Nobility of the Delafi

Story by Alexodia on SoFurry

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Nobility of the Dalafi.

By: Alexodia Sturmschatten™

Project Length: 25 Pages Edited from 20 pages 22 Nov

Start Date: 19 November 2010

Setting: Terran Serfurian Shilou Conflict

Note: This is my first complete project. Please read and review. It will be followed up and I would love to hear suggestions. It is a long read.

He had been around for a long time... Watched friends and lovers die as weapons fired, watched and heard enemies scream as they too were cut down, killed with his gun, sword, claws, and even ripped the throats of his enemies out with his fangs. Many times been covered in blood that was and wasn't his own. Yet he maintained his faith in Dalafi, maintained his love for and of his troops, and maintained his physical contact with this life and with those he shared life with.

His green eyes blazed with fury and had been alight with love. He hoped for peace and maintained it with war, destruction of his species enemies and those who would disrupt their people's way of life. He was savage, yes he was. Humans called him a barbarian; they dared to challenge him time and time again during the Shilou conflict. They were right, he was a barbarian and their blood soaked his fur. He remembered killing human after human their blood coating him as he and what was left of his line company slashed into the intact defense lines of the human forces.

They had taken their colony world and threatened the tribes and people. They said if the Serfurians didn't leave it, they would kill everyone. His people didn't react the way they expected. They saw the Serfurian military as a huge harem of rutting soldiers who probably didn't have the nerve to fight. When his line company hit them they died with the realization that horrors they had experienced in war were nothing compared to what his people had seen, or were willing to dish out.

The war had been started by humanities "Glorious Federation" and it had been the fall of the evil that had plagued humanity. These are the stories of the soldiers and warriors who fought to see the end of the deteriorating monster through. This is the start of the age of darkness. The time when evil was to descend on the Orion Spur. These are the battles and stories of people, ordinary and extraordinary alike, who would live and die determining the fate of their people.

People like Rienfa'Alfaass, Lisa Smith, Jonathan Price, Vrie'eiikia, Gareut'Nee, and Nassi'Alsakor, and Captain Hersshifia Lenio Nesig. The darkness has entrenched itself in humanity and this is the history of the people who survived it.

* * *

The world called Shilou'Dahja'Aldis was a highly mineral rich colony that had been in Serfurian hands for over three centuries, longer than the upstart soft skins had been in space. Then the zone became contested as the soft skins expanded into the region their primitive navy had engaged the Shilou defense with overwhelming odds. Shredded ships littered its orbit as every Serfurian ship fought to the death even to the last fighter.

The Serfurians had responded to the planetary assault on the world viciously. The human centric Federation laid siege to the Tribes as it discovered they refused to be occupied by the weak soft skins. The siege was still in progress when the Serfurian navy and Armies moved into war. Part of the initial conflict was a direct attack on the Pentagon as well as Io and Titan base. This forced the more numerous human ships and Armies into smaller groups. They had removed many of the troops off of Shilou allowing for the Massive Lefuris Dalafi response as the Tukerra Line Infantry and Commando forces hit earth.

Blood was life and they spilled so much of it in their first conflict with the humans. His people smashed into them like a tidal wave, the elite infantry units of the Serfurian blew through the soft skins pathetic infantry divisions as they attempted a counter attack. His warriors had slaughtered the enemy whole sale as they charged over the ridge. To this day he knew not why he survived. soft skins had waited for them with their tanks and air craft. Bullets ripped into him and his line company.

His blood poured out he still charged jumping onto the lead vehicle. The shocked gunners head leapt from the soft skin's shoulders, and pulled the soldier's grenade pins and pushed the corpse down into the vehicle. Not waiting to see the results he slashed through the escorting infantry. To their dismay he is too close in for the vehicles to kill him and he slashed and stabbed till a rifle butt slammed down on his neck.

The jolt to his neck caused him to fall to his knees, as he was struggling to get back to his feet he watched as another trooper was shot in the head. He headless corps fell as if boneless to the ground and he roared trying to stand as the rifle slammed down again. This time he was on all fours howling in fury he launched himself at the trooper's killer clawing his throat out before another soft skin clubbed him down. Letting out a small whimper he tried to push himself up only to lose consciousness as the rifle came down again.

He awoke hours later, tied and bound, the rubber restraints binding his arms to the chair. Another bound him at the waist with 2 more at his ankles. The Gag around his muzzle was uncomfortable and he looked around slowly. The room was dark and sterile with a single light and to his left was a drip. He followed the drip tube till he saw the IV needle in his Clasidaria Artery in his upper thigh. He growled and relaxed continuing to study the room.

The humans had made their usual assumptions on holding him like a human prisoner. He was nude which he knew was an important thing in human eyes. As if that would hamper someone from a military like his. He managed not to chuckle as he checked the rest of himself out. They had attached needles to various other places that he noticed. He sighed as the door clicked and began to open. A pale skinned human walked in flanked by a one of the armored humans who had dark skin. A low pitch growl grew in him, just a second later the growl ended in a cry of pain as electricity surged through him.

"You are here for questioning. We will do everything in our power to get those answers. Most people would call it advanced interrogation but we all know its torture and we will use as much of it as possible. Sergeant Willis, show the prisoner what I mean." The last came out of the white jacketed pale furless freak.

The Armored trooper stepped forward and drew his knife, then in a flash and a wet impact the blade cut his smallest finger claw and tip off. Injury was not uncommon and dismemberment was easily healed. He just needed proper facilities. He howled in anger just as much as pain struggling as the pain shot up from the minor injury. The soldier however wasn't done and brought the weapon weapon back up and brought the pommel down crushing the bones in his hand, grinding the pommel down on the now shattered bones.

He ground his fangs together and the smell of blood was ignored as he clenched his eyes shut and struggled against the straps holding him down. The belts held him easily as the soldier brought the pommel down again, this time on the wrist. It was highly unusual for a Serfurian to cry even in immense pain but the shattered wrist bones penetrating the skin as the trooper continued.

He began to fade out as his systems defenses cut in numbing pain and shutting down receptors. He slumped back panting through the gag his vision fading as the enemy brought it down one more time with the interrogator standing abruptly shouting for him to stop. Curse your kind his last conscious thoughts came.

* * *

Captain Thomas Alvares checked the prisoners drip. They knew he was alive but he had been out cold for two days now. No brain activity they could detect but his wounds were healing and he was breathing. They had thought him awake at one point but it had proven false and he apparently had no conscious thought. For all they could tell he was in a coma.

Damnit, the resistance needed to get him out of here. Thomas had tried to stop the bleeding and had mostly succeeded but the yellow fluid still seeped out of the bandages. They knew several critical arteries had been destroyed but they had no idea where they were. This species was insanely robust. The injuries inflicted would have killed a human due to blood loss in the time it had taken to seal the wound. The puddle of blood around the seat was a sheer testament to their durability.

Thomas checked him one more time and stepped back from the pool of yellow. Six pints they estimated, Six. A human twice his size had eight or nine at most and he would already have died. He took the light opened the lactating lids covering the felines eyes. His pupils dilated as he shined the light in hit them and Thomas sighed. Stupid creature should just talk, death would probably be quick.

"Then I can't kill the ones who did this to me." Came the quiet growl, Thomas stepped back.

"You're Awake?" Thomas whispered, but there was no sign of life in the warrior's form, none of the quiet Nobility the interrogator despised. The creature didn't move his breathing continued. Thomas shook his head and continued looking him over before turning to the soldier.

