The Voyage

Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Hunter Hunted

Series: Hunter Hunted

General Information:

Rhytinyll: Small poisonous armoured reptile has spines on the back which are poisonous also has poisonous bite.

Gentryll: Large bear-like flesh-formed creature has spines on back which are poisonous also claws and teeth are incredibly venomous.

Alhations: Humans morphed in body and mind from being in the void between the worlds for two aeons.

"Oooooh Fuck" Jimmy shouted as he raced down the hill, bloodthirsty monsters after him. At moments like these he considered that joining the Sergeant's group may have been a dumb idea.

Thump, something slammed in Jimmy's back sending him rolling down the rest of the hill. Jimmy reached for his sword and slashed out at whatever had just tackled him, whatever had tackled Jimmy collapsed blood pouring over Jimmy drenching him in blueish blood.

Jimmy got up and looked at the headless body of the rhytinyll bleeding out at his feet, "Nice return blow Jimmy" said the Sergeant "You might want to think about removing the spines from your back before the poison kills you though". Jimmy spun around and ripped around ten poisonous spines from his back, poison literally dripping from the spines.

Jimmy threw the spines away in disgust and stalked down the hill towards the medic, "What almost killed you this time Jimmy" the medic called out cheerfully

"Oh you know the usual, poisonous motherfuckers sticking me with whatever they have" Jimmy replied nonchalantly

Two hours later Jimmy stalked away from the medic, he really hated the training exercises especially the ones with live creatures. 'God knows it's hard enough to train against mages, these poisonous fuckers have killed three recruits already' Jimmy thought as he climbed the hill back to the training area.

Jimmy had been at the camp for two weeks which meant he had one left before they left for where the hell they were going during that time ten recruits had died. Two tried to escape and were killed by the guards, five were killed in training against magi's and three had died in these live training exercises.

As Jimmy reached the top of the hill he witnessed one of the recruits, a wolf, fighting against a Gentryll it was obvious she was losing, it was forbidden to interfere in training fights but Jimmy had about enough of carting dead recruits out, Jimmy charged in just as the Gentryll was about to strike a killing blow and slammed his short sword in its neck killing it instantly.

The female recruit stood up, it was Tyan-Mar or as she prefer it Tyan, she walked over to Jimmy and delivered one of the most punishing blows that Jimmy had ever experienced "That was for stealing my fight" she said and then she kissed him "and that was for saving my ass."

The Sergeant walked up to Jimmy "Brave thing to do lad, very brave, if it had heard you coming both you and Tyan would be dead."

Then the Sergeant said "There is a reason why I give orders Jimmy and that is to stop you from killing yourself, now look I am going to pretend I didn't see you save Tyan here if you lead the first squad onto the enemy territory with Tyan"

"Sure of course I'll lead" Jimmy began then Tyan leant over and hit him "What was that for" he hissed at Tyan

"Look at it this way, the first squad gets there first and has to secure the landing zone, it's fucking insane" Tyan said

"Good to hear you're both in" the Sergeant said and walked off leaving Tyan and Jimmy on the hill

Crack Crack Crack, "What was that" Jimmy said turning to face the Gentryll body

"Well I'd say it's the Gentryll body reanimating itself since you didn't cut the head off" Tyan said

"Shit" Jimmy swore drawing his short sword and racing towards the Gentryll body

Suddenly the Gentryll reared up and it was pissed, it lunged towards Jimmy intent on killing him and feasting on his dead body. Jimmy backpedaled furiously concentrating on avoiding the venomous claws of the Gentryll.

The Gentryll slammed Jimmy to the ground and raised its claws to deliver the final blow. Thunk Tyan's sword chopped through the Gentryll's upraised arm severing it in an instant, the Gentryll whipped around to face its new foe. Tyan slammed into the Gentryll's chest and drove her sword into its neck dragging the sword upwards to sever its head. Tyan walked over to Jimmy "Looks like we have a knack for saving each other, I'll see you later" then she walked off leaving Jimmy by the reeking body of the Gentryll.

Jimmy slumped next to the Gentryll body and then thought better of it the stench from the body was bad enough already, Jimmy sat up and jogged back to the barracks it was going to take a fuck load of showers to get the smell of flesh-formed blood off him.

"Damn it all to hell Jimmy you reek get in the fucking showers now" shouted Calias

"Yeah nice to see you to Calias" Jimmy returned

"But seriously what the fuck did you roll in flesh-formed blood?" Calias asked

"Why as a matter of fact I did after fighting a rhytinyll and a Gentryll and living with the help of Tyan of course" Jimmy said

"Wait why the fuck would Tyan help you? And since when did you fight Gentryll you aren't properly armed?" Calias questioned

"Well point of fact I saved Tyan from the Gentryll and then she saved me from it when it reanimated, that's why I am practically dripping flesh-formed blood" Jimmy replied

"Well good to see that you can work together, Sergeant told me that you and her and going to be leading the first squad, Good Luck" Calias said walking off "Also I suggest you take a god damn shower NOW!!"

