CoTJ II: The Last Stand Act I Part VIII

Story by Cartoon Malero on SoFurry

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#9 of Chronicles of the Justicar II: The LAst Stand

[Planet: Generra. [Under Draconian Control] Caer Queen's Point: Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 9:20 AM]

The morning sunrise broke a beam of light to shine directly into Azerigan's face allowing the powerful dragon to gradually wake up from being gently disturbed. He stretched out his wings and legs while letting out a particular long yawn. He turned on his side but his body became whacked with pain; the dragon clutched his chest with his claw trying to breathe slowly to relax his muscles that were still damaged from the warm blood's destructive sky weapon.

Talsora woke up from her consort's movement and growls from his pain, she helped her larger mate sit up gently with his back against the recently built castle wall of their chambers.

"Are you still hurting?" she asked while doing the best to comfort him

Azerigan answered her question first with a groan before speaking. "I'll be f-fine."

The dragoness rubbed her mate's chest with her claw gently trying to help soothe his pain; although his wound was healed from of her magic he was still immensely sore. Azerigan winced when she accidentally applied to much pressure to the delicate and quickly apologized but he shrugged it off and even though it pained him greatly he stretched out his arm to bring his mate closer to him.

"I hope Mazerigan is taking care of the children well, he may be our eldest but he still has the academy finals to study for ..." she worried

"He has Dalatora with him to help look after; she'll make a good consort for him one day."

Talsora positioned her head so it was under Azerigan's jaw; feeling the under scales with the top of her head, "I know...I hate to worry, but a mother has too."

"Remember when we were younger?" Azerigan asked "You were my assistant before I became Prime Consort?"

Talsora laughed, "How could I forget, my prince."

"The mate my father wanted me to conceive with was very horrible, I can't recall her name but she was from the Iron flame clan. He wanted to improve the relationships between our two clans and with tradition having a child is generally the best way." Azerigan clenched his sharp teeth as he tried to sit up right so he could better hold Talsora, "I can still remember my father's face when he found out I was sneaking off with you when I was suppose to be with her."

Talsora let out a guilt ridden laugh remembering all the times she would sneak out of her family's nest during the night and meet her mischievous lover at their secret spot in the nearby woods. She let out a long sigh as they were not the young drakes they used to be but now fully matured dragons with responsibilities and commitments.

"Your father did come around eventually with the help of your mother, especially when he found out I was pregnant with Mazerigan before our union... "Reflected Talsora

"I never regretted that night" he reassured her "And look at him now; he is in the academy to be trained as an arch mage not to mention is courting anther student."

"But those days are behind us Azerigan; you have been given an honour every matured male would die for and we have to respect our Queen's decisions. We got off very lucky last time and you can't blow stuff off like that, promise me you won't do anything like that again."

Azerigan lowed is long neck so he head pressed up against that of his lover's and nuzzled against her affectionately. "I promise." He agreed to

Talsora shifted her head to the side so she could meet the eyes of her mate and smiled hoping he would keep his promise in the back of her mind, with her left claw around the back of his neck she locked her maw with his own.

[VALOR Flag ship: The Persecutor: War Room; Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 10:20 AM]

"This will be certainty no easy feat, high general." Colonel Cooper stated "Capturing one of these alien matriarchs is one thing but a beast such as this?"

The old balding general pointed his swagger stick at the holographic image of the Queen's first consort before answering the officer's discontent for the mission, "Think about it, if we are to capture this alien we could force the draconians to agree to any diplomacy terms we want or at the very least get more information on their military structure."

"We can't afford the resources and troops for such a high risk operation, Bismarck, you of all people know our forces are stretched far too thin around our borders."

"Can we afford not to?" Bismarck responded hypothetically "We have already scanned all their defences and fortifications and with the report given by the Vanquisher the target as been gravely wounded already and should not put up much of a fight."

Colonel Cooper nodded in agreement. "I have read the report given by the new Justicar, but for some reason his application papers for the suit's pilot is classified, care to explain Bismarck?"

