Return of herm ideology + Bigpip and the candy factory

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There used to a be a ideology in the Anocratic empire based around turning ponies into hermaphrodites. This ideology has since died down and those beliveing it instead converted to Neo-Harmonism. The idea of trying to turn ponies into hermaphrodites would be revived, similar to Neo-Harmonism by Four herm ponies named Hope Fire, Vengence Burst, Blackjack Fearhers and Advanced Midnight. Who have decided to venture away from the settlements on Acrab.

They came across a abandoned city that was listed on maps as just temperate forrest. Exploring the city they found nothing of interest, just old furniture at best. They reported reported this discovery to the administration of Acrab colony. The administration in turn sent them adamantium so they could make armor and knifes for self defence while they explore. The four ponies decided that instead of exploring further, they will settle in this abandoned city and try to pursue their reformed ideology.

The ideology; Similar to Neo-Harmonism hed to main differences. It hed a hedonistic structure instead of ideological and it hed Healthcare meme.

Despite struggling with electricity quite a bit they did fix that problem with bunch of solar panels and batteries. The colony hed a big greenhouse in the middle, producing so much food that it didn't fit in the freezer. In the colony ritual room there would be somewhat regulary organized orgies. While they were building their colony they captured a human miner who they transformed into a blue gootraxian.

Trying to reach their goal of making more ponies into herms, they realized why previous attempts at creating more herms failed. Creating herm serums is expensive and very time consuming, instead what they should do is make those hairless monkeys living on the Rim make them for them. After all, those greedy apes should make themselfs useful to pony kind! It was decided that they obtain herm serums by offering humans silver for them.

To their dissapointment they managed to only get 5 herm serums, with the silver they have been accumulating for over 2 colonial years.

They send a letter to the administration of Acrab colony, asking for 1 ton of silver. The colonial administration replied that they might send them silver if they can manage to build a teleporter. So they did, mining magical biome crystals inside their greenhouse first. Then they traveled south where they found another unmarked abandoned city.

There they setup a magical biome crystal extractor and made the poor blue gootraxian constantly extract biome crystals with a circadian half cicler installed. After enough biome crystals they returned to their new home where they build the teleporter and started it's charging and calibration.

Doing this they send a letter to the administration that they actually managed to build a teleporter and can send that 1 ton of silver. They didn't get a reply right away, which is to be expected, bureocratic requests like this can take a while to process. The silver was eventualy delivered to them, however they were only able to buy 20 herm transformation serums. Only 25 in total, that far from their goal.

Bigpip and the candy factory

While trying to travel from home to the colonies of Acrab by a teleporter; Bigpip, Harmonious Percussion and two unicorns found themselfs on a unknown atoll with a whicle and factory equipment.

"Are we at the correct place?" asked one of the unicorns. "No we are not, we should be here" replied Bigpip, flying into the air to get a look around.

The atoll they were on was tiny, looking on the horizon he found a familiar looking land formations. Flying back to the ground he said "Some fool messed up the teleporter calibration and it seems we ended up more south east then we were suppose to." "We were suppose to build a candy factory, what are we suppose to do now?" asked one of the two unicorns.

"I don't see why we can't build a candy factory here, this donut shaped island looks pretty." said Harmonious Percussion lying on sand.

Almost all of factory building resources were teleported in the water and hed to be fetched out. One thing they weren't able fetch out of the water, were the wood fueled generators, Harmonious Percussion hed to deconstruct those. Then they decided to check if the transport whicle hed any fuel which it did not, since it wasn't ment to be used yet.

"You two haven't introduced to me yet, what are your names and education?" asked Bigpip. "I'm Style Fury, i have agricultural education and he is Snacks Pop, he is just charismatic and that's it." said the green unicorn with violet mane.

"Allright since we are here let's start building the candy factory" said Bigpip. "Yes my emperor!" they said in unison. "Let's start by apointing Snacks Pop as our Philosopher and building ourselfs bedrooms..."

They have build themselfs bedrooms and other important rooms like storage, table room, recreation room, freezer, toilet and shower room out of coral and prison. The whole base was powered by solar panels. Bigpip used earth pony magic to make the soil suitable for growing. They planted corn, candy producing plants, healroot, cotton and glowing transforming plant.

When this was done a ship has sailed to the atoll and 3 ponies came out. "My emperor, we were looking for you. What are you doing on this unmarked atoll?" they shouted.

Emperor Bigpip turned around and said "Some fool miscalibrated a teleporter and we ended up here. So i am helping the unicorns here build a candy factory."

