Sex in the Jurassic

Story by HornyBunny on SoFurry

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#1 of sex through time

Sex in the Jurassic

Misaki wakes up in the transport naked and someone standing next to her "what happened" she asks looking at the person.

"A ghoul was on this ship, but it's gone now and the bigger question is why you are naked" the person asks not looking at Misaki.

"What do you...why am I naked. What happened to my clothes" Misaki says looking down at herself and seeing her breast and quickly wrapping her arms around herself. She looks around not seeing her suit anywhere "what happened to my suit?" she asks.

"I don't know" the person says "let's get you some clothes."

Misaki gets up and then feels her legs start shaking and she sits back in the seat "I can't stand my legs are too weak" she says feeling the strength draining from her legs.

"Stay here I'll get a medical team here for you" the person says leaving the room.

Misaki sits there and shivers a little feeling strange sitting there naked hoping no one else will see her. As she sits there she starts to feel a pressure in her belly slowly growing. She looks around thinking she needs to pee and tries to get up again only to fall back into the chair. She sits there feeling the pressure increasing until she can't take it anymore and scoots to the edge of the chair and spreads her legs and opens her pussy lips relaxing her bladder/ she looks down feeling nothing coming out, but the pressure keeps getting stronger and stronger.

In the watcher's nest sensors set off alarms when they detect energy build up on the transport ship.

Misaki tries with all her strength to pee, but just as she's about to give up she feels the pressure release and she blacks out from the sensation. As she goes limp she disappears in a flash and the energy that was detected disappears with her.

She wakes up lying in a field and still naked, she gets up and looks around and sees some animals in the distance. "Where am I" she asks looking around again and sees a stream and heads for it feeling thirsty. She kneels next tot eh water and drinks handful's until; she hears a rustling in the bushes. She stands up, picking up a rock and throws it at the bushes hearing it hit something.

"Ow, what did you so that for" a kangaroo like creature says standing up and rubbing her head where a lump is growing.

Misaki grabs another rock "where am I?" she asks raiding the rock getting ready to throw it again.

"I don't know the last thing I remember is sitting in a locker room and then passing out" she says "I says a flash of light and you appeared, so I followed you."

"What are you?" she asks looking at the strange creature.

"I'm a kangaroo, my name is Ko" Ko says stepping out of the bushes.

"This can't be a coincidence, the last thing I remember is sitting in a transport with my legs too weak to walk and then I passed out and woke up on the field" Misaki says pointing where she woke up. They hear a lot of noise coming from where the animals were at and seeing them running towards them.

They run to the side and let the animals run by; they watch them run by splashing through the stream "dinosaurs" misaki says as one last one runs by them.

"What did you say" Ko asks looking at her.

"Those look like dinosaurs, but they died millions of years ago" she says as the dust settles.

"Where are we if these things are alive" Ko says looking around.

"I wish I knew" misaki says before they both turn around when they hear fast footsteps behind them.

Both misaki and Ko get knocked over as two raptors run into them and pin them down. "What the hell" Ko says struggle against the raptor kicking him in the stomach making him let go of her for a minute before it bites her neck, holding her in place. Misaki struggles against her own raptor as he seems to be trying to sit on her. Both girls fight against the dinosaurs, when they feel something hard on their stomachs' "I think they want something other then food" Ko says looking down and confirming what she feels.

"Yeah, maybe they'll let us go if they get it" misaki says as the raptor settles on her stomach.

"Fine" Ko says quickly letting go of the raptor and grabbing its cock and stroking it. It stops in motion as it's about to bite her neck again. She grabs it with her other hand and uses both hands to stroke it and hears a deep rumble from its throat.

Misaki quickly follows Ko's lead and grabs the raptors cock, stroking it making it moan like the other one does. The raptor standing over misaki gets off her and grabs her and throws her over a log and shoves it's long hard cock in her pussy making her scream at the sudden penetration. She arches her back as the reptile brutally fucks her banging against her cervix with every thrust making her scream out in pain.

Ko gags as the raptor shoves its cock down her throat gagging her and making her push against him trying to breathe. It keeps thrusting feeling her tight throat massaging his rock hard cock every time she gags on it. He holds onto her ear with his clawed hands pulling on them as he thrust into her face masking her nose into his genital slit.

