A Soulful Bound

Story by Lunar Creations on SoFurry

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#2 of Lunar

You know, All of my life and experiences as a detective has led me to such difficulty, I mean.. It's a challenge and I know that, it's the very reason I pick it up in the first place. Some might say my approach to a case is not which would come off as proffesional and 'traditional'

Traditional with a individual with a large grey trenchcoat acually at every crime scene, Those people put themselves in harm's way, A killer could easily stay behind knowing the detective was coming and come out and start shooting, True they may not knowing they would probably be killed, but what for those few that have nothing left to lose? Their have been times where I approached a crime scene, rarely but it has happened. But most of the time.. I treat the case as if a chess match, the local police force are the pieces, I may have 1-2, if not 4 pawns; usually Ex- FBI. I lead them, They are my eyes and my shield. I solve the case and exlude myself from any harm. I would usually hack into whomever I wish toaid me via my own computer and chat with them, either by a mic where my voice is changed, or by keyboard. Talk to them through phones which have no tracers. It may be Un-Traditional but I've taken on exactly 521 cases and put away around 600 criminals, many of whom were executed.

However if I am to ever be in a situation where I most fight, I know various martial arts, Including Capoeria, Ninjutsu, Wing chun and among others.

However, the most difficult thing I have come across in my life, is such a simple matter, To Find Someone who cares for you, Someone to spend your life with, The point of love is not finding someone you can live with, it's finding that one person you cannot live without. Love brings happiness...but also weakness, I would always distance myself so that no criminal could have an advantage over me...that is of course, Until I met her...She was so kind and polite, so very beautiful. I remember Seeing her eyes, they captivated me like never before, I couldn't explain it, It was odd with her being a lapine and me being a wolf. But she was so beautiful, Her voice was so soft and welcoming. I couldn't believe it, and then we kissed...It was magical, as if everything was turned inside out. Her name was Toko.

I remember the first time I saw her naked.. I was amazed at her body, that soft, glisening fur, her breasts were nice and plump, not to small nor to large , may hands tingled as I grasped them, they were perfect in my mind. She had such a nice, curved ass. It's almost as if I can feel those nice asscheeks against my paws, that long blood red hair. That special moment I had with her that faithful day was the happiest moment of my life, Chills went up my spine at her pleasent voice, her soft toned moans.

Then I got her a ring... When I got it, it was so beautiful, I gave it to Toko and when she put it on, in my eyes.. I saw the ring go dull compared to her beauty. I love her, nothing more to it..
