A new wolf on campus

Story by Addicting Decadence on SoFurry


Hn, well let's see here. I am new to this place so I don't know how it all works out I am only here cause Lexy-Marie Skye asked me to create a page. Honestly I didn't know this place existed. |Scratching at the top of his head pondering on just what he should say next.; And I suppose I should give a breif synopsis on who I am eh? Alrighty then:

My name is Addicting Decadence though as most from furry pile call me A.D. I am a novella role-player and I am very inteligent when I want to be I can also be a tad lazy so be prepared if you have a..."story" with me I may not respond for a few days mostly due to work or the build up of writers block stock-piled into my psyce. I am nineteen years old and my fursona is that of a wolf both here and rl. I also tend to shift my fursona's gender and species type at will(props of being a mimic)

Sooo I guess that covers it all. Nice to meet you lot. Hope to make friends