"No change, not even sure he's actually alive. Blood loss could have destroyed the capacity for intelligent thought. You should have listened to the medics before you did this to him. Eight arteries, probably more and you expected him to live. I hope the commander understands you're to blame, you had all the records." Thomas said angrily

"The commander is well aware of who is at fault Medic, do your job and I'll do mine this species is a threat to humanity and will be dealt with accordingly. Don't you worry about that. Now get out." Thomas turned towards the white Jacketed Intelligence officer.

"Yes, I'm sure they are quite happy with you too. I'm done here; their physiology is so different I refuse to risk his life giving him anything." The Intelligence officer looked ready to argue but Thomas grabbed his bag and stepped outside the door sealing behind him. His footsteps echoed down the hallway as he moved away towards the office. The door closed behind him with a click and he began moving down the pentagon's hallway. He headed straight for his office passing windows which gave a view of the warzone DC had become. Tree's, buildings, and vehicles burned lighting up the sky as commando and resistance forces savagely engaged the Feddies.

As he stepped into the office he saw the Head security officer sitting in his chair. Thomas stepped forward and smiled. Officer Lennsig was a tall man and a soldier of high loyalty to the Feddies. Unlike Thomas he had joined the Templar Service to serve his government. He was hard ass about it too.

"What can I do for you officer Lennsig?" Thomas' southern drawl was lazy and relaxed the officer glared at him.

"Nothing at all." He stepped aside as officer Jeral Lennsin walked past him. Thomas watched him go and moved over to the desk. On it was a Flash drive that he hadn't had there before. So he put his bag down and plugged it into his personal terminal. His eyes opened wide as he read then the flash drive and files destroyed themselves. He got up quickly donned his jacket and bag and headed for the gate entrance.

The night was cool in Virginia. Smoke was still rising from the distant Pentagon the target of the ongoing assault from the Serfurians. Laser, cannon, and plasma fire could be heard in the distance as air craft flashed over. The attack had been stalled but casualties were still immense. It had taken the better part of eight Armor and supporting infantry divisions to stop the highly skilled commando forces they now pinned down. Thomas sighed and walked to his air car. Most traffic had been banned from the airspace due to the assault.

It was for people's safety but unlike the Federations forces the Serfurian Commando's hadn't killed a single non-combatant yet. In fact they evacuated any area they occupied which surprised many civilian analysts whose sole knowledge was the Serfurians own lack of non combatants in the conflict. Even cubs fought against the humans yet the Serfurians seemed to respect the non combatants the humans had. This had seriously demoralized the forces engaging them as the Commando's disregard for life had been a propaganda ploy for the engagement. Every civilian death was almost always caused by the Soldier's weapons not the Serfurian commando's.

He banked his vehicle towards his destination and sighed. Another long night was ahead.

* * *

Jeral Lennsin, known also as Hersshifia Lenio Nesig, waited patiently. Seen as a hard, nearly fanatically loyal henchman to the political regime let him move effectively and with little in the way of problems and now he stood in front of the prisoner after having ejected the failed interrogators. Jeral stepped around the feline with his usual quiet grace. The creature was securely strapped down he placed his hand on the creature's furred body running his hand over its chest.

Quite nice fur and skin were felt under his hand. What one would not expect any longer from the hard ass Serfurian military which had butchered so many troops. Many of whom had expected a walk over fight against a race that seemed to only be made up of sexually driven male troops with more interest in fucking than fighting. Ones views changed quickly after losing troops at a rate of three to one against them. One would expect them to be seven foot tall firing plasma out of their ass rather than pleasing to the eye.

Jeral's hand moved up to the warriors face. His lavender muzzle faded into blue near abruptly and the three, pink, stripes on either side of his face seemed more like dyed fur than real but the doctors assured them it was just as natural a fur color to the species as the yellow blood that soaked down the left side of the chair.

The coloring was one of the most spectacular they had seen of the species. His blue fur coated his sides and limbs while it turned lavender at his arms, feet, thighs, and muzzle. The color scheme however gave the creature an odd flow of nobility. Despite the horrendous damage done by the interrogator the creature seemed calm lying back on the chair.

He leaned forward, and smelled the creature. They had an odd scent which could be picked up if close enough, that reminded one of the slowly shrinking wilderness here on earth. Smelling of redwood and spring grass reminded him of home he looked up the barbarian.

They had seen this one before. The Barbarian they called him. Many skilled commanders cornered his units time and time again, over the four years of the conflict. He killed many and often brutally. He seemed to be primitive and aggressive. Killing and maiming those who stood in his way. The Serfurians using him against the Pentagon had terrified the defenders. The Barbarian, Killer of a million men. Footage of him cutting down soldiers again and again, even in hand to hand were the humans were physically stronger than his species.

He was legend among the humans. The government made him the symbol of the enemy to the people.

"The one who murdered their sons, daughters, and children; the one who would murder and kill humanity; who kept humanity from its Manifest Destiny of controlling the stars; the one they needed to kill to bring the Serfurians to their knees and would force them to pay homage to the Supremacy of mankind."

The government had believed it too. They thought he was some kind of general, that his fur was dyed to represent his power. But the doctor's said it wasn't dye and there was no genetic tampering. This creature, this warrior was nothing more than another fighter in the vast and warlike Serfurian War machine. The war machine that had purposefully enraged enough to attack the faltering and dying star nation called the Terran Federation.

Jeral turned towards the table were his armor and clothing was. The materials were unknown to humanity. They couldn't understand it much less replicate it. He traced over the cool flexible metal that made up the armor. He looked over and picked up the collar. The gleaming buckle with 3 claw marks on either side was a sign of his rank. They had picked up many such collars from the dead around the pentagon. Many silver, gold, bronze, and even crystal. The buckles were their status, their use to the vast whole of the Serfurian Armed Forces.

He fingered the gold buckle and looked at the person in the chair. Before turning to him and stepping over. He tilted the feline's head and slipped the collar around his neck. He buckled the collar in place. Checking it he stepped back. He deserved it for the opportunity he had given the resistance.

How does one express gratitude to someone they knows don't care. How do you let one know on the brink of death they aren't alone. This noble barbarian is the reason the Resistance has a chance at winning this now. But even the resistance has been corrupted by years of this hell. How do we get them to let him go?

Jeral turned took his cap off the table and seated it on his head as he stepped out the young Private at the door looked back in. Seeing the collar he nodded. Time was near.

* * *

Lisa Smith was walking with the rest of the woman who had been rounded up for "Questioning" in their involvement with the Alien attack. In truth they were just taking them to their reserve barracks away from the fighting to rape them. Knowing this the Resistance had set up a trap and Lisa was their bait. Her and eighteen other woman and two men, some soldiers were females and needed companionship as well of course, were being led to disappear but that was just a parlor trick compared to what was gonna happen to the scout platoon trailing them.

She and her people were being led, while several of the women with them were not involved so it was her jobs to keep them alive. People always died in war and so these people might she had no real control over that. She looked out from the tall building at the burning structures of DC. The Serfurians had proven vicious fighters. The resistance had actually tried assisting in the defense of DC to only find the Serfurians had no issues with killing their lightly armed people.

The Feddies had shot them up pretty bad too so now the resistance just settled for engaging targets of opportunity the Feddies left open in this massive three way battle royal. The commando's however were however racking up kills against the Federations forces as they persisted in disengaging from high population areas to reduce casualties among the civilians earning grudging respect of the Resistance, and had caused the resistance to lose multiple cells to reduce the pressure on certain commando units. An unofficial cease fire seemed to have come over resistance and Serfurian forces as in several cases Resistance cells had been pushed into Serfurian positions and ended up fighting along with the Commandoes.