"I heard about the construction of a candy factory. Since the factory equipment didn't arrive with the two ponies delivering it. The colonial administration has decided to start the planned construction elsewhere, on a bigger island west from here." replied the pony

"Send the administration a letter that i am safely here and will be staying for at least 60 days." said Bigpip

After this a foreign space ship has landed, with with the merchant of the ship declaring that they sell slaves and have special offer: earth pony for 155 plasteel. Oviously they wanted the earth pony back so they accepted. The merchant gave them the earth pony named Azure Colonist and went inside the spaceship. Then Bigpip with Harmonious Percussion opened fire on the ship but it flew away.

19 days has passed at this point. They have been on this atoll for that long...

Alot of progress was made. The new pony was converted to Neo-Harmonism and the room the pony was converted in was made into a full party room, with pillows, loudspeakers and disco ball.

The growing fields were expanded and later, candy cane plants were replaced with jubi berry and cocoa tree. The jubi berry growing zone hed automatic sprinklers build, with a automatic puller with a conveyer belt carrying harvested berries to the kitchen. Once the cocoa trees grow up jubi candy can be made.

A odd thing happend. Bigpip was invited to a peace talk with a group humans from "Obsidian empire" on a big island north. Bigpip used the unusued helicopter that was laying that on the atoll since they first teleported. Bigpip refined some corn into fuel and used it to fly to the peace talk site. Bigpip did great job but it wasn't enough for them to agree to stoping trying to raid the actual candy factory west.

Bigpip was unable to bring the the helicopter to the atoll, due to slightly miscalculating the helicopter's fuel usage. He hed to leave it to the negociators wearing purple slicecaps, they weren't grateful. Bigpip used his magical power to teleport back to the atoll.

He was worried that these humans from "Obsidian empire" could become a problem since they are trying to colonize this part of Acrab. He wen't to the atoll workshop and repaired his armor.

Bigpip wanted to keep those working on the atoll to be happy, so he did not tell them about the peace talk and decided to sculp two grand pony sculptures out of coral. Since he is not a artist, both scultures were of normal quality

A biosculting pod was build for Harmonious Percussion, where he spend time reducing his biological age bellow the age of 70.

They managed to get a cloning vat working after three attempts. They managed to create a 1 alicorn clone using Bigpip's DNA. They send this clone west, to join workers at the candy factory there.

One time Snacks Pop was looking through a telescope, he noticed that on the smaller mountainous island there were what looked like some sort of ruins, next to that single impassable mountain. He wanted to go there to explore but emperor Bigpip was against it. They were to busy, exploring possible ruins is a job for somepony else.

90 days passed since the inicial teleportation on this atoll...

Bigpip decided that since he had a little time and Snacks Pop wanted to explore the ruins, he build a transport pod launcher. The issue being that it could only fit one pony, so Bigpip hed to go by himself. Inside the ruin he found 0.38kg of gold and some sort of brain implant. He told Snacks Pop that the trip wasn't worth it and hed to kill two humans there.

They recieved a letter from colonial administration, asking them to build a monument to commemorate fallen colonists. They got to work, puting coral chunks into masonry machine and used coral blocks to build the monument. When the monument was completed a boat arrived, the boats driver gave them a alien device that improves your medical abilities. They decided to give it to Harmonious Percussion, since he is the best at medicine.

Four human refugees swimmed to the atoll askeing for refuee, saying that they escaped from slavers. They were accepted for the time being, they celebrated Heart's warming despite not beliveing in the ways of harmony.

Later they have received a letter telling Emperor Bigpip, that they are redirecting a group of tribal savages that have been harasing settlers. They will arrive on the atoll to be eliminated. For the trouble they will get a warhammer forged out of red candy, the warhammer is also of legendary quality.

The refugees have left and the tribal savages were killed before they were able to swim to the atoll ground. The legendary candy warhammer has arrived and was placed in the ritual room on a shelf.

They bought a automatic modern cooker which speed up candy production by a lot.

Harmonious Percussion has spend quite some time in the biosculting pod and his biological age was lowered to 62.

A boat has arrived to the atoll and a pony officer walk on the atoll. Gesturing to Bigpip he said "My emperor, we need you to return. I have a official letter from the imperial council, that says that they want you to return."

Bigpip knew his vacation on this atoll would come to a end soon. The 131 days he spend on this atoll with his husband and pony comrades will be remembered. The atoll was now producing so much candy that the only issue was carrying the candy from production rooms, to storage crates.

Bigpip said goodbye to the pony comrades on the atoll and boarded the boat with Harmonious Percussion, traveling home to return to his royal duties.