Breaking The New Toy

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Cody Goldsmith has it all: money, fame, and Ivan Melnik. However, just as Ivan's had enough of the little socialite's antics, a stranger approaches him with the tempting promise of making all his problems "disappear."

A revenge/role reversal story.

"Mr. Melnik, you know why I called you here, don't you?"

Ivan tensed. Of course he did, it was all because of him. Cody Goldsmith, the waste of air that his boss liked to call son. Still, the polar bear had to pick his fights, and especially his words, carefully. He needed this job, and he wasn't going to let some snot-nosed runt--


"I-I'm afraid I don't, sir."

"Oh really?" The snow leopard reclined on his chair before taking out that morning's newspaper. On the front page read "Cody Goldsmith Wasted Again," a picture of the 20-something year old leopard sleeping on some no-name's doorstep, beers and what looked like a puddle of his own vomit all around him. Ivan remembered it well. "Does this ring any bells?"

"I..." tried to stop him? Halted him from dropping his pants to every male in his path? Brought him back home as soon as possible? Paid those fucking paparazzi to bury this story, all from my own pocket? "I kept him alive, sir."

"That's not enough!" Mr. Goldsmith shouted.

"I apologize, sir. This won't happen again."

"No. It won't." The snow leopard said curtly, sitting again after his previous outburst. "Mr. Melnik, how long have you been with us? Twenty years now?"

"Thirty... sir."

"And in all those years, do you know how many times my son has complained about your performance?"

Knowing the little rat, all the time? What Cody Goldsmith needed was to be forever locked in his room so that he would stop being a disgrace to his family name. Hell, Ivan himself would rather take that job as his jailer and not as a babysitter, or whatever it is that Mr. Goldsmith wanted him to be but the thing he was actually hired for. A bodyguard.

"This is your last chance, Mr. Melnik. Don't waste it."

Ivan thanked his boss and left the office. He took a quick glance to see if there were people nearby. There were. So, he just straightened his tied and smiled before hurrying out of the building and back to the Goldsmith manor.

Once he arrived, he went straight to Cody's room. Opening the door, Ivan saw the scrawny brat laughing along with two friends. Everyone fell silent after noticing the imposing bear at the door.

"You two, out."

The ocelot and tiger looked down, their gaze moved from the bear to the snow leopard and back to the bear again, but before they could stand up, Cody stopped them with one arm. "Don't."

Ivan was fuming. "Listen here, Cody--"

"No, you listen to me, Ivan. There are my friends, and they're going to stay because I said so. Or would you rather that I met them instead at a party like the one yesterday?"

Ivan bit his tongue. The snow leopard was smiling. At him. He wanted to trash the place, to teach the leopard a lesson, to... it didn't matter, all he wanted was to get out of here. