse and worse. She was really starting to get scared, wondering if she could make it back over the ridge to the main dig site. She wiped her forehead again and wondered what could be making her mouth hurt. She flicked her tongue over her teeth to investigate.

"What the...?" Lucy heard from behind her. She turned to look at Nina, one hand up to her mouth, and a look of confusion on her face.

"What is it?" she asked, genuinely concerned for her friend.

"Look." Nina replied, pulling back her cheek with one finger. "My teeth, they're different somehow." As Lucy leaned closer to look, she saw that Nina was right. Her canines were definitely longer than they should have been, and as Lucy watched, they appeared to be growing. "Whoah!" Nina said, louder now. "I think I can feel them growing! What the hell is this?" she asked, the look of confusion replaced now by a look of shock.

Lucy backed up a step, still crouched and peering into her friend's mouth. "Just calm down now, it must be the heat. Just relax." she said, trying to sooth her friend. "I'm starting to feel pretty hot myself, actually." she continued, putting a hand to her forehead.

"No," Nina said, "I'm not feeling the heat anymore at all. I'm actually getting chills now." Lucy looked down at Nina's arms, and found that goosebumps were indeed rising on her skin. "What the hell is going on here?" Nina asked, looking at her friend. She could see that Lucy was now sweating profusely, and looking slightly pale. Nina's canines continued to grow, and were now reaching nearly an inch long. As they extended downward, they grew thicker and wider at the base. It felt to her as if her whole face was shifting and changing.

Lucy meant to say something to her friend, but she too suddenly felt cold. She felt her skin contract across her body, and felt goosebumps rising on her arms and legs. She glanced quickly at Nina as she felt changes beginning in her own mouth. It felt as if her whole head was moving, and as she looked at her friend, she could see Nina's nose shifting as her canines continued to elongate past her lips, reaching toward her jawline and still growing. The look on Nina's face was now a combination of shock, fear, and wonder. Lucy's thoughts were reigned in again by a horrible twisting sensation in her mouth. It felt as if there weren't enough room for all of her teeth. It seemed as though they were jostling about, trying to escape as Lucy felt her jaws expanding slowly.

"Ehh, this is really freaky Lucy!" Nina said, on the verge of panic. Her canines were sliding across the skin of her lower lip as they extended past her jawline. She reached up with one hand to feel her teeth and noticed that her nose and mouth had pushed slightly out from her face. Her nose was drawing closer to her upper lip, and her lower jaw seemed to be extending with the rest of her face. She found she was still able to move it normally, and it didn't appear to be hurting her ability to speak. "Lucy, are you ok?" she asked, glancing at her friend.

"I...I think." Lucy replied with apprehension. "What the fuck is happening? You're face is changing, and I can feel mine twisting too!" she said, panic creeping into her voice as well. Both girls were barely containing themselves, holding back only because of the sheer insanity of what was happening to them. Lucy braced herself as she reached up to her face. She could feel immediately that her nose and jaws were pushing out from her face, elongating in front of her. Parting her lips slightly, she touched one of her teeth. It felt longer, and sharper than before. She ran her hands along the rest of her teeth, and found that they were all taking the same shape, lengthening and thickening in her mouth. It surprised Lucy that none of these changes hurt, but she was very close to losing her barely maintained cool.

"Lucy, there's something else going on now!" Nina said, feeling a twisting in her stomach. Another chill ran over her body, and she felt the goosebumps return. She felt her panic subside a bit. Somehow she felt calmer. Lucy, however, was hyperventilating next to her, doubled over on all fours. Her nose and mouth had pushed out from her face nearly 6 inches now, and her nose had flattened against her now broad jawline. As she cracked her mouth slightly to breathe, Nina could see rows of ¾ inch long teeth, all pointed and sharpened. She reached up to her own teeth, canines now 3 inches long and extending slightly beyond the bottom of her jaw. She couldn't see it, but she could feel that her jaw had extended like Lucy's, and her nose had changed its shape, pulling closer to her upper lip. "Lucy, we've got to stay calm." she said, amazed that she was still able to speak and articulate without any problems.

