Puppies and Owners. Chapter 3 - Oh, Brother...

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#3 of Puppies and Owners.

Author's Note: So I got my Waka Flaka on right now and my mass effect 2. I'm ready to write! By the way, if I wrote a sci-fi story with totally new characters that is along the lines of star wars and mass effect, would you read it? Just wondering for new ideas. :). comment yo answer hos and bitches! :) cause we know there ain't no pimps up in this bitch :)).

Got that supa soaka pussy pop like cola coca, plus it's tighter than a choker, got em smilin like the joker, got that nenenenenenenene little mermaid on my linen when your momma sleepin you can call me and get all up in it, bank roll bring me all them pretty FURS, cause my pussy game cold, when he hit it he say bur he say b-b-b-b-bur, imma imma marry her, and he polite with his words like he strummin his guitar.

"Dude, it's going to be ok. RJ just needs to cool off," Trent reassured. I had been crying for the past three hours. Everyone else had left except for Trent and Tyson. I was so confused. I should have been crying because I upset RJ, but I really just wanted Seth. I was afraid of what Kaiden was doing to him.

"I'm fine," I sobbed, "You guys can leave whenever."

"Maybe we should just spend the night," Tyson suggested. I really just wanted to be alone though.

"No, thanks for all the nice stuff, but I'm just really tired. Plus, RJ is going to want to have a long talk."

"If you say so." Trent and Tyson gave me a hug before they left. I wasn't alone for long. RJ stormed inside and threw his keys on the table. He glared at me for a moment before speaking.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" RJ growled.

"RJ, I'm sorry-"

"No, seriously Nick. Did you not think about anyone else? You threw our relationship out the window. You didn't do anything good for Seth! You didn't even consider my brother! How can you be so fucking selfish?"

"Your brother is not my fucking responsibility!"

"No one asked you for that! All I asked was play it low!"

"I'm trying to apologize!"

"THAT DOESN'T FUCKING FIX IT!" I was feeling a little afraid of RJ at this point. He took a deep breath. "Go upstairs."


"Now," he growled. I tried to hide my tears and raced up the stairs. RJ was right behind me. "Go to bed."

"Fuck you! I don't have to take this shit." I started to leave, but RJ slammed the door shut and glared at me.

"That was an order," RJ said in a low growl.

"You promised-"

"I'M THE ONLY ONE MAKING ANY PROMISES! You're a selfish little bitch!" RJ barked. Normally, I would have hit him or something, but he was so beyond angry with me. Maybe he was right, too. I was selfish, but I always had been. How do you change something like that?

"RJ, please stop..." I whined.

"Just go to sleep, Nick." I reluctantly turned away from him and fell on the broken bed. I heard RJ brushing his teeth before joining me on the bed. My eyes were so sore that sleep came very easy.

Alright, stop. Tips for cheating on your boyfriend. First, don't do it. Second, if you just have to do it, make sure he isn't in the next room. Third, make sure that you don't cheat on him with your best friend who is dating your psychotic ex who has a record of killing people that cheat on him. Play.

When I woke up, the sun was shining through the windows. RJ was gone, but I could hear a television downstairs. I stretched before I rolled off the mattress. I was wearing a pair of maroon sweatpants and a gray t-shirt. I fixed my fur before going down the stairs.

To my surprise, RJ wasn't alone on the couch. There was a smaller, younger german shepherd sitting next to him. He had the same colored fur and the same piercing green eyes. Must be brother.

"Nick, this is Austin. Austin, Nick."

"Oh, you're RJ's fuck toy," Austin jeered.

"Excuse me? How old are you?" I asked. I was a little offended. I didn't realize that was his goal.

"Fourteen. Too old for you."

"I'm older than you!"

"Well, either way I'm not gay so don't think about me and you."

"Your brother's an asshole, RJ."

"Your boyfriend's a pussy, RJ."

"Austin," RJ scolded, "watch your mouth." RJ followed me to the kitchen. "Sorry about that, but I knew he'd be safe here."