Both raptors seem to have little stamina and with in three minutes of penetration the woman they throw their heads back making high pitched cries of pleasure. Both girl scream as they feel their partner's cumming in their bellies. Ko gags even harder when he explodes shooting hot cum down her throat and burning her belly with it heat. Misaki screams as her cervix is basted in hot dino cum making her struggle again him trying to get away from him as he keep thrusting into her pussy banging against her cervix every time and enjoying it.

Both raptors let go of their toys and step back breathing hard and when the girls try to stand up they get knock back down by the dinosaurs. A few minutes later they start making high pitched noises again, but not noises of pleasure. Within ten minutes more raptors appear surrounding them and they seem to be talking to each other. The biggest raptor leans down and sniffs at misaki and then licks her pussy and asshole. It moves over to Ko still laying on the ground with drying dino cum on her face and chest. It sniffs and licks her like it did misaki and then starts making noises again. The rest of them seem to start arguing until the biggest one bites the one that starts the arguing, stopping them.

He turns to misaki and she sees his cock starting to emerge, she screams when she sees its full foot and half length approaching her. Just as he's about to penetrate her a woman appears next to him, holding his cock and slowly stroking it while she whispers in it's ear. It stops moving and turns to her. She kisses his snout and then walks away from his and he follows her like she was a raptor in heat. She bends over against a tree and the raptor shoves half its cock into her in one thrust getting a loud moan of pleasure from the woman. She looks back at the raptor and whispers to him and he starts fucking her faster and harder while the rest of the raptors circle around Ko, misaki, and the mate pair waiting their turn, occasionally snapping at each other.

The woman throws her head back and moan long and loud as the raptor unloads deep in her womb. The two women watch a flood of semen run down her legs and pool in the dirt between them. The raptor give her a few more thrust before his head hangs limp and he pulls out of her and stumbles away from her. She reaches back and presses her pussy lips together and bucks her hips a few times before she lets go of them and the semen stops running out of her. She goes up to the next raptor and whispers to him and lets him fuck her like the leader did. She fucks each raptor and after they pull out she holds her lips shut and bucks her hips a few times and then moves on to the next one until she's had all of them in her pussy and her belly looks a little swollen.

After the last raptor pulls out they all lie down and seem to fall asleep right away like she drained their energy during the sex. "Are you two alright?" she asks helping them up "I'm Morrigan and those creatures were full of energy" she says rubbing her belly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, they were just rough with me" misaki says rubbing her breast were they were pushed against the log.

"I'm fine too" Ko says rubbing the dried cum from her fur "what do you mean they were full of energy>" Ko asks looking at her and noticing her breast are giant.

"I'm a succubus so, I absorbed their energy during the sex and I feel full" she says rubbing her belly again getting a tingle in her pussy.

"I think we should get out of here while they're asleep, I don't really want another turn with them" misaki says rubbing her ass and feeling the dried cum covering it.

"Yeah, not a bad idea" Morrigan says as they leave the area heading off toward some mountains in the distance looking for shelter.

"Why did you save us" misaki asks following Morrigan.

"I heard that you two were brought here against your will like I was and I need to feed so, I saved you and fed at the same time" Morrigan answers the question as they get closer to mountains.

A few hours later and along conversation about the last thing they remember, they reach the base of the mountains and fids an empty cave "it should be safe I don't sense any trace of life in their" Morrigan says before they enter the cave. Ko starts a fire and they sit around it until night time when misaki and Ko fall asleep next to the fire and Morrigan not needing to sleep after feeding on the raptors stands guard.

In the morning misaki yawns and stretches "how was your night?" she asks Morrigan.

"Nothing happened, except you talk in your sleep" she says.

"What did I say?" misaki asks getting up and brushing off her ass.

"Nothing really, just a few moans, but it was Ko that was more interesting" she says with a grin.

"What did I do?" Ko asks sitting up.

"You masturbated in your sleep and gave me a nice little snack" Morrigan says "succubae absorb sexual energy and I can soak up the stuff from feet away."

Sorry about that. I have very erotic dreams and that happens most nights, sometimes I wakes up unable to breathe from the strength of the orgasm" Ko says stretching and starting the fire again.

"What do we do to get home?" Morrigan asks looking at the other two.

"Something must have brought us her and it can send us back" misaki says.

"Yeah, it must be somewhere around where we landed" Ko says getting up and looking out the mouth of the cave.

