Instincts of Justice Chapter 11: Stirring the Darkness

Story by Amato on SoFurry

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#11 of Instincts of Justice

I know it has been a while for me to post this but a lot has changed. I lost inspiration and got stuck at a block but now I'm back with the next installement. I meant for this to be the last chapter originally but found I need more, maybe two, to properly end it. So not entirely sure about a wat time but I promise it won't be as long as before for the next chapter. Watch for more battles and please, please! give feedback as I haven't done a battle as large as this before!!!

Karyd lay silent. As if the whole population had taken in a deep breath and was preparing for the rush of letting it out. They also bunkered down in hopes of escaping the backlash of that very breath. The streets were now empty as the sun dipped toward the horizon beginning its slow descent for the afternoon. A cool breeze went unnoticed through the city, blowing hanging signs and trash about. Some doors creaked as they swung open and closed in the breeze creating a chorus of eerie noises.

Unseen and unnoticed, several meetings were taking place in the bowels of the city where each party thought themselves safest. Little did any of them know that even the deepest, darkest crevice in the city would not be safe in the coming hours. Those that had fled the city before the tension served to seal it had been lucky. They had escaped the tension and expected carnage into the unknown. Those still inside the city were now trapped. Trapped by the walls around then and the gates now forcibly barricaded, trapped by their own ambitions, trapped by their instincts, or trapped by their own fears. The reasons made no difference; they were all in the path of the coming firestorm.

In a small bedroom in a nondescript home Gurda the bunnywife conversed with a ferret gypsy. A badly injured squirrel lay covered in the softest blanket they could find. Her fur lay matted with blood from numerous wounds and the blanket caused her agony on her raw skin. The gypsy female had laid her herbs out on the table and was shaking her head. Minor scratches and sprains were one thing, this case would put all of her limited medicinal training to the test. Still the gypsy was determined not to disappoint her long time bunnywife friend.

In the largest and most popular inn of Karyd, the Fiery Fist, the newly appointed leaders of the common citizenry met to find a way to turn a rebellious riot into a revolution. The movement was not a newly formed idea. The Freedom Fighters had been a part of an underground movement for some time now. Only with recent events were they able to fully organize. Now though their numbers swelled and encompassed most of the common citizenry. Here Jazelle the vixen helped to guide and encourage ideas helpful to their cause while discouraging others that could potentially lead to their own downfall. The newly organized Freedom Fighters had collectively elected the creatures that now occupied the inn's common room. There were seven of them in all. There was a blacksmith bear, two innkeepers, one of which owned the inn they met at, a rat bartender, a frog merchant, a docking inspector, and of course Jazelle.

Most had trouble dealing with the newfound power and some like the blacksmith had not wanted it. The frog would have enjoyed it had it been under different circumstances and the inn keepers just wanted this whole thing to end so business would come back. The vixen carefully and subtly directed them to a conclusion. They all agreed that justice must be done so they unanimously decided to storm the Council Chambers while the Council was still in session that evening.

At the docks several foreign ships had docked next to one another. In the cabin of the largest one the captains of the ships all met in more tense and paranoid conditions. Each one suspected the others of betrayal and foul play at any and all moments. Paws were all dangerously close to cutlasses and daggers. Each captain wore a different type of garb than each other, and each seemed more colorful than the last. Rings and jewels hung wherever there was space to hang them.

Here the otter Skein led the proceedings for the meeting he had called. The pirates were arguing over what was the best course of action. Some wanted to attack the wounded city for the loot. Others wanted to side with one division or another, whichever side was winning and reap the rewards. Still more thought the city wasn't worth the trouble.

Skein steered the heated debate towards favoring the winning side, then he had to keep it on course by making the captains believe the side he wanted to win was winning. It was not an easy task but his formidable reputation with the pirates was enough to cow them into submission.

At the Guard's main barracks near the center of the city the officers were also preparing. Maps and papers littered the table as plans were laid out with precision and back-up plans. The wolf captain Kyra and Sergeant Goze ruled over the events as they were meant to be. They were however planning the downfall of the very governmental body that put them together. Escape routes, safety zones, ambushes, and assaults were brainstormed and tested. Some were discarded while others were further developed. Time was short and they would have to make their move very soon. Orders were relayed all over the city and most of the Guard were surprised and concerned at the first and immediate action they were expected to follow. Each member however still complied with their orders swiftly, they trusted their leadership, they had to.

