Till Death 6

Story by Runewuff on SoFurry

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Till Death

by Rune

* * * * *

Chapter 6


*This is the ending of a 6-chapter furry sci-fi story about a long-distance gay romance that goes horribly right. As a fair warning, the story is a tragedy and features very graphic portrayal of not just sex, but sickness and death. This chapter contains vomit and scat (not fetishized), fur loss (not fetishized), drug use, blood and death.*

* * * * *

Suddenly, the warmth left him. There was the sound walking across the floor, bracelets tinkling.

Cold air played over his naked skin.

Dorn felt as heavy as when he had gone to sleep.

He opened his eyes to see the tops of pillows, half green, half orange. One side lit by the orange dawn light from the long window, the other... by the green glow of his own radioactive body.

Dorn crawled up on leaden limbs, and found the lighter and cigarettes in the faint green light of his skin-and-bones arm.

He lit a cigarette and began sucking in the bitter euphoria. The smell didn't seem half as bad as it had before. It was almost... pleasant?

Drazzy emerged from the hallway and began cooking some eggs for himself, and a fresh pot of meat broth for Dorn.

His stomach growled and ached with the worst hunger pang he'd ever felt in his life. He hadn't eaten anything yesterday except broth, and the drug seemed to increase his appetite, too. He couldn't remember any time in his life he'd felt so much fatigue, either. Every part of his body seemed to weight twice as much as normal.

He sucked in more bitter smoke, desperate to make the heavy feeling go away.

Drazzy chopped up some yellow-spotted blue fruit. He was so hungry, even that smelled good to him!

He breathed in the last of the cigarette and put it out in the lid of the radiation-proof jar with a heavy paw, adding to the pile of butts and ash already there.

It hadn't made a dent in his fatigue... though the feeling didn't seem half as frightening as it did at first.

Slowly, Dorn pushed himself up on all fours, then rose to his paws. Cold air washed around his bare skin.

With heavy, deliberate steps, Dorn made his way to the orange stool.

His ass was still sore?

He climbed onto the stool by balancing his weight on the grey counter with slow, careful motions. Finally he sat with his legs under him and his ass meeting his paws.

Drazzy placed a bowl of broth in front of him, sending his stomach growling with fresh pangs of hunger.

While Drazzy ate his eggs and fruit with delicate motions of his two-tined fork and metal pick, Dorn handled his spoon clumsily, like a little pup who had yet to learn table manners.

The broth tasted very good, almost sweet...

And his hunger turned into pain.

He burped and belched and struggled to breathe.

"Dojji? What'z wrong?" asked Drazzy.

"I..." Dorn gasped, "I can't eat anymore."

Drazzy paused, his flesh-horns dimming by the second.

"Just get me some water," said Dorn.

Drazzy walked around the counter and poured Dorn a crystal clear glass from the faucet.

Dorn sipped the water slowly, calming his stomach a little.

He took the glass in paw... it seemed to weigh as much as a brick. He stomped back to the pile of pillows and the alien drug... maybe another smoke would calm his stomach.

He lit up another cigarette from the alien box and sat in the pile of pillows, leaning back, sucking in the bitter smoke.

Drazzy finished his breakfast and sat beside him, a hot, soft green arm wrapping around his bare back, and another around his stomach. His love tenderly licked his shoulder... it was wetter, and more pleasurable than any lick he'd received before.

"So this is what bare skin is like..." Dorn thought aloud.

He turned around and licked his love's muzzle between puffs of smoke.

Drazzy coughed.

"Godz, jjat shit's nazty," he winced, "Finish jjat firzt, kizz later."

Dorn smirked at him, then breathed in more bitter euphoria.

It still didn't seem to be helping his stomach or heavy limbs at all.

"Would you like to watch zum holo?" Drazzy asked.

"Why not?" Dorn thought aloud between puffs, "Sure..."

With some wiggling of Drazzy's hand, a smaller than life female ordinaz appeared in the middle of the room, babbling away in words Dorn couldn't understand. With a few more twitches of his fingers, Drazzy positioned the image in front of them. The midget ordinaz was replaced by holospheres of scenes from different locations as the words droned on.

