Whispers in the Night

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Adran and Liam, recently married, share Adrian's apartment, a warm, comfortable place where the two newlyweds share their love and hopes with each other.

Whisper's in the Night

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

26th January, 2024

All Rights Reserved.

  • Authors Note: This story came about from a friendly Telegram discussion about a fellow (gifted) Author discussion about one of his published works, and brought up memories from a long time ago - about one character I fell in love with, so, I dedicate this lovely tale to the dear Comindacominda - thank you, my friend, for being...you, truly :)

In the heart of the city, where skyscrapers reached for the heavens and the ceaseless urban rhythm softened but never ceased, stood Adrian. A modestly sized equine, his coat a beautifully kept sheen of captivating reddish-brown, a beautiful bay. Clutching his hands behind his back, the delicate feathering on his wrists and ankles created a subtle contrast against the deeper tones of his bay coat. His mane, cascading down from the back of his head, fell over his right shoulder, and his tail slowly swished from side to side, almost brushing the ground. Gazing through the window, his warm hazel eyes reflected a hint of concern, brows slightly furrowed, whilst a soft whicker escaped him.

Liam, a Red deer, sensed his lover's vulnerability, from where he had sat on the couch. He rose, then with the grace of his kind, his russet red fur, rich and luxurious, shrouded his smaller form. His absence of antlers allowed his silhouette to maintain a sleek, almost doe-like profile as his shadow was cast against the far wall.

Liam's hazel eyes, warm and expressive, reflected a depth of warmth and compassion that resonated with those who met him. His mane, a lighter shade than Adrian's, was well trimmed and inoffensive, encircling his neck and midway down his pale, furred chest.

As Liam moved, there was an inherent grace to his cloven-hooved steps, muffled as they were by the thick carpet. He walked up behind Adrian, sliding his paws around his lover's hips, resting his right cheek against Adrian's shoulder, holding him gently, and seeking to break his beloved out of the melancholic funk that'd descended upon him.

Adrian lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts, felt the weight of his concerns heavily upon his mind. Unaware of the buck who had cuddled him from behind, Adrian twitched, then came back to himself. As he turned his head, a subtle movement, his left eye glimpsed his newly hand-fasted lover, Liam, a beacon of warmth and understanding, whose paws slowly slid up Adrian's chest, hugging him tenderly.

A soft smile touched the edges of Adrian's lips as he gently turned around, facing Liam, whose warm, beautiful eyes had captured the stallion's heart from the first time they'd met. Adrian gently enfolded Liam's lower back in a comfortable, but tight, hug of thanks and understanding. Their bodies pressed together, each curve and contour felt like it fit seamlessly against the other. Adrian rested his head on top of Liam's, his mane hanging down the side of Liam's neck to feather over his shoulder.

"What troubles you my love," Liam's gentle voice drifted up to Adrian's ears. "Why is my stallion's heart so burdened?"

With a gentle snort, Adrian exhaled and held his cervine lover close, drawing strength and warmth from him. "Many things - "

Liam, concerned, stepped back, holding his lover's hands in his paws, gazing up into the equine's eyes. Leading him back to the couch, he turned Adrian around, then made him sit, Liam sitting beside him, holding one hand in both his paws, and leaning against Adrian's shoulder. This simple, gentle gesture, broke the stallion's heart, before he turned to look down into Liam's eyes, gently cupping the stag's chin - before he leaned close and passionately shared a deep, lingering kiss.

"Mmm - " Liam's gurgle, deep in his throat was more a rumble from somewhere around his chest, than an actual sound.

Adrian released Liam, then smiled and kissed his lover's leathery nose pad tenderly. "Thank you, I needed that more than you know -"

"So, tell me, my dear, please, what burdens you? I know we've only just been married - I still can't believe I won the heart of such a magnificent, beautiful stallion like yourself..."

With a blush, Liam looked away, until Adrian gently cupped his lover's muzzle, turning his head back to look into his eyes.

"It's that beautiful, sweet nature about you," Adrians iam's love shone through in his voice, his hooflets lovingly caressing Liam's left cheek. "yet I remain burdened, as you say - for I am afraid my dear, sweet buck -"

Liam leaned into Adrian's gentle caress, his warm eyes gazing into Adrian's with a look of pure love and trust.

"Adrian, you know I would do almost anything, to love and be loved, by you. Please, stop drawing it out and tell me - I beg you."