Some of the soldiers had gawked at their Captain's late return but others had not been surprised as this was not the first time their over vigilant leader had taken a leave of absence to pursue justice. Goze himself wouldn't admit it but her absence had deeply troubled him. He always worried about her on these outings of hers but now more than ever due to the situation. He had had some hot words for her, privately of course, but overall he was overjoyed that she was safe. Telling her so would have insulted her on some level though so he kept that to himself, even if she could still see the relief in his body language.

Deep within the hidden sanctum of the assassin's guild a challenge was assessed. A letter had been discovered in the head master's chambers. This was enough reason to dispose of the intruder but the letter had a direct challenge to the entire guild. This could not be allowed. The leading assassins convened and plotted the death of this overly bold creature. Even though their numbers had declined recently they still had strength. One rat brought his suspicion to all their attention. Perhaps this letter was from the ninja who had so recently displaced their poison expert and many other skilled assassins lately.

If this was so tonight they would have their revenge. One does not anger the assassin's guild and simply walk away. They had already planned on sending their best blades to deal with this strange ninja but now with the challenge issued they would go personally. The headmaster himself, a small coyote with no name, would strike the killing blow.

Of the rest of the underground, a collection of bandits, cutthroats, informants, and unwanteds, there was no meeting. They were all only loosely tied together anyway. Any one creature would sell out the others to whatever side for their own gain. The movement was split several ways. Those that sided with either side tried to disguise it and gain information on the other side. Some aspired to be double agents and selling information to both sides and still others went to ground to wait it out.

Outside the city there was yet another faction that had yet to enter the fray. The slight and brief swaying of foliage and the dark eyes under the shadows looking to the city walls was all that betrayed their presence. Out on a rescue mission and looking for blood, nothing could deter them from their long and arduous quest which now looked to be near its end.

Finally inside the Council chambers the Council of Elders was holding a very important emergency session. The soldiers at the door were not of the City Guard but part of the High Elders' personal guards. The mood was tense and paranoid. To try and take the edge off, a few minor subjects were discussed and agreed upon. Then came the main topic and problem.

"Now then on to the problem with the citizens and the Guard," started High Elder Draught from the High Elder's platform above the main body of Councilors. The old dragon stood in silence as no voices responded.

That is until Brunin, the fat weasel next to Draught, stood up. "Brothers, I believe I have a solution."

"The Council recognizes High Elder Brunin," toned Draught as he sat down.

"The citizens call for the downfall of the Guard, we all know this, the riots turning against them grow worse daily. However without the Guard we have no protection. The city could be overrun by our neighbors, thieves and scoundrels will have free reign of the streets, chaos would rule! We cannot allow this to come to pass. We cannot also allow the citizens to brawl with the Guard either. So, long have I thought on this and I have come up with what I believe is a suitable direction."

The silence of the room had many Councilors nervous while Brunin's words had others leaning forward in their seats. For drama's sake he held the pause, drawing it out longer. "We need a force to police the city yet to the public this is what they fear. So we need a force that is on a tighter leash, one that we control entirely, even down to the smallest detail. The Guard is too autonomous and that is dangerous. Therefore I have arranged such force as to not only outnumber the Guard but rule and bring peace to our city once again!"

More than a few gasps were heard and Brunin marked them well. One bold Councilor stood and was recognized. The coyote said, "How is this possible? We have heard of no such force. We would not be indebted to another city for the use of its military! What do you propose to do with the Guard as well?"

A few heads nodded in agreement, these were all valid concerns that needed to be addressed. Brunin inwardly planned exactly how to deal with the meddling coyote later but outwardly he was calm and composed. "We will not be using another military, instead we have a new and better one of our own. Trained and controllable this force will... compel the Guard to dismantle and those we deem too dangerous will be forced from the city or arrested. I am confident the citizens will accept our new force with ease."

"I call for a vote!" called another Councilor and it was met by a chorus of 'aye's.

The weasel had seen this coming and had planned appropriately. The vote was cast and easily was turned in favor of the new force, no surprise to the devious weasel as he had made sure to bribe or convince a close majority of the Council to his side earlier. Another Councilor stood and called for another vote, this one to nominate the High Elder Brunin to personally take control of the force. High Elder Draught was appalled and started to speak but High Elder Binte spoke up first. "I agree. The High Elder was the one to put them together and so has more intimate knowledge of this force. Therefore I concur with this sentiment. However we must still vote on this matter to ensure it is agreed upon."

The Councilors in league with these two High Elders all agreed heartily and when the vote was cast the outcome was tied. Therefore the High Elders were called to break the tie. High Elder Draught voted against but the other two voted in favor and so to the ancient dragon's despair the weasel was put in charge of the new police force personally. After this vote the other half of the Council that voted against stood completely silent knowing full well what was happening. No voices were raised against Brunin. Not a creature brought up the concerns over rumors in the streets of Brunin. Not even High Elder Draught dared to publically denounce the other High Elders.

So it was that 'Karyd's Fist' was revealed to the Councilors. A company of uniformed soldiers marched into the Chambers led by Rostern the lion slavemaster with his left ear stump in a white bandage. They were a rag-tag bunch come together for many different reasons, some were mercenaries looking for more coin, others were slaves brought from abroad looking for freedom, some soldiers from different cities looking for better conditions, ambitious folk looking for glory. All of the new soldiers finding some reason to side with Brunin for their own personal gain while they ignored the plights and problems of others. They were dangerous and trained and loyal to the evil lion and his boss. They took up the positions of the private guards at the doors of the Council Chambers and all around the Council Building.

All around the city hundreds of the new soldiers crept from secret entrances to take up strategic points while still remaining hidden for the moment given their orders to move from runners at the Council meeting. They were promised so much and only through service could they attain such greatness. Soon they would receive their orders and begin to round up dissenters and armed Guard members to bring them to justice. The force far outnumbered the City Guard though they did not have the extensive training and experience of their predecessors. Rostern was proud of his new legion of soldiers even if Brunin had a few doubts about moving to the final solution earlier than planned.

Other matters in the Council meeting were discussed, mainly pertaining to the new force, but the main worries of the Council were over. Now half of them worried over the new threat while the other half left their worries behind them as they knew tonight the Guard would be relieved of duty, permanently.

As the afternoon progressed and the sun began its long descent, word and orders were passed to nearly every creature in the city. The first to move were the common citizens. They took to the streets en masse and marched to the Council Chambers, flooding the streets, every one of them armed. At first some of the Guard, watching hidden from their safe houses, thought they were about to be overrun, despite what their orders had said.

Instead the people marched past the Guard's main barracks and on to surround the Council Building. Not entering they stood there, to the confusion of the soldiers of Karyd's Fist who stood staring at hundreds of creatures in an armed mob. Then the seven leaders of the Freedom Fighters stepped forth.

The large bear spoke in his deep booming voice. "We, the Freedom Fighters of Karyd demand to be heard. We the people of this city hereby denounce their leadership for neglect and conspiracy. No longer will we tolerate their totalitarian rule that has weaseled its way into our city as an infection. We demand all Councilors to step down and relinquish their powers immediately!"

The mercenary soldiers sent runners into the building to fetch more forces and inform the Council as they readied their own weapons. The crowd waited in silence with farm implements, makeshift weapons, and old and rusty swords. This was their time, now that they could see the end they were patient.

Moments later Rostern with his dark mane waving in the breeze rushed out of the doors with the rest of his available soldiers still outnumbered but better armed and trained, then the High Elders of the Council and a thin orange cat followed. Taking stock of the situation Rostern had to restrain himself from laughing out loud. Brunin was more conservative, with the citizens turning against the Council, or more appropriately him, like this he would have to work hard to bring about the gradual change he wanted more abruptly.

Raising his arms above his head to speak, Brunin recited, "Good people! Hear me! The Council has heard your pleas and has not turned a deaf ear to your struggle. Just this night we have decided on a course of action laid out to protect you and solve your dilemma. No longer will you have to fear arrest or harm at the hands of the guilty." He paused and smiled. "We have all agreed that there has been a festering wound of corruption in our fair city. One that would debilitate us and keep our city from becoming as great as it could be. The Council has decided that no longer shall the City Guard go unpunished. They are no longer in authority here and are to be disbanded. However fear not for Karyd's safety. We have brought forth a new force that shall be the ultimate defense against tyranny and corruption, one that shall keep us all safe and protected." He waved a paw at the guards of the City Hall. "Even now they take up their positions and soon the Guard will quietly be disassembled completely."

The citizens stood stone faced after the speech which Brunin thought quite clever for being thought up in such haste. The reaction however was not one he anticipated. The crowd simply stood, weapons still held, no cheering, no happiness, no relief. Only silence and sour faces turned in his direction. Rostern almost snorted, this rabble could do nothing to challenge the Fist anyhow. He should be allowed to chase off these dissenters for good.

The sound of marching came in the unsettling silence. Behind the mob came more armed and dangerous creatures. From all around on the main streets the forces of the City Guard marched. They had assembled from all over the city in secret to rendezvous points close to the Council Chambers. Many Guard stations now only held decoys by the windows or were empty and many of the Guard were out of uniform or had heavy cloaks which they now had shed for the march. They now held swords and shields ready for battle. The mob parted for them uneasily but without incident. The entirety of the Guard emerged for the larger group of citizens and took up ranks in front of them surrounding the mercenary soldiers and the Coucil members.

Kyra herself had taken up position in front of Rostern and Brunin with Sergeant Goze beside her. The mercenaries now looked upon a better trained force who outnumbered them since most of their numbers were scattered in the city waiting to attack Guard stations or hold key points of the city. The wolfess called out to their foes, "Enemies of Karyd, lay down your weapons and surrender to face true justice and you will be spared. Fight for tyranny and you will be annihilated!"

Standing behind his ranks of soldiers Brunin carefully whispered to his secretary. "Slip out of here and bring my army to me! He hissed. The small orange cat nodded quickly and slunk away using every bit of cover he could to rush to a secret entrance to the caves under the city. He was not alone in his fear many Council members, the other two High Elders among them, hurried into the Council Chambers again not wanting to be in the way of the bloodshed they thought would erupt at any moment. Rostern the lion however held strong and calmed himself. He had faith the rest of his forces would be on their way quickly after seeing very curious sights such as the riots or the Guard marching down the street and send word to others farther out of the proceedings going on near the center or the city. They would be able to swarm over the area and come in from behind to attack.

He took charge quickly and countered, "You Captain, and your band of outdated fools, have proven that you cannot keep the peace. Your ranks are useless and cowardly. You are of no more use to Karyd. You are to disperse and disassemble the Guard or face our justice!" He made no move to attack nor to follow through with his words. He merely stood there amongst his own ready soldiers staring down Kyra paws on his hips.

He's stalling for time, she thought. Or he wants us to attack first. That would be a grave thing to be seen as the aggressors yet again when it took so much to let the city see them as more. He wants us to make a mistake. They were at a standstill and it seemed there was nothing to do. Kyra racked her brain for some way to end this. "That's easy to say while standing behind your slaves, at your beck and call, licking your boots for your favor you pox-faced privateer."

The large lion growled and gritted his teeth but held his ground trying to stay calm. "You insignificant blood thirsty biscuit weevil! Your war mongering tactics and behavior will be tolerated here no longer!"

"The way I see it, you grog-snarfing swab of a rotten dullard, your filthy bow legged thieving grommets are the only ones dealing out war and blood," Kyra fired back loudly.

Squinty his reddening eyes in anger Rostern was having trouble controlling himself. This female thought she was his equal as to address him in such a manner. More growls from his mercenaries could be heard now as they kept their fury barely in check at the too bold Captain's words. "You yellow bellied flea ridden scoundrel! Your words are as addled and hate filled as your entire command. Those clouted fool-born dewberries couldn't hold this water with a bowl much less this keep the city held together."

The clever wolf was easily keeping pace and watching the crowd increasingly enraged mercenaries snarling at her own calm and steady soldiers and smiling inwardly. Her Guard was ever watchful as well catching onto the scene and standing at the ready for battle. "At least we hold ourselves together with rigid discipline and loyalty unlike your band of weedy hedge-born wagtails. What's the matter eh? Not enough pitiful and weakened slaves to bully and harass anymore? Or have they finally overwhelmed your mewling paw licking louts? Their scurvy ridden, carcass faced, mangled, infectious, earth vexing mugs are the only reason the slaves haven't torn their cankerous motley-minded fen sucked hides apart!" Kyra was practically yelling at them by the end and her words easily had the desired effect on the band of miscreants.