"We should have a look around" misaki says walking out of the cave. They follow her and split up. Heading off in different directions looking for some sign of advanced technology, Misaki walks for about an hour when something knocks her to the ground and holds her down. She tries looking back and only sees blue and white fur. She feels him rubbing his crotch against her ass and moaning softly.

"This is going to be fun" he says and rolls her over and licks one of her nipples. She arches her back as he licks her nipples she fights to opens her eyes through the pleasure and sees what looks like a humanoid wolf. He stops licking her nipple and spreads her legs open wide almost hurting her. She struggles against him until she feels something hard and wet touch her inner thigh. She stops fighting and tries to look down only seeing her breast until he pushes the tip of his bright red cock against her pussy lips and moans as they part. She lets out a scream when he rams his cock into her pussy spreading it open.

*let me go" she says struggling against him again when he starts fucking her.

"I saw you hive the raptors some and I want some myself, then I'll let you go" he says fucking her harder and faster. She starts sucking on her nipples and she moans feeling her body weakening as he sucks on her nipples harder grazing it with his teeth.

Misaki moans and arches her back trying to fight the pleasure building in her body until she feels something come out of her breast and leak out of his muzzle. She sees milk running down her breast and shivers as he moves to the other nipple and watches milk drain from the nipple he just left for a few seconds, before she groans arching her back higher as he sucks milk from her other breast and she hears him swallowing.

"Get ready, I'm about to shoot you full of seed" he says grinding his knot against her pussy lips feeling it slowly slip into her pussy and locking them together. He throws his head back and howls as he explodes shooting his thin hot semen in her pussy and feeling his knot sealing her lips making the pressure and pleasure increase with every shot. Misaki lets out an ear splitting scream when she feels his cum bathing her cervix and triggers her own orgasm making him shoot even more cum then he normally would. Both of them scream and howl in combined pleasure feeling their sexual organs throb together.

Over a minute passes before the creature relaxes and lays on top of her feeling the last jerks of his cock spill his seed and then only tingling remains. She lies under him breathing hard and fast as the pressure forces his semen out around his knot lubricating her asshole.

They lay their feeling his knot very slowly shrinking "I'm sorry I couldn't control my self, when I caught your scent. I drove me crazy with need" he says seeming to calm down and realize what he's done "I'm Jon" he says and lays his head on her breast waiting for his knot to go down.

"That felt better then the raptors did and you should've just asked I would have given you some" she says stroking his head "I'm misaki and I need to get back to my friends, we aren't supposed to be in this world.

"I know I have two friends here and we're here to rescue you" he says looking down at her as he tries pulling out of her. Both of them grimace when the knot holds firmly in place "I guess we have another half hour before it goes all the way down" he says rolling over and letting her lay on his chest, brushing the dirt off her back.

They lay there for about fifteen minutes and hear footsteps coming up to them and both of them look towards the sound seeing Ko and morrigan with two males. "Van and Leo what took you so long I thought hat technology of yours would find us with no problem" Jon says.

"Shut up. I hope you didn't hurt her, we need all of them to get home" van says.

"These guys will take us home" Ko says as she helps lift misaki off Jon's knot with a pop and a rush of semen floods his balls and retreating cock.

"How?" misaki asks spreading her legs as semen runs down her thighs "damn how much did you shoot in me, a gallon."

"Like I told you I lost control and when that happens I break records" Jon says getting up and brushing the dirt out of his fur.

"This" van says holding up a metal sphere. "This is an experimental time travel unit. Normally these can only transport a single person, but this has been modified to transport several people at once so, it should be able to send us home all at once. All it needs is a huge infusion of life energy" he explains.

"How did you know about us" Ko asks watching him.

"my people can scan time and we detected you three being pulled through time and I was sent to bring you back, but these two were some how pulled back with me from their own time, we detected a succubus and decided to test this out, of course we only thought four would be sent back, but morrigan will just need to absorb more energy then we thought" van says.

"I have to what?" morrigan says.

"we need you to absorb a large amount of sexual energy from an orgy we have to have and then hold the sphere and I should activate and send all of use home" van explains.

"Fine let's do it" Ko says walking up to Leo "I want to fuck this lion and feel his barbed cock in my holes, all of them" she says rubbing his sheathe and getting a deep rumble from him.