"Wow, Kaiden! You did a one eighty overnight!" I said sarcastically.

"Nick, I'm sorry, but I was angry. I didn't mean anything by it."

"Whatever, we have a long talk ahead of us. I do have a question though."

"Anything," RJ said sweetly.

"Um, have you um, talked to Kaiden?"

"Yeah. He wasn't angry. Seth is fine. I talked to him too."

"Good. Now, about this kid..."

"Just try to ignore him. I know he's a jerk."

"Why doesn't he stay with your dad or something."

"Kaiden wont try anything if he's here."

"If you say so." I followed RJ back to the living room. Austin had started a video game. I figured I'd try to start a conversation. "What game are you playing?"

"Mass Effect 2, not a gay one," Austin replied sharply.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, it's fun."

"Then why are you a chick?"

"Huh? Because... the girls have better powers."

"I think it's because they have lesbians."

"So what? Lesbians are hot."

"Yeah, but they're also gay."

"Shut up."

"I think, Nick gotcha Austin," RJ laughed.

"There is a difference between gay girls and gay guys. Girls can do stuff with other girls and it's hot, but guys are just gross."

"Oh, I wish I had been that bright at your age," I laughed. RJ leaned over the couch and kissed my forehead.

"Ew," Austin said in disgust. I grinned at him.



"I've got to go to the grocery store. Do you guys need anything?"

"Nope," I replied. RJ picked up his keys and left me sitting with Austin. He suddenly put the controller on the table and turned to me.



"What is it that you see in my brother exactly? I mean, besides the money and all."

"I don't care about the money. I mean, it's a definite plus, but I like him for who he is. Plus, he's kind smoking hot, but you probably don't get that one."

"So it's his looks?"

"And his personality."

"Yeah, ok," Austin said skeptically, "I don't hate you because you're gay."

"Oh, so you hate me because I'm with RJ."

"Not necessarily. RJ thinks I'm a stupid kid, but I know about a lot more than he thinks."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but there has to be a reason he's always dating guys that are close to my age." There was a lot of subtext behind that sentence that I just didn't understand.

"Um, I don't think RJ thinks about you that way."

"Ew, I don't want to be with him. I've never been with a dude or a girl really. I just watch a lot of porn."

"Oh, sorry. I misunderstood."

"Well, I have to say that of all his previous boyfriends, you are by far the best looking and the coolest."

"Thanks," I laughed, "You know, RJ might treat you older if you acted like this in front of him."

"It doesn't bother me. I just thought you should know." I hadn't noticed, but this whole time Austin had been closing the distance between us and we were now sitting centimeters apart. I still wasn't sure at what he was saying, but I didn't need anything that would get me in trouble with RJ.

"Ok, well then I'll just keep it secret."

"Good, keep this too." His muzzle hit my muzzle in a very sloppy kiss. I pushed back on him.

"Austin! What... what are you... I mean, we shouldn't-"

"Please, Nick! Look, I swear I'll never ever say anything to RJ. You're the only dude I'd ever consider doing this with, please!"

"Austin, I'm already in a lot of trouble with RJ-"

"Please, I'm so hard!"

"Then you don't really want this."

"No, I do! I'm begging you!"

"You don't even know me!"

"Yeah, but I know you're trustworthy. I need someone who wont tell RJ, but cares something about me too." I didn't know what to do. He looked so innocent and I didn't want to be the one to ruin it. His eyes were glazed over in the haze of lust. His muzzle moved closer again and I returned the kiss. I must be fucking stupid.

Alright, stop. Don't sleep with your boyfriend's brother. Honestly, it can't end good in anyway. Common sense. Obviously, I didn't get that trait. Play.

Austin Didn't waste anytime and started massaging my crotch. "Wait," I said breaking the kiss, "you have to be gentler. Like... like this," I placed my paw on Austin's thigh and gently caressed the insides. Austin shivered and moaned. At least it wouldn't last long.

