Chapter 7- New Experiences

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#7 of Mom & Mum

That night, there were no dreams. Not a single thought could appear in my mind during my hibernation. That's honestly what it felt like. But, unfortunately, my sleep had to be disturbed by an awful beep. The awful beeping of my alarm. Oh, for fuck's sake...

You know how your body feels after an intense workout? Add extra pain to the thighs and then multiply it all by ten: that's my body at this moment. The pain I had in my legs was only slightly greater than that one time I tried to beat Debbie in a race. She's surprisingly fast for how much junk she has in the trunk. Damn cheetahs... Anyway, I strained myself to sit up. My eyes were sealed shut, but I tried to pull my mothers in for a hug. The time we had last night, oh boy was that fucking heaven. If I go to heaven when I die, it'll be an extreme disappointment, cuz nothing could ever possibly top the experience we shared last night. I extended my arms, but they did not meet anything. I pried open my crusty eyes with my fingers and saw the unfortunate sight: my mothers were not in the bed with me.

I weakly cried out to them, trying to say something like "Hey, are my sexy babes awake?" But nothing came out of my throat. Desperately, I laid back down and rolled to my left until I fell out of the bed with a painful thump. I had to hold onto the dresser so I could pull myself up, as my legs just wouldn't fucking work. "C'mon, you little shits!" I attempted to yell at them, forgetting that my voice was non-existent. "You got an exam to get to!" Somehow, I managed to get up. I wobbled my way back to my bedroom and got my towel. Once I got into the shower, all I wanted to do was sleep. The hot water soothed the aches in my back and legs. Especially my dick. Lemme tell ya, cumming twice in the span of a couple of hours is one thing; cumming four times within one hour is murder.

The shower came to an unfortunate end and I dried myself off in my room. I really needed it. I've become so used to the smell of my parents' cum that I wouldn't even be able to tell if I was covered in it. But it was a wise decision to scrape away the scent of love juice so as to not gain unnecessary attention at school. After changing, I practically rolled myself downstairs and into the kitchen. Once again, I gave out a low-energy call. "Stacy? Morgan? Any of y'all home?" Once again, to no avail. I shrugged and grabbed myself a bowl of cereal. I fell into my chair and began eating as thoughts from last night came flooding into my mind. I quickly grew erect again. Man, I just wish I didn't have to go to school. If I could spend the rest of the day here with Mom & Mum, my day would be made.

Then I started getting that feeling. You know the one; you can't see, hear, taste, feel, or smell somebody in the same room as you, but you know for a fact they're there. I checked all around the dining room, but I couldn't see them. Eh, whatever. I went back to my bowl of cereal and was shocked that I still couldn't get their taste out of my mouth. God, they were so good! I doubt it's possible to survive on pussy juice, but if it was, you bet your left nut I'd be doing nothing but eating Mom & Mum out for the rest of my life.

Wait, what am I saying? I was gonna be doing that, anyway!

A sudden sound made my ears stand on edge. The not-so-alone feeling I was getting earlier came back, and now it actually spooked me. I put my spoon down into my bowl and turned my head to the left. Nothing. I turned to the right and saw nothing there as well. "Anybody home?" I called out. The echo I'd usually hear in the dining room wasn't there this morning, but it didn't get to me. What got to me was the hand that wrapped around my head and covered my eyes, scaring the shit out of me.

"Oh, Jesus Christ, guys," I sighed, feeling like my lifespan just lost a full year. I couldn't see anything, but the darkness had the slightest tinge of red to it, so I figured it was Morgan. "Hey there, sexy boy." I heard her say in a risqué tone. The hand was taken off my eyes and was soon replaced with tits. Large tits. I think they were Stacy's. She giggled happily. "Hehe, how's our handsome man doing? Sleep well?" Still blinded, I waved my hands around, trying to find something to grab. I ended up grabbing onto Morgan's rack, who was standing just behind her wife. What an interesting little situation this is.

I moved my head back a little so I could look up at Stacy's face. My heart stopped when I saw her. There were paw-prints on her face, and I could see faint lines of makeup-induced tear marks under her eyes. I gulped and paused awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Morgan butted in, though, saving me. "Well I, for one, slept like a baby." She put a hand on Mom's shoulder and moved her aside and kneeled down to eye level with me. Her cheekbones were littered with slap marks, too. And her fur was incredibly ragged. "After all, it's hard not to sleep well when all of your energy is taken out of you." Morgan then rose up a little and sucked air through her fangs. She approached my right ear and whispered hauntingly to me. "Or rather, fucked out of you~"

I started sweating nervously. "Yeah, you can say that again," Stacy said immediately after. Her face also looked very battered. I started to feel bad. Did I go too hard on them last night? _I felt really awful about it. Morgan could sense my distress. "What's wrong, Master? Something troubling you?" My dick hopped up like a kangaroo. _Why do you have to call me Master? I didn't know how to start, so I just kept quiet. Stacy extended her arm and grabbed my chin. She raised my face and immediately stuck her tongue into my mouth. I pulled away with dissatisfaction.