With whoops and hollers the mercenary band screamed their ferocious rage at the cool and deadly calm Guard. Rostern himself had lost himself and was fuming and finally rising to the bait. Brunin could see this and tell that this battle was lost. He knew bloodshed was coming and quietly ducked away from the commotion as the crowds were distracted. Hoisting their weapons, Rostern included, his mercenaries charged forth at the wall of deadly steel of the Guards own swords. The brewing war had finally boiled over and begun at last in the early evening's fading light.

Kyra and the badger sergeant Goze stood side by side in the ranks and with practiced precision the Guard fought back blocking wild and dangerous swords, axes, knifes, and maces on a sturdy wall of sheilds, swinging their own swords into holes and gaps in their opponents defenses. Beasts fell across the grounds before the City Hall spilling precious blood onto the stones and staining them crimson. Steel flashed in the dimming sunlight and cries of rage and pain echoed off the nearby buildings. The crowd of civilians around the battle stood astonished at the violence though some watched in stony silence as the Guard's training meshed with the wild rabble of mercenaries. The numbers were close to even and the Guard was proving their worth as more mercenaries were cut down.

A scarred and rugged rat charged at the line of Guards screeching with his rapier poised to strike at Goze. The badger reacted quickly batting the enemy's weapon down before slashing upwards opening a large cut under his arm. He used the rat's momentum to trip him and send him into two more blades of the two Guards behind him. Next to him Goze saw a coyote guard fall to the crushing blow of a lizard's mace. His helmet caved in as he died with a sickening squelch, his body crumpling to the ground. Goze avenged his comrade slicing his sword up cutting the scales of the lizards arms making him drop the weapon before recoiling in pain. Another swipe and the lizard fell back, blood spurting from the gash in his throat.

Elsewhere in the line a rabbit guard took a cut to his cheek just having barely dodged the oncoming sword. His own sword clanged against the offending steel as it tried another thrust leaving the snarling dog open to attack from his friend standing next to him. Taking advantage of the opportunity the otter swiped and wounded the mercenary. Working in unison and cooperation the guard was slowly driving the mercenaries back. Some parts the guard's defenses were not having as good of luck.

A large roaring bear in a huge uniform was smashing his axe against many swords and shields battering them away or out of the guard's paws. He took slashes and cuts and was bleeding in many places but his wrath was not to be quelled and he fought on holding his ground fiercely.

The seven leaders of the Freedom Fighters looked on at the grizzly scene as blood ran freely in the streets of their city. The bear hefted his club a grim look on his face. He turned to the other leaders and nodded, each one had different reactions to the death in front of them. Jazelle was gritting her teeth keeping her cool just barely, the merchant frog was horrified, the rat had his face set and ready having seen his fair share of bar fights. The dock inspector only slightly used to pirates gasped at the carnage he saw, and the innkeepers both had different expressions. The one that owned the Drowned Dodger was shaking in slight fear while the marten that owned the Fiery Fist was calm and collected. They all looked to him taking in his solemn look and took some bit of the courage and determination they saw there.

As he looked over the crowd behind him he saw another disturbing sight. More mercenaries were rushing through the streets at their rear! "'Ey up! More bogies behind us! Turn and hold them off! Save the city!" he roared out and every creature around him turned and paled a moment but quickly set themselves and rushed out to meet the new threat with whatever weapon or implement they had at paw. They cried out and smashed against the coming enemies fighting sword with club, axe with knife, and mace with rocks. Anything the poor citizens could hold became a weapon against the sharpened steel of the lethal hired killers.

They fought with as much courage and willpower as the Guard had and surprised the murdering band, stopping the onslaught momentarily. Clubs and rocks smashed paws and sometimes heads, any part of the foebeasts that could be reached. One ferret threw a rock into the lines and knocked a mouse out cold watching him fall under a chair leg hefted by another civilian for good measure. A raccoon jumped and dodged the steel blade of another mercenary taking a cut on his upper arm before getting behind a particularly desperate swing to grab the attacker's arm and pulling him back twisting the paw and taking the sword while a mare quickly brought a stone down on the mercenaries head.