"wait I didn't agree to do anything" morrigan says as Ko kisses the leo and strokes the head of his cock as it sticks out of his sheath.

"Are you sure you don't want to do anything" Jon says holding onto her breast from behind and tweaking her nipples.

"I should kill you and use your life energy" she says as he continues to play with her nipples and grinds his soft cock against her ass.

"I think you'd rather fuck for the energy then kill me" Jon says reaching down to her pussy with one hand and playing with her damp pussy.

"You're right about that" she says reaching back and rubbing his ass.

She turns around in his arms and kisses him feeling his cock growing against her stomach. He lifts her up until his cock is brushing against her lips and lets her sink down his length. "As good as this feels I need my other hole filled instead" she moans pushing on his shoulders and lifting herself up.

"anal it is" Jon says wiping the dripping head of his cock across her asshole and pressing the tip in as she lets her weight bury the shaft in her bowels.

"God yes, I love how your cock feels in my ass. Now, start fucking me like the dog you are" Morrigan says slapping his ass.

"You got it" he says dropping to his knees and setting her on the ground and starts fucking her ass deep and hard using 8 inch strokes. Both of them moan and groan with every thrust, Morrigan lays her head on the ground breathing hard and fast feeling pleasure ripple through her body. Jon reaches around her body and grabs her giant breast and squeezes the nipples and feels her ass squeeze him even harder when ever her squeezes her nipples and feels her pussy get wetter against his slapping balls.

He squeezes and pulls on her nipples and slams his cock into her even hard feeling his cock growing harder every second. Morrigan tightens her ass around his cock and feels it shoots a rope of pre-cum deep in her vowels lubricating her hole making him fuck her faster.

After a few minutes he whispers in her ear "get ready for my burning seed to fill your ass" as slaps his cock as deep as he can feeling the knot growing big and locking them together. He howls when he explodes spraying his thin watery seed in her bowels making her shudder in orgasm, covering his dancing balls in her sticky juice.

He jabs his hips with every contraction of his balls adding more and more seed to her already filled ass and feels it drip out around his twitching cock. "god...yes...feed me" she pants feeling his energy filling her body and sending her over the edge again spewing even more pussy cream on his balls and the ground making a growing, musky pussy between their legs.

Ko kisses the lion feeling his cock growing against her belly and smearing the pre-cum that's starting to drip from the head. She rubs his chest and licks his nipples before she drops to her knees and licks the head of his cock and strokes the length feeling the barbs in her palm making him moan deep and long. She sucks on the head drinking the pre-cum as it covers her tongue, making her moan at the musky taste filling her senses.

She massages his balls feeling them swelling in her palm slightly. "Come and get it" she says pulling away from him and getting on her hands and knees and waving her tail seductively.

"don't tease a lion or you'll regret it" Leo says grabbing her tail and lifting it out of the way and shoving his hard cock in her in one thrust making her arch her back she groans feeling his cock sink into her pussy as the barbs increase her pleasure beyond any sexual encounter she's had before.

"God...yes, fuck me" she moans feeling his leaning over her back and feels him start fucking her deeply enough to pound against her cervix with every thrust. They both moan as he fucks her feeling her pussy holding him tightly and clamping down every time he bottoms out. He grabs her breast and squeezes them as hard as he can making her scream out in pain as his claws scratch her skin drawing drop of blood,

"Yes, scream for me" she says squeezing her breast again drawing some more blood. He lifts a paw to his mouth and licks her blood from his claws and feeling a rush, he starts fucking her even harder then before pounding her as hard as he can.

"Slow down you're going to fast and hard, it hurts" she says feeling his cock moving like lightening in her slit.

He pushes her face into the ground and holds her down with her rump in the air enjoying the pain he's causing her. "Too hard" he says and reaches under her chest with one paw while holding her down with the other one and grabs her breast again. He squeezes her breast again feeling her nipple digging into his palm, hard like diamonds. "I though you didn't like this, your nipples are rock hard and my balls are dripping you juice" he says in her ear before he bites it.

Feeling him bite her ear sends her over the edge and she explodes milking his thrusting cock for every drop it can. She groans out her orgasm until she feels his cock swell, followed by a flood of seed hitting her cervix making her back arch and her bladder releases. He groans feeling the added sensation of her piss covering his balls and making him explode even harder making her pussy drool a steady stream of cum down her thighs.

