From gray to red - Chapter one: The Stranger

Story by Yeehim on SoFurry

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My second story on YC, thou it's older then the first one I submited here. Something I began to write when I felt really down, and suddently I ended up with a story. Hope it's good enought to be continued ;3 As usual, sorry for my english ^^' Yeehim 2oo7

  • * * Rain. Cold streams of water, falling from the clouded sky. Everything gray, flat... unreal. Like a photo in an old newspaper. Yet... it's all real. Flats, skyscrapers, hover cars, people and furs near him. The less rich ones with umbrellas [strange, also gray...], the others with personal force fields. Walking through, over, by the streets. Propobly also above and under them. Nobody seems to see him. A fox, wearing black jeans and a cheap jacket lying near an over-filled trashcan in one of the alleys, that no one wants to walk through if doesn't really need to. He feels that hi fever is rising. Doesn't matter no more. He isn't afraid of death... almost. Was to afraid to commit suicide. But nature... or fate has a way of disposing the kind of trash he is. If he's lucky [or unlucky...] it is the new S1R5 virus, that will kill him fast. If no, then some other disease will give him suffering for days, weeks... and then kill him. Unless, someone will notice the sick fox lying in a dirty, deserted alley. But who would want to notice him..? Another wakeup after a moment of incautious blackness. How long was it? Several minutes, hours, a day? The rain still falls from the sky. "It always rains on this planet" he thinks. He must have moved in his sleep, because he feels something is poking his back. He tries to reach it, or move away from it, but hasn't got the strength to do it. The soaked fur is too heavy to lift for him. Finally, he manages to turn to his side. A black wolf looking at him. Deep, green eyes. He's surprised that he can still clearly think in his state. No, he won't be saved. The dirty clothes, dirty fur makes it obvious, that if he's lucky, he will be left in his boxers. Doesn't also matter to him. Another wave of darkness comes. For a second he can hear a voice -Who... but then he falls in another sleep with no dreams. Maybe it will be his last one. Warmness. "Am I dreaming?". Propobly. Or he's dead. He hears the rain, but doesn't feel it. Something warm is next to him. His fur is almost dry. "I must be dead" he thinks. If it was a dream, it would be too good. And he wouldn't knew he is supposed to be sick, wet, cold, laying on wet concrete, near that overfilled trashcan, waiting for that, rather thin lady dressed in black to swing her sickle and take him from this world. He opens his eyes. Surprised, he sees something gray. "The building below which my body is"? He thinks, that when he'll look down, there will be his lifeless body. Propobly naked. He suddenly closes his eyes. "Or worse". In the past, un that different life he had, he read (or watched it on the news?) about that more and more poor people in Exceluius (or something like that, either way, this city) were becoming cannibals. "Well... at least I'll see what was the best part of me" he thinks, looking down. Two words. 'Totally surprised'. He sees a staircase, leading up. A little nearer, his legs and tail under a red (finally, not gray!) blanket. And an arm, around his chest. Black fur. Turning to the left, he finds the owner. And the source of the warmness. Looking at him with green eyes. Smiling. -Goodday. I hope you feel better now The stranger is a wolf. The same, that made him wake up earlier. Kyle (yes, that's my name!) tries to move. But in to many directions, with to many thoughts. Tries to say something, but can't. His throat is too dry. -Don't worry. The worst part of that shit that tried to take you out is over, but you still awful weak The fox looks at him, with his mouth opened, with questions in his eyes -Ummm... (the wolf blushes... why?) I'm Alex. And this place (some weight moves from Kyle's chest as the wolf points at the room around them) you can call my home -... (Kyle again tries to talk, but finds his tongue and lips to stiff, to dry to say anything. And his mind to confused. Alex (his real name..?) notices it) -Oh, wait, I had something to drink round here... He gets up, and disappears in one of the two doors that Kyle notices in the room. The fox tries to sit, and look around. Finally, after using a wall on which he places his back and on he manages to do it. The room is simple. "But kept in care" something tells him. He