The Feral Planet: Bestiary

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???The Feral Planet is an earthlike planet that is nearly double the size of earth. On this planet lives a divers ecosystem of plants and animals nearly identical to earths ecosystem with a few notable exceptions

1.Primates such as humans, great apes, monkeys and lemurs have not evolved and are found nowhere on the planet. In fact there are no humanoids period.

2.In addition to the creatures of modern earth there are many fantasy creatures on the Feral Planet such as dragons and griffins and unicorns.

_ Disclaimer: _

_ Future chapters of this story will contain extreme content including but not limited to: slavery, sexual slavery, rape, sexual/non-sexual torture, hard vore, scat/piss consumption, forced body modification. _

_ *Any and all fetishes may be included in future chapters. * _

_ While this story dose not technically include beastiality as there are no humans or humanoids, the story dose include explicate sex between two animals. _

If you are offended by any of these topics please click away now!!!

-The following story is a bestiary containing description of the creatures and cultures that make up the The Feral Planet. There will hopefully be many stories in set on The Feral Planet and this bestiary will give more info about the world for those who are interested. __I intend to update the bestiary as i build out the lore further so if you like what you see check back every once in a while.

The Feral Planet is an earthlike planet that is nearly double the size of earth. On this planet lives a diverse ecosystem of plants and animals nearly identical to earths ecosystem with a few notable exceptions

1.Primates such as humans, great apes, monkeys and lemurs have not evolved and are found nowhere on the planet. In fact there are no humanoids of any type.

2.In addition to the creatures of earth there are many fantasy creatures on the Feral Planet such as dragons, griffins and unicorns. However since there are no humans there are no fantasy creatures that are hybrids with humans such as centaurs, minotaurs and mermaids.

3.Many different species have achieved sapience and have formed highly diverse cultures across the planet. With some civilizations being in the stone age and others rivaling the technology level of modern man.

4.Magic is prevalent in the world and most creatures can tap into it to some degree with certain species being much more attuned to it such as dragons. This allows creatures to manipulate the world around them even without apposable thumbs or other means of fine manipulation to be able to build advanced civilizations.

The Wolves

Technology level: Iron Age

Magical aptitude: low-moderate


The Wolves are a tribal race that live in small tight nit communities they call "Packs". To the wolves these Packs are like extended families with children being raised by not only their parents but by the whole village. Most wolves would happily give their lives to defend their Packs.

They are a generally peaceful people who avoid conflict but are always prepared to defend themselves. While they are technically in the iron age they are usually considered capable of moving past their current level of technology but prefer to keep to their natural roots only developing technologies to defend themselves from the various dangers of the woods in which they live. The Wolves are well known for their ability to craft exceptional armor from nearly any material.

While the Wolves have hunters that are tasked with bringing home non-sapient prey(rabbits, fish, small birds), this dose not supply enough food to sustain their population especially in the winter. Instead they rely on trade with other races such as the Cervid Cities. Their primary export is their well renown armor which they trade for raw materials and food in the form of large quantities of insects. The wolves consider hunting sapient prey to be a serious crime as it may jeopardize the trade that is crucial to their survival. Being naturally strong, agile and loyal the wolves are also known for providing security. Many of the traders that can afford it keep a permanent staff of wolf guards. While these guards would stand little chance against the more dangerous creatures of the world such as dragons they are more than capable of dealing with any raiders or bandits.

The Cervids

Technology level: Steam Age

Magical aptitude: moderate


The Cervids are a diverse culture made up mostly of the creatures in the cervidae family(deer, moose, elk, etc.). As they became more intelligent the Cervids naturally were drawn into larger and larger groups for protection. Modernly the Cervids have a number of walled cities across the globe. These cities are considered safe havens for anyone willing to follow their strict laws. The main export of the Cervids is food. They maintain large fields of crops as food for herbivores and intricate insect hives to provide food for carnivores.

The main focus of the Cervids Culture is their military. While their shear numbers make their military a force to be reckoned with it stretches their recourse supply. This creates serious supply shortages resulting in low quality and degraded arms, armor and war machines witch severely limits their strength.

The cities themselves are impressive strongholds with towering walls encircling large swaths of land. Atop the wall are state of the art war machines, these war machines are well maintained as they are the cities last line of defense. Just inside the wall are large farms used to grow all the food needed for the city and for trade with other races. Beyond the farms is the actual city, they are mostly made up of densely packed slums with a verity of both predators and prey alike.

All sapient creatures are aloud to enter these cities as long as they do not break the law. The law is strict and is heavily enforced by the military police who have a massive presence all throughout the city. The Cervids do not maintain a prison system opting instead to simply banish any criminals. This policy tends to create more problems than it solves however as they often release dangerous criminals who form into bands of raiders and bandits that disrupt trade and make it difficult to travel.

The Dragon Empire

Technology level: Iron Age

Magical aptitude: Very High


The Dragons are have a complex hierarchical society in which an individuals charisma and strength determines there standing in society. This leads to constant feuds between individuals as they challenge one another for dominance. While most creatures think of this form of governance to be detrimental the dragons see it as advantageous since they always have the strongest members of society at the top. However The Dragon Empire has laws preventing the death of any dragon during a power feud, breaking these laws almost always results in torture and death. While these laws are well respected the dragons have a natural instinct to submit to those who are more powerful that far supersedes these laws. The Dragons have taken the same stance with all the other societies on the planet and see themselves as superior given that almost no other civilizations have been either willing or able to stand up to the dragons. The one notable exception to this is the Griffins.

The Griffins being much larger and generally much more intelligent have effectively shown their dominance over and have largely merged their society into that of the dragons. Taking what they consider to be their rightful place as leaders and scholars leaving the dragons to handle the dirty work such as war and the slave trade. The Dragons have never had any interest in contesting their role as they see the Griffins as superior and it saves them the monotony of running an empire.

The dragon empire exists solely in a region of the world called "The Spires". These spires are incredibly tall pillars of limestone topped with small forested areas. Stretching far above the clouds and surrounded by baron rocky terrain these pillars create an nearly impenetrable fortress. The Dragon empire is built entirely onto the sides of these spires. These structures are physically built into the rock and range from massive interconnected hive like structures across multiple spires to single small dragon abodes.

While the Dragon empire may not have advanced technology their strong magical knowledge makes them more than a match for any technologically advanced civilization. They are capable of imbuing objects with powerful enchantments, casting a range of spells, cursing living beings and crating potent potions.

The Dragons operate a large slave trade that is intrinsically tied to the strength of their empire. Slaves are used in nearly all aspects of day to day life, used for everything from sex to mining large quantities of ore from beneath the Spires to taking care of paperwork for their individual dragon masters. Any and all species that the dragons see as inferior to them are considered possible slaves. Slaves have no rights in The Dragon Empire and their are no laws as to how they can be treated this result in many slaves being tortured, raped and eaten alive.