It was the news.

"Next program," said Dorn.

Several doll-sized male zordinaz were stalking around the harsh, grimy girders and machinery of an industrial building. The entire scene formed a small holosphere barely a meter in diameter. They were dressed in long black coats and had colored their flesh-horns black so only their muzzles, hands, and feet glowed. There was a gunfight with some kind of energy weapons which ended quickly... followed by a lot of overacted dialogue. And more dialogue... one of them yowled out a word in a certain way that made Dorn burst out laughing.

"What'z zo funny?" questioned Drazzy.

"I, I dunno," said Dorn, taking another breath of smoke, "Just something about the way he sounded."

"It waz kind of hammed-up," admitted Drazzy.

"Next," said Dorn.

In a richly-paneled room with dim lights in odd colors, a male and a female kethtarshi were inches from each other. They were speaking in their own purring language while two-dimensional ordinaz words flashed in front of them, piercing through the scene. The holos became a bit too bubbly to be seen clearly around their groins and the female's breasts.

"Is this susposed to be porn?" Dorn asked, his voice slurring a bit from the drug.

"It'z the foreign channel," winced Drazzy, "I dunno. Ejjarshi showz never make zenze anyway. Jjey're too complicated."

"Next!" said Dorn.

Some zordinaz were standing around a room oddly like the one they were sitting in, talking in an oddly exaggerated manner with wild body language and sweeping gestures.

Drazzy chuckled after a bit.

A sitcom.

"Next!" said Dorn.

* * * * *

After a while, he found the commercials better than the shows. He found himself giggling at every gag, every bit of slapstick, even though he normally wouldn't.

Drazzy showed him the gestures to control the holo, and Dorn idly flipped through programs, while Drazzy snuggled up to him, spreading loving warmth across his body.

He didn't have the energy to do anything else.

He needed to smoke the drug more and more to keep the pain out of his stomach.

"Whattif they made bacon-flavored soup!" Dorn thought aloud. He wished his guts weren't so gone he couldn't eat anymore...

Drazzy giggled.

"Yeah, that would be an awesome idea," Dorn nodded to himself, "They could make bacon-flaved... flave..."

"Flav-ored," Drazzy corrected him, speaking slowly.

"Flave-ord," Dorn said.

Drazzy giggled, his warm muzzle pulsing against Dorn's bare chest. "Godz, I can zpeak your language better jjan you can now."

"Can not," Dorn protested.

"I can too," Drazzy smirked up at him with three pairs of luminous eyes.

The whole room was slowly turning orange and dimming... by the light of the setting suns.

"Ho-ly fuck," Dorn said, "It's night aready?"

"Yeah," said Drazzy, "Jjink of all jje time you wazted, when you could have been licking me off."

He grinned up at Dorn.

"You know," Dorn thought aloud, "I think I wanna see the park again."

Drazzy's eyes went wide and bright.

"You're in no shape to walk jjat far," said Drazzy.

"I wanna do it," explained Dorn, "One last time, before I don't have the strenth."

"Streenngjj," Drazzy said slowly.

"You can't get it right either," Dorn giggled.

"What if... what if you collapze?" asked Drazzy.

"If I drop dead, I'd rather die there... someplace beautyfu.. than in here, watching holo," said Dorn.

* * * * *

Climbing the long, blue-lit concrete steps leading up out of the subway station was like climbing a mountain. Drazzy lifted him up by the armpit, helping him along.

Passing zordinaz stared at them.

He heard several trains stop at the station below and leave again before they finally reached the top.

The subway's entrance opened up on a dark green-blue twilight sky, looming over the forest of glowing lobe-trees.

They walked down the concrete path slowly, paw-in-paw.

Dorn's clothes had always been ragged, but now Drazzy's fine gold-embroidered outfit was dirty and wrinked, probably ruined forever... it hadn't been washed in days. They didn't dare waste a single second doing laundry.

Dorn's body had changed so much. What was normally thickly-furred muscle was now thin limbs clad in wrinkled pale skin.

