Ch1 The Change

Story by Alex_Foxy on SoFurry

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#1 of Cunt Boy

This is a new fetish of mine I figured I'd give it a try, and don't worry Alex will be back. Don't forget to spread the word. These are my furs, only I can use them.

This is a story of a silver wolf named Alec and he has blue eyes. He was the star receiver at his college. At only 6'3" 3he was the fastest runner they had. Until one day he went out with his brother and every thing changed.

7:00 p.m.

"You ready for a night out?" Seth asked. He was more of a grey wolf, and was an inch shorter than Alec.

"Hell yeah, its been forever since its been the two of us." Alec said as he wrapped an arm around his younger brother.

"Where to first?" Seth asked.

"I say we just go strait to the bar." Alec said.

"Cool with me." Seth said as they pulled out.

"Yeah, there is a fight on tonight also, I'm hoping we can get in." Alec said.

"Wish I'd known that, I would've come sooner." Seth said.

"Its cool, no one good is fighting but it's still a fight." Alec said.

"True that brother." Seth said.

A good five minutes later they were at the bar, it seemed dead.

"I don't know if we'll find a seat." Alec said sarcastically.

"Yeah, its busy." a fox said as he walked in, he wasn't much bigger than Seth and he had yellow eyes and black fur all over.

"You hear for the fight?" Alec asked.

"No, I'm supposed to meet a date here." the fox said.

"Good luck." the two brothers said. So they found two seats and got some drinks and waited for the fight.

9:00 p.m.

After a good amount of drinks Alec was a bit buzzed. He noticed the fox from earlier was still alone and watching him.

"Hey bro, that fox is still alone. He's either desperate or stupid." Alce said.

"Yeah, I've noticed he's been looking over here alot." Seth said.

"You should go tell the fox if he wants, he can join us." Alec said.

"Yeah, I'm good. Last time I did that that guy beat the crap out of me because I was hitting on him when I had a girl friend." Seth said.

"Point good. So you guys still together?" Alec asked.

"Yeah, its been two years and I'm about to ask her to marry me." Seth said.

"Good for you little bro." Alec said.

"Thanks and if she says yes I want you to be the best man." Seth said.

"She will and I'd love to." Alec said. "WHAT A SHOT!" Alec yelled looking at one of the t.v. and seeing a stallion take out a zebra. The place exploded with noise.

"This new guy is good." Seth said when it got quieter.

"Yeah he is." the bar tender said.

11:00 p.m.

After four hours of drinking Alec was pretty drunk. So he went to the bath room before he left, he ran into the fox from earlier.

"Hey, sorry didn't she." Alec slurred.

"Yeah, I never caught your name." he said

"Alec." he said in a drunken slur.

"Ashton. You need some Ibuprofen?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah." he said. So Ashton gave two pills to Alec.

"So, you ever slept with a man?" Ashton asked.

"No." Alec said, being so drunk he forgot the fox was supposed to meet a woman.

"Want to try it?" Ashton asked.

"Go." Alec said. Suddenly his lower regions began to itch, but he ignored and he just figurged he need to trim down there, so he gave it a quick itch. Then he walked out with Ashton.

"Ashton home going me to." Alec said.

"Be careful bro and good luck with him." Seth said. When he got to Ashton's house the moment he laid on the bed he passed out.

12:00 p.m. the next day

"Where am I?" Alec asked him self. Suddenly, he remembered leaving with Ashton, he felt kind-of embarrassed. Then saw a bathroom so he went in. When he unzipped his pants he noticed his balls and sheath were gone and he let out a loud cry "HOLY SHIT!" he yelled, then he fingered his new sex and let out a small moan "Its a its a," he stuttered.

"A pussy." Ashton said as he walked in.

"You did this to me." Alec said pointing at Ashton.

"No I didn't how could you think that?" Ashton asked "Of course I did, I was sick of getting stood up, so I picked the first male that looked good and the plan was set to turn him in to my personal cuntboy was no." te said as he walked over to Alec then kissed him and slid a finger into Alec's new sex making him let out a small moan. He was giving in then he remembered what this fox did to him and pushed him off.

"No, change me back now." Alec said as he zipped up his pants. Ashton then put the finger in his mouth

"Tastes pretty good." he said with a sexy tone. "You know you want more, you loved that." he said

"Yeah, you'd like it to if you had a pussy." Alec said as he put his hands on hip, then he quickly crossed him.

"I also know you're gay and a sub." Seth said.

"So what?" Alec asked.

"I know you're loving this and I also the thought of me pounding your tight fresh little pussy makes you all wet." Ashton said, Alec then started blushing.

"Maybe just a bit." he said.

"If that true then get do what you were going to do, then put these on, and then come back to my room." Ashton said as he handed Alec a bag then he left.

In side was a small pink silk lingerie. So he took off his boxers and sat on the toilet and looked at his new sex. He slowly put a finger in it, he was so hot and wet. He then brought the finger to his mouth, it was amazing. So he used then bathroom. He then slipped on the lingerie, it wasn't very long and it barely covered his sex. So he walked back to bed room and found Ashton on the bed in only his boxers. So he slowly went over and laid next to him, he then kissed his fox. Ashton then went to the end of the lingerie and pulled it up and gave the sex a quick smell.

"Perfect." he said. "Get how ever you want, just make sure I can get to your pussy." he said as he pulled off his boxers and revealed his eight inch long cock. Alec then got on his back and spread his legs. So Ashton got in between the legs and slowly put his cock in the tight pussy. As slowly pushed in he could hear Alec moaning along with him. He slowly pushed in as he popped the wolf's cheery making him scream in pleasure and pain. He wait a few seconds, allowing the wolf to get used to the feeling. Alec then moved his head up and down, Ashton started thrusting in and out. Alec then wrapped his legs around the fox. He was in heaven, having that cock slid in and out of him. They were practically moaning together. The wetness around Ashton's cock was heaven to him. Then he suddenly pulled all the way out.

"Why did stop?" Alec asked as tried to push Ashton back into his sex.

"I stopped because I'm about to cum. I was wandering what you wanted." he said out of breath, Alec then slightly out of fear undid his legs.

"Tie me, cum in me." Alec moaned.

"Are you sure?" Ashton asked. "This could be the heat talking." he said.

"Yes. I've always wanted to be a female, I just never told any one. I really want to have cubs, but do you want to?" Alec asked.

"Yes, we'll get your named changed then we'll find a place that'll marry us and be quiet about it." Ashton said.

"Okay." Alec said as spread out his legs again, when Ashton was back in he wrapped his legs around him, after a few moments Ashton leaned forward, kissed Alec and tied him, cumming deep planting his seed inside of his new lover.