Some of the band of rogues however were not as surprised and used their superior weaponry to deal out more death. One otter quickly split a wooden club under the weight of his spear and thrust the blade into the belly of the civilian holder who recoiled and screamed in horror. Soon the mercenaries fought back harder their surprise fading quickly. They pressed forward with their blades leading and overcoming the wood and rock and pilfered or rusty weapons driving the civilians back. Many turned and fled while others tried desperately to hold off the assault. The bear leader having more of a cool head saw the turn of events and quickly acted with his booming voice carrying over the Freedom Fighters. "Turn to the alleys and buildings hold them off there! Back off and don't panic! Back off!"

The riot dispersed and separated quickly disappearing down darkened back alleys and into doorways seeming to melt away, some in fear and panic, others slowly backing away and holding the mercenaries from running forward and taking out easy targets. Some still were able to run down fear stricken civilians and slaughter them as groups of them fled as soon as they heard the order. With the lines cleared the mercenaries having no apparent leader of the whole mass also ran into alleys and buildings chasing the Fighters. A few smaller groups had their own chieftains that pushed them forward to their fighting colleagues.

In the alleys cries and the ringing of steel clashing started as the Freedom Fighters tried to hold of the attackers and flee. In windows they threw rocks and wood upon the mercenaries in the streets. Homes and inns became battle grounds as the civilians fled and the mercenaries ransacked them in their chase. In a shop three young civilian males held wooden sticks as staves keeping the group of enemies from entering the door. They battled and struck out knocking paws and chests and anything else they could reach. The killers snarled and growled striking the wood with their swords until finally one staff broke and splintered shocking the wielder as he took a sword thrust between his ribs. The other two fell quickly and were butchered mercilessly in the blooded shop. A female holding her pup screamed in panic and ran from a home while the last of its defenders were murdered and the killers rushed out after her jeering and laughing.

In another alley a young pup ran out of breath into a stone building with another group of mercenaries on his tail who ran fool heartedly into the now raised sharpened sticks held by the defenders of the home. They held off those behind the ones they had just slain and forced them back quickly closing the door and barricading it with any piece of furniture they could. Close by the city square some of the civilians had obtained bows and a few quivers of arrows and began sharpshooting at any unfortunate enemy within bowshot. Making a small safer area that more Fighters took refuge and respite.

The Guard having been alerted to the new threat at their rear had turned outward as fighting began on both sides of them now. Seeing they were flanked Kyra turned to hold the rear and direct support as Goze fought on keeping the front forces together no longer pushing forward but now holding them off. The tide had turned against them now as fresh reinforcements joined their enemies. They fought on bravely and still held off as night set upon the battle field where the fight showed no sign of slowing. Kyra shouted orders and swung her sword fighting valiantly helping the two beside her hold off the new mercenaries in front of them. The officers also kept eyes to folding areas of defense and quickly sent more troops to hold the lines as more areas faltered. The guard was starting to lag from constant fighting and unending supply of mercenaries.

Everyone knew if the lines broke complete chaos would reign and the Guard would stand less of a chance against the angry armed forces. Rostern himself having worn out his rage and now stood watching the battle and resting smiled to himself at the sight. He urged on his fellows with violence and curses promising victory at last. More bodies fell on both sides though now the gap between the Guard's casualties and Rostern's was closing fast. It was only a matter of time before Kyra would die, he thought. Even more of his forces were starting to join the fray seeing a great opportunity to rid the city of its defenders. More came from farther and farther out in the city as they got news of the fighting adding more fresh steel to the battle.

Near the docks a particularly large force of Karyd's Fist ran towards the city center only to be stopped by a fairly large throng of pirates milling about and talking in the now dark street. They seemed to be only waiting and conversing further some even arguing though when the mercenaries showed up all talk stopped. There were several ships' crews present and their Captains scowled and split up from their own discussion to rejoin the crews for safety from treachery and to better pass orders to their crews.

The leader of the Fist's members came forward and growled at the pirates. He was a stocky weasel with a missing front tooth clad in their dark leather uniform. "Ya seafaring bed-ragged scum. What're ya doin' round here eh? The fights in the city or have ya gotter clean the gunk in yore ears out first? Heh, shoulda 'specting you sea-rats to be lily-livered. First ya shirk your duties with the slaves then ya sit round prancing and in yore skirts. C'mon ya lot get outta the way, if'n ya won't fight for the prize means more for us'ns."

