Night of the Living Fed: Clergy

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#1 of Peeka and Marvin

My collection of one shots and others, Night of the Living Fed or NOTLF, follows candy ghosts Peeka and Marvin and the various guests they receive at their abandoned candy factory. Here, they meet my exercist donk, Malakai.

"So, let me get this're here to exorcize us?" With her arm around Marvin, Peeka scrutinized the Nubian donkey standing before them.

"Yes, ma'am." He adjusted his Roman collar and cleared his throat. "Now, if you'd be so kind..." The clergyman produced an ornate black and red Bible with golden accents from behind his back and cracked it open.

"Wait a minute, honey. Malakai, was it?"

The gray equine nodded.

Marvin pushed his glasses up his long snout. "You're probably going to need the entirety of the Vatican to banish us. Not to mention, we're ghosts, not demons..."

"That does not dismiss the fact that you are a nuisance to this city. I will succeed in exorcizing your presence from this structure. Ghost stories are what draws good folk to this dark and dangerous place, and I plan to put a stop to your siren song."

"Aww, I'm flattered, cutie! But you won't silence me."

Marvin took her outstretched paw as their slime bodies began to combine. "We'll show you why you can't take us down." He hissed.

As the slime beasts grew extra limbs and tails, Malakai calmly looked down to his Bible and began to read. "In nómine Pátris, et Fílii, et Spirítus Sancti-"

The amalgamation of slime rushed forward and enveloped the donkey, obscuring his vision in a blur of orange and green.

When he could open his eyes again, Malakai was standing at the bottom of an enormous vat, his hooves scraping at the metal structure.

"Release me, spirits!" Malakai shouted up at the slimes peering over the lip of the vat.

"No can do, sweetheart." Peeka sneered down at him. "Marvin?"

"Let's do it."

As Malakai watched, the slime creatures began to drip slime down into the vat from above. The container quickly began to fill up, rising up to his hooves, his tail, and soon, his shoulders.

As the colorful sweet slime rose to his chin, Malakai had to make a decision. He couldn't swim in the thick liquid, and he wouldn't let himself sink...

I must eat!

Malakai opened his mouth and sucked the candy slime between his teeth and swallowed. The pressure built to the point where he no longer needed to swallow but let the slime simply drain down his gullet.

As he stared at the swirling mass of slime, he felt his mind beginning to slip away...

Before long, his eyes went from blue to swirling caramel and green as he began to eat mindlessly under hypnosis.

Two ghosts watched with eagerness as the donkey scooped slime candy into his maw with his eyes half lidded. He soon burst out of his vestment as his belly ass swelled rapidly with fattening slime.

"Atta boy..."


When the fog cleared from his mind, Malakai immediately felt the immense pressure in his belly. He let out a pitiful bray as his fat stomach gurgled and rumbled painfully. He hardly managed to flop over on his side and let out a few un-gentlemanlike belches, which did nothing to ease the pain.

Not only had Malakai's body plumped up, the slime had given him an overfull and aching belly.

"Ohh, my tummy...y-you -hic- fiends..."

Peeka and Marvin appeared on either side of them and leaned into his thick sides.

"Don't you friends?" Marvin smirked and wagged his tail.

"Aww, you got a tummyache?" Peeka cooed as she rubbed the donkey's large belly.

Malakai hiccuped and thrashed his tail. "You have quite overfed me..." he looked down over his rumbling belly and rubbed his hooves through the fur. He couldn't see his hind hooves over the mound.

Peeka giggled and pinched his plump rear. "It looks great on you, honey."

"Let those fat rolls and that bellyache be your warning. We aren't going anywhere, priest." Marvin flopped on the donkey's soft tummy and rolled like he was on a water bed.

"Very well...I shall -urrrrp- leave you alone....'

"Oh but do come back, chubby. We'll take care of you if you take care of us~" Peeka purred.

"...I accept. But please, do take care of this belly first..." the donkey groaned and gripped his bloated stomach.