PAW I - Jackass - Part 1

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#1 of PAW I - Jackass

A loose parody on the SAW series as a group of friends find themselves being held accountable for their jerkiness on Halloween Night, their only hope being the one friend who was slightly nicer.

Featuring Xaie

DISCLAIMER: This story is loosely based off the SAW film series, all likenesses and copyrighted material belong to the respected owners (including the main character who belongs to canine80 (Xaie)). The completed story contains forced, feral animal transformation, Male Nudity, M/M sex and kidnap, if these are not your tastes please close this file else sit back and enjoy!!!


The girl strutted away, her hand over her shoulder making an obscene gesture back at the group of guys one of which was calling after her.


The girl did not look back and a moment later she was swallowed by the cool night.

"Hey man, let her go" muttered his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder and turning him in the opposite direction.

"Screw her" the man grunted slowly beginning to walk, aiming a kick at a Jack O' Lantern at the end of a driveway.

The night had not got off to the start they had hoped.

Drake, Charles, Adam, Bill and Xaie had just left a Halloween party following Adam's eager pursuits of one of the party goers only to be shot down.

Xaie gave a slight sigh as he walked behind Adam, in his opinion; his friend had been a bit of a jerk.

His thoughts were interrupted as Charles staggered into him, a blank smile on his face and a bottle concealed within a bag grasped in his hand.

"Don't you think you've had enough" he asked, nudging Charles out of his space.

"Hell no" Charles spluttered, taking a deep swig from the bottle and letting out an almighty belch, "its 'alloween mate, loosen up."

Xaie sighed and pulled his leather jacket tighter around himself as a cool breeze ruffled his spiky red tipped hair.

The night was still early and as they walked they saw the straggling Trick or Treater's looking for last minute candy opportunities.

Bill gave a slight chuckle, smoke pouring from between his teeth as he removed the large cigar he was smoking.

"Check out the nerds" he muttered in his deep voice.

Looking ahead, Xaie saw to whom Bill was referring.

A small group of people were approaching them having just left a house and were gleefully examining their spoils.

Two of the group were children, dressed as vampires and excitedly examining the sweets in their bags while the other three looked around their own age, dressed as a knight, wizard and ninja and were smiling at the children's excitement.

Charles's face broke into a twisted grin and he swaggered forwards

"Heeeeey Look at the geek patrol"

The group stopped, the older members glaring at Charles.

The knight stepped forwards, shielding the children from view.

"Hey back off dude" he growled.

Charles laughed and gave a fake swoon of despair.

"Oh no, it's the knight in shining armour" he whimpered in a mock high voice.

Bill laughed, taking a deep draw on his cigar.

Drake stepped forwards and grinned at the knight.

"Watcha gonna do Lancelot" he jeered, getting almost nose to nose with the knight, "Stab us with your little sword"

The knights face reddened and he stepped back.

"C'mon" he grumbled, ushering the children and friends across the street and away from the group. "let's get away from these asses."

"W'ut you call us!" Charles exclaimed "OI!!!"

There was a loud smash and a cry as Charles hurled his bagged bottle at the group, striking the knight on the back of the head and causing him to fall to the ground.

The wizard and ninja both rounded on Charles.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!!" yelled the wizard, marching right up to Charles and raising his fists.

Charles gave another faint swoon.

"Ohhhhhh looooook" he wailed mockingly, "the wizards gonna cast a..."

Charles never got to finish as at that moment, the wizard had drawn back his fist and punched him square in the jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground.


Bill, Adam and Drake stepped forwards, raising their own fists.

Bill removed his cigar and blew a plume of smoke into the wizards face.

"Bad Move" he growled, cracking his knuckles.

The wizard quivered slightly and stepped back as the three men bore down upon him.

Xaie bent down and placed his arm under Charles' to help him to his feet.

"C'mon Charles, lets....AGHHH!!"

Xaie staggered as something struck him on the side of the head.

Looking down, he saw candy littering the ground as he realised it had been a sack full of it that had hit him.

Everyone turned as one to see one of the two children, looking petrified but defiant and pointing at the group.

"Y...Y...You leave my brother alone" the kid stammered, his knees trembling.

Xaie glared at the kid, a mixture of embarrassment and anger coursing through him.

"GET LOST KID" he yelled, seizing the fallen bag and hurling it back at the kid.

The kid screamed and ran off.


The knight had gotten back to his feet, massaging his head and looking after the kid.

Turning to the group he gave an angry snarl.

"You jerks aren't worth the effort"

With a nod to the wizard he hurried away after the kid, the wizard and ninja following fast.

Gritting his teeth, Xaie helped Charles unsteadily to his feet.

Charles was massaging his cheek, his face flushed with anger.

"GET BACK 'ERE" he yelled at their retreating backs, "I'M GONNA GET YOU! JUST YOU WAIT!!"

Xaie shook his head and rubbed where the bag had hit him, regretting slightly his loss of temper.

"C'mon" he muttered, "let's just get back to the party"

The others seemed not to hear him for a moment before, as one, they turned and continued down the path.

Charles was still seething about the punch he'd received.

"I swear that little ponce is gonna regret that" he grumbled.

Drake and Adam nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry mate we'll help ya, he ain't getting away with that"

Bill lit another cigar and offered his pack around.

Xaie accepted one and puffed it absently; keeping to his own thought rather than listening to the insults his friends were throwing about.

"What do you think Xaie?" Adam suddenly asked.


He tuned to see his four friends looking at him.


"C'mon Xaie" groaned Charles, "were ya even listening?"

Xaie puffed on the cigar and shrugged.

"I dunno" he muttered, "c'mon let's cut down here"

He gestured to the entrance to an alleyway.

"We nearly there?" Charles asked, "I need a drink"

Xaie rolled his eyes as they entered the dark alley.

An acrid smell hit them as they headed down the passage.

"Ughhh, you'd think someone would clear this shit up" Drake grunted, his face contorted in disgust.

"Yeah" Xaie muttered, "things are a little..."

He stopped, causing the others to collide with him.

"What the!"


"C'mon Xaie, what's the big idea"

Xaie didn't respond, his eyes focused dead ahead.

At the end of the alleyway, a tall hooded figure stood silhouetted against the streetlight beyond.

There was a moment's silence in which the group and the figure stared at each other.

Drake shouldered his way forwards.

"Hey Creep!" he called at the figure, "Out of the way"

The figure didn't respond, instead they began to slowly move towards them, each footstep echoing sinisterly around the alley.

The group took a step back, a sense of unease settling upon them.

"Let's go back" muttered Xaie.

The others nodded and tuned back but had frozen again a moment later.

Another hooded figure was slowly walking towards them from the other end of the alley.

They were surrounded.

Both figured stopped a few metres each side of the group, Xaie through he saw some kind of muzzled mask shadowed beneath the hood.

Adam stepped forwards.

"Hey creeps" he said aggressively, "what's your beef with us?"

They didn't respond.

"Oi" Charles said, "Out of the way"

He attempted to stagger towards the nearest figure but before he reached them, they both moved in unison.

Reaching into their long coats they both removed a silver canister which they threw at the group's feet.

A second later, there was a loud hiss as the canisters burst open, engulfing the group in a haze of thick smoke.

Xaie coughed and spluttered, staggering blindly around in an attempt to escape the noxious cloud.

The gas was tearing at his lungs, he began to feel drowsy, his legs getting weaker the longer he stayed in the suffocating fog.

"H..Help.." he gasped before his knees failed and he hit the cold alley floor.

He watched, his vision blurring, as a shadowed figure stepped out of the fogged darkness and stood silently over him before with a sigh, he passed out.

Xaie groaned weakly.

"Wha...what happened?" he mumbled, his head lolling on his chest.

He felt strange, he appeared to be sitting down from the way his body was positioned but his mind was still fuzzy and he could barely comprehend his own thoughts.

After a moment, his brain seemed to begin working again and memories began to resurface as his mind cleared.

The girl.

The Nerds.

The Alley.


Xaie's eyes snapped open, wide with shock as he remembered what had happened.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" he yelled, "WHERE AM I?"

He was in total darkness.

"HELLO!" he called.

His voice echoed loudly but there was no response.

His heart beat fast as fear began to engulf him and he attempted to get to his feet but fell back with a grunt of pain as he realised his arms had been shackled to the chair.

He attempted to free himself but the braces on his arms refused to budge.

"HELP!" he screamed, "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

His voice echoed loudly as though an army of men were screaming for help but again there was no response to his calls.

He began to tremble, tears welling in his eyes as the full impact of the situation hit him.

He had been kidnapped, locked up and god only knew what was going to happen to him.

With a yell, he kicked at the chair in fury connected with something he could not see in front of him and there was a sudden crash.

"Well, Well.....Finally Awake"

Xaie froze.

A voice had issued out of the darkness, a cold and inhuman voice.

"H...Hello" he responded, his voice cracking with fear.

There was no response.

"Who's There?" he asked, his voice louder.

There was a clicking noise and a buzzing before a light suddenly shone into his face causing Xaie to squint in pain.

Blinking quickly to rid his eyes of the flashing dots, he squinted into what he now saw was a television.

The screen showed nothing but static before with a buzz, a picture began to emerge.

The screen showed a hooded figure who slowly turned to face the camera.

"Hello Xaie"

Xaie tensed, it was the same voice as earlier, cold and mechanical.

The figure in the screen was now facing the camera and Xaie felt himself draw back into the chair in fear.

The figure was wearing an equine mask, donkey if he were to make a guess, it was chalk white, except for two red spirals painted on each cheek of the muzzle.

But it was the eyes that caused Xaie to tremble in fear.

They were cold, red light.

There was silence for a moment, then the figure spoke.

"zzzzzz....zzzzz...Well now Xaie.....zzzzz..zzz....Would you like to play a game?"

Despite the fact that he was strapped down and shaking with fear, a sudden rush of anger rushed through Xaie and he clenched his hands and glared at the screen.

"A Game" he grumbled, the anger rising and he suddenly started shouting.


The figure gave a mechanical chuckle.

"All in good time, all in good time"

It paused for a moment.

"Now then...zzz...perhaps your wondering why you are here?"

Xaie grunted in anger, not acknowledging the question.

"'s because of the callous way you acted and your so called....zzzzz...friends"

Xaie glared at the screen.


The voice crackled with laughter again.

"What happens to all down to you" the voice continued, "..zzzz...and that's the game...zzz"

Xaie's face slackened slightly, confusion overwhelming the fear.

"Wh...What" he stuttered, "What do you mean? Where are they?"

The screen crackled.

"...zzz...Out of your merry seemed the most...zzzz....moral....zzz...and get to decide their....zzzz....fates"

Xaie sat there, confused and scared.

" see...zzzz....We dislike people like you....zzzz...thinking they're better....zzzz....thinking they can act like....zzzz.....jackasses...."

Xaie's mouth fell open.

"You mean I was kidnapped because we acted like jerks?" he asked in disbelief.

The voice laughed.


Xaie gaped at the screen and suddenly, he found himself laughing.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND" he yelled, laughing hysterically, "GROW UP FOR GODS SAKE"

The voice did not respond.

Xaie had finished laughing, the mad euphoria giving way to fresh anger.


The screen flickered.

"zzzzzz..very well.....but before I must win the game......zzzzz....."

Xaie swore at the top of his voice.

"....zzzz...the sooner we start....zzzzz....the sooner you save your friends...zzzzz...."

This statement wiped the anger from Xaie.

"Save them" he thought.

Fear surfaced in his mind.

"Wha....What have you done to them?" he asked.

The figure flickered on the screen.

"..zzzz....your friends acted in a ...zzzzz....terrible manner tonight....zzzz....and therefore will be punished....zzzzz....and thankfully we have devised a most fitting....zzzz....punishment for their...zzzz...crimes"

The fear in Xaie suddenly flared from this statement.


His voice had risen hysterically and the mechanical laughter sounded again.

"....zzzz....see for yourself...zzzz...."

The image on the screen suddenly vanished and something completely unexpected began to play.

The Pleasure Island transformation scene from Pinocchio.

Xaie's mouth gaped open again as he watched.

"ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME " he yelled as the screen flickered and the figure reappeared.

" you doubt us....zzzz" came the response.

Xaie laughed again.

"You expect me to believe your gonna turn us into fucking donkeys" he laughed, almost doubling over in the chair.

There was no response.

"You people are fucking crazy" he chuckled.

The voice crackled

"....zzzz....are we.......zzzz"

Lights suddenly blazed around the room.

Xaie gave a yell of pain, blinded by the sudden illumination.


Blinking furiously, his vision slowly adapted.