The resistance and Serfurians unannounced cease fire had created a serious bind around the Feddies propaganda as Serfurians were covering resistance evacuations of civilians out of the battle zones and feddie air craft refused to engage the Serfurian's transports as they ferried civilians across the river into non combat areas to Triage centers which suddenly found themselves dealing with Serfurian troopers who they had been told ate humans, only to find they were rescuing many from death and Feddie Officers at the Triage centers dared not move against the Serfurian gunships and transports which had already obliterated a Triage center after its officers attempted to seize their vessels.

Smith had been in the Triage Center and when the shooting started she got her people out along with as many civilians before the gunships sonic cannons killed everyone and everything there. The barrage had lasted seconds as the Serfurians destroyed it then dropped their troops and killed anyone who survived and was wearing a Feddie uniform.

She and her people had wondered across the scout patrol shortly after and they had ordered her and her people in for questioning but the detention centers were the opposite direction of which they were heading. She fingered the SMG-31 Fixer under her jacket. They had power armor in the scout unit so it was going to be a hell of a fight even with the odds they were looking at. They walked across the Cross roof as her comm. Beeped someone was nearby with resistance transponder.

* * *

Vrie'Eiikia fired another burst from his Sonic Rifle. The compressed sonic wave shredded the human infantry man ahead and he shouted back at his 3 remaining Dalafi.

"We must disengage from here. We could do better launching a direct attack on their headquarters than this bullshit." The Alpha Sergeant looked at him.

"Beta, we have our orders and we follow them." He growled his ears flattening against his skull.

"Alpha, there are four of us left. Disengaging now we can withdraw back and hit them in vulnerable areas but they are just going to grind us up otherwise. I'd rather kill more of them than let them kill us with an Artillery Strike!" Vrie did not shake easy, in fact the alpha had almost panicked hours ago and Beta had to establish dominance over the other to calm him down. That had taken time they couldn't afford but it was necessary or they had to kill the Alpha.

He had lost too many friends already. So he took his time as they had fallen back further into the building they had disengaged and he had established his command. While still he was Beta, the alpha was now the second in command. So the alpha with the Beta's scent in his nose and muzzle followed orders as regulation required.

They fell back to the building's roof. Smoke rose high into the skies of this wet world. The Alpha protected the rear and he took point. He scoped out a route and turned. As they moved along the roof heavy weapons fire could be heard they heard a ragged cough and halted. They saw a puddle of human blood behind a closed door. They moved skillfully one on either side of the door and opened it. Inside was a set of sealed off stairs. Lying against the grating was a dying human whose blood pooled on the floor, his eyes unfocused.

"Who...s their?" His unsteady voice as he aimed the gun uselessly off to the left of them Nassi knelt paws up.

"Let us help you. You're badly injured." Nassi took in the lack of uniform and saw the dog tags and the resistance armband. He slowly moved forward but stopped as the weapon seemed to steady on him. Nassi stopped as the resistance fighter aimed the gun at him.

"You ain't taken me to the Feddies you damn colab..." the words were slurred as the gun waivered. He steadied it and Nassi looked at Vrie who just shrugged. Nassi turned back to the human.

"We're not collabs, were Dalafi..." He was interrupted. The soldiers gun dropped and he slumped back.

"Didn't know we had any Indies here in DC, Delphi aye, well glad to see ya." He coughed and blood spilled from his mouth. Nassi got closer and saw he had been hit twice. The human held his hand out and there dangled what the humans called dog tags.

"Take these... find my wife..." He whispered coughing weakly as Nassi took them went to put them on his neck and the human's eyes suddenly focused, his hand shot out to be caught by Nassi's and he weakly made another grab.

"gmmie back... you furballs won..." He coughed and Nassi crouched over the Humans legs. Leaned closer and started to whisper.

"Look human; I give you my word I will try. Do you have faith in that?" The human coughed and nodded as tears begin to form.

"I want her to know I love her." He gasped and Nassi clasped his paw with the human's hand. Then came the shocked request.

"Finish me... I don't care to suffer no more." Nassi sat back startled never having been asked by a human for the Valkaina Death Rite. He shook himself and began his part of the ritual meant to be understood even by the delirious.

"Do you warrior accept me to take on your life and release the bond as a priest of Dalafi?" He said running his paw through the humans dirty hair tears coming up as the pain he mumbled something.

"Human, I cannot do this if you do not speak the words. It is our law." Nassi put his paw on the Ritual blade he used for these euthanasia rituals for the suffering. He felt no sorrow for giving this gift to those he had and only wished them well to the afterlife.

"Does the suffering end in your afterlife?" Came the weak question, from the human who rested his hand on Nassi's white fur. "If I die by your ritual I want to at least know going to your afterlife will be less suffering.

"You will be welcomed by Dalafi as one of us human, of that I can assure you." Whispered Nassi in his Ear softly.

"Then do it." He gasped closing his eyes and Nassi pulled the blade stabbing it deep into his heart the poison far more potent on humans due to their lack of toxin resistant blood. He stiffened and opened his eyes clearly.

"Dalafi take your soul to the wind." He completed the words as the human slumped back dead he pulled the blade out and searched for the letter all humans carried and looked over it on it was a address, he pocketed the note wiped the blood off his blade and re-sheathed it in the poison sheath and looked at Vrie nodding.

"Follow me." He commanded and they began running along the buildings. Several times they encountered stragglers who attempted to stop them but his team was quick and brutal. They moved for about half an hour from building to building clearing anything in their way till they came to a roof walk

"Halt. We have movement." They came to a roof cross section were a group of civilians followed by a pair of human troopers were led to one of the weird gyro craft. Its sleek body and massive weapons had become dreaded by the Serfurians but still just another obstacle.

Most of the humans looked like their females from what he could see, they continued to let them move past but he watched one of the females start to scream and turned on the soldier. He promptly hit her as the other soldier aimed his gun at the others and squeezed the trigger. A burst went into one of the females whose body was shredded. The soldier who had hit the lady pushed her down and hit her then ripped open her pants pinning her down. The other soldier laughed as he watched.

A hiss behind him and he knew what was going on. They all did for his whole unit had been briefed of this Terran Federation's Security forces. They knew what these monsters did to their own people. A military shoul...

The thought ended abruptly as the Alpha howled, both troopers looked up as 63 kg of muscle and bone leapt on the rapist pulling him off her. His throat vanished the lady scrambled back screaming, frantically trying to get away from the blood coated Trooper who had just shredded her would be attacker. The alpha's sonic rifle's overload warning buzzed as he pulled the trigger. The other soldier was a little quicker and 2 shots hit the alpha just a split second after his gun released the charge. The hyper velocity rounds passing through his shoulder and knee, his own sonic pulse blowing apart the human in a geyser of blood and gore.

The Alpha lurched, stumbling his leg gone below his knee and his shoulder shattered arm held on by muscle and skin. Vrie howled in protest leaping over to run to the other taking down a soldier with a shot as he rounded the corner he reached alpha, who then rolled onto his back coughing looking over at the woman through his glazed eyes.

She was getting up as the other two troopers took positions ignoring the civilians who weren't a threat but alpha looked over at the one scrambling away.

* * *

"Please don't be afraid of me." She stopped in shock as the creature lying in the puddle of red and yellow blood spoke English.