"Oh god, oh god..." Lucy breathed, not even looking at Nina. She could feel other changes beginning as well, but was too lost in her panic to realize what they were.

"We're going to be ok, we just need to figure out what's happening to us and we'll find a way to change it back. Just keep breathing and talking to me." Nina said, trying to calm her friend.

"O...o...ok." Lucy managed, still breathing quickly. She looked up at Nina finally, looking for reassurance. Staring back at her was a cat-like face, with two 3 inch fangs extending downward from Nina's mouth. Her nose protruded slightly, but her face retained a mostly humanoid look. As she watched, she saw Nina's eyes develop cat-like slits in them, reflecting a golden-brown color. Somehow, the look of ease on that face calmed her. "Are you ok? Does it hurt?" she asked.

"No, it doesn't hurt, though it is definitely weird. Keep breathing, Lucy. Try to relax a little bit." Nina said. She had no idea how she could be so calm about all of this. Lucy was normally the one who took charge, the one who had the plan. But somehow, Nina felt that she would be ok. Another chill ran across her body, tingling up her spine, and she felt her nipples harden beneath her shirt in response. A pinching feeling developed at different spots on her stomach, and it grew stronger as the chills continued running over her body. "God, what is that?" she asked aloud, to no one in particular. She rubbed a hand across her stomach and felt small bumps protruding from her skin. Quickly, she pulled her shirt up, exposing the lower part of her belly and gasped at what she saw.

What could only be described as nipples sat perched on her stomach, 3 sets of them. Nina could see Lucy staring as well, out of the corner of her eye. "Are those nipples?" she asked, apparently still able to speak clearly despite her own changes.

"I think so." said Nina, rubbing a finger slowly over one. She marveled at its sensitivity, shivering against her will at the sensation it sent through her body. "It actually...feels good." she said, looking at Lucy.

Lucy's amazement disappeared as she began to notice further changes in her own body. Despite the outrageous desert heat, goosebumps rose on Lucy's legs as she felt her feet begin to change. She quickly untied her laces and pushed her boots off as the twisting sensation continued beneath her socks. As she whipped her socks off, she could see that her heel was slowly migrating up her calf. Her toes appeared to fusing together, becoming three separate toes that each grew in size before Lucy's eyes. A gasp from Nina drew her attention. Beside her, Nina had begun to unbutton her shirt, starting at the bottom and working her way toward the top. As she reached the last button, she threw her shirt open and Lucy could see her nipples outlined sharply against the fabric of her bra.

Nina was becoming overwhelmed by the sensation that now focused on her breasts. It felt as if pressure were building steadily behind each of her new nipples, and the pressure in her breasts was twofold. She had unbuttoned her shirt and quickly discarded it as the sensation grew more intense. Her bra began to seem confining as Nina felt her breasts begin to swell. A glance downward showed that in addition to her breasts, small mounds were forming behind each of her 6 extra nipples. The feeling intensified, and Nina reached up to her breasts with both hands, squeezing gently. Unlike most women in her field, and including Lucy, Nina had a body that could have taken her anywhere she wanted to go. Her breasts were a full C-cup, and rested beautifully on her chest. Now, she felt them continue to grow, swelling against the fabric of her bra and pulling it tight against her back. As the pressure continued to grow behind her 8 nipples, Nina could feel the straps of her bra beginning to bite into her shoulders. She reached behind her back quickly and undid the offending garment, and sighed heavily as her breasts fell freely back to her chest.

Lucy continued to watch her feet change, and they appeared to reach the end of their change as her toes fused completely and her heel halted its move a quarter of the way up her calf. Her foot now had three large toes on it, with a large claw protruding from each one. The pad on the ball of her foot had thickened and toughened as her heel slid further and further from the ground. As her change finished, she turned to check on her friend.