"It is on a need-to-know basis, Colonel, just know that Ethan is far more capable than the old model both suit and pilot. ..." Bismarck stated

"If you must insist. "Colonel Cooper nodded "Which leaves us with only one option; preparing the troops. These aliens are good at escaping; it won't be too long before the target will be taken through one of their portals when we attack."

"Then we better start quickly."

[Planet PX-13; VALOR Flag ship: Dorian Grey; Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 10:25 AM]

The VALOR star ship emerged from hyperspace; the space time rift crackled with energy as the enormous human-made marvel exited from the wormhole it had created to get to its destination so fast.

Captain Ranorin squinted his eyes at the main view port on the bridge then turned to his first officer who manned the helm controls below his command chair, "Magnify, one hundred percent." He ordered

The human pilot entered the necessary information for the captain's request so the ships view screen could zoom into the planet that was still quite some time away. The magnification revealed a fleet of Infinite cruisers orbiting around the frozen world.

"This could prove to be difficult..." Captain Ranorin stated as he rubbed his chin as he clicked on the green button to contact the away teams that were held up in the hanger bay, "We won't be able to stay in the system long, Seer, not with those patrol ships still around."

"We are close enough for your teams to be transported through me, shipmaster." Responded the Seer back through the ship's intercom

The major and his EVO troopers finished going through their equipment; muffled voices from each of their suit's artificial intelligence telling their suit users that their specific piece of equipment was secured, armed and ready for use in the same mono tone voice along with the series of beeps and clicks when their weapons were properly stowed away.

The Justicar pretended to fight some invisible enemies with his fists as the boredom of waiting to be teleported to the surface was quick to take him. The silver colour knight turned to the mystic robbed figure that stood silently out of the way for crew members and marines getting ready for the drop, the Justicar waited for a marine squad to pass by him before moving in to greet the wizard.

"You said something about allies? Who the hell do we need on this world, sorry to break it to you but snowmen make crap soldiers."

The seer chuckled knowing of the human's sarcastic nature. "I suppose I owe you that one, mortal. When the Infinite were brought into this realm by the draconians they immediately went to war against the ghoul empire as they were the most noticeable threat in this realm to them but during the conflict a much smaller race was caught up in the destruction."

"If these are our 'allies' then how did they survive?" The Justicar asked

"Their entire populace was almost wiped out until they managed to convince them that they would be better use to them to be suit builders. The infinite agreed to the arrangement using them as a food source when their numbers got to high and their planet to be used as a base of operations for suit construction in exchange for allowing them to exist as a species."

"What makes you think they can help us?" He asked as a squad of battle ready marines moved between the two

"They are hardy warriors and would know a lot about the deployment forces of the infinite, and since they build the suits for the infinite in this realm, they know where they are weak at. We destroy the infinite production here and it will cripple all of Lord Vurdamis's forces in this realm allowing us one step closer to bring in the guardian of life into his realm to save us." The Seer explained

"So contact ice people, and blow up the factory? And I thought you were going to give us a hard one." Said the Justicar as he looked around the docking bay a little bit confused at the situation. "Where's scale face?"

The seer cocked his head as he did not understand the human's question, "Pardon?"

"You know, walks on all fours, three pronged tail, black, when she gets angry she gets grows spikes and armour?"

"You mean Liken?"

"Yeah, where is she?"

The seer seemed to pause as if he was trying to remember something but with his completely hidden face and limbs under his brown robe Arjun couldn't tell if he was either thinking or creating dramatic tension.

"I believe your shipmaster held her from going down due to the atmospheric conditions allowing only marine teams and you to go down because of the armour you wear."

"Figures and what will you be doing?"

"I will remain on your star vessel as I left on unfriendly terms with the local and Lord Vurdamis would be less inclined to take you mortals seriously if I did not make my presence known." The seer gestured his right arm forward as the lead scientist that had recently updated his suit's software. "I believe you have a visitor" he added

The Justicar turned around to find the middle aged man carrying his electronic data assistant while four marines in full power armour struggled to carry the piece of equipment he had just designed. He took off his reading glasses and folded them before putting them in his pen protector on his lab coat.