"What are you people? You kill so many yet save so many." She moved further back.

"We're not monsters... We just wanted to be left alone." He coughed as she suddenly got up and walked over to her pants. She then put them on as best she could and walked over to him his glazed eyes looked up at her.

"Alpha, don't die here, not here. We came so far." He couldn't keep the plea from sounding desperate, for it was.

"Beta, I trained you, you learned well and you reminded me back there. I am proud to die here making a difference to all of you, including her." His free arm moved and cuffed his ear and pulled Vrie's muzzle down till their noses touched showing for all his affection before his eyes rolled back and his coughing ended abruptly.

Vrie sat back suddenly even the two other troopers let out low keens, the human never having heard the sound before stepped back. Vrie keened louder as the warrior he spent twenty five years of his life beside lay nothing more than a corpse in front of him. He barely reacted as a group of Terran soldiers rounded the corner.

The female made motions and got to her knees as the enemy troopers shouted something in their stupid language. She said something to him but he ignored her as he reached for his rifle. The Two troopers unlike him weren't exposed so had gone unnoticed to these soldiers. They shouted at him as he dazedly lifted the rifle, before suddenly he was face down the sound of Human weapons fire behind him.

Sonic blasts punctuated the cacophony of noise. He felt himself pulled back and looked up seeing all the civilian women had weapons. He blinked in shock as the females sent a hail of bullets into the enemy troopers and a small group of people in civilian clothes came up from behind them and joined them.

* * *

"Corporal Smith, who the hell is that, or what the hell is it, a he, she?" Lisa had been willing to get raped to set the ambush for the unit that now was here. It had been her job to take risks and it wouldn't have been the first time. She looked at the nearly wrecked Serfurian warrior who was taking aim with his rifle.

"They are the ones who ruined the ambush boss. But I don't think that matters much for the Feddies. They also have Reginald's dog tags and considering they aren't sure what they are for and they don't collect souvenirs I doubt they did him in." She took note at the 2 Serfurians who had been in perfect positions for a cross fire with her guys and caught the Feddie platoon in between them. She watched as bodies seemed to blow apart spontaneously as the sonic weapons high pitched noise reached her ears.

"Fuck this, Smith why aren't they dead? This area has been crawling with Feddies." Her commander demanded furiously.

"Because Sir, They are just that damn good." She responded sending another burst into the gunner's seat on an ATRA. She moved over to the trooper she had rescued who was fumbling with his weapon. Lisa Smith had never seen anything like it in one of their kind. Perhaps that's why they rotated heavy casualty units out as rapidly as they did.

She gripped him by the base of the neck armor and he tried to struggle before she landed one hell of a slap to his face shouting at him. The glazed look was replaced by the glow of fury that was said to haunt survivors who faced them.

"I don't know if you can fucking understand me but you're going to take your gun and shoot it at those son of a bitches over there." She had pulled his face close to hers knowing enough about the race to know they hated that. The low pitched growl she heard was followed up by a sudden whack on her head from both sides as his paws connected in the signature Serfurian stunning attack. Her commander shouted but she stopped him.

"I got it captain go back to killing them, I'll deal with him." She Walked up to Him he was still slow and grabbed him turning him to face the body of the one who had spoken to her. She grabbed his ear and made him look as he tried not to. Suddenly with a howl he pushed her off lunging over the crates with his sonic rifle firing. She cursed herself for letting him charge like that.

"Captain he's charging them. Give him some cover." She shouted.

"Alright scum bags make your shots count we ain't just useless insurgents ya know." He shouted and the firing went from random to picked shots. The enemy still took shots and the Serfurians war cry was followed by two more.

"What the fuck is going on...." She leapt over, no where nearly as gracefully as the Serfurians who made Olympic Gymnasts look bad, but she still made it over pulled her Valhalla 12mm and fired it the head leapt off one of the soldier's shoulders and the Serfurians flanked. The battle became a while wind of the dying.

* * *

Fury engulfed him... it was rich and beautiful to him. His vibro Falcata cut through their best body armor like Gala Reui was cut by a claw. He used the momentum of the blade to cause another soldiers combat knife to stab into his armor and snap its blade. His fury was only fueled as the blade spilled his blood the yellow fluid soaking down his shoulder. He used the impact to cleave the soft skins body into alter to Narshi. As he continued the spin he thumbed the overload on his sonic rifle and blindly flung it into the chest of a power armored human. The human had as split second to cry out as the whirlwind took his sad measly, furless body to Dalafi. The crimson rain caused by the whirlwind splashed into the fighter and soldiers. Several died standing shocked into inaction others were killed instantly by well placed shots from the resistance's Soldiers.

The next soldier was less fortunate Vrie's free paw grabbed him by the neck and his claws ruptured the sickly weak being he drove his sword into. The vibroblade tore it apart like a fresh kill at a butchers shop, meat just piling up in mush. His whirlwind and lightening fast attacks along with the other two joining the fray would finish the last soldier quickly but he was in a killing Frenzy. These sickly creatures could all die and he leapt for the next soft skin only to meet a growl and teeth of one of his troopers.

He howled going for their throat as they stood between the soft skin and his claws. He raked the others armor trying to get him out of the way. Then suddenly he was tackled from behind his arms clamped behind him and he heard his most junior trooper start shouting at him.

"Submit, Dalafi damn you. Vrie it's over they are all dead. Don't make me take command." The young male quickly let go and a stinging blow landed across him he stumbled the other trooper catching him. He still slumped down landing on the ground. His blood from the Knife wound coated his arm. He panted looking at His Alpha's corpse. Soon I will be with you his thought.

"He's hit, and going into shock. Nassi get me the Stefefin now!" He heard faintly he felt the hypo to his neck and was about to argue only to feel his senses clear and everything comes back into focus. His head was moved and Gareut'Nee bit down on his neck. Vrie didn't care anymore he closed his eyes and the words came.

"I submit alpha." Gar let go of his neck and he felt a paw on his midriff and a face came into view touching their nose to his in the appropriate acknowledgement of his beta.

"We'll settle the rest later Vrie, I need you as beta will you accept." The Grey furred male's nose touched his as he said the words. He understood what Gar was doing. He knew his sanity hung by a thread and if Vrie wanted him to prove he was alpha he would do so right here in front of the soft skins. He nodded panting, resisting the urge to accept, knowing as much as that meant to him this was far from safe.

"Later... gods... my alpha, what are your orders?" He asked softly as Nassi rubbed his ears.

"Say goodbye to him beta. As you should. He picked up Vrie and took him over the Corpse of his mentor, teacher, and Alpha laying him down helping him to his knees as he leaned over and took his collar off. A sliver of metal fell from it he picked it up and seconds later keened to the moon as he saw the gift he had given his Mentor 25 years ago accepting him as his teacher.

He had kept it despite all the students he must have had he kept this one, and had it were all warriors kept their most personal item... in his collar.

* * *

She watched the Serfurians, color had returned to her face as she realized he wasn't going to go for her again. Captain Price stepped up beside her after the troops had secured the perimeter and ensured no one else would be breaching it.

The trooper who had not followed them stepped up raised his unsheathed clawed hand and before anyone could react swiped her face leaving four very minor cuts. Several soldiers pulled their weapons as he Spoke English.

"I am Nassi, Third Omega of the Dalafi Eight-forty Claw. I greet you as warriors greet. Had you not been there we may have stumbled across them and been cut down. You are a fine leader My Lady." However understandable his English was seriously accented unlike the fighter who had died just minutes earlier.