The pirates all looked around at each other scowling. Not all were in agreement of the plans that had been given them and most saw no profit for themselves. Now with the mercenaries before them, moods were changing. A small ship Captain scowled and stood forth brandishing his cutlass. "Why ye treacherous hammock hoggin' gut ache! I'll have yer guts fer garters after I shove me cutlass through yer thick hide ye mermaid marrying bilge swiller! No one talks ter us that way an' lives, right boys!" His crew roared out their approval as did many other pirates.

The confidant Fist leader scoffed and placing his paws to his hips glared at them. "And just what do ya intend to do 'bout it split nose? Ya'd have half the Fist turned out to finish ya off on the morrow. Now shove off and take note of real warriors afore ya sees us in real action."

Another pirate Captain in flourished and flowery clothes and a wig had had enough as well he calmly stepped forward and drew his rapier, his crew taking note quickly did the same. "Righty oh, you tossers want a jolly good scrap, so be it. Lads lets show these arrogant wankers just who they are dealing with, wot!" As if on cue the other crews quickly roared their approval as every pirate took on the charge and rushed the astonished mercenaries. The pirates and mercenaries clashed using many of the same methods and actions, as a lot of the mercenaries had been pirates at one time.

There were no real lines in this battle as every beast scattered in an attempt to kill as many beasts as they could. Captain's kept a close eye out and held together a few of their most trusted crew members, which wasn't saying much. Other members went into mad fits or berserk rages slaying all in their path. Some laughed heartily thoroughly enjoying spilling the blood of their enemies. The pirates' ferocity outclassed the reeling mercenaries and quickly put them to flight.

Now set in their actions and plans the pirates finally began following their given orders and as one rounded toward the City Hall in order to take up the fight that had been started. The leaders held their crews together now as they ran forward, their blood on fire from the battle and promise of more bloodshed. They were a terrifying sight as they brandished their weapons yelling curses and promises of death before them. Civilians fled and hid watching the scene hoping that what they had recently heard of these pirates was true. At the least most thought that they would all sail off or stay away from the fighting on either side. At most some thought that they would help to save the city but most doubted this view. Seeing the marauding pirates rushing down the streets crushed many of those thoughts and brought fear and worry to those that witnessed the creatures that witnessed the sight.

At last they came to the open battle ground and saw the sight of the besieged Guard. Not stopping their rush they instead rushed faster seeing death and blood ahead and lavishing it. Each crew kept together and to themselves as they crashed upon the rear of the mercenaries like a wave too fast for any kind of warning. Many foes were slain in the first crash but soon the Fist became aware of the threat too late to stop their advance. Many crews pushed forward like a spearhead driving deep into the troops slaying and slashing everything in their path, even simply trampling over the enemy.

Kyra and Goze let out a breath of relief hearing fighting behind the Karyd's Fist soldiers but kept themselves and their troops battling hard. Their morale rose with the sounds of their foes cries and shouts of panic and pain. Something had turned the mercenaries attention and now all forces in the square were fighting for their lives. The pirates deep in the mob of enemies were fresh and in their element of death and destruction, the mercenaries fought to keep from losing any more ground, and the Guard now seeing hope rose to the challenge with determination that made even Kyra proud.

Even Rostern felt a shiver as this once simple battle took a hard new twist, he needed to act to keep his command going now and joined the fray against the pirates. The civilians even saw the turn from the buildings overlooking the battle and kept up a barrage of rocks and arrows raining death onto the Fist who fought back just as aggressively against their hated opponents.

The addition of new troops on both sides promised that this war would not be over quickly or easily. Blood flowed in the gutters and drains, bodies piled up and wounded were left neglected in the heat of battle. The night sky was clear and the stars bearing witness to the horrid scene of carnage in the distressed city below. The change that all had felt coming was happening and it was being paid for with blood.

Meanwhile two shadows that had helped shine light on the coming tyranny lurked in the passages of the underground tunnels discovering new things that could prove very useful to them in a very short while. The challenge issued would soon be decided this night and a scored would be settled.