Adrian sighed, the weight of his worries evident in the way his brow furrowed and the hesitant way he opened, and then closed his mouth. When he finally spoke, his voice was filled with such compassion and nervousness, that Liam's eyes went wide.

"Liam, my love, there's something I need... to share with you. It's been weighing heavily on my heart, ever since we first met, and I wish to face it - together - with you, the one I gave my heart and soul to."

Liam blinked, then nodded slowly, lost for words and confused, but his attentive gaze and natural warmth of personality melted the last of the ice in Adrian's heavy heart.

"I fear - the intimacy we'll share. Especially, when we become - _truly_intimate," Adrian began, choosing his words with deep consideration. "I know we're different, you a red deer and me a stallion. I can not bear the thought that I might inadvertently hurt you. That thought - terrifies me. I want our moment - our life - together, to be filled with love and pleasure, but these fears lay heavy in my mind."

He paused, looking away, his ears swishing backward, giving Liam a chance to ponder his words. Their shared apartment, the dim lighting and pleasant scented candles burning, now began to fill with a quiet tension.

"I've read and learned about our differences," Adrian murmured. "and I want to be open with you. Your well-being means everything to me, Liam. I fear that my - "

He trailed away, a quiver rippling through him before he drew a shuddering breath.

"I could unintentionally hurt you. More than anything, I want you to understand, that I understand your needs, I would seek to ensure your comfort, and to be with you - for you mean the world and the stars combined - to me..."

Adrian's eyes, filled with sincerity, met Liam's gaze. "I need you to be honest with me my love. Help me, guide me, let me understand you, what you are, and are not, comfortable with. I do not want my fears to hinder the connection between us, and I certainly would never wish to cause you any distress..."

Liam, his warm hazel eyes filled with love and warmth, listened attentively as Adrian unburdened his heart, showing his fears and vulnerabilities to his partner. He reached out, gently cupping Adrian's chin, a silent touch that was part reassurance and more a connection - of trust and certainty.

"My dear Adrian, " Liam's voice was quiet, contemplative, and thoughtful. "Your honesty touches me deeply, and I want you to know that our love, our _lives_together, is a journey we embark upon together. I am here, walking beside you into our shared future, your fears and concerns acknowledged and shared. Rest assured my love. I believe in the beauty of your gentle heart -"

Liam placed his paw gently over Adrian's chest, feeling the rhythmic beat beneath his palm.

"-- and I believe in you," Liam continued, holding Adrian's gaze. "We may be different, but I trust you with the intimacies that we will share. It's our diversity that makes our love unique and special. I've never doubted your kindness and consideration, and I don't doubt it now."

Liam's paw slid down Adrian's chest, then rested tenderly against his lower torso. A look of love and trust adorned Liam's face as he leaned in, pressing his furred lips against Adrian's. Sensations surged through Adrian's body as Liam's gentle - but insistent - touches elicited pleasure.

Breaking the kiss momentarily, Liam moved to kneel over Adrian's thighs. His paws continued their sensual caresses, and he smiled, finding comfort in the moment - his fingers slowly interlacing.

"Fear not," Liam murmured, kissing and nuzzling Adrian's shoulder, then moving to his throat with the gentle touch of a butterfly. "If you wish for us to explore and learn together - "

Adrian shuddered and swallowed, as Liam's paws sensuously moved up and down, his touch gentle and considerate, yet alluring and very pleasurable for Adrian.

"Oh...my - " Liam gasped, then leaned back slightly, then looked down, before lifting his open muzzle to look into Adrian's eyes, a timid smile on Liam's lips, before he laughed nervously.

"You wanted to know - " Adrian nickered in muted laughter.

Liam swallowed nervously, giving a delicate shiver, feeling a mixture of nervous anticipation and a growing nervousness. Adrian, sensing Liam's vulnerability, gently brought his hand up and cupped Liam's cheek, his touch a reassuring anchor to his mate - and the here and now.

"Liam - " Adrian grunted and twitched, then shuddered. "there's no need for... nervousness. We're exploring this together, and your comfort is my priority, you remember?"

Liam's nervousness subsided, his eyes wistful and showing the trust and faith he had in his stallion. Liam drew deeply of the scented candles, then exhaled quietly, his paws continuing their careful caress. Adrian shivered and Liam giggled slightly before Adrian leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Liam's forehead, a gesture of reassurance and shared love.