He looked startled as the injured ones keen suddenly started. It was a depressing sound that no one had ever heard outside of their race. Its pain was instantly demoralizing as the two troopers went to their own knees, Nassi went to all fours and his own keen filled the air.

She felt her heart drop as she heard the soft sad sound reach her ears. So it wasn't a weapon they used to demoralize their enemies, it was their cry of sorrow. Many troopers had found the sound terrifying before and never had they understood its importance. Never had they understood its meaning. Till now anyway.

"Well Smith, you got it right so far what we do." He asked as the other 2 felines put themselves close to the hurt one and their keens joined eerily together sounding nearly as one. It was apparent despite everything the enemy they thought they knew they knew absolutely nothing about them. This was an astounding discovery that proved extreme interdependence on others meaning they definitely could be negotiated with.

"Sir, I really have no idea. Before this is seemed he was the leader and the other two were followers now it appears he's no longer in charge. She said and they all looked as the Green furred alien licked the dead ones muzzle and rocked himself.

"How long can we hold here?" She asked Harold Price. He turned to her and shrugged.

"We have a better chance of getting back with them and we..." She interrupted him.

"I'm not going to torture them or dissect them sir. I don't care what's said about them you can do such things without me. You won't have me lie to them either for you." She snapped and he smirked.

"I have no intention of doing so. But we want to get into the pentagon too." She inhaled suddenly and price turned in time to see him drive his knife into the dead one, smear his hands in the fluids and run them down his armor before the keening ended. The other two troopers ended as well and the one known as Nassi stood again, then turned flicking his ears.

"So, Are prisoners we?" He asked softly. The obviously young warrior still had a band of gold fur that would vanish with age.

"Captain Price is our alpha." She said to him. He looked at the Taller Captain.

"No, I can't hold you in good conscience so if you want your free to go. However it does look like you have no real support anymore and most of the commando units have retreated back from here. We need to get out of here quick." Captain Price looked back up into the sky.

"Lead we shall follow, however privacy on arriving is needed to complete our rituals." Nassi said softly.

"Agreeable." Price said quietly.

* * *

Commander Yuti'Nagarra nodded to the officer as the ship smashed through the soft skins dead battleship's hull. Yuti had to admit they fought hard for their home world, and still were. However like their skin their ships were soft and easy to kill. He pointed to the two incoming ships that sped around a defense stations fractured hulk.

"Target them before they can fire their main guns." He bellowed as he realized he ordered it too late. The two ships guns fired and the massive projectiles from their spinal mounted mass drivers slammed into his ship. Alarms screamed as one of the shells detonated and blew holes through the armor plating. The other ship's shell missed entirely.

Controls ruptured in fire as the surges went through from tortured circuits before fuses could stop the blasts. His navigator was shredded and he howled in fury as his ships Beams cut right through the lead vessel. It just fell apart as the Sword cruiser's beams sheared through its superstructure. Another beam lanced the second ship, whose power systems had recovered quick enough to get its shields back up after firing its gun.

Fighters raced towards his battleship and he saw the soft skins cruiser deploy its battle turrets along its hull.

"She's entered Assault mode Alpha, soft skins gonna face us gun to gun. We shall gut them like the r... Status change, Hostiles behind us and are firing." The younger feline looked back in horror as the Human ship in front charged.

* * *

Sparks flew from the ceiling as fuses blew protecting the controllers from the over loads. He watched the Grail of God disintegrate. Well least he got his shields back up before the Battleship in front of him had fired. His own cruiser was a wreck right now internally and externally but what do you expect when you seize control of a vessel from the inside. He grimaced as the corpse of the captain who he had "assumed authority" over.

"Assume new targets," Joseph Kliensten ordered as he brought the holo up and centered it past the Serfurian battleship which now pounded at his shields. "Love the welcome... Calling primary the Elicitor and the Crusade. Engage when ready."

He sat back as the engines roared sending them past the battleship guns bellowing in fury as the comm. started broadcasting the Anthem of the Resistance.

* * *

He slowly woke up. He sniffed and twitched, nearly crying out in pain as he tried to move his destroyed paw and wrist. He could smell his own blood and he moved noticing the collar had been put back on and sniffed. Startled by the underlying scent, they had either been eradicated or had fled, they couldn't be here. It was not possible, and then he shook himself. The movement sent pain up his arm and he heard the door click.

"I see you have awoken... And have a very nice defense against interrogation. However it won't work this time." The Jacketed freak of nature stepped forward with the briefcase, the same trooper as before moved in front of him. He licked his lips and purred.

"I'm so going to enjoy feeling your blood run over my claws as you beg." His voice a throaty purr startling the soldier who was suddenly realizing that this prisoner was far from weak.

"We will see about that. He drew something from his belt and pushed it up against Riefne'Alexod'Ansti's nose. His back arced as the Tazer sent a jolt through his body. His Damaged spinal column sends surges of secondary pain through his body. Unable to regenerate spinal damage he would need additional care, assuming he survived. The soldier sent another jolt through him and he began to rasp with pain before going silent again. The pain subsided as he sat there panting.

"Now will you talk? Or do you need more convincing?" The Interrogator spoke in his language.

"I hope Dalafi gives me a chance to get loose soft skin. Cause I'm going to enjoy killing you slowly." He growled and the soldier snapped an asp to full extension slamming it into his knee with a savage swing. Bone splintered and he again clamped his mouth shut. Shaking in savage pain as his body's defense found itself blocked from the shut down.

"Now now, is that anyway to talk to the person who had you taken alive? Hmmm? If not for my interest you would be dead right now." The Scientist laughed as the opened the brief case and pulled out a device. Switching it on an inch long get of fire came out and he handed it to Willis.

"As I understand it you have a high pain tolerance. I would like to test it, but in the end I will get the answers I need." He smiled as Willis raked the flame across his stomach and navel. The fur died instantly and the skin melted under the flame and he quivered biting down as hard as he could as he raked it lower along his groin and thigh. Tears of pain fell from his eyes but he still stayed quiet. Seconds later Willis' fist impacted into his stomach and Rienfe retched.

The Soldier smirked putting the torch to his upper arm, the arm with the destroyed paw, and triggered it. Dragging it down the length, Riefne savagely slammed back against the seat. Willis Grinned and Took the asp to his knee again completing its destruction but when he brought the asp down it broke apart at the impact. Riefne closed his eyes as pain racked his body. Blood and flesh melted off him were the torch had left its mark.

"You soft skins are so useless; the universe will do better without you." He growled though unable to keep the pain out of his voice.

"Ah but were the one's winning the war, your people will either bow to us or die. So will you talk now?" The jacketed one seemed pleased with himself and suddenly his device started ringing.

"Ah one moment, Willis, please show him more of our hospitality." The jacketed one turned and began talking into his comm. Willis pulled his knife and drove it into his arm right above the dead wrist. The knife stuck and he pulled another as his yellow blood spilled to the floor adding to the dried fluids from before.

"What's the matter kitty?" Suddenly Willis had the broken Extendible nightstick driven right into one of the savage burns. Rienfe couldn't hold back this time a slow whimper escaped him and Willis smiled bringing the busted asp across his face smashing his equivalent to the human cheek bone.

"Willis did you activate the pain killers?" Willis turned as the drip activated driving pain killers into Riefne's body. The cool fluids drove away the pain. His panting lessened and he began to lose consciousness. Last view, was a Soft skin soldier walk in and empty his magazine into the interrogators. He finally let loose a howl of fury at loosing the chance to kill them himself before unconsciousness claimed him.