"I present you with." He let out a cough to clear his throat before continuing "The STK-Power Defender, designed to protect the user from projectiles, close combat engagements and even the ability to redirect energy based attacks." The scientist seemed to take great pride in talking about his latest invention "I thought you could use this to be less defenceless against ranged attackers."

The Justicar took the kite shaped shield from the marines, who were just about to let it drop from the massive weight of it; the knight caught it just in time as it gave away and the magnets on the back of it connected to his arm guard on his right arm. The blue and white coloured shield had the UN logo emblazoned onto it for it to be the only detail on the otherwise plain technological marvel. The Justicar looked at the large shield as he flexed his arm to look at all metal plates that overlapped each other like scales before adding his own comment, "So uh, I don't know how to fight with a shield."

"Don't worry." The lead scientist assured him "Your suit will be able to make up for any lack of skill."

"Thanks...I think." Arjun pondered

[Planet: Generra. [Under Draconian Control] Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 11:20 AM]

The warm breeze covered the destroyed human city that was located in the middle of a huge plain that crawled with wildlife. One of the wilderbeasts stuck its head up in the air as it was grazing and immediately darted away frantically with the rest of its heard when several VALOR drop ships flew past the animal heard over head. The cloudless sky became a bright yellow in several pockets as the orbiting fleet fired down on the draconian defenders to weaken their forces and to suppress them for the advancing army to retake their city.

Huge barges landed outside the city that would dwarf most draconian dragons and in a few moments the large flying containers lifted off the ground to reveal a massive VALOR mech for every one of them. The enormous quad pedal walkers looked like a walking turret; its massive feet punished the ground it stepped on causing huge craters in the grassy field with each passing movement. The mechanized artillery quickly opened fire on the captured city with a volley after volley from their main cannons as smaller walkers and vehicles pressed onwards with gun ships, drop ships and fighter-bombers passing by over head.

The helicopter like drop ships flew far to fast for young draconian mages to stop as they entered allowing for the much more experienced ones to take down the warm blood machines themselves. The orbital strikes became useless when the surprise attack alerted the head arch mages for them to put up their barriers to block the attacks coming from space and artillery from the ground.

A VALOR drop ship hovered on top of a building that was once used for administrative work for the colony, the bay doors on the sides of the aircraft opened allowing the eight man squad to jump off and land onto the roof. Each of the marine's Heads up Display activated; a live video feed showed the living faces of their squad mates on the right side of their view along with a green heart monitor for their health signs under each portrait.

"The Justicar has battled his way behind enemy lines and has taken out most of the alien magi, it's up to us to push into the heart of the city and capture the target." The sergeant reminded to his squad "Johnson take point" he ordered after

The blue and white armoured marine known as Johnson opened the door that led to the roof, one by one the squad followed single file down the stairs as the drop ship took off to provide tactical data for the team. The office building shook as sophisticated VALOR armoured support engaged the larger draconian soldiers as stray explosions went off near them. Johnson tried to open the door leading into the first officer room but the metal door was locked until the marine raised his boot and kicked the door in for the squad to advance. Each of the squad's HUD lit with a little diamond depicting a draconian hostile for each of the targets and with the alien shrieks and yells more draconian reinforcements arrived out numbering the squad from three to one.

"No alien leaves here alive men, open fire!" ordered the sergeant

The squad quickly fanned out into the room that once held a busy cubicle work space. They fired their weapons through the weak walls of the cubicles; bullet fire shredded the weak lizard men guardsmen that were in range of the human weapons into nothing but chunks of flesh and gore, Johnson with great speed thanks to his power armour ran around the right side of the room to out flank the guardsmen who were on the ground covering their heads from the death that was inches from their bodies. Before the private could toss a live grenade into the pinned draconian team his Heads up Display light up as a small warning came up, he turned to the left when a draconian guardsmen had tackled him.

"Die you soulless demon!" The lizard men yelled at him

The marine quickly drew his handgun that was attached to his left thigh by magnets and shoved the barrel of is pistol into the reptile's mouth, "Eat this!" he yelled

Johnson pulled the trigger; the guardsmen's skull exploded with his brains painting the cubical wall behind him. He shoved the corpse off of him with both hands to find his squad had moved up and executed the pinned aliens that were still on the ground. His sergeant offered his hand to pull the private back to his feet. The eight man squad continued single file down the hall ways of the building before opening a door that led to the elevators which was out of commission from the attack.

The sergeant peered down the shaft with his helmet calculating the distance between them and the ground before giving a green check mark that their suit would be able to absorb the impact of the twenty story drop. One by one the squad dropped down the unused shaft waiting for the next squad mate to exit on the first level floor. The squad quickly came to anther pinned down fire team that was against a destroyed tank flipped onto its side and with quick haste thanks to their power armour they joined the squad that was trying to gear some air support in the war raged city.

"What's the situation, captain?" The sergeant asked as his squad huddled with the other marines from a different company

"Dam lizards got us pinned down, I sent went one of my lads into that building over there for a proper target for an air strike" the British captain pointed at the nearby ruined building, "But the poor sap never reported he was in position I'm afraid that they got to him."

"Why didn't you go check on him?" Johnson asked

The captain pointed with his head at the dead marine that was on the road; a cross bow bolt was stuck in the side of his head, "They got snipers in the building across, and were all out of rockets."

The sergeant waved one of his marines over who carried a rocket launcher for just such an occasion, "Higgins, take out the hostiles" he ordered

The marine crouched low to the ground and peered past the tank, his visor lit up all the lizard men inside the building with a red outline for a total of fourteen archers. He got ready to fire the ordnance when a cross bow bolt fired from one of the many windows pierced the underlying armour under his shoulder guard and in agony the marine fell to the ground before he had a chance to fire. Before the archers had a chance to finish off the wounded marine his squad quickly dragged him back into cover.

"O'Brien had our only target locater and I don't need to tell you how important that is." The captain continued

The Squad ducked their heads when a fully grown draconian dragon crashed into a building near them when two VALOR fighter jets had clipped her wings causing the large reptile to be crushed by the rubble as the two advanced fighters zoomed past their confirmed kill.

"Quickly go!" ordered the sergeant as he gave orders to three of his marines by updating their objectives with his wrist data pad

The dust covered the marine's advance as they ran into the building to look for the target locater. With guns raised they slowly went up the stair case up to the floor where their suits highlighted the dead body of Corporal O'Brien along with a collection of draconian guardsmen who were all looking out the window at the turned over tank. Johnson slowly crept up to the entrance to the damaged room with his back against the wall; he pulled a stun grenade from his chest and tossed it into the draconians. The explosive detonated causing all of the humanoid reptiles to fall over as their muscles shut down leaving them open to attack.

Johnson walked over to the target locater that was still in the deceased marine's hand; he gently opened his fallen comrade's grip so he could operate the handgun sized device as the two other marines that followed him fired a single round at point blank range at the downed guardsmen they walked over too.

"This is Johnson I have the locater."

"Capital lad, our gunship needs the target of the lizard folk squads outside their castle fortress." The captain asked

Johnson's helmet magnified so he could see the entrenched draconian force that was holding off VALOR armoured support with their magic so the advance human force could not breach the main castle doors. With both hands around the grip of the targeter he painted a green laser on the draconian soldiers and in mere moments his communication buzzed and the portrait of a gunship pilot appeared in his Heads up Display in live time.

"This is gunship Death's Rain; we've got your location and are inbound."

"Eh took you long enough mate!" the captain laughed

"You should be glad I'm here at all, it's a nightmare in the skies." The pilot answered back

Johnson watched from outside the room as the sky darkened as a massive air ship hovered meters from the building tops allowing for its powerful rail guns to obliterate the buildings that held hostile archers and to over power the runic shields of the mages that guarded the castle doors. Without the protective magic guarding the main doors; the metal doors were easily breached by a single round from the main gun on a VALOR tank allowing for human and red claw infantry to move into the alien castle.