Liam stood in the shower, the warmth of the water soothing as he let it cascade over him. The intimate moments with Adrian had left a lingering sensation, a dance of shared emotion and trust, that lingered on the buck's skin...and fur. Liam, feeling guilty, scrubbed at his belly, chest, and even his throat, with a specialized body soap - quickly turning his fur into a rich lather of suds.

"Damn stallions - " Liam muttered, by the smirk that spread across his lips spoke the truth of his heart.

Lost in his reminiscing, he startled as he felt warm paws encircle his hips, pulling him backward and the soap bottle plucked from his quivering paws.

"I heard that," Come Adrian's gentle huff.

As he set the bottle aside, then spun Liam around and pressed him against the shower wall. The startled deer coughed and spluttered as the water danced over his ears and head.

"Naughty doe - " Adrian grinned.

Pulling his lover out of the cascade, he embraced him and began to kiss and nibble Liam's wet throat and shoulder, holding him close and firmly, the hot water sluicing down Liam's back and soaking through to his skin. Playfully, Liam returned the affections, his gentle, sticky paws sliding from Adrian's shoulders down to his hips with care and love. Their laughter echoed in the bathroom, blending with the soothing sounds of the running water.

Adrian's touch was a dance, a symphony of caresses, touches, and tenderness, that left Liam quivering and panting. He carefully washed Liam's fur, paying attention to every curve and contour, turning the usually solitary act into a sensual exploration of the now trembling buck. The air was filled with the scent of the body wash, creating an intimate atmosphere between them.

"Turn around - " Adrian growled.

Slowly, mindful of the slippery floor, Liam did so, splaying his fingers out, his hooflets clicking against the shower wall, his wet tail spraying water as it slowly swayed from side to side.

"Tempt me not, doe - " Adrian growled, kissing and nibbling along Liam's shoulder before he squirted a generous amount of the soap onto Liam's back and began scrubbing.

"Or else...what?" Liam glanced over his shoulder, his eyes half-lidded and the tip of his supple tongue poking out in a cheeky, insolent grin.

Adrian smirked, gripping Liam's tail and rubbing it vigorously between his paws, ensuring the soap penetrated, before he raked his hooflets from Liam's rump up to his shoulders with purpose and intent.

"Or else, my mischievous little deer, I might have to teach you a lesson."

His words carried a playful undertone, but the sensual touches and caresses betrayed a deeper, more passionate intention.

Liam's tail slapped wetly against Adrian's lower body, as his insolent grin grew wider.

"You wouldn't dare..." Liam playfully teased, his ears flicking.

Adrian's paws slid around Liam's hips, then lightly touched him, making Liam bleat and convulsively shiver, his wet, foam-laden tail fluffing out to double its size.

Adrian did - truly - a stallion of his word...

It didn't take long for Liam's loud, braying bleat to ring out, followed by Adrian's deeper, sniggering whicker of laughter.


Their bedroom was dimly lit, the soft flickering candles providing a restful, inviting place. Adrian and Liam lay intertwined on the bed, their bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Liam rested his head on Adrian's chest, his head turned to the side, as he sighed and quivered.

Adrian's strong, yet gentle arms encircled Liam, pulling him close. Their fur mingled as they nestled against each other, creating a sense of shared love and warmth. Liam's eyes fluttered, as he fought the urge to sleep, lulled towards it by the slow steady rhythm of Adrian's heartbeat, a comforting melody and soothing.

Adrian's hooflets traced lazy patterns on Liam's back, sending shivers down the deer's spine. They spoke not through words, but their silent communication a testament of their shared love and affection for each other. Liam, feeling the reassuring thud of Adrian's heartbeat, closed his eyes and sighed in contentment.

Adrian pressed soft kisses into the top of Liam's head, a gesture filled with tenderness and devotion. His fingers contemplatively caressed Liam's back, the gentle caresses light and intimate.

"You're the most beautiful thing in my life, Liam - " Adrian whispered, his voice filled with the depths of his emotion. "I never thought I'd find someone who completes me the way you do. Your warmth, your laughter, it's like..."

Liam was silent, and Adrian kept tenderly stroking him, waiting for words from the quivering deer - but no words came - Liam had fallen into a deep, restful sleep, lulled into slumber by Adrian's thudding heartbeat.

With a gentle snort, Adrian snickered, then plucked the candle from the bedside and with a puff of breath, blew it out and set it back down, his eyes watching the glow, his own eyes closing before the last of the candles wick faded away...