Excerpt from part 2 of Chapter 6 of Asterion Academy

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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Dash was handling his own against the scyther; however they were clashing so fast I could hardly make them out. Meanwhile Gabe was beating the crap out of the ursarang with aura pulses and close range combat. I formed an electrical orb like Gabe's aura sphere and slammed it into a fearow's back knocking it to the ground then yelled down "GABE TRY USING AURA SPHERE CLOSE UP AND SEE WHAT THAT DOES!!!!!!" He nodded to let me know he heard me then formed an even larger aura sphere and slammed it into the ursarang. Everything else stopped as the concussion from the attack slammed the ursarang into a tree and nearly knocked everyone who was flying out of the air. It stunned Dash and the scyther for a moment then they went back at it. While they'd stopped I saw that Dash had put on a pair of steel claws that fit perfectly over his gloves. As soon as Dash and they scyther started back up the flying pokemon started bombarding me. I growled and let loose a jet of flame sending several of them to the ground with burnt wings. Those that avoided my attacks flew away deciding it was better to run than face a pissed off creature that wouldn't stop no matter how injured it was. Suddenly I saw a zangoose sneaking up on Gabe as he finished off the ursarang and dropped out of the sky feet first with my wings tucked in. I opened my wings and banked with them at the last moment so I didn't break it's spine then spun and blasted the two scyther's blades with an energy ball at the same time Gabe used an aura sphere. The two attacks sent the scyther back a few steps and allowed Dash to kick their legs making them unstable. Then the three of them ended up in a knock down drag out fight with Dash starting to lose. Gabe ran over to help, while I pushed off from the zangoose and used my wings to propel me forward slamming one of the scyther in the chest and knocking it away from Dash.

Gabe suddenly stopped and sent out an aura sphere that knocked a large Arbock into a tree knocking it out. I grabbed the scyther behind its bladed claws, but my left hand slipped and it managed to cut me all across the chest, sides, and down my right arm. I managed to grab the blade again before it could cut to deep then growled softly. I slowly picked it up and started swinging it into trees while Dasher fought his own scyther and Gabe went back after the ursarang who just wouldn't stay down. Finally after about five minutes I dropped the now unconscious scyther and turned back to the others to see they were about to come over and help me. I blinked and said "I don't think that this was just a random occurrence." The others nodded and walked over then checked me up and down. Dash unclipped the med kit from my belt then blinked and sniffed me a few times. I looked at him questioningly and he said "What's that strange smell?" Gabe blinked and said "I smell it too. I wonder what it is." I stared at them and said "I don't smell anything." then ran a finger through the blood on my arm and licked it clean finding that despite the fact I'd messed with my scanner my blood tasted no different. The others stared at me then Dash licked a bit of the blood off my arm before pulling a wad of gauze out and wiping one of the cuts on my chest. He blinked and wiped one on my arm clean then showed it to me and said "Does that happen often?" as it slowly healed. I blinked and said "Honestly that's new." He sighed and put the med kit back on his belt then the three of us stopped as we heard the sound of running feet. I glanced at Dash and Gabe then said "How much you want to bet that's the girls and Lady Shandi?"

They shook their heads and Gabe said "I'm not making bets against you; you're way too accurate at times." I blinked and smiled at him then stretched out and looked at my now ruined shirt. I sighed and said "Well it appears I've only got one shirt that doesn't get damaged, and Calley had to piss on it." Gabe laughed and Dash snickered. I glared at them then tossed off the shreds of my shirt and put on my cloak. The guys blinked and Dash actually started to drool a little bit. I glanced down and said "Yeah, I've got a six pack, so what?" He blinked and shook his head then Gabe said "You know there's a lot more red in your eyes now Jake?" I shook my head to show I hadn't known that then yawned and stretched out. Suddenly the girls came flying out of the woods and tackled me. I blinked while Dash and Gabe snickered at how the girls rolled me over six or seven times as they looked for every single one of my injuries. Suddenly the four of them got off me and turned to Dash and Gabe with that look that every guy knows means trouble. Dash and Gabe instinctively took a step back and the girls slowly started talking among themselves. I got to my feet and dusted myself off just as Amanda said "Dasher, Gabe, you're in a lot of trouble." Gabe swallowed and Dasher seemed to look for a place to run as Danna stepped forward and started yelling "HOW COULD YOU TWO LET HIM GO IN THAT CAVE ALONE!!!!!???" Dash blinked seeming to wonder how they knew about the cave as Amanda continued where her sister left off by yelling "HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET HURT SO MUCH? I THOUGHT HE WAS YOUR FRIEND!!!!!!" Dasher sighed and said "We were kind of busy trying to make sure we didn't DIE!!" The girls just glared at him until he shut up then Sam said "You guys could have sent someone to come and get us. I mean Lady Shandi said to meet back up at the place where the trail forked. Or were you guys not paying attention?"

Gabe blinked and said "Lady Shandi didn't tell us anything, we just followed the trail like we said we would I even sent up an aura sphere to let you know where we were." That got the girls to turn their anger on him, which was not smart of him to do. The vixen, who's name I'd still yet to learn, growled softly then yelled "YOU'RE AURA SPHERE IS WHAT ATTRACTED ALL OF THOSE POKEMON!!!!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID TO LET OFF SUCH A POWERFUL ATTACK THAT WOULD DISTURB SO MANY CREATURES IN THE ARE?????" Gabe yelped and hid behind Dash who growled softly then wilted under the glower of all four females as they continued to chew my companions asses out, until finally I had enough of it. I growled softly then yelled "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE SO BUSY WORRYING ABOUT ME WITHOUT EVEN ASKING IF I'M OK!!! WHY NO THINK ABOUT THE FLYGON WHO WAS INJURED THIS ENTIRE TIME AND YOUR WASTING ENERGY SCREAMING AT THE GUYS WHO DID THEIR BEST TO PROTECT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT IF YOU WANT TO STRESS WAIT UNTIL WE'RE IN THE MEDICAL CENTER SO OUR WOUNDED FRIEND DOESN'T HAVE TO HEAR IT!!!!" Everyone stared at me slightly shamefacedly then I said "I'm going to get flygon, girls wait out here for Lady Shandi."