VALOR drop ships flew past the castle with marine fire teams jumping out of the sides in mid flight so they could land in the castle turrets to take out the last of the draconian magi fending off the human aircrafts. The elaborate draconian halls of the royal castle soon became over run by the blue and white armoured warm bloods that defiled the regal castle with their very presence. The tight spaces of the hallways and quick bends slowly began to turn on the defenders when VALOR sent in their own close quarter troops; marines armed with flamethrowers, shotguns and riot shields along with their alien allies being more adapt at fighting hand to hand against their former kin.

The castle corridors ran with the blood of its fallen defenders from the human's overpowering technology easily made short work of the royal guards that defended the castle.

"For VALOR!" yelled a marine sergeant as his squad pushed forward firing their fully automatic rail guns

The three man squad walked down the hallway with weapons firing; the weak barriers of the guardsmen proved to be nothing against the overwhelming fire power. Every guardsman that was hit caused their magical shielding to be overloaded and allowing the next set of shots to turn the lizard folk into paste, the defenders all were destroyed shortly when a squad of EVO troopers came around the bend the retreating guardsmen were fleeing too.

"Charge is...set and ready to detonate, sir!" waved a marine to his commanding officer after setting the explosive on the huge metal doors leading to the final room

"Fire in the hole!" the lieutenant yelled when he pushed a button on his wrist pad

The massive metal doors blew inward revealing, nothing. The squads quickly flooded the chamber looking for any signs where the target may have gone off too when the Vanquisher dropped down from a ledge near the ceiling into the middle of the marine formations.

"The target left a while ago, when I ask for back up I want it immediately." The trophy clad soldier said sternly

"You're the Justicar, why didn't you stall it?" the sergeant asked

The Vanquisher answered the marine with a stare and pushed him out of his way with his left hand; not in the mood to deal with a lowly marine's opinion.

[Planet PX-13; Underground Infinite Construction Yard; Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 12:25 AM]

"Contacts! Lots of contacts!" the Major said as he leaped behind a large black pipe for some cover

His plasma rifle whined to life as it shook violently before discharging a super heated round of energy into the advancing blade dancer that was dragging its right bladed arm across the ground with sparks trailing after it. The blue projectile impacted the half naked cult monster causing every part of its body to melt into itself leaving behind only a hardened organic waste pool.

"Mendoza! Hurry up with that charge!" he ordered as his squads continued to battle the infinite cult monsters in the underground factory

"Just keep those monsters off of me for a few mo-"the private responded before a bullet round punctured his helmet

"Son of a bitch!" the Major yelled as he dragged his dead squad mate away from the fuel tanks

A large mutated abomination walked down the hallway as more blade dancers ran around it to get to the squad. The humanoid monster had a massive tumour growing out of its back that was so heavy it caused the cult monster to be bent over, inside the fleshy mass on its back was a powerful assault cannon and like its blade dancer kin it to had its face covered in bandages and its body covered as well.

The gunner cult monster groaned in inhuman tones as it fired off more rounds from its chain gun at the pinned down squad but before it could get anther kill a marine tossed a live grenade from behind cover and destroyed the monster in a glorious explosion that was lucky enough to miss the fuel tanks.

"Justicar, how is your target were getting over ru-"the Major said before he had to concentrate on the blade dancer that had assaulted him

The bandaged covered freak head butted the marine in the face to disorient him before raising its left blade arm to strike him down but the grizzled veteran blocked the attack with his own arm before punching the cult monster with his free hand causing it to falter backwards and in one motion he drew his side arm where he fired off a round into the blade dancer's head killing it.

"Over run, how does it look like on your end?" he asked

"Just about done, go blow up yours and I'll meet you at the extraction point."

"Copy that." The Major said before turning to his soldiers that still fired from behind cover at the approaching cult monsters" Marines, we. Are. Leaving!"

A gunner was able to riddle a retreating marine with its powerful ammunition ripping the poor soul to shreds as he got out of cover to fall back with the major.

"Flash bang out!" yelled a sergeant when the explosive blinded the cult monsters allowing the rest of the troops to escape safely

The Justicar banged his head against the fuel tank in anger. "Was it blue, green, red, or red, blue, green?!"

An inhuman howl caught the silver knight's attention; he turned his head down the catwalk of the massive forge bay where they were making the infinite suits to find blade dancers are either side of him; their groans and clanking of their blade legs made them easy to find out. The blade dancers on both sides of the cat walk charged at him with fearsome speeds as they back flipped closer and closer with amazing grace.

It was not until they got close did the Justicar see that the cult monsters had VALOR power armour woven into their very skin for increased precision. The knight shoved the hilt of his blade into the side of the first attacker causing the enhanced cult monster to fly off the side of the cat walk into the metal works below.

"You guys were bad enough without fucking power armour!" Arjun yelled

A blade dancer from behind watched the knight fight its kin as it sharpened its cold metal knife arms together causing sparks to fly off in every direction but as it got ready to attack it suddenly retreated along with the rest of Arjun's attackers.

"That works too." Arjun said to himself not knowing why the cult monsters would suddenly stop attacking but he turned around to re arm the explosive when the temperature of his suit began to drop unexpectedly

The hot liquid metal in the huge boiling pots in the metal works suddenly froze over, the metals walls became a dark blue as ice slowly took over the entire forge bay. The cat walk became frozen solid and then one by one Arjun backed off as ice shards broke off from everywhere around the room to come together to make the skull clad infinite lord.

Lord Vurdamis raised his left hand in the air and several more ice shards came together to form his massive two handed scythe, the infinite lord looked down at the organic with disgust, "You organics are starting to become annoying, when I heard my factory was being raided I knew only the Seer could be behind it."

The Justicar gripped his sword in both hands ready to fight, "We are going to blow this place sky high and all of your previous suits will go up to!"

"I will miss your bravado human once you are nothing more than a frozen corpse."

Suddenly Lord Vurdamis was behind the Justicar and swung his weapon but the human was quick to react and locked blades with the infinite lord. The parry proved to be useless as the grinning skull armoured leader overpowered the Justicar and pushed him to the ground with ease. The knight rolled to the side when Vurdamis's scythe struck his previous position missing him by inches, within a second Arjun jumped back up with his sword in both hands.

"Looks like any time to use this..." Arjun said to himself when he activated his wrist pad

His powerful shield downloaded itself onto his left arm before becoming solid matter which came in just the nick of time to block Vurdamis's attack with his shield by putting all his weight into the defence. In anger the infinite lord griped his weapon in one hand and with the other he grabbed the human's shield and ripped it away before tossing it into the metal works.

The Justicar staggered as he was disoriented from the attack and before he could retaliate against the attack, Vurdamis summoned a ball of ice in his free hand so he could throw it at the organic which he did shortly after. Arjun was knocked onto his back as Lord Vurdamis casually walked over.

"The Seer as always led me to believe you were a force to be reckoned with..." Lord Vurdamis laughed. "...he over estimates you"

The Justicar got up with his armour full of ice shards that were drawing blood, "Come on Seer man, help a guy out!" Arjun whispered to himself

Suddenly the silver knight became a huge light source that blinded the entire room, his silver and white colors became a bright gold, and extra layers of armour began to magically form around his power armour increasing his size to match that of the infinite lord. Huge yellow transparent angel like wings extended from his back that stretched out showing their full length before collapsing back in his armour, the Justicar turned to the infinite lord who seem unimpressed and when the last of his armour was formed his helmet's view ports became engulfed in holy energies.

"I may have to put some effort into this after all." Vurdamis said

The Justicar ran forward gripping his sword fiercely as his shield downloaded again onto his left arm with Lord Vurdamis charging the empowered organic with his scythe ready as well. The two clashed weapons into anther stalemate of who could over power the other, Arjun's glowing yellow eyes locked with the icy cold stare of that of the infinite lord who spoke with an icy chill escaping from his skull like helmet, "Everything you do organic is meaningless, you only delay your extinction! We devoured all organic life in this galaxy once before and the Void God will do so, again."

