The Diary of Balto Mercer Ch 1 Part 3

Story by ShadowChronicler on SoFurry

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#3 of Balto Mercer's Diary

They all sat in silence, for about an hour. "H-h-harry, you c-can continue, now." Sierra wiped her eyes, and sat back upright. "A-are you sure, Sierra?"

"I'm fine. Continue." Harry sighed, and looked around the room. They all stared at him with big eyes. He gulped, and opened the diary back up.

Thursday 31, I don't know the year!

Well, last time I left off, I was shot with a bunch of those crappy sleeping darts. You could say I was happy. I was finally gonna get the sleep I had so wanted! But, it took a turn for the worst, when I awoke.

"Subject 666, please wake up." I grumbled at the annoying voice, wrenching my eyes open, just to close them from the sharp fluorescent lights. "I'm awake. Now, mother, may I kick your ass?"

"Subject 666, please walk into the hallway to your right." I sighed, getting up from the nice soft bed. I walked into the dark, and rather unsanitary, hallway.

Both ends of the hallway were blocked off, and water began to rise from grates on the floor. "Subject 666, you must escape this-" I didn't give her a chance to answer. I slammed my demonic arm into the metal door, sending it flying into that once nice bed.

"Mother, your tests are going to have to be better than that." The voice offered no answer. I took this time, to explore. I ripped the front door off its hinges, and stepped out into the next room.

Scientists bustled around, scattering papers each time someone fell, tripped, or purposefully sabotaged one another's research. I thought it was great. I walked by everyone. They seemed to not even pay attention to me. I felt it was quite rude. I also felt it rude that they hadn't even gotten me a whiskey yet. The nerve of these white coats.

Though I thoroughly enjoyed the chaos and freedom, it was cut short. Soldiers ran through the doors, and surrounded me. Just when I had found a whiskey.

"Freeze, wolf-devil!" "Wolf-devil?! I find that quite rude. Why bring guns? We just met! Should have brought clubs and swords. I would have enjoyed smashing your skulls to bits, and grinding your spines into dust."

They didn't take too kindly to my choice of words. I mean, shoot me? I'm the most polite and innocent person here! But, they insist on trying to kill me.

"Hey buddies!" The soldiers looked up, to find me already on the roof, looking at them through a skylight. "I'll see ya later!" I turned and ran. Bad idea. Helicopters do have that effect on people. Though, I'm not really a person, like them.

I jumped up, and caught one of the propellers. It was pretty fun, being slung all over the place , and finally falling off. The only problem, I landed right in the guard house, while they were all gearing up.

"Hey there, any of you care for a drink? I'll buy!" None of them answered, but slowly raised their guns. "No? Tough room." I grabbed the guy next to me, flinging him into a group of soldiers. I grabbed his pistol, and shot an explosive on the wall.

Did I ever tell you what explosives feel like? Shrapnel, fire, pain, and death. I collided with a tree outside, and turned around. Three soldiers seemed to be the only survivors. That was, until the soldiers from inside the lab came outside, so then I was out numbered heavily.

"Hey, I think we can talk this over. Why don't I treat you, to some-" I gave the guy in front of me a right hook, then went behind him. I grabbed his gun with his hand, and began to fire at people, as I spun around. Human meat shields seem to work very effectively.

Though, I quickly ran out of bullets, and flung the meat shield aside. I ran towards a group, and grabbed one guy's arm. I broke it, then swung him around, bringing him down upon two other unlucky soldiers. I collected their guns, and turned back around to the remaining five.

I bet you're thinking I'm lying, because I'm not telling you about my wounds. Well, would you rather hear about me killing a bunch of guards, without mercy, or hear about me killing a guard every now and then, and complaining about every time I was shot? I'll handle it right now. Oh no! Ow! That hurts so much!

There, we're happy. Though, the guards weren't. I quickly loaded the shotgun into them, making that a massacre. The sound of fire cackling, blood splatting, hands clapping- Wait. Hands clapping? "Hello Balto. I'm very impressed."

I slowly turned, to find myself face to chest, with the tallest panther I had ever met. Or, actually, the first one I had ever met. "Thanks. Uh, Can I talk to your face? I don't like speaking to your hairy abs." "I'll let you do more than talk to my face." "What do you-" I was cut off by him kissing me.

I don't want to talk about it! I have nightmares daily about it. Let's just say, I tried to get him off. But, it's kind of hard to, when a big muscular panther with biceps and triceps the size of mountains, hugging you tightly. He finally let me go, after about an hour.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" "You know you enjoyed it." "NEVER!!!" He laughed, and then picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder. "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!" "Relax, I'm just taking you to the USB's." "The what?" "The United Sentient Beings." "What the fuck is that?" "It was created ten years ago." "What the hell?! How long was I out?!" "Longer than this." "Wha-" He knocked me out. I should have seen it coming. I can't believe I didn't.

Monday 1, 2017, I think

I learned something, as soon as I woke up. "Hi daddy!"