He was sitting in a small cell like room, his arms were clamped to the chair arms by large metal cuffs and there was only door set into the stone walls.

A small metal stool lay on the ground near his feet, explaining what he had kicked earlier.

The small television hung from a bracket on the ceiling in front of him and making up the wall behind it was a ceiling to floor mirror.

His vision refocused and he saw himself strapped there in the chair, he seemed unscathed but something was off, he appeared to be wearing something on his ears.

He turned his head slightly, hoping to see what was there and suddenly felt his insides turn to ice.

His mouth fell open and he let out a horrified scream.


In the mirror before him, he saw that his ears had become pointed and had elongated by several inches so they stopped just shy of the top of his red tipped hair.

As he sat there horrified, his ears twitched and now he was aware of them, he felt them move.

He panted, the shock and horror washing over him.

"This can't be real" he thought, "It can't, it's impossible"

He shook his head, but wished he didn't as he felt his ears whip in the air.

There was a crackle and his head shot up to look at the screen.

The mechanical voice was laughing.

" I have your attention.....zzzzzz....the rules.....zzzz"


The word echoed in his head but the voice continued before he could summon a response.

".....zzzz.....we have given you a little shall we say...zzz...curse....zzzzz...which will change you slowly into a braying jackass over the next....zzzz.....two hours"

Above the door a digital display suddenly lit up, showing a timer.

"....zzzz.....that is....zzzz...unless you find each of your friends and judge them.....zzzz.....for their so......zzzz...and we'll give you your humanity...zzzzz.....however.....zzz.."

The restraints on the chair suddenly sprang open but Xaie remained seated, his eyes locked on the screen.

"...zzzz....should you wish to simply....zzzz....forfeit....zzzz....accept your punishment.....zzzzz....leave your friends to theirs.....zzzzz....there is a trigger on that stool.....zzzz....use it.....zzzz...and you'll be braying in seconds.....zzzzzzz....dont take too long deciding......zzzz......tick.....zzzzz....tock...."

The image flickered and the screen went black and with a loud bang, the door swung open.

Xaie sat there, staring at the black screen, unable to comprehend it.

His eyes dropped to the mirror.

Slowly, he raised his freed hands and touched the tips of his mutated ears.

The sensation of being able to feel them caused tears to fall from his eyes.

He slipped from the chair to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

"Why...WHY!" he thought, "WHY ME"

He aimed to punch the floor in frustration but suddenly withdrew the fist and let out a yell of pain.

His knuckle had struck something on the cold floor.

Cradling his throbbing fist he looked down.

Lying where he had just punched was a silver lighter.

Distracted, he picked it up.

"What" he muttered.

He looked round and spotted the fallen stool, he hesitated and shuffled towards it.

A moment later his eyes widened.

Lying beside the fallen stool was a long, fresh cigar.

Xaie stared at it, anger bubbling inside him as he realised the cruel irony.

He glanced down at the lighter in his hand.

He could do it, just end it here.

Become a donkey.

His eyes widened.

"Why am I even considering it" he thought to himself.

He glanced at the mirror, his reflection caused his resolve to shake.

He thought of his friends.

His stupid, stupid friends.

"Its all their fault" he muttered, "ALL THEIR FUCKING FAULT"

Each event of the night flashed through his mind.

Charles' drinking, Adam's flirting, Drake and Bill's intimidations....his lack of effort to stop them.

His mind froze, a sense of shame engulfing him.

He pondered for a moment his own part, had he even tried to stop it.

He gazed back down at the lighter.

"Is it worth it?" he though.

He looked at the door.

The timer showed he had wasted ten minutes of his precious two hours.

Gazing once more at the lighter, he pondered being a donkey.

"It would be a simple life" he thought, "free of responsibility"

"But you wouldn't be human" said a louder voice in his head, "You'd be exactly what you deserve to be, a mindless jackass!"

He shook his head.

The slight flapping of his ears caused his senses to return as he rose to his feet.

His mind turned back to his friends.

"I'll save them" he grunted, "and I'll kick their asses afterward"

He looked at the mirror and glared at his own ears.

"Fuck this" he growled and hurled the lighter at the mirror, causing part of it to shatter.

He gazed back at the door and the long dark passage beyond.

He had an hour and three quarters remaining.

"Right" he growled and he hurried through the door, leaving the cigar on the cell floor.