* * *

The Pods let out an ungodly bellow as they streaked downward from the now visible Sword Cruisers. The pods blasted into the defenses some being destroyed before impact but too many getting through, all concentrated on the artillery positions and heavy armor. Vrie's war cry was high and terrifying as him, the 2 other Dalafi and the Resistance Fighters charged against the shocked defenses. More pods streamed down as the first ones landed Dalafi launching themselves into brutal melee with the Terran Feddies.

The Dalafi took out the closest armor and their sonic weapons cleaved a hole for the resistance fighters as they charged forward. Nassi turned and fired his rifle at a charging power armored trooper who blew apart under the over charged sonic shot. Seconds later Smith was surrounded by Dalafi as her resistance fighters and price dove into the taken foxholes and trenches.

Dalafi troopers leaped over vehicles killing the infantry and gunners. Others savagely fired into the armor division they had surrounded. A squad of infantry not realizing what was going on dived into the occupied defenses and found themselves meeting Dalafi blades. None were allowed to surrender as the Dalafi had broadcasted the offer days ago the Resistance fighters looking at the blood soaked Dalafi saw savages. Some retching at the piles of body parts that had been human soldier's seconds before. All but Captain Price.

"Well done, lad's feddie bastards needed that." He said and Nassi looked over at him.

"Your approval is not needed nor wanted captain. We are the elite of our kind and that is enough approval for us." Smith put her hand on Price's chest before he said anything.

"They aren't us captain. Leave it be." She said softly as they watched Gar step forward and Howl in his own language. The Dalafi troopers all yowled back savagely began what seemed to be a chant. The warriors suddenly charged forward leaping over obstacles as the Feddie counter attack came rolling in. Bradley fighting vehicles and Crusader Battle Tanks attempted to flank the Dalafi who charged the armor. Then the resistance fighters behind them fired their anti-vehicular weapons.

Price drew his Pistol and ran forwards yelling and firing. Smith cursed at him as the resistance fighters seemed to have also been affected by the ferocity of the Dalafi Battle cry. She ran forward. A soldier rushed around the tank taking aim at Price. She fired her AK-47 twice at him he went down as the heavy AP rounds pierced his armor. Blood spray patterned the tank which was in flames now. She turned and took two more soldiers down with a burst from her rifle. She climbed over a vehicle and saw Nassi savagely engaging a squad easily by himself.

Nassi was a savage fighter. His sword cleaved a soldier as he rushed Nassi from behind. The next victim clawed at his throat his vibro-shuriken hit him square on. The man died in a pool of blood as another tried to get at Nassi who spun around jump kicking the charging power armored human. His Fleximetal boot connected to the man's helmet with a crack and he went to his knees. The soldier didn't get back up as the power of the kick broke his neck. The Dalafi kicked the man's helmet for good measure and blood ran down the power armored figure as the second kick rotated his head one-hundred and eighty degrees.

Nassi dodged a blind swing quickly his tail wrapped around the attackers arm and as he pulled back Nassi Planted both his feet on the soldiers armor as he fired his sonic pistol into his chest. Organs blew outwards coating the Dalafi warriors White fur in crimson. He wasn't done yet, the abrupt motion caused the dead power armored soldier to pull trigger on his gun. Nassi used his tail to bring the weapon to bear on one of the other Soldier.

Blood and organs exited with the heavy dart rounds. The other soldier turned to run and the Dalafi used the armor as a springboard, he drove his Falcata into the fleeing trooper the vibroblade causing him to virtually blow apart from the inside out.

* * *

Vrie wasn't like the rest of the Dalafi, he was a prowler. He Swept around a well entrenched group and howled as he leapt into their trench. His blade and Vibro Shurikans sliced through the air. Soldiers fell; one hit one kill with each Shurikans. His battle cry as he remembered his Alpha was primal. There was an answering cry from the rest of the Dalafi who surged forward cutting down enemy left and right. A soft skin leapt on to him from behind and tried to restrain him for another. He kicked his armored boots into the front attacker's shoulders driving him to his knees and unbalancing the one behind him who fell forwards and rolled. Before he was up Vrie was on top of him his paws ripping into this stupid creatures uniform plunging through the heart. The creature toppled and he was on the next.

This one scrambled back crying, Screaming in terror as Vrie picked him up and ripped out his throats with his fangs. The sight of the Dalafi warrior was too much for some. They broke as the blood and organ soaked warrior launched himself at them. Suddenly he felt his armor gripped and he was thrown backwards. The human in front of him had dark brown skin and slanted eyes and dark hair, his sword skillfully held at guard. As Vrie lunged, the soft skins sword swung down and connected with his armor. He heard the familiar sound of vibrosawing as the weapon cut through the armor, and then he was past. His blood spilling from his injured flank.

"So you want honorable fight." Vrie growled then sent two Shurikans set for explosive. The creature moved to block them and they exploded in his face as the sonic charge in them detonated. The Dalafi didn't fight cleanly any of these idiots knew that by now. His green fur smeared with blood from the dead and his own yellow. He moved around again to find the next defenses weakness. Suddenly he stumbled and fell looking down he saw the pockets of impact into his armor. He felt weak as he fell forward.

* * *

Gar saw it happen. A soldier shot Vrie in the back twice. Vrie went down even as the soldier's head blew apart from Smiths loud weapon. The corpse toppled as Gar ran forwards and pulled Vrie back. Vrie looked up at him in shock.

"I... I .... Get to join him... Sorry, Alpha." Vrie began to close his Eyes as suddenly a jolt of electricity went through him. He howled as his heart started again. He coughed as Gar gripped his shoulders.

"Beta, you are not allowed to die... I promised the Alpha." Smith held the minifib she had pressed against his heart, as Gar went nose to nose again.

"Beta, you are absolutely forbidden, do you understand warrior? I need you here to lead our men to victory, this one and many others. You are Dalafi; these soft skins can't kill you!" The plea in his voice sounded awfully like Vrie's own plea's to the dead alpha. Vrie heard them and reached his paw up to Gar's face.

"Why. I'm just another trooper Gar, I pay respects to Dalafi like any of you... why do you think I deserve to live anymore than you do cub?" Vrie's soft voice came clearly through the scream of sonic weapons and coughs of projectile fire. Vrie looked up above and smiled.

"Cause we all need warriors like you Vrie. The people need examples of how to live. Examples like yours. How to go on after all you cared for has been taken from you." Gar whimpered when he finished speaking. Vrie reached up and pulled Gar nose to nose.

"Is living an Order my alpha?" He said softly feeling himself begin to fade again.

"Yes, Dalafi damn you!" He heard the fading voice say.

"Then get me help." He whispered before all went black.

* * *

Lennsig sat cross legged on the table in front of the Warrior as he came back to consciousness. The corpses of the two he had shot several hours earlier. The warrior opened his eyes and saw the two Humans in the room and growled.

"You won't get anything from me pretending to be my rescuer." His pain filled voice made him sound more like a cub than a warrior but the pain was too great to control.

"No, I won't. But then that's not my contract either. I have a sole goal and that is to ensure you live.

Rienfe looked around again. Sergeant Willis' corpse lay sprawled to the right against the bulkhead wall. His body was ripped apart and looked like a tribal Serfurian had decided to go artsy on the wall with the unnatural red blood these creatures have in an interesting pattern. He noticed his arm was in a Sealer and he was unable to feel it.

