This war is ours: Prologue

Story by Xzenya Wolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of This War Is Ours: Chapter One

I sat there, staring at the stars that night. Ignoring the screams of pain, the whistles of bullets past my ears, and the cries of lost children. I've never seen such beauty in many years.

See, this war has been going on a long, long time, and i've been here since the beginning. All because i could shape shift. i could defy the enemy, and kill them instantly. I was a science experiment. At the age of 4, i was taken out of a fur community, because i ran away one day, foolish child i was. The humans found me, and abused me, sticking painful objects in my skin. electricuting me, poking and prodding at me. I learnt how to become cold hearted at the age of 5. Hating every human and animal i seen. I learnt to kill. Yes, i was the only female soldier at the time, but like i said, i was also the only shapeshifter.

In the year of 1939, the second world war started. The story is, that this fool named Hitler, thought Germany should be a specific breed of human species, but he became greedy, and wanted the rest of Europe to be like the Aryians. Then, eventually, the rest of the world. He wanted to take command, and considered all his followers, as Nazi's. I knew about him for a long time, I was trained too. I was trained to know every detail about every fighting, killing, and common sense skill there was. But back to the point, Hitler, started killing innocent people, for his reason only, and to be Führer to all. So, then people started fighting, and killing and murdering, and I was one of them.

So, This is me, A 17 year old, female, shapeshifting Killer, named Xzenya. I've never been in a school, where they taught normal things, like Science, and English, and Gym. I've had the extreme "Training" in all those area's, and they all have to do with killing, killing this, killing that. Killing everything. And I was the master plan. I lost emotion. i lost everything...

(this is my first entry obviously. lemme know what you think, and sorry it's so short so far.)