Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

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For some, drones are nothing more than objects. For others, they're family. But when the time comes, some people can come with creative solutions to not have to say good bye...

Written for Thursday Prompt. Prompt: recycle, exactly 365 words in length.

A firm tug and a single word were enough.


If Sir ordered, then Sir would get it. And thus, the drone tried to remain calm, or as calm as possible with an arm deep inside their anus. Digits pawed at their prostate. A welcome touch, but the metal ring on their balls would stop any accidents.

A loud pop followed, and the doctor plugged the drone again before moving to the front. "May I?"

Sir nodded. Teeth serrated the dildo as it exited the cavity before the doctor's hand took its place. The drone only hoped that it was a different one. The doctor probed the maw, tracing gums and teeth, before it started going further. Five seconds turned into ten. Then a full minute. Then...

No matter how much one trains, eventually one would have gag and swallow. The doctor scoffed and removed his hand, wiping it on the drone's snout before gagging it again.

Sir tugged on the leash again and the drone got off the examination table, and, as per usual, they went back to Sir's side and rested their nose on his crotch. Their happy place.

"How long have you've owned it?"

"Five years," Sir said. "A rescue."

The doctor nodded. For such a short time, the drone seemed to be well used and trained. Still, that did not change the results. It was time.

The drone tensed, but Sir's paws started to scratch the rubber hood's ears as it pulled them even deeper into his crotch. "Is there really nothing else that can be done?"

"I'm afraid not."

Sir stood in front of a mirror sporting a snug rubber underwear. He smiled. "Are you sure their mind is still intact?"

"Why not give it a try?"

"Speak." Sir ordered.

Unfortunately, underwear cannot speak, but a slight rumbling followed by whatever remained of the drone's tongue lapping at his crack and taint told more than enough. Sir was overjoyed and thanked the doctor before leaving the clinic.

It wouldn't be long before Sir got another drone, but all the former-drone hoped was that it would be a foot fetishist. After all, Sir could always use a new pair of boots...