...which glowed with the same bright green inner light as his love.

He was as radioactive as Drazzy!

No wonder he felt so shitty.

Luminous blue and green ordinaz joggers passed them by, while couples with babbling children did double-takes at Dorn.

Let them stare.

He didn't care what anyone else thought anymore. Ordinaz, wolf, or any other species for that matter.

They reached the field of dark blue plants and started up the hill. After walking several city blocks, climbing down and up the subway station stairs and walking across the park, Dorn was exhausted. His large muscles seemed to be useless dead-weight now.

They went up the slope a little bit and stopped.

Dorn staggered down to a sitting position, the cool, snaking blue plants rubbing against his bare, thin tail... which illuminated them with its own green light, making them turn a shade of turquoise. The same happened around Drazzy's tail as he sat down next to Dorn.

The glow from their bodies combined, forming one unbroken luminous circle of earth and plants around them.

Drazzy placed his warm hand on Dorn's paw, and they sat there, paw-in-paw, watching the quiet, glowing forest. The only sound came from unseen insects faintly flitting and rasped around them.

The night breeze was chill against Dorn's bare skin on his arms and tail... and the holes in the knees of his pants. It carried the now familiar acrid musk of the forest.

The luminous lobes of the trees swayed almost imperceptibly, making only the faintest slushy sounds as their lobes slid against each other in the breeze. Beneath them, snaking plants on the forest floor glowed blue from their tips. More blue lights dotted the rolling field, bushes and clumps of weeds made of tangled blue strands.

The city skyline rose up above the trees, clusters of tall round buildings with bright blue lights in their windows. Beyond them, distant yellow or orange flares in the sky came from ships landing and taking off from the spaceport.

Above it all, two crescent moons shone, one green, one blue... their horns pointed the opposite direction from their first night in the park.

Under all those sources of light, the sky was a soft twilight blue, gradually turning green behind them as the glow of the city gave way to the glow of the forest.

Other blue glows wandered in the twilit forest and field, appearing and disappearing.

The bugs.

As the blue flashing bugs flew around them, Dorn waited. Eventually, one came close, and he snatched it in his luminous green paw.

Its wings beat faintly against his pads, while its blue flashes made his flesh turn turquoise.

He held it close, watching it flash, a childish grin creeping over his muzzle.

Finally he let it go, and it flitted away silently, joining the other flashing bugs.

Green and blue glowing zordinaz continued to walk across the concrete path, which curved around the hill before entering the forest again behind them. Mostly families and couples, and a few joggers.

One group of brightly-dressed teenagers had young kids tagging along. Several times the kids rushed off, chasing after the flashing bugs before joining the teenagers again.

Dorn's intestines began to gurgle painfully again.

He let go of Drazzy's warm hand, fumbled in the side pocket of his pants and felt the pack of cigarettes. He pulled one out, found the lighter, and lit it up with a brilliant yellow flicker.

As he inhaled the bitter smoke, he felt a faint smile creep over his muzzle. He could barely remember when he first smoked the drug and disliked it. Now it instantly put more happiness in everything, and didn't smell or taste half as bad as it did the first day.

While they sat there on the side of the hill, Dorn leaning back on his paw while holding the faintly smoldering cigarette between the claws of the other paw, a green female jogger wearing tight black pants and a tank top stopped along the path... and stared at them.

She walked up the hill towards them, the plants lighting up around her two-toed feet, and greeted them in an enthusiastic outburst.

It seemed like Drazzy could barely reply fast enough to keep up with her. Then she turned and quickly left, happy with the exchange.

"Wha was that about?" asked Dorn.

"She zaid she didn't know jjere were ojjer intelligent zpeciez jjat were radioactive," said Drazzy.

"You mean," said Dorn, "She thought that I..."

"Yeah," Drazzy gave a luminous grin, "Jjat your zpeciez was radioactive juzt like mine."

Dorn smiled.

"Pretty zoon your zmile will be az bright az mine," smirked Drazzy.