"Jesus Nina! What the fuck happened?" she exclaimed, her friend's naked breasts catching her attention.

"God Lucy, this is starting to feel so good!" Nina said, rubbing her hands over her top set of nipples, flicking them thoughtfully.

Lucy looked in awe at Nina's 8 breasts, swinging freely in the desert air. Her original breasts must have been large D's by now, and each pair of breasts below them were a size smaller than the pair above. Her smallest pair, perched on her stomach just above her hips, were barely a handful. Each of Nina's nipples had grown longer, and now protruded stiffly from her breasts. As she continued to rub her original nipples, she let out a small sigh and looked at Lucy. "I'm getting so turned on by this Lucy! I know it's freaky, but I can't help myself. These tits feel incredible!" she said, still fondling herself slowly.

"They're...gorgeous, Nina." Lucy said, shocked at herself. She could see that Nina's breasts were still growing, and watched as they finally stopped, overflowing her hands. Her tits hung from her chest like ripe fruit, round and full, easily DD's now as Nina continued to rub and fondle them, moaning occasionally.

Nina had never been so turned on in her life. Her tits felt full and tight, and as she fondled herself, sensations of pleasure vibrated through her body. She could feel her panties soaking through as her pussy responded to her arousal. "Lucy, my tits feel like their gonna burst!" she said, moaning with pleasure. The skin on her breasts felt firm and tight, and Nina thought she could feel pressure building behind them again. Her nipples had grown also, each one over an inch long, and half an inch wide at the base. Each of her 8 nipples was rock hard, and she ran her hands over all of them, shivering in pleasure.

Lucy watched Nina begin to lose herself in pleasure as changes began in her own body. Again, a chill ran over her entire body, and she felt her nipples harden in response, as that familiar twisting sensation returned elsewhere. She felt her tailbone begin to push against her shorts, and as she looked, a small lump formed beneath her belt. At the same time, Lucy felt goosebumps rise on her legs, and her thighs begin to swell against the legs of her shorts. She undid her belt quickly, and unbuttoned herself, but was too late. Her thighs were already too large for Lucy to push her shorts over them. She winced as they grew tighter around her thighs, and her tailbone pushed harder against the material. "I can't get my shorts off Nina! God, their getting tight, and I think I'm growing a tail!" she groaned as the material tightened further.

Beside her, Nina felt changes continuing in her body. Her boots slid off her feet as they rearranged into paws. She felt her toes shorten and bunch up, and watched her heel move further up her calf, as Lucy's had. She still continued to grope her breasts as the changes continued in her body. Her pussy throbbed as the changes continued in her feet, claws pushing their way out of her toes as fur began to spread across them. The fur spread across her paws and began to make its way up her legs as Nina continued to stroke her engorged nipples. She felt her shorts dampen as her pussy soaked through her panties completely. "Oooohhhh....." she sighed, the pleasure increasing. She swiftly reached down and opened the fly on her shorts, reaching to her tender opening. Entering herself with two fingers, Nina gasped with pleasure, amazed at how sensitive her pussy had become. As the fur continued to spread up her legs, Nina laid on her back, pulling gently on a nipple as she began to work her pussy, her hips rocking in time.

Lucy could feel her breasts beginning to swell now, and reached up to them while her shorts continued to tighten. The pressure against her tailbone increased as well as it continued to press against the fabric of her shorts. She heard a small rip, and her shorts loosened slightly. She felt the crotch of her shorts pull tighter against her pussy, and Lucy felt herself moisten. She moaned slightly, grabbing her slowly growing breasts as her shorts continued to rip, rubbing against her clit every time. A shiver ran down her spine as her small breasts swelled further, pushing her nipples against the taught fabric of her shirt. Lucy had never needed to wear a bra, but she looked down now to see her nipples poking prominently from her shirt as it drew tight against her chest. Beside her, Nina moaned louder.