The Justicar, even with his power, was still struggling to match the awesome strength of Lord Vurdamis who seemed more focus on talking then the fight itself, "Lord Anarchy underestimated us and we blew up the shadow gate!" Arjun yelled back

"A minor set back, the master's plan has not been paused. If Lord Anarchy had succeeded it would have been a bonus, nothing more. The miserable draconian organics are foolish to think the master would waste energy on the likes of them! Along with these cult fanatics that give us these 'cult monsters', once this realm has been harvested the life energy will be enough for the Void God to destroy the other gods of the Pantheon and claim every realm for himself, reality itself will be remade in his image!" Vurdamis yelled before backhanding the Justicar across his helmet knocking him away "The Void God despises all of you organics, you are nothing more than cattle ready to be slain for his consumption."

Arjun got to his feet and adjusted his helmet with his hand that had the large shield attached to his arm while Lord Vurdamis casually walked up to him with his icy scythe in one hand, "As along as I still stand you will never win." The Justicar said as he shook his head in defiance

"This can easily be remedied...." Vurdamis stated when he exploded into hundreds of tiny shards

The tiny silver shards of ice pointed at the Justicar and with unmatched speed they ripped through his armour allowing the infinite lord to re-materialize behind him. Arjun fell to the ground as his golden armour began to fade away when Lord Vurdamis kicked him so he fell on his back and with his scythe he twisted it around in both hands and pinned the human to the catwalk with the weapon's handle.

"The only one to cause a threat to the infinite was the Ghoul Empire, the ones who gave us the suits in the first place to come into contact with this realm and thanks to the draconians they are all dead. They only managed to stall us at their height of their victories and now you think the new infinite army will be defeated by you pitiful organics?"

"You overconfidence will bite you in the ass." Arjun snapped back

"And your ignorance to our power will be yours. The ghoul empire spanned across the entire realm with countless thousands of galaxies under their control! All of them united against and were ready for war with technology far beyond what your greatest minds can't even begin to fathom, and you expect to survive against a the same army when you have only one galaxy that you don't even control fully and are wasting resources with wars against other organics, your destruction will be nothing more than an afterthought once this realm is harvested."

"Over my dead body." Arjun argued back

"You amuse me organic; you will make an entertaining cult monster to keep as a pet"

The Justicar leaped onto his feet that pushed Lord Vurdamis backwards and with both hands he swung his blade at ice cold armour of the infinite lord but the powerful being laughed at his pathetic attempt to wound him when he grabbed the Justicar's weapon by the blade and pulled it free from his grasp. Lord Vurdamis's scythe disappeared as he entombed the human knight in a block of ice freezing him solid.

Several blade dancers walked up to the icy prison of the human as Vurdamis's skull faces examined the prisoner, "Get this meat bag to the holding cells along with his allies, turn them into cult monsters, they will make excellent cannon fodder."

The bandaged freaks nodded as they dragged the frozen human away as the infinite lord walked in the opposite direction before disappearing in an ice cold mist as his laugh echoed throughout the underground factory.

[Planet Drakos; Caer Sidi; Council Gathering; Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 1:25 AM]

"Now that we are all here, the meeting may commence." Queen Matriarch Natyria ordered when her last military advisor sat on his side of the enormous round table, "We are all gathered here to talk about the invading kingdom known as VALOR."

Several grizzled, old dragons and lizard folk wore their ceremonial armour or their most exquisite of jewellery to the gathering of all the leaders of the Draconian Kingdom. One of the older dragons there raised his front left claw up to show he was going to speak, "The warm bloods are both small in size and numbers but its their use of their technology which keeps their kingdom from falling."

"We are all fully away of their technology, they use it to make themselves stronger, and they are unnatural abominations that threaten our people!" one of the lizard folk general said angrily as he slammed his fist on his side of the table, "And I do not need to go into about the Red Devil."

A shiver went up almost all of the leaders present there about the deadly warm blood who murdered more draconian citizens than most of the invading army itself. A young dragon matriarch looked to her left and right before speaking, "Some say that this demon can't be killed and may even be some sort of technological deity the warm bloods have brought in."