He thrusts a few more times and then rips his cock from her pussy making her pussy lips explode in pain. "Why do you hurt me?" Ko asks lying on the ground feeling the pain slowly fading.

"Because I like hurting others" he tells her.

"Ohhh, yes. More energy" Morrigan says rubbing her stomach, feeling ko's and Leo's sexual energy filling her body.

Misaki steps up to van and rubs his chest feeling his short white fur rubbing against her nipples making the hard nubs even harder and a fire start between her legs. "I hope you can fuck better then, Jon" she says feeling his cock growing against her belly.

"Let's see" he says lifting her and kissing her.

"Oh, my that feels good" she moans when he starts licking his way down her neck and to her breast. He stops at her nipples and nibbles on them making her hips buck in his hands trying to hump something that's not there. He kneels down while licking and nibbling on her nipples and lays her down and licks his way down her stomach until he reaches her clit. She yelps and a rush of fluid spills out of her wetting the ground and her ass.

He licks her pussy lapping up every drop he can get, while she's distracted by his tongue he slips a finger between her toned ass cheeks and rubs her pucker. With a loud groan he slips it into her ass and sinks it deep feeling her muscle gripping his finger tightly. " more teasing. I need you to fuck me, NOW" she says grabbing his head and lifting it away from her dripping slit.

"brace yourself" he tells her and lines his cock up with her slit and shoves it in deep making her back arch off the ground. He grabs her breast and starts massaging them, until he feels them start leaking milk; he leans over and sucks on her breast tasting her milk and sucks for more. He drinks as much of her milk as he can while fucking her hard and deep. He notices one of her arms moving and feels her hand brush his balls as she pushes a finger into her ass and saws it in and out moaning even louder.

"Fuck I...fuck me...fuck me" says over and over again adding another finger to her tight ass increasing her pleasure and tightening her pussy.

"Damn, you're tight I don't think I can last much longer with such a tight pussy wrapped around my cock" he pants feeling his orgasm quickly approaching.

"Fuck my ass, I need it" she says pulling her finger out and pushing on his chest as she rolls over and sticks her ass in the air. "I'm a bitch in heat; I need to be mounted properly. Fuck my ass like a bitch in heat" Misaki says spreading her ass cheek and looking over her shoulder.

He presses the tip of his cock against her slightly gapping hole and both of them moans deep and long as he sinks into her bowels. "I'm right on the edge" van says feeling his balls tingling.

"Do it, cum in me" Misaki says stroking her pussy and massaging his balls.

"Take it" he says slamming his cock into her ass a second before he explodes filling her warm bowels with his hotter seed. "Take all of it" he moans thrusting into her with shot jabs making her groan every time.

Misaki feels her pussy explode spraying her juice all over his balls and just when she thinks it's about to happen again she feels a hand on her shoulder. She looks up and sees Morrigan sitting in front of her "eat me" she says and pulls Misaki's head into her pussy.

Lost in her orgasmic haze Misaki starts licking the musky pussy in front of her, Morrigan feels the sexual energy building up in her body from the two and it pushes her over the edge, she explodes drenching Misaki's face in juice. She falls back on the ground panting feeling the energy from van end and sees him collapse on Misaki's back panting.

"I think I need a rest before I can stand" van says and rolls off Misaki and onto his back and falls asleep.

"Just like a male, fuck and then sleep" Morrigan says getting up and stretching "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready to go home when he wakes up" she says.

A few minutes later van wakes up "pick up the orb and it should show a bar of how much energy it needs, when it's full we can go home" he tells her getting up.

Morrigan picks up the orb and feels a tingle in her fingers like the energy is being sucked from them, she watches the meter fill up and with a gasp it stops sucking energy from her body with a bolt of pleasure. "It's filled, now what" she asks.

Van takes it and feels it pulling energy from him for a few seconds "it still needs some work because it sucked up some of my energy" van says and turns it in his palm and presses a few buttons and it starts glowing "everyone touch it or you'll be left behind forever" he says and each person touches it just before they vanish in a blinding flash.

Each one of them wakes up where they left feeling a little dizzy. "I'm back, but I'm still nude" Misaki says looking around and the person from before enters carrying some clothes.

The End

This story was requested by Mystery-guy

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