As Nina fingered herself harder, she felt the pressure increase in her breasts, centering behind her nipples now. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever felt before, and she moaned in ecstasy as she continued rubbing her clit and working her dripping folds. Milk soon began to drip from Nina's nipples, running in droplets down her massive tits to the dirt beneath her. "Oh my god, Lucy, this is amazing! It feels so good!" she cried out, working her pussy harder as milk continued to run down her breasts, warm and sweet. Soon, Nina was bucking her hips in time with her hand, panting as she neared orgasm. With her free hand, she tugged at her nipples, the sensation of milk flowing from them becoming too much for her. She cried out in pleasure as she pushed herself over the edge. "Lucy! Oh god, oh god, I can't stop! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cummm Lucccyyyy!! OOOoooohhhhhAAAAHHHH!!" she screamed as her body shuddered with release, her pussy spasming against her palm as milk sprayed from her swollen nipples. "Oh shit, oh shit, ohshitohshitohshitOOOOHHHH!!" she screamed again, coming a second time and gripping her aching pussy with one hand, the other clutching a breast as her body shook with a mind-numbing orgasm. Her pussy dripped into her shorts as fur began to pass her hips and continued up her stomach.

Lucy was lost in her own world as her body continue to grow, straining her clothing to its breaking point. With a loud rip, her shorts and modest panties gave way to her swelling thighs and growing tailbone. With a great sigh of relief, she rubbed her sore thighs thoughtfully. She looked over her shoulder at what appeared to be a tail pushing its way out of her ass. Free of her confining shorts, Lucy's tail grew quickly, reaching 4 feet as she watched. She felt her hips expand to accommodate her new appendage, her ass growing with them. The tail continued to expand, growing thick at the base and stretching her already wet pussy back between her legs. She moaned passionately, feeling her tender slit tugged back by her now 6 foot long, muscular tail. Lucy's breasts continued to grow, filling her hands and beginning to strain the buttons on her shirt. The sweat-starched fabric rubbed against her nipples, drawing another moan from her lips as she felt her pussy throb again in response. She felt her juices begin to drip down the inside of her thighs as the skin on her legs thickened and became rough to the touch. Lucy shoved a hand past her thick tail and over her ass to her tender pussy. "Ohhhhh fuck...." she moaned, sliding her fingers inside easily.

Coming down from her intense orgasms, Nina began to finger herself again. The light brown fur that now covered her legs and hips was slowly working its way across her 8 breasts, and she felt a small tail snake its way out of her tailbone. Milk dribbled steadily from her nipples now as the pressure behind them continued. She built herself toward orgasm again when something suddenly felt wrong. Her hands were twisting, slowly changing. Nina opened her eyes to look down at her hands and watched as her fingers drew back into her hand, her palm expanding slowly. As she watched, her fingers slowly reduced themselves to nubs, and sharpened claws grew from each one as her hands slowly became paws. Fur slowly spread across her new paws and began working its way down her arms toward the fur still working its way across Nina's full tits. "Lucy, my hands! My hands are turning into paws!" she cried out, looking over at her friend.

Beside her, Lucy was in the throes of full passion, much as Nina had been only moments ago. She worked her dripping pussy furiously as her breasts continued to press against her shirt. Nina could see Lucy's nipples poking against the fabric, threatening to destroy it at any moment. "Oh god...." Lucy moaned her hand working quickly against her pussy, her free hand roaming across the growing mass of her tits. Nina could see her friend's now considerable cleavage between the buttons of her shirt as the fabric continued to stretch, pulling open. With a pop, the topmost button on Lucy's shirt let go, landing somewhere in the dirt between the two friends. With the structural integrity of the shirt weakened, the rest of the buttons let go in quick succession. "NNNgggghhhhhOH....oh GOD!" Lucy cried, her body tightening as she spasmed and came, her pussy spurting onto the ground beneath her. Nina watched as her shirt fell to tatters around her shoulders and her friend came furiously. Lucy's skin had taken on a leathery texture and a light green complexion from her hips down, and as Nina watched, it continued up over her stomach toward her breasts.