"My knights feel the same way about this monster" The high ranked lizard man general spoke, "I never seen my soldiers cower just by knowing that one individual would be present, but I am glad to say we 'are' making progress against the warm bloods."

The knight-commander nodded to his squire servants who were previously placing the first of the ten course meals in front of the clan leaders now instead gave out the battle reports alongside their extravagant food.

The commander waited for all his equals and the Queen Matriarch herself to get the report, "The call to arms has worked perfectly. The only thing stopping us from fielding more troops is how fast our smiths can make weapons and armour that are already working day and night along with the farmers. The warm bloods will lose against us through attrition."

"Yes, but how many mothers, fathers, sons, or daughters must die until that goal is reached? A single warm blood warrior is more than enough for any conscript or even a full squad of them, I do not approve of a strategy where we sacrifice lives until the enemy simply have ran out of ammunition." The young matriarch voiced

"Then what do you suggest? Develop our own technology and lose our culture and self and become like the warm bloods or go so far and become like the ones who enslaved us? Warlord Red Claw left us for the warm bloods because he and his clan do not understand the dangers of this. If some die for the rest of the population I call that a victory." The knight-commander spoke as he took a sip of his imported wine

"What about our infinite allies? Surely Lord Vurdamis could offer aid in this matter" she responded back

The entire room became filled with trading whispers between the leaders as Natyria continued to sit silently when more servants took the well cleaned plates that once had many fine appetizers that were made specifically for the respected leader's tastes were taken away to replaced by the next round.

"The infinite are gods they should crush these warm bloods without a thought but instead Lord Vurdamis insists on finding this 'wizard', bah." A clan patriarch spoke as he held a fully grown wilder beast in his claw ready to swallow the roasted animal whole

Queen Natyria coughed to get the attention of her advisors who were slowly descending into mindless bickering, "The Seer is far more dangerous than the warm bloods. Lord Vurdamis is doing us a great thing by trying to track him down and any attempt for him to allocate resources to this war would only slow his progress."

The rest of the clan leaders nodded in agreement but their conversation was cut short when the main door to the council room opened. A blue fog that lingered to the ground gently made its way across the entire room putting a small layer of permafrost on everything that came in contact with it and when the room was much cooler than it was before that caused all the draconians to be uneasy at such low temperatures, Lord Vurdamis entered where they all sat and took his place at an open spot.

"Lord Vurdamis, we were just talking about you." Natyria said as she bowed her head respectively

"A pleasure to meet you as always, Queen Matriarch."

"I trust the attack on your forge world went well?" She inquired

"It was nothing; the warm blood organics thought they could disrupt my operations there." The Infinite lord laughed; all his skull faces on his armour joined him in his banter, "May I ask how the battle of the human world went?"

"The warm bloods drove our forces out!" the knight-commander spoke as he looked at Vurdamis who didn't meet his eyes, "Only the prime consort and his original mate made it out along with a handful of my knights."

Vurdamis did his best in hiding his anger that Azerigan wasn't killed by the VALOR forces, "How fortunate." The infinite lord started to walk around the large circular table looking at all the clan leaders up and down. "As Natyria mentioned my forces are dedicated to finding the Seer, all you organics need to do is to hold the VALOR army at bay until my work is complete..."

[Planet PX-13; VALOR Flag ship: Dorian Grey; Year 3,568 AD, November 24th, 2:25 AM]

"Echo team come in, I repeat this is command, Echo team report!" The communication officer said at his workstation on the command bridge

"Well?" asked Captain Ranorin who walked over to his trusted soldier

"They are long over due, not to mention the Justicar hasn't reported it. They are either captured or dead, sir."

The captain rubbed his chin and slowly nodded, "Then we will have to mount a rescue operation"

The officer turned around in his chair to look up at the old war veteran, "Captain, who do we have that could pull something like that off? I mean the Justicar and some of our best EVO troopers were just defeated."

"We do have one..." The captain smiled. "Tell the tech staff to build custom power armour from our salvage and send the valgary down."

"Yes, sir!"

Captain Ranorin rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb as he looked out the window of the flag ship at the frozen world as he officer began to make the necessary arrangements.