Fairy Dreams

Story by Eyulf on SoFurry

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"Where are we going?" I asked for the 3rd time. His secretiveness was starting to get a bit annoying.

But he only flashed me that sexy smile of his and said, "You'll see." I could tell that he was enjoying seeing me so stumped; his white tail kept twitching from trying to hold in a chuckle every time he replied.

We seemed to be driving for hours, but it couldn't have been more then thirty minutes. I've always had a habit of being a bit impatient. My mother had always told me as a cub that I needed to pay more attention to the journey and less about the destination, but it never seemed to stick. Lupus finally turned into a dusty side road, and stopped right in the middle of it.

I started to open my door, but he gently grabbed my hands and said, "Allow me." He quickly got out of the car, walked to the other side, and opened the door with a flourishing bow. "Right this way sir."

I blushed through my silver fur; Lupus has always been a gentleman, but any bow; especially one with a flourishing hand gesture, would have made him cringe at the mere thought. He usually left the theatrics to me.

I got out of the car and looked around. The sun was just setting, so there was a reddish glow to everything, and the shadows were long. We seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. My curiosity started blazing. "Lupus, where are. . ." I started to ask.

But Lupus puts one of his fingers on his muzzle and softly whispered, "Shh." He then leaned in right next to one of my pointed ears and whispered, "Grab my hand and close your eyes."

I reluctantly did as he said. He led me along what felt like more of the dirt road, judging by the softness of the earth on my feet. I took a whiff, and could tell it smelled like it had finished raining here not long ago. I could hear nothing save the chirps of the crickets.

"Remember that dream you told me about a couple of weeks ago?" Lupus asked me.

I thought for a second. "What does a flying hamster have to do with now?" I stupidly asked. I had to resist the urge to slap myself in the forehead.

There was silence for a moment; I could feel Lupus giving me a 'what the heck are you talking about' look. Then I heard him start chuckling. "No, not that dream. The other one," he said with his smooth baritone voice.

This time I actually thought about what I was going to say. "You mean the one where I was dining with a prince of fairies?" I remember this dream very well because it seemed so real. The prince and I were in a lavishly decorated hall. The ceiling was enchanted to where I could see the sky, and the walls had a bunch of those windows that have a semicircle at the top of them that you can find in several fancy places. The moon was full, and there was a rainbow ringed around it. All around us were the prince's subjects, electric blue dots against the night sky. The whole dream was a paradise I've longed for since I was six.

Unfortunately, fairies don't exist, so what does that have to do with the here and now?

"Yep, that's the one." Lupus said quietly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I could hear a smile in his voice.

I could feel him pulling me in a different direction. I could feel a slight difference in the ground I was walking on. It felt more resilient. Probably grass. A warm mid-spring wind started blowing, and it made me glad I didn't bring my jacket.

"Watch your step. There's some stairs coming up," Lupus said.

I gingerly made my way up the stairs, trying not to trip. When we had reached the top of the stairs, Lupus grabbed my other hand and whispered in my ear again, "Open your eyes."

I slowly slid them open, and the first thing I saw were his beautiful blue eyes, and had to catch my breath. Every time I stare into those eyes, I feel like I'm about to fall in to a warm beach's sea. They've always had the power to both calm and captivate me. It took some will power to look away. I glanced down at his hand, and noticed he had a picnic basket. Confused, I looked around, then up, and gasped. We were in a white gazebo with a hole in the top of it. Through the hole, you could see a full moon, and around the moon was a rainbow.

I stared, transfixed at the view before my eyes. "I thought a rainbow around a moon only occurred once every fifty years."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him shrugging. "I found out that it would happen tonight from my astronomy class." I looked away from the moon, and saw his white fur look slightly pink. He looks adorable when he blushes.

"That is so sweet!" I gushed.

"There's more," he said. "Look around."

I looked, and what I saw made me gasp in utter astonishment. Flying around were electric blue fireflies, dancing to the tune of the crickets.

"Would you care for a late night dinner?" Lupus asked, gesturing towards the picnic basket.

In that dinner, I realized that I really was eating with the prince of fairies.