doesn't know what. Several small windows, right under the ceiling makes him think that he's propobly in a some kind of cellar. A table with a TV on it, two chairs, a single wardrobe and the bed that he's on are the only things in the room, which is lighted only by a single lighpanel. He notices some clothes on one of the chair. Looking at them he realizes that they are his clothes and ,what more, ALL of them. The wolf (Alex, remember it's Alex!) returns with two cans of coke. Kyle smiles in his thoughts, when he thinks that the world-famous red and white symbol can be found all over the galaxy. "Makes me proud I'm an earthling". The can is already opened, and he is graceful, for that he thinks that he couldn't opened the can in his state. Holding the can with his slightly shaking pawn he takes a long drink, and finds pleasure when the bubbles run down this throat. Looks at Alex from above the can (God knew what he was doing when he invented coke). The wolf takes only a quick sip, places the can on the table and walks to the wardrobe. Now Kyle discoverers that his new friend (why I have this feeling, he's a friends?) was naked all along. The black fur covering a thin but rather healthy and propobly kept in good form body. Alex caches the fox's look when the green boxers his putting on are half way up, at the level oh his knees. He blushes again (why? It's not that he's got anything I haven't seen...) You know, the fact I've slept with you doesn't mean you can watch my ass like that Kyle sends him a look that is supposed to be a substitute for a grin because his mouth is to busy drinking (I hope he has more of this) and closes his eyes. After a short moment, he discovers the sad fact that his can is empty. Allowing himself to look again, he places the can next to the one that was on the table. Alex is already dressed. Green trousers, white T-shirt... "Nothing special" -Care for another one? -No (What! Say "YES", stupid!) thanks. -All the pleasure on my side. A moment of silence. They both don't know what to say. -So... what's your name? -Kyle...(is that my voice? Jeez, I never knew it could change so much...) I guess you saved my life -Well (blush, again a blush!) I was just throwing out the garbage. You're lucky that the automatic trash disposal unit was broke that day... -You still did more, then I would ever expect from people and furs in this city -Lets say I'm not from her... (a short pause) ...but tell me, why were you out there? Kyle sighted. "Should I tell the truth..?" -I... I just wanted to die. Most would try to shoot themselves, or jump from somewhere high. I haven't got that courage. I wandered through the city, and didn't really care what was happening around me. Guess I finally caught some disease. First it wasn't bad, but soon I couldn't walk no more. So I just waited for death in the place I fell... Strange. How easy it is to talk about that with such calmness. He remembered every emotion he felt when he walked through the streets. But now, it doesn't matter to him. Just as his life some while ago. -Good thing that I had the proper medicine for you -Yes. I wonder... where did you get it from? And, well, I would like to know you a little better. If that's not a problem, of course... -Well, after being a trash man (Alex smiled) I also do a lot of different works. I clean a pharmacy not far from here. The owner can't pay me much because it isn't an official employment, but I get to have any medicine I might need. And my apartment (they both smile) is my pay from this building owner. He's old, so I'm helping him often, as the maintance man, a cleaner, sometimes I even do some paperwork. Listening to him, Kyle notices an interesting fact. "He's younger then me!" comes to his mind. And it's propobly true. The fox is 29 while he doesn't give the wolf more then 26-27. "Well, looks like age doesn't make you smart..." -So... (I wonder if I'm blushing) what now? -I can't let you go in your state. You're still sick, and still in need of proper treatment -But why..? Before he can finish his question, the wolf puts his pawn over Kyle's mouth. Alex looks at him with a warm smile... and a blush. The fox sees something in those green eyes that he doesn't understand, but really wants to. -Lets say I just don't like to leave a job half-done. Ok, Kyle? The pawn moves from his mouth to his shoulder. -Not that I have a choice, do I? Grins. "I would really love to understand why..." But on second thought, Kyle knows that if Alex had bad intentions, he didn't had to save his life. "My worthless life..." -I