Lucy reached a hand up to her breasts, now free of her shirt, and fondled one, pinching her nipple between her fingers. She moaned softly and Nina caught another glance of her pointed teeth. "I need your help Lucy. I can't do it on my own." she said, locking eyes with her friend for the first time in what seemed like hours. She took in the sight of her friend's new body. Lucy was now covered in leathery skin that looked quite thick and very tough. She stood now on the balls of her feet and wicked looking claws protruded from each of her six toes. Above her thick legs, her hips had widened and made room for a very thick tail, which hung muscularly about 7 feet behind her. Lucy's tits had swollen to nearly the same proportions as Nina's, though they didn't appear to hold any milk. Her nipples were thick and short, and sat stiffly upon her breasts. Lucy appeared to be roughly 7 feet tall now, and her face had distorted slightly to accommodate her rows of teeth.

Lucy didn't say a word as she stepped closer to her friend. Nina still lay on her back, legs spread and her shorts pushed down to her ankles. She held up her paws for Lucy to see, and nodded shyly at her still soaking pussy. Lucy stepped between her legs, and bent down to her, kneeling. She locked eyes with Nina again, and began to lick her pussy, instantly drawing a moan from her friend. Her thick new tongue pushed roughly against Nina's slippery folds, and she moved it slowly up and down, careful to hit Nina's swollen clit each time. Nina writhed underneath her friend, her soft paws running constantly up and down her tits. She fondled herself roughly, closing her eyes and groaning in pleasure as Lucy began to pick up her pace. "God Lucy, don't stop, that's amazing! You're gonna make me cum! I swear!" Nina said, unable to keep from bucking her hips against her friend's face.

Lucy licked harder with each pass, pressing her tongue firmly against Nina's clit. She snaked a hand down between her legs again, and stroked her own clit as Nina began to build toward orgasm. With her free hand, Lucy fondled herself, plucking at her nipple and feeling her own pleasure grow. She started to pant through her nose as she licked Nina harder. "Jesus Lucy! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum! Oooohhhh....oh nnnggggaaah!" she moaned, her chest heaving with each breath. Lucy could feel Nina's hips bucking with pleasure under her thick tongue, and worked her pussy harder.

Nina was lost in the sensations coursing through her body as her friend continued to lick her pussy. Lucy's tongue brought Nina sensations she had never felt before, and each time her friend's rough tongue touched her clit, Nina felt an electric shock run the length of her spine. She rubbed her nipples roughly, all 8 tits bouncing against her chest as she bucked her hips and called out to her friend. "Lucy, oh my god! Oh my god, I'm gonna cum! Jesus, here it comes, here it coooommmmess!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHAAAHH GGGOOOOODDDDD! Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck AAAHHoooooohhhhAAAHHHFFUUUUCCCKK!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as her body let loose in a monumental orgasm.

Lucy was building closer and closer to orgasm as Nina continued to writhe and moan underneath her. When her friend started screaming, she knew she was getting close and Lucy licked harder, letting her tongue drag across Nina's aching, swollen clit. Suddenly, Nina's pussy spasmed, spurting against Lucy's face as she came with a force Lucy didn't know was possible. Seeing her friend squirm as her body quivered, milk shooting from all 8 of her nipples, pushed Lucy over the edge as well. Lucy's jaw clenched and she groaned through her teeth as she gripped her pussy tightly with her fingers, collapsing on top of Nina. She rubbed her face against Nina's huge tits while frigging herself off again and again with her free hand. She came again and again, weakly trembling on top of her friend, while Nina came underneath her, the sensation of milk spurting from her nipples too much for her.

The two friends collapsed in a heap on one another, shuddering in pleasure, their heads swimming. Neither moved for several minutes, until finally Lucy rolled off of Nina's chest and pulled herself to her feet. The sun was just setting, and a cool breeze flowed across the desert toward them. From the distance, faint shouts reached their ears, and the pair turned to see flashlights dancing down the ridgeline toward them.