They sat there for a while longer, watching the swaying trees, the flashing bugs and setting moons, while Dorn continued to puff on his cigarette.

Suddenly, Dorn ripped a loud, painful fart.

He moaned involuntarily.

"Orr, Dojji..." Drazzy muttered, waving a hand in the air.

"I think I wanna go back now," he said.

His guts rumbled painfully.

"Oh fuck, I gotta take a shit so bad," he said.

"Zo I notized," three pairs of luminous eyes glared.

Dorn extinguished the cigarette in the dirt, and they rose to their paws.

He staggered down the concrete path, Drazzy pulling him along by his paw.

He leaned against Drazzy as they walked down the concrete steps of the subway station, so he wouldn't tumble down them.

Once again, the blue and green zordinaz on the concrete train platform parted around them, forming a wide circle around them.

He farted painfully hard while they waited for the train... the zordinaz backed off a little further.

The first white train flashed through the station with a blast of air, but the second slowed to a stop.

The red holo warnings vanished, and the train's doors slid open.

Dorn stumbled into a plastic seat next to Drazzy, its ordinaz-sized tailhole extra roomy for him. Once again, they were left a whole side of a subway car to themselves.

Drazzy wrapped an arm and a leg around a metal pole to brace himself against the powerful acceleration. He wrapped the other arm around Dorn's chest. Dorn was sure he didn't have the strength to keep himself from sliding around anymore.

He farted and belched, pain rippling through his guts, while the train bumped and rattled them.

It seemed to take forever to reach their station.

The train began to decelerate, Drazzy once again wrapping around the pole while grabbing Dorn and holding him to his chest.

Finally, the doors slid open. Drazzy didn't loose his hold on Dorn until his unsteady paws found a footing on the cold metal floor.

Drazzy tugged him along by the paw, and he limped out onto the subway platform. He held Dorn up by the armpit as he inched his way up the concrete stairs to the surface, step-by-step.

He lost count of how many trains stopped an unloaded groups of passengers that swarmed around them, rushing up the stairs.

Finally, they reached the surface.

Round buildings with blue lights in their windows towered around them, while angled cars zoomed down the street, large odorless while plumes trailing behind them.

The level sidewalk was welcome, but Dorn had no energy left to force his aching leaden body to walk the last few blocks. Drazzy gripped his paw in his warm hand and pulled him along just the same. Dorn's ass ached, as if getting ready to explode, but he kept on, tugged forward by Drazzy.

At long last, Drazzy's apartment came into view.

They entered the marble-patterned plastic hallway, with its flickering blue light at one end.

Drazzy pulled him to the elevators and punched the button. The doors squeaked open, to reveal a pair of blue ordinaz males. Their eyes went wide at the sight of Dorn. They carefully inched around Dorn so as to keep as avoid touching him by as much distance as possible, nervously talking to Drazzy the whole time.

"Jjey wanted to know if you'd be alright," Drazzy frowned as they rode the elevator up, "I told jjem you would, which waz a lie..." his voice croaked

Dorn's ass and guts were throbbing too much for him to give a fuck.

The elevator doors squeaked open on Drazzy's floor.

Drazzy tugged Dorn down the curved hallway, flickering blue lights overhead. At last, he stopped, placed his hand on the door's scanplate and it unlatched.

As Dorn opened the door and lurched into the apartment, the bright blue lights in the living room came on.

His ass farted more painfully than ever.

"Fuck," he muttered, pulling his clothes off with leaden arms.

He dropped his white T-shirt to the tan floor, then pulled his khaki pants and striped boxers down around his tail and paws.

He stumbled into the water closet, bracing his heavy body against the wall. He switched the lights on with a wave of his paw, then made one final dash to the toilet.

Moaning in pain, Dorn released a nasty, painful dump through his sore ass.

He flushed... and his ass ached with growing inner pain... there was more?

What could possibly be left?

He'd barely eaten the last few days, and that was after his intestines completely cleared themselves out with all that diarrhea.

His heart began to pound.

The next dump was even more painful... and left wet, bloody pulp-like flesh in the toilet.

Tension rushed through every muscle in his body.