"Jackie, what's the problem? Are you okay, sexy?" A look of concern took over her luscious complexion. "It's..." I still couldn't put it in words. "Well, lemme ask you guys something." They looked at each other for a second and then back to me with inquisitive faces. "Go on," they both said. I took a big inhale, unsure of whether or not this question would upset them.

"Did I go too hard on you guys last night?" It felt really weird to say for some reason, but it was a genuine question. The lovemaking we did felt amazing at the moment, but seeing the effects of it on their sexy bodies was almost too much to handle. Every bruise that traced their delicious curves rammed into my heart like a truck. Morgan now moved up closer to me. She took my face into her hand and brushed her head into mine. Stacy mimicked her motions, too. I couldn't help but start purring, though I didn't want to. I felt like I wanted to cry, but it wouldn't come out. "Aw, babe. It's okay." Morgan started petting my hair. Stacy chimed in. "Yeah, Jackie, it's totally fine. You have no idea how good you were last night."

I sniffled a little. "Y-you mean you're not hurt?" Stacy took a hold of my chin yet again and brought me to her face. "Jackie, if you did something we didn't want, we'd tell you. What you did last night... it was the best fucking night of my life!" What. "I can agree," Morgan purred, slowly moving her hand down my shirt. I was beyond confused. Did they not know what I did to them last night? They're so bruised! How are they okay with that?!

"I didn't hurt you guys?" Mom knelt down, too, and then looked me in the eyes passionately. She then gave a light giggle and cupped her breasts. "Oh, it fuckin' hurt all right. But I loved every single second of it. And I know Morgan did, too." She followed suit and cupped her tits as well, giving the sexiest face she could. They both raised themselves to my ears, their purrs almost deafening. "We love you, Jackie. Nothing you do will ever get in the way of that."

I couldn't help myself. I leaped from my chair and practically ripped off my shorts, revealing my painful erection. My sexy mothers started drooling again. I took them both by the hands and led them to the couch and pushed them down. They plopped onto the sofa with sexy laughs and squeals. "Haha! Stacy, I think we let the monster out!" Morgan called out happily. I moved Morgan towards one arm of the couch with her legs spread, meanwhile positioning Stacy's head at her cunt, with the blue kitty's ass in the air. Stacy bit her lip and teased me with a moan. "Hun, the only monster here is that amazing cock our son has!"

I blushed profusely and giggled a little. "You guys make me so happy; you know that?" They were both staring at my cock, salivating. "You make us happy, too, Jackie," Morgan said. Stacy started licking Mum's delicious pussy, but paused for a second. "Just stick to my pussy for right now; my ass is pretty sore from the amazing punishment you gave it." _Fine by me, darling. _It feels good to know that I have satisfied them so greatly. I looked at the clock above the TV. It's 7:15, and my first class starts at 8.

I've got time.

Immediately, I pounced my face onto Stacy's marinated pussy. How these girls get wet so quickly, I'll never understand. I work my tongue into her with little resistance. She trembled between my teeth and cried out lovingly into her wife's pussy. It didn't take Stacy too long to cum, as she was most likely still very sensitive from earlier. I didn't even have to use my fingers. Stacy was making hard work on Morgan's pussy as well, and sooner than later, she too came. Her juice sprayed all over Mom's face and back, and she gave a sexy moan while licking it off herself. "Mmm, still delicious as always, babe," Stacy said. I could totally agree. If my mothers' cum was all I had to live on, I'd be one happy guy.

"Yeah, well, I need a taste as well. C'mere, you." Morgan lifted her lover off the sofa and laid underneath her, 69-ing. "Alright, Mr. Big Dick," Morgan began. Stacy started getting wet again. "Bring it!" I shoved my dick into her entrance in no time, while my red-colored cutie was licking my balls and tracing her hands over my ass. I started out slow; not only because we were all sore, but because I wanted it to last. Out of nowhere, Morgan moved forwards and started licking my ass.

"Uh, babe? What... are you... doing?" I asked her in between huffs. Stacy was going mental in pleasure and got wetter by the second. We're really gonna have to clean this couch later. Morgan pulled her head towards the side and looked at me. "Huh? I'm just having a little fun. Don't like it?" Not particularly, but if she wanted to try it, I didn't mind. As long as she doesn't put anything up there... "I mean, I don't hate it. If you... wanna keep... going... go ahead." It may have been helping, as my climax was approaching sooner than expected.