just hope that you don't mind sharing the bed... (the wolf smiles) I'm not that good to give it all to you -Oh, no problem (Kyle grins more) I just hope you don't mind sleeping with a fur that snorts and is sick... because I would really like to have a big, warm, fluffy pillow -Actually I also snort... and that pillow thing woks in both ways. They laugh Dawn. Kyle wakes up, waching a little suprised that allthroughbthe windows are small, the sun has enough room to cover the room in soft, red-orange light. He's hugging Alex. At night, he had a really high fever. The wolf keept him warm all night. He wonders if he should blush. He never was interested in males. Not that he has something against homosexuals. "Gah, calm down stupid, you're not getting interested in Alex. It's only that this wolf acctualy SAVED your life, nothing more...". Yes, that;s it. He smiles. "Just a whole lot of gratitude. Nothing more". His 'pillow' is still asleep. And Kyle knows that he shouldn't but still is hugging the black-furred chest. He still doesn't think of it, but the warmnes he feels isn't only psyhical. Insteed, his mind is compering the life he had yeasterday and the present moment. The gray wall slowly starts gaining back it's colors, as the sun continues it's jurney around the planet. An old, but still working clock is showing 5:62 AM (the hours on this planet also have to be screwed, and each takes 80 minutes). Alex told him that he usually gets up at six to get ready for work. Kyle again looks at the wolfs muzzle, calmly and silently breathing. A thought comes to his mind, that such an attractive fur should have found a mate long ago. Especialy with the character Alex has. "Nobody these days really cares for romantic dreamers as Alex" he thinks. Afther some time the last rays of pleasant sunlight fall to the overwhelming grayness. Another day begins. -Are you sure you'll be ok? I can take a day off if... -Shutup wolfie, and go to work. Kyle smiles sharply at the green-eyed fur. -You gave me some medicine, left at the table enough of it and coke for a whole flat, not a single sick fox, plus afther all that food you forced into me I won't have to eat for a year -I know. I didn't ment that... I wanted to know how you feel today... and how do you feel about your life Even the slight smile that appears on the wolfs face looks serious. And worried. Kyle sighs.A too long moment of silance. He looks down a little. -I'm fine... I think. Don't worry. Alex moves close to the bed. They bouth hug. Blushing, holding each other long. With care... -You know (this time he isn't even trying to look embaraced as the wolf is still blushing) when I come back we will have to have a longer talk. I ain't no doctor, but... -But you're propobly allready late for work. So get that ass of yours moving, and don't worry. I'll be still alive when you'll come back -Well(the wolf walks to the staircase leading to the exit) see you Kyle -Have a nice day Alex. And... again, thanks for saving mu butt out there -It was nothing, really. Waching TV takes to long. Or the time moves to slow. "Either way, I'm bored". Kyle decides that he will try to walk. He sits with almost no problem. Puts one leg on the floor. Slowly stands up, feeling allready a little dizzy. "So far, so good..." he thinks. It stops beeing good afther trying to take the first step. Saying simple - he falls down. The fluffy red-and-blue carpet makes his meeting with the ground slightly softer. "Ok... bad idea...". He opens his eyes, closed during the fall and sees something. A lot of books, in streight rows, standing under the bed on a shelf. While his pride more hurt then his butt he crawls back onto the bed. Reaches under it, trying to get one of the books, so he could pass the time reading. The first and second one he tounches are too heavy for the weakened pawn, but the third one appears to be lighter and finally lands on the bed. "The Sick Mind". Hoping for a thriller or something Kyle starts to read it. It apperas to be a medical book insteed, about psyhical dieseses (not quite what I was looking for) but he finds it interesting enought to help him pass the time until Alex is back. At the same time he fears talking to him, and wants it badly. "What are you going to tell him? The truth?" a voice appears in his head "Maybe..." "You can't tell him..." "Why?" "Because you don't trust him" "I do!" "Because he won't trust you no more..." Tryion to clear his mind, he lets the book help him in covernig his thoughts with letters, words, definitions. "You can't run from your past..."