The other man in the room stepped forward and looked him over quickly.

"No ill effects from the drugs I gave him it seems. Lennsig, I thought you were a hard ass loyal bastard, why are you doing this?" The man asked.

"Silence Thomas, I am loyal to humanity. Not the mass murdering Sycophants we call the Federal Council. Now quiet doctor." Lennsig stood and unstrapped him from the chair. Rienfe was tempted to kill them both but he decided against it. The human then gripped him and pulled him slowly out of the seat. Rienfe caught the scent again and relaxed into the grip. He whimpered as his spine was moved and the human physically carried him over to the doctor and lightly deposited him onto the bed. His front down the one called Lennsig, now he knew he wasn't human, ran his false paw along his injured spine.

"Bastards, the lot of them. He heard the other say." Then the light pressure on his damaged spine caused him to cry out no longer wanting to resist. His claws ripped into the bedding." He heard the other human shout at the One doing it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing to him? Get the hell... "Thomas stopped as the Alien weapon aimed at his face in Lennsig hand beeped warning.

"I said silence doctor, I don't need you interfering." He looked at Thomas his eyes glowing for a moment before returning to normal.

"Your... one of the Sandis... the ones we occupied early on." Thomas' voice was unmistakably excited.

"Doctor, did you bring your Air Car?" He asked holstering the weapon and continuing to check the spine of the near crying Serfurian.

"We can't move him anymore. The spinal damage is not severe but even today it's hard to fix problems like that and he's an alie..." The room shook as the battle outside raged. Thomas steadied himself.

"What the hell was that?" He demanded.

Rienfa didn't care he just wanted the pain to stop. He pushed up against the hand and growled snapping at the Sandis shifter. Who stepped back and Lennsig lapsed into a close approximation of his language.

"Dalafi you shouldn't be moving, your spine has been seriously damaged, you..." The Serfurian growled snapping at him.

"I am not a soft skin; I am a Lefuris Ashkura, not Dalafi. Get me my armor... or I will get it myself." The Serfurian's eyes glowed indicating the second option would result in the 2 being corpses, even in his condition the Serfurian could match them both.

"You're stupid but fine." Lennsig stalked over to the table grabbing the armor and shaking his head.

"They didn't leave the pants..." He began and heard a snort.

"Infected by their stupid taboo's Sandis? Our commandos wear only the armor itself. I am not bothered by human's silly morality." The Sandis picked up the armor as he watched the Serfurian get up. He walked over to the Serfurian and there was a loud growl and cracking sound as he forced the Serfurian's back to straighten with the armor. The trooper bent over the bed trying to keep from crying out.

"Look stupid," Lennsig began only to get glowered at. "You're going to hurt yourself needlessly."

"I don't care about your opinion unless you want to prove your alpha... Sandis." He growled and Lennsig looked him over with a laugh. "In your condition that would be easy." He pushed the feline over and forced the Lefuris down with a clawed paw around his neck. Staring him eye to eye the Sandis smirked.

"Careful what you wish for Serfurian you might get it." He let go of Rienfa who finished putting on the armor as another shockwave hit the building. Why were the soft skins shelling their own building? Lennsig gave him a look over and Rienfa smirked.

"You might wanna pay more attention to where we're going than me Sandis. You might actually live to fulfill what you seem to want right now." The humor which Serfurians rarely showed aliens was quite evident in the last statement. Lennsig shook himself handed Rienfa his handgun and Thomas took the Sonic Rifle that was wrong fit for a human but it was usable.

* * *

The pentagon's east wing was in flames as the 2 heavy shells from the main gun of the Resistance cruiser blew through the Planetary Defense control center. Vrie had been sent up to the CP leaving Smith with only Gar and Nassi. Nassi had shown a very murderous nature even compared to most of the Dalafi. If a medic from the Dalafi said a warrior wasn't going to make it he made sure they died only remembering pleasure not pain. It had seriously disturbed the resistance fighters. Many especially were disturbed to find he was a priest of their god of pleasure, Heioosis.

He didn't actually hide it and didn't care about the silly morals of the humans who had chosen to involve themselves. Hundreds of Dalafi were on the ground now. The objective was to kill everyone in the Pentagon and level the structure. The Dalafi being Dalafi refused to level the building from the air, and even though most of the defensive units were routing at this point they would be reinforced.

Nassi stood beside Gar talking to Captain Price and High claw Jasa'skes. Nassi was soaked from the waist down in yellow blood his armor and pants stained with both human and his own races blood. At first humans tried to stop him till one of the warriors in question reached up and drove Nassi's weapon into them themselves.

"I will not have this murderer fighting with my resistance fighters." Yelled Captain Price at Gar. Nassi translated for Gar who shot something back in his Soft spoken version of their language. Nassi hissed at Gar who cuffed him violently. Price stepped forward to Interfere but Gar was already on Nassi pinning his arms and legs down to the ground saying something nose pressed to the others. Nassi seemed to whimper at what was said and Gar got up but Nassi refused to let him up. Gar said something else and pulled Nassi's collar locking his muzzle around Nassi's throat when she recognized the words spoken by Vrie earlier that day.

Gar stood up and crouched next to Nassi who just looked up at the other Serfurian. Then Nassi stood up and Gar wrapped his tail protectively around the other Dalafi they moved back up. Gar said something to Captain Price. Nassi translated it.

"If I don't go Gar will have to kill me himself. We are honor bound to take the objective, our unit is destroyed and there are three of us left with an incomplete objective." Nassi said before stepping up to price.

"These are our ways Captain. Living as a cripple is not something we can endure for long. Every last one of the troopers who's blood is on my armor asked me to give them a seeing off to my gods. It's our ways captain. I don't tell you to decapitate your troopers because you are not of our kind. It is simple. Learn and live. We found a path that works for us as a people after sixteen thousand years of interracial warfare. We found a balance. We are not peaceful to each other but at least were happy and balanced by what we want and need to do. If I am going to die painfully or slowly with no chance I would have asked for the same thing. I am a Serfurian captain Price. What I did is nothing I wouldn't have done to myself and I'll have Gar prove that to you right here where I am unharmed and not near death, I will have him send me to my god."

Nassi was what everyone could expect from a tribal warrior. He turned to Gar and began to get to his knee's Gar whimpered but pulled out his blade. He aligned it for Nassi's heart, Nassi looked up and Price stopped Gar. Nassi hissed as Price caused Gar to drive the blade into the ground. Even the High Claw Jasa hissed grabbing Captain Price.

"Our way human, you questioned his honor and his priest Status, so he much proves himself." Smith stepped up a bit worried about the sheer number of Dalafi who had taken notice. The Red armored felines seemed intent on seeing the end result. One of them yowled out an Exclamation as Gunfire suddenly roared from the other side of the building.

* * *

Nassi sat their shocked the human had stopped him from death. What is it with these stupid soft skins his honor was questioned. He stood up about to protest when gun fire could be heard inside the structure they called the Pentagon. He leapt to his feet as everyone's attention was diverted Gar pulled him into an Alpha's Embrace. The Alpha's strong arms just held him and he whispered.

"Stupid warrior, stupid warrior, you know we need you to rebuild our unit. I want no other two but you and Vrie to build our next Dalafi. Please take it back, I request as your alpha." His silken voice was calming and he slumped forward shaking hard having prepped himself to feel death his adrenalin was sending him into an Emotional Crash.

"Alpha... Alpha... I'm sorry. By the gods I am sorry. I set myself to join the lost of our Tribe of warriors. I don't know if I can." His voice was showing signs he had just broke and Gar laid him down again sniffing his Omega softly.