"Is it the same with girls?"

"Um, you have to go a lot slower than this with girls. Girls like the build up the most. It's just a bonus for dudes," I laughed. Austin laughed too. His hand froze and he was lost in the feeling. I gently licked his ear and he shivered.

"I don't think I'm going to last very long."

"Whenever you feel like it, just let me know."

"Ok," Austin whispered as I moved to his neck. I used my paw to trace the waistline of his jeans. His breathing was already labored. Austin tried to mimic my movements and got a little shiver out of me, but with his lack of experience I couldn't expect him to be RJ. I started to undo the button of his jeans and pull the zipper down, but he stopped me. "Can I tell you something and you promise not to laugh?"

"Yeah," I answered. He sounded really concerned. Please don't say you love me.

"I'm not, um, I'm not really big like RJ."


"You know, like my... thing isn't as big as his."

"Oh," Thank god, "Austin, you're fourteen. You haven't grown up all the way. It gets bigger."

"Ok, I just didn't want you to laugh. Some guys at school laugh when we're in the locker room."

"You play football?"

"No, RJ's the football kid. I'm the soccer kid." Austin laughed and placed a paw on my chest. "Your heart isn't beating like mine."

"You're nervous, it's ok." I continued to play around his thighs and massage different areas. I worked my paw underneath where his balls were and rubbed the sensitive taint. Austin moaned loudly. I noticed his boxers were soaked with pre-cum. His member was already fully hard and throbbing beneath the thin black material. I lapped at his neck while I slowly moved my hand over the teens heavy balls. When I reached the tip of the member Austin whined in ecstasy. I squeezed the member roughly through his boxers and Austin shivered. His paws locked around my shoulders as if he were afraid of falling. "Are you ok?"

"P-please keep going."

"Are you close?"

"Yeah." I squeezed the tip and held it. Austin whined in pain for a moment, but I felt the member's swelling decrease. I slowly stripped the boxers down to reveal his member. His paws were still locked on my shoulders and I worked the member. With every motion of my paw the slick member throbbed and Austin moaned. Austin put his head against my chest and stared at my paw working on his erect member.

"How far are you wanting to go?"

"I don't know. I just want to cum now."

"You don't like it?"

"No, I fucking love it, but it feels like I'm never going to."

"We still have a long way to go, dude." Austin moaned as I squeezed the member again and pulled him off of my chest. I dropped my muzzle between his thighs and licked my way to his taint. Austin moaned and his paws immediately locked on my head. His reaction to my tongue on his balls was priceless. He was trying to shove my muzzle into his internal organs. I continued to suckle the thick orbs before moving to the bottom of his shaft. I ran my tongue over the sensitive underside before suckling the tip. Suddenly I let my lips slide over the shaft and took everything into my muzzle. It was easier than what I was used to. Austin was trying to catch his breath and hump my muzzle at the same time. I used my tongue to work on the tip while sliding muzzle up and down the shaft it wasn't long until I felt the bulb of his knot pop through his sheath. I lapped at the thick flesh and Austin's moans became short and breathy.

"N-nick, Ohhhh," I was ready for this to be over. I continued to suck and lick at the knot. With one last heavy moan, Austin's thick warm seed splashed into my muzzle. Austin took a deep breath and relaxed. "Ok, now I need your phone so I can call RJ and tell him."


"I'm just kidding. Thanks, for real though," Austin giggled.

"Cute," I said sarcastically, "you're welcome."

"Do you think there will be more time for stuff like this? I'm here all summer." Austin pulled his soaked boxers off and put the jeans back on.

"Do you want some underwear?"

"No, I'll be fine, but could you hide these for me?" He handed me the soaked boxers and I threw them in the laundry. "And you never answered my question?"

"Well, RJ has to go to the grocery store, doesn't he?"

"Yeah," Austin chuckled, "he does."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I ran to open the door. Seth. Complete with a busted lip.