Morgan gave me a luscious tap on the rear and continued licking. It was so weird. Did... did I like it? Suddenly, Mum stuck her tongue into me. _Oh God! _I came in an instant, with Stacy's orgasmic fanfare helping send out all of my load. I pulled out of Mom and fell backward, my balls resting on Morgan's head. She gave me a look of utter shock. Stacy pushed herself off of Morgan's body and crawled off. "What's all the cum-otion? Hah! But for real, what'd I miss?"

I was trying to catch my breath. That was a completely different experience than what I was used to. It felt really fucking great. "Oh nothing," Morgan stated, an evil smirk on her sexy, cum-covered face. "It's just that our big man over here likes getting his ass licked." She giggled a very prideful giggle. Meanwhile, Stacy's eyes widened greatly. "R-really? You do?" She was still taking deep breaths as well but still seemed ready for action. I gave the slightest nod. Oh, what a mistake I have made.

Without warning, Stacy speedily crawled towards me and lifted my balls up, exposing my butthole. "Wait, Mom, don't!" I couldn't get it out fast enough. She started licking at a frantic speed. Why the hell was I liking this? Morgan moved out of Mom's way and up onto my cock. With her pussy still soaked, she hopped onto my somehow-still-erect dick and started licking my neck. The extreme attention my body was being given made me want to cum again, but I wanted to make it last. Just for a few more minutes.

Morgan paused her licking and stared at me. "Babe, don't be ashamed of cumming early. We just want to please you." She looked more serious than anything. "O...okay... then..." I was breathing extremely heavily. Like an anvil was on my chest. Did my mothers find out my weakness? Did I find out my weakness? I laid back a little so Stacy could have a better angle for licking. "Mmm, you're really tight down here, Jackie." Stacy paused her licking for a slight second, giving me a few seconds to delay my climax. "Just relax and let Momma lick your butt. Don't feel embarrassed, sweetie. My first boyfriend liked it, too."

I tried to do what she said, but just couldn't. My butt was totally clenched, but Stacy wasn't having any of it. She forced her tongue in despite my tight grip, eliciting a huge moan from me which I had no control over. My body de-tensed itself and Stacy went all in. Her tongue circled around my sphincter with incredible speed. I was just about to cum again when all of the sudden, one of her fingers found its way up there. I jumped up and screamed, with Morgan falling off my dick and onto her wife's back. "Hey, watch it, babe!" Stacy yelled. At least, I think. I lay on the floor, my eyes shaking and my ass clenched hard enough to turn coal into diamonds.

Oh my God, that was awful! The tongue was just enough, but the finger was way too much. My butt felt really fucking weird. Mom & Mum loomed their heads over and stared at my body. "Oh fuck! I'm so sorry, Jackie!" Stacy ran up to me and started hugging me. Morgan tiptoed up, not knowing how to help. She put a hand on my deflating cock and stared in shock. I started to sit up, with hoarse breathing, my climax completely ruined. I wheezed at my huge-chested mother, trying my best to talk with her crushing my diaphragm. "Please... never do that... again..." Mom started to well up as she hugged me tighter, not helping my heavy breathing.


Mom's tears ran down even harder than when she came in from work yesterday. I grasped her back tightly and embraced her. I stroked her hair and pet her bottom with the other. Her sobbing was soon overturned with purring. I took a deep breath and moved my head to her ear. "Mom, it's fine. I'm not in any pain. Anymore, at least. You didn't know, so please don't beat yourself up over that. You're too God damn sexy to be upset like this." Her sadness completely faded. Her embrace slightly loosened, just enough so her head was in front of mine. She smiled a cute smile and pulled me in for a kiss. No tongue, just a heartfelt, loving kiss. Morgan sat down too and joined the hug, licking our necks and ears. It soon got me up again, and Morgan put her hand on my area. "Hey, big boy. I didn't get to cum. Wanna finish the session?" Mom and I broke the kiss and looked up at the clock.

8:10 A.M. "Fuck! I'm gonna be late!" I let loose from Mom's warm, furry body and scrambled to my feet. Shit, now I'm gonna be late and have the scent of cum all over my body! My hand locked in place. I stared toward my backside and both Morgan and Stacy were attached to me. "Hun, please, relax..." Stacy nuzzled into my chest. "We called you in sick today. We want to just spend time with you all day, Jackie. Quality time." Morgan laughed with a sexy purr. Wait, what? They really would do that for me? I stared at my two lovers for a full minute, my erection not backing down for even a second. Quickly, I yanked them into a tight hug and started purring. Tears filled my eyes slightly. "Aw, I love you guys so much! Yes, I'll fuck you guys all day!"

Stacy seemed confused by my sudden mood swing, meanwhile, Morgan roughly broke free from my hug and kissed me on the cheek. "Now, about our Round 2..."