Pieces of his own intestinal lining.

He was shitting his guts out!

His heart raced, thudding in his ears.

His paws started to go numb.

"No, no, no!" he shook his head in denial.

Not yet, please, not yet!

More bloody pulp forced its way out his ass in agony, sending his whole body trembling.

"Fuck!" he screamed.

Tears blurred his vision.

"Dojji?" called Drazzy, "What'z the... oh godz!"

"It's the end, Drazzy," sobbed Dorn.

"Oh fuck!" more pulpy bits of flesh pained his hole.

And more blood.

And more flesh.

Every tiny bit burned with firey agony in his ass.

Drazzy stood there the whole time. He flushed the toilet several times, but its seat, and the floor around it, became spattered with blood anyway.

Once he held Dorn from falling over.

Sometimes, Drazzy held a cigarette of the drug to Dorn's muzzle... it didn't seem to do anything.

Dorn's limbs became painfully numb.

Dorn wished he could take some pills for the pain... but with his guts falling out, there was no way his body could absorb any medication from them.

After a while, Dorn realized he had gone several minutes after passing out the last bloody bit.

It was over.

Every joint in Dorn's body ached. His ass throbbed and his belly burned.

He started to struggle to his paws. In response, Drazzy bent him over the bidet and gently wiped his furless ass clean with a towel.

Dorn hissed through gritted teeth at the pain of having his sore ass touched.

Drazzy pressed on, carefully wiping the blood away.

Then he led Dorn back to the pile of pillows. Dorn's paws shuffled weakly across the floor.

He laid Dorn down in the soft pile, careful not to let anything touch his ass.

Then Drazzy sat in the pile of pillows, his flesh-horns so dim their blue lights nearly extinguished, and held Dorn tenderly in his warm arms.

Dorn shivered, agony throbbing throughout his ass and belly.

His heart was still pounding.

Fresh tears rolling down his furless muzzle.

His body became heavier by the second.

Even his lungs... it was getting hard to breathe.

Terror gripped every fiber in his body.

He felt like he was falling.

Falling into a black abyss.

Every cell in him seemed to be screaming.

And suddenly he felt... he knew... down to the last cell in his body... he would die very soon... and there was nothing beyond.

He clutched at his love's warm luminous body for dear life.

"Drazzy, please," tears blurred his vision, "Help me... I don't wanna die... you've gotta get me to a hospital."

"Dojji," Drazzy's voice was low and serious, "If I take you to a hozpital, jje firzt jjing jjey'll do iz zeparate uz. Jjey'll put you in a shielded room, and we'll never touch, never hold each ojjer again. And you know jjey can't do anyjjing to zave you. You've been beyond zaving zince jje firzt time we made love."

Dorn nodded, tears in his eyes.

"If jjat'z what you really want, I'll do it..." Drazzy offered.

Dorn shook his head.

"You're right," he said, "I'm scared... hold me."

Drazzy lifted Dorn's heavy body up in his arms, as if it was effortless. Dorn's ass and tail lay in his lap while Drazzy clutched Dorn's body close to his chest.

Pain flashed through every joint Dorn tried to move.

His leaden limbs were so heavy, so achingly painful, he couldn't lift them anymore.

It was becoming harder and harder to breathe...

His breaths came ragged, every one of them pain in his chest.

His heart lurched and struggled, spastically beating pain into his chest.

Six brightly glowing green eyes stared down at him from a luminous green muzzle stained with tears.

Summoning every last bit of strength left in his heavy body, Dorn raised a paw, twice as heavy as lead, through a sea of invisible needles of pain, to his love's head... gently directing their muzzles together.

Warm tongues slithered against each other as their lips met, one drop of tingling pleasure in an ocean of pain and darkness.

Waves of agony washed through every limb in Dorn's body, and his arm dropped.

"I love you," he said softly, staring into six loving eyes.

"I love you Dojji," Drazzy's jaw trembled.

Dorn exhaled as his lungs grew too agonizingly heavy to hold his breath in.

His heart pounded one last beat of pain in his chest, then stopped.