Death in the night part 1

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Death In the Night

Set in A/U version of my Falling for Lioness series.

Set after the first story

Lion king chatters own by Disney

I own Stuart, Shingi and the other Oc people.

It had been 3 weeks after Simba and co had defated Scar.

When the find a new feline creature, But something evil.

In the Dark was hunting Pride Landers, at same time, when the new feline was found.

Chapter 1 Evil in the Darkness

Pride rock

Stuart looked over to, his resting mate with pure love. It had been a tough couple of days for them and the pride. Sure the rain had finely had come to the Pride lands.

But the Animals had not, and Zazu and Rafiki had gone off to gather the Animas. Back to the Pride land to promise them, that Scar had been defeated.

As Simba had return to fallow, in his farther King Mufasa paw prints. As this was happening, Zira was outside watching the heavy cold rain. Crashing down and into to the much dry ground. The only Problem was, it had affected the pride. Because it was near impossible to hunt in that type of weather.

As well, as most parts of the Pride lands were flooded with water. An Lions and water don't mix, plus the pure coldness from the strong wind.

As she was in her own world thinking about, all kind of stuff. She then heard footsteps, knowing it was not a cat. Since the sound of claws, hitting the stone floor. Didn't fill hear ears, as she then looked over. To see her adopted human brother, coming her way.

" Hi bro " Zira said to Stuart, nuzzling his legs, as he stood by her.

" Hi Sis, how Nuka and Vitani doing" Stuart asked his Sister, about his adopted family.

" There fine, Nuka is baby sitting his Sister. How are your and Nala cubs" Zira asked happily to Stuart.

" There fine, but me and Simba cant see them for a few weeks. Since, the way me Simba got attitude from Sarafina and Sarabi." Stuart chuckled deeply.

Zira laughed, knowing how Lioness is very proticve of there cubs. As she let out a happy purr, as she licked his hand. As Stuart stroked her furry ears.

" That the, way we are with our cubs Stu." Zira said laughing, at the human.

" I know, Sis" Stuart said laughing as well.

As they were chatting, together they didn't notice, a shadow coming closer to them.

" Guys" said the voice from behind them.

This cause both, Zira and Stuart to jump in, fright only to turn back. To see a laughing Simba, on the floor banging his paw, on the cold stone.

" Omg you should had, see your faces." Simba said, roaring with laughter.

Both Zira, and Stuart, looked at Simba with Annoyance. As Simba had mange to get him self-together. Before getting on to his paws.

" Very funny Simba" Zira said in a sarcastic tone.

" I know, are you ready for the hunt. We need to start going soon," Simba said to them.

Both brother and Sister nod to each other, before looking back at the king.

" Yes we are ready Simba" Stuart told the king.

Simba nod his head, as went back into the cave, fallow by Zira. As Stuart picked up his bow and arrows, and headed off in the dirtion of the Lions.

5hr latter in the Grasslands, Night-time

It had been a good hunt for, Stuart, Zira and Simba. They had mange to bring down a water Buffalo. Help by Stuart skill with, his bow and arrow. Which he had mange to hit one of the arrows in it neck.

Making easer to chase for Simba, and Zira, and to finally bring down. Which was know, was being carried by Simba and Zira.

As Stuart walked in front of the Lions, as the walked threw the pale yellow grass. Sure Stuart eyes had got used to the darkness. But he still struggles to see in the dark. Which caused both Simba, and Zira to chuckle, at the human dumbness.

" Dam Stu, are you going to hit everything, as we walked" Simba said chuckling.

" Ha ha very funny, Simba I like to see you whoa" Stuart was saying to the king. But his legs hit something big.

An Sending the human crashing to the ground below.

Zira saw this, as she then drop their food. As she ran to over, to her brother. Giving him a nuzzle to see if he was ok.

" Im fine, Sis but, what did, I hit?" Stuart asked her.

" Guys come here," Simba shouted to them.

Stuart slowly, got up, with help from Zira. As they walked over to were Simba was. An where to Stuart had fallen, and they were shocked to see a feline.

But it was nothing they seem before, it looked like a lion. It had bright orange fur, which was dirty. An hand a large blood red mane. Also had a tail, like a Lion.

As well a muscle face, like a lion. He had silver eyes and black nose. But what confused them all even he had Loads of lion bits. To say he was a lion.

But was confused all 3 of them, on this unknown creature. Were Red stripes, like a Tiger over his body? Also the was like a red Diamond on, top of his arm.

What was this creature, doing out cold here? An was he going to be a friend or enemy.

End of chapter 1

Well a new Story

What going to happen, can this creature be trusted?

P.s the Evil will appear in the next chapter and a Person maybe killed off.

Tune in to find out

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