"My little warrior. I am your alpha and you are my Omega. Do you refuse my request? I can make your wish come true here and now and you can die but by refusing my request you hurt me as well." Gar was not known for being soft but this once he had to be. His paw rubbed between the Young warriors ears.

"No, you are my Alpha. I cannot refuse the request, but you can refuse my next one. I have been dishonored. I must prove my honor." A small growl came from the young Lafuris Dalafi.

"Lead the attack my warrior." Gar said pulling him up sitting. "I'll handle Price."

The situation was decided and the blood smeared Nassi stood with eighty Dalafi, Gar, Smith, and Captain Price's sixty two men and women. His crouched form in front of the near crazed Dalafi Infantry gave the unit a barbaric Splendor and security elements of the Pentagon could be seen trying to hold it together. He stood drawing his Vibro blade howling that was echoed seconds later as like a single entity the Dalafi Charged into the fires of hell itself.

* * *

The fires of hell washed over the charge but the support of the soft skin vessel was more than a turning point. Shells rained down on the bastion as the ship blew down the east wing and hundreds of Serfurian troops broke into the base. The slaughter of its defense personnel had been complete. Nassi led the charge as machine gun fire ripped into the Dalafi as he leaped up from one gun nest to the nest leaving only pools of blood, piles of mush, and ruptured bodies in his wake.

Gar was right behind him yowling the song of the Dalafi a high pitched chant of death the humans had come to know this day his own fury was fed by the chant for he had been born on Shilou. He loved the world's trees and cool winds and he loved his people. So he charged his sonic rifle's scream blowing human after human apart. The resistance fighters and their grapple guns charged too using their assault rifles for devastating effect the destruction was immense.

The defenders died as warriors however. They held and held. Coming to meet the charge with knife and hand gun. One man even Charging Nassi blowing himself up throwing his Omega off the building into the rubble. Gar keened at the young ones death charging slaying and killing. Humans felt fear and remorse while his blood sang with anger. He missed a resistance fighter grabbing Nassi and dragged him out of the debris.

The hallways were choked with smoke and flame as they came up to the section they had heard gunfire. Bodies littered the ground and he saw soldiers desperately trying to take the position that was obviously heavily defended. A sonic bolt screamed down the hallway blasting through the soldier's cover he got thrown back towards Gar who drove his knife into the soldier. His scream was loud and drew the other defenders attention realizing they were surrounded they quickly dropped their weapons.

Lisa Smith was suddenly screaming for him to stop as he cut them down anyway. Coated in their blood Lisa backed up from Gar who turned to her and spoke softly.

"We only offer once. No more after that." He sheathed his knife after cleaning off the blood. They walked through the corpse littered hallway and Lisa pulled her gun as a head popped out of the Barricades and she recognized Thomas. As they got closer they saw him looking over a Trooper with blue and lavender fur, with pink stripes and spots. He shifted and looked up at her.

"This bastard is stubborn, shot four times, damaged spine, fractured knee, and his lower right arm is gone. He still killed eight of the guards hand to hand. We have no idea how to fight these people Lisa." He checked his patient's vitals again.

"Thomas, do you ever get the feeling you need a retirement?" Lisa asked before sitting heavily as the warrior smirked and Gar dropped next to him purring for all he was worth.

"Every got damn day." He replied.

* * *

The Pentagon was in flames. The building utterly destroyed from the attack as the ships fled from the wrath of the Terran Federation. Over ninety-thousand dead Federation personnel in a matter of two days of fighting. The Federation had gotten nothing out of the fight. Every piece of armor down to their collars had been destroyed in the pentagon. The Prisoner died in the fires it was assumed. The Resistance had come out full strength afterwards mocking the defeat. Hitting his forces everywhere at once.

The man turned around and faced the Captain standing next to him who just smiled.

"It's done my leader. We have started the chain of events needed to be started." Said Lennsig softly. The man looked at the other and shook his head.

"The prisoner? Lennsig? What about him?" The man was young. Maybe in his early twenties he had dark skin and a mustache that was neatly trimmed.

"What about him? He's a fighter and he will survive this. You and I both know to survive what is coming we must prepare. The fall of the Federation is the first step. We cannot have a police state hampering both our peoples Edent. They are out there you seen the survey data same as we have. The Jolarni are out there and they are getting closer. The Federation is stifling dissent and innovation. Your predecessors damaged much of our chances.

"And the Serfurians. They are murderous, do you expect them to ally with humanity. They are murderous savages. You saw what they did to my troops. Troops who trust me to get it right." Edent sat heavily again.

"Our world is dying we need to have the Federation fail. Your military forces really don't care and cracks are forming. At least this way we, control the fall. We can save our people Edent." Lennsig turned to him and rested his hand on his friends shoulder.

"I can clean out the military; I can fix the system we have." Edent said softly.

"Can you? Look around Edent; you're as much a prisoner as I am. The Secret police and military don't want their privileged lives and the fear of them to diminish. Our system failed a long time ago. It was never formed with the best intentions to begin with. We need a system that can survive." Lennsig handed his friend the shot glass and poured the drink. Edent looked into the scotch and his reflection looked back.

"What about Doctor Alvarez?" Lennsig glared at him.

"That one is going to be worrisome. He's the very independent type." Said someone from behind and they both turned to see General Stephen Willis behind them arms folded.

"Sorry about your son General." Lennsig began before Stephen shrugged it off.

"He was a monster Lennsig. I wouldn't have trusted him to do anything good for us." They stepped up and watched the fires.

* * *

Gar stood in the Medbay of the Lexington as it streaked skyward away from the flames. The Fleet in orbit was in disarray and far too late the ship broke through quite easily. He looked at his wounded. All that was left of his unit, plus one. The young Rienfe lay there Serfurian medical equipment repairing his body. His spine would leave him immobile for months. Nassi had lived, only Lisa had seen Gar's tears at hearing the news, and Vrie was alive only just. He was on life-support and human surgeons had pulled him out of near death and then Serfurian medical gear got him closer to full health every day.

What would possibly never heal was his soul. But even it could mend if never fully heal. The Serfurian spirit was never crushed no matter how dark their past there was something to be pulled back from the brink. There was always love and honor to bring one back. He turned and took the shortest route to the bridge.

He walked up beside Joseph Kliensten who stood staring out of the bridge window as the Serfurian fleet formed up to punch through the Shattered human remnants. Earth would fall one day but it was not today. Sensors showed thousands of human warships inbound along with ground forces. The human's bases on Io and Titan had been gutted and their ability to reinforce Shilou was gone now. So now they would push the humans off of Shilou after they freed Alpha Centari for the resistance.

War would be brutal but now he saw the four in front. His Alpha, His Beta, and his first Warrior. They were the new generation of Dalafi. The first unit rebuilt from the forges of war. Darkness may come but in the end it would be Lafuris and Tangaus like them who would lead the way through it. People like Lisa Smith, Captain Price, and Joseph Kliensten to back them up to bring their races to victory.

He turned to the window and thought about it. There was another storm brewing and closing with them. The age of darkness would begin. It would be as warriors they would face it and bring light into it and change the fate of millions.

The Jolarni were coming. His mission had been accomplished the Federations fall had begun. The loss of so many had to be made and despite know that he still hurt. Knowing the future had its curses, but so did being a Serfurian of the Galanta Tribe. A member of the world council who had foreseen so far into their destiny.

An agent of change.