Nature Used Blizzard! Trouble For Popcorn! Chapter 1

Story by Rage on SoFurry

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Popcorn trudged through the snow, arms clasped tightly around her mid-section. She was bundled up far more than usual, and it made sense, since she was walking through a blizzard. As her breath floated up in small puffs of steam before her face, she had to wonder how things had turned out like this. Even as a fire pokemon, one didn't simply just waltz about in a blizzard. She sighed and shivered from the cold, thinking about the people who had gotten her involved in this whole mess...

The Pokabu female knocked on the door of her friend's house, tightly hugging her backpack in front of her. She had all the stuff she'd need for a few days, if necessary. Earlier she'd received a call from Hina, the Cyndaquil, begging for help. There was a snow-in warning in their village, so Popcorn knew she might get stuck there for the whole time. Regardless, seeing as it was her friend, Popcorn couldn't deny the request, and had packed as quickly as possible before heading over.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you God," Hina blabbered as she swung the door open and pulled poor little Popcorn inside. Popcorn squeaked in surprise, and would have toppled to the floor had Hina didn't have such a strong grip. The door shut, Popcorn was pulled through the house without a word. Before she could even ask she was pushed into Hina's room. There she found another girl she knew, Hitomi, a Charmander.

"I'll make some tea!" came Hina's voice right before her door slammed. Popcorn stood awkwardly, looking down at the pitiful figure. Hitomi was on the floor, leaning against Hina's bed, and crying her eyes out. The little Pokabu now understood why Hina wanted her over, and already felt a foreboding sensation wash over her. Hina didn't want to have to deal with a depressed Hitomi on her own.

"Umm.... Heya, Hitomi," Popcorn chimed, attempting to sound semi-cheerful. The Charmander looked up at her and sniffled once before beginning to bawl all over again. As kind-hearted as she was, Popcorn didn't exactly know what to do in this situation. She quietly slipped her bag onto the floor, and then high-tailed it from the room. Her steps brought her to the kitchen, where she found a frazzled Hina digging through the fridge.

"That was mean, Hina," Popcorn said in the most whiney voice she could muster. Hina's head popped out for just a moment, a slice of ham dangling from her mouth. She muttered something that Popcorn didn't understand, and then resumed her search. Popcorn sighed, and flopped down into a seat at the dining room table. The next few days were definitely not going to be the smoothest.

"So what's wrong with Hitomi," Popcorn asked. "...And take that meat out of your mouth before you answer," she added as an after-thought. Hina was quiet as she withdrew a literal armful of food from the refrigerator. Popcorn's brow rose as she watched her friend settle everything on the counter, then take a huge bite out of the slice of ham. Hina took a few seconds to chew before swallowing.

"I'm not sure. All I could get out of her was something about her dad and a flute." Popcorn's bewildered expression was given no answer. Instead Hina turned and starting mixing and matching things, as well as getting several pots and pans out. Clearly she was planning on cooking, and leaving the distraught Charmander in the bedroom to Popcorn. It made the Pokabu sigh, and she pushed out of the chair.

"Fine... I'll see what I can do... You owe me big..."

"I love you, Popcoooorn~" came Hina's voice down the hall as Popcorn wandered back to certain doom. The Pokabu would sigh and plant a hand upon her face, shaking her head from side to side. Her hand would drop, however, as she opened Hina's door and stepped into the room. It seemed like Hitomi had calmed down a little bit, as she wasn't sobbing anymore.

"So... You wanna tell me what's wrong, Hito," Popcorn asked, casually. Hitomi looked up at her, and then dropped her gaze to the bed. Popcorn slid across the room and planted herself beside the Charmander. A gentle hand was placed on Hitomi's shoulder, and the fire lizard gave a little half-hearted sob. Popcorn waited patiently through the sniffles until she was given an answer.

"M-my...(Sniff) Father's fl-flute... (Sniff sniff) I d-dropped it on the w-way home... N-now it's gonna g-get snowed in...(Sniff) He's gonna ground me for life." Popcorn remembered the flute that Hitomi had been showing off in school earlier that day. From what she remembered, her father had gotten it made from ashes he'd been collecting for months. A lot of time and effort to just be dropped into the snow.

"Gee... That's a tough one, Hito." Popcorn didn't really know what else to say. Nothing she said would be able to just bring the flute back. She highly doubted that anything she said could make Hitomi feel any better, either. There was no hope in sight for the fire lizard. Popcorn frowned and tenderly rubbed her hand along the Charmander's back.

"I... I'd go l-look for it... B-but... m-my tail could go out..." Popcorn couldn't help but steal a glance of Hitomi's tail. The flame was a lot smaller than she remembered ever seeing it. Not to mention it flickered in such a way that it seemed almost like it was crying as well. It didn't matter how she looked at it, the situation sucked.

"That aside, you could still freeze out there. It's not a good idea to go..." Hitomi nodded slowly, agreeing with Popcorn's words. Apparently she found strength and pushed herself, using the bed as a crutch. Popcorn tilted her head to the side in confusion, and rose as well. Without a further word Hitomi left the room, with a puzzled Popcorn following close behind.

"I'll pay you back for sure," Hitomi shouted at Hina as she opened up the liquor cabinet in the living room. Popcorn watched in a stupor as the fiery lizard took a rather large swig from a bottle of... something. (Popcorn didn't know her alcohol) Hina wandered into the doorway right as Hitomi was pulling the bottle away from her lips.

"HITOMI!" she shrieked, and flew across the room. Grabbing a hold of Hitomi's wrist with one hand, and the bottle with the other, she attempted to wrestle the drink away from the Charmander. However, Hitomi seemed intent on drinking more, and started to whine as she fought back. Popcorn just watched, not knowing what to do or say.

Seconds felt longer than they were as the two girls tussled with each other. It didn't take long for Hitomi's cheeks to brighten, and the fire on her tail grew. Finally she let go of the bottle, and Hina stumbled backwards. The Cyndaquil's bottom landed roughly on a chair, and she grunted in pain. Hitomi wobbled in place for several seconds, and then then began to move towards the door.

"I-I'm gonna... find it... Dad's... flute..." she mumbled. Hina's eyes widened, and she zipped out of the chair. Bottle in hand, she wrapped her arms around Hitmoni's and attempted to put the fire lizard in a headlock. Hitomi began to whine and scream, kicking and squirming in Hitomi's grasp. Popcorn saw Hitomi's tail flare up, and knew that something bad was about to happen.

"I'LL GO FIND IT!" All three girls froze, and stared oddly into space. Each one was completely surprised by the voice speaking up. Popcorn was the first to move, looking around to locate the person who had shouted. But turning about, she found no one, and eventually her gaze settled upon the other two girls. Both were staring straight at her, and then she realized she was the one who'd said it...

"I... I'll find... the flute..." she said quietly. Her face flushed, and she stared at the floor. She'd already spoken, without realizing it. She couldn't back down now, either. That would have been the most messed up thing she'd ever done in her life. The stunned silence made her all the more nervous... she was seriously... going to go out in a blizzard?