Everyone liked Calias but everyone also wondered about him, he wasn't one of the recruits and the Sergeant and all the guards deferred to him so he was obviously high rank or something. Jimmy knew one day he was going to find out about Calias and he really didn't think it would be under good circumstance.

Jimmy got the showers going basically put he slammed on the wall until the drains and pipes started working, it wasn't much but it was a hell of a lot better than showering in the rain like he had to do in the city.

The remaining days of the training camp passed without remark and so on the last day the squads were chosen and as promised he and Tyan were leading the first squad. Calias was leading all the squads with the Sergeant as his second in command, what Calias told them shocked everyone to the core.

Calias told them what no man wanted to hear humanity was losing the war for all their magic, innovation and skill they were being crushed by the apparently endless hordes of flesh-formed monsters. Their mission was to kill the leaders of the flesh-formed armies, the leaders were Alhations men transformed by the void so much that they resembled their creations more than any creature of Gealdea. The light at the end of the tunnel was that if they survived this apparent suicide mission they would all be free men to go where they chose supplied by the King's treasury, which was one hell of a reward.

"Surr, be honest do you actually think that we can come back alive?" asked Mikael one of the first recruits Jimmy was good friends with him

"Well I came back alive and so did two other men, Calias and a man you will meet when we arrive" the Sergeant said "Now if no-one else wants to delay departure lets go"

And with that the last hope of all Gealdea's populace furred or not departed from their training and set forth towards the enemy. Whether any would return was the question on all their minds right after whether Gealdea would survive should they fail.

Tyan walked across to Jimmy as he stood on the prow of the long raider the attack group was concealed in, "So what do you think will happen tomorrow?" Tyan asked

"Basically if it can go wrong tomorrow I expect it to but besides that we should be fine" Jimmy said jokingly

"Thanks Jimmy just what the men need to hear from the squad leader" Tyan replied a smile flashing across her finely furred face, Jimmy was always curious about Tyan most took it for love and maybe it was at that but Jimmy always did wonder how did such a beauty wind up in this strange party.

"Well we shall see tomorrow won't we, Jimmy?" Tyan asked

"Yes we shall but will we like what we see?" Jimmy replied concerning showing clearly in his voice

"Oh don't fret" Tyan said the kissed Jimmy and strode off towards the Sergeant leaving Jimmy at the prow, smiling.

Jimmy returned to his watch around midnight the rain was pouring down the deck, Jimmy cursed his luck at the rain which seemed to come from nowhere. The Sergeant strode up to Jimmy "Strange bloody weather isn't?" the Sergeant remarked

"Damn straight sir I thought you said it would be drier than monk's wine cellar" Jimmy said

"It is, this isn't normal weather keep a strong eye out this rain has a stench of sorcery on it" the Sergeant warned

"Yes Sir" Jimmy shouted over the rain and slipped his way back to the lookout's post, Jimmy turned his "Sir were under-"Jimmy shouted. Boom, flaming boarding hooks slammed into the side of the raider pulling it towards a large trireme, the crew of the trireme became evident.

"Ohh fuck" said the Sergeant

The crew of the trireme was a mixture of human mercenaries and flesh-formed monstrosities. Tyan and the rest of the raiding party had broken out weapons and were preparing to fight the boarders; a soldier ran up and handed weapons and leather armour to Jimmy and the Sergeant.

Then one of the less Flesh-formed Warriors stepped forth, "I bid you in the name of Lords the Alhations to surrender your ship or you will be killed to the last man"

"Right and you'll kill us any way if we surrender so what do I say we fight" roared the Sergeant

Then with that the battle was joined the Sergeant and Jimmy fought back to back defending each other against the superior numbers of the enemy, "Is this the best they've got sir?" Jimmy shouted

"Of course lad they're all retards and fuck ups so I would expect much brains" the Sergeant bantered back as his sword slid between the ribs of his enemy.

It soon became apparent that superior training was destroying superior numbers and the Sergeant's men forced the attackers back to their ship and carried the fight to them boarding the enemy warship and slaughtering the crew.

Soon there was just one left the warrior who had spoken to them earlier "It would seem you have won this battle though I don't think you'll survive to celebrate" and then the warrior raised his hands and collapsed on the floor dead though no injury marked his body.

Calias walked over to see the body "Get back to the ship NOW!" he shouted

"What's the issue sir" the Sergeant shouted over the crush of bodies

"The fucker sacrificed his life to call a fucking water demon to attack us, crazy fuckers" Calias swore

Jimmy watched the men pour back onto their ship and get it ready to sail then a sound so indescribable broke the air as the trireme shuddered violently, Tyan vaulted over the side to land on their ship as she did something tore out of the water and snatched her out of the air to slam her into the sea plunging her from sight.

Jimmy ran towards the rails and dived over them to plunge towards the ocean as he broke the surface of the water he saw what had snatched Tyan out of the air. It was something like a cross between a shark and a hydra and it looked fucking psycho.

Jimmy saw towards it and rammed his sword into its side, it broke "Son of a bitch" Jimmy swore as it shifted its focus from Tyan to him. It curled a tentacle around his leg jerking him under water intending to drown him, Jimmy felt around his pants desperately searching for his dagger he found it drew just as the mouth of the water demon was about to snap on his arm. Jimmy jerked out of the way and thrust the dagger repeatedly into its throat his will to survive fueling his savagery.

Jimmy pulled Tyan up from the water and began compressing her chest trying to work her lungs, Tyan vomited up stale air and water into Jimmy's face then she took a shuddering breath as color flooded back to her face.

Jimmy dragged her back to the ship's edge and bellowed for the Sergeant "Permission to come aboard sir" Jimmy called up.

"Guaranteed Jimmy bring them up now before more of those fuckers come." The Sergeant shouted

Jimmy saw Tyan was crying as they were lifted up to the deck "Oh come now I can't be that ugly can I" he joked to Tyan, she just smiled and kissed him.

The crew was cheering as Jimmy and Tyan were lowered to the deck, the Sergeant ran up and clapped Jimmy on the back "If I could I give you a medal for being absolutely insane I would lad, that was dumb or brave I haven't decided which you are yet"

Calias walked up to Jimmy smiling broadly "That was a brave thing young one; the Sergeant may not be able to decide which you are but to me you are brave and I would be honour if you would fight by my side in the coming battles"

Jimmy smiled "I thought I was going to before sir" he said roguishly

After the crew had finished congratulating and honouring him which mainly comprised of a few toasts of the ships spirits, Jimmy suspected that the toasts would have kept going if Calias had taken the beer away.

"So how are you?" Jimmy asked Tyan

"Well I think from my present state of appearance it should be enough to tell you how I feel" Tyan said impishly then seriously "But really thanks for coming for me I don't think anyone else would have"

Tyan reached over to Jimmy and pulled him into a deep kiss, Jimmy responded passionately pulling Tyan's body against him caressing her back lost in the kiss. "Are you sure you want to do this Tyan?" Jimmy asked breathlessly

"More certain than I've been about anything in my entire life" Tyan replied pulling at Jimmy's clothes

Jimmy shed his armour and clothes leaving him standing in the buff in front of Tyan slowly stripping her of her clothes, Jimmy had the forethought to bar the door of the cabin which he and Tyan shared to prevent visitors from interrupting.

Jimmy kissed Tyan's neck slowly kissing her neck down to her chest settling on her magnificent breasts kissing the nipples tracing his fingers through her short tan fur to caress her breasts.

Tyan moaned and he gently suckled on her breasts his hands drifting down her body to cup her buttocks his fingers tracing patterns in her soft fur sending shudders of pleasure through Tyan's body feeding her fire. His hands slid torturously round her hips and settled on her treasure softly stimulating Tyan.

Jimmy stopped suckling on Tyan's breasts and licked his way down to her prize, Jimmy slowly licked the lips from top to bottom making Tyan moan more loudly as pleasure coursed through her. Jimmy blew softly across the lips of her pussy making Tyan shudder with pleasure.

Jimmy felt his rod twitch as precum dripped from its tip, Jimmy slid forwards up Tyan's body till the tip of his cock rested against her pussy, "You sure?" Jimmy asked and Tyan nodded. Jimmy slid forward slowly in Tyan almost expecting something that wasn't there.

"Didn't think I'd what for Prince Charming did you?" Tyan asked Jimmy, Jimmy laughed as he thrust forwards into Tyan burying his cock deep inside Tyan. Tyan moaned as she was filled by Jimmy who slowly withdrew and thrust in again.

Jimmy and Tyan rocked across the harsh bed testing out their love for each other and each other's stamina, Jimmy was determined to make Tyan crack before him. Tyan moans turned to gasps and then to cries as Jimmy plunged his rod in and out of her prize as fast as he could. Pumping her pussy as fast as he could Jimmy felt his orgasm grow closer but he was determined to make Tyan cum first.

Tyan cried out and gripped Jimmy's shoulders hard as he came around his cock pushing Jimmy ever closer to his orgasm. "Why won't you cum" Tyan cried and that pushed Jimmy over the edge with a cry he set about filling his wolven lover with his fox cum.

"What next?" asked Tyan

"Oh I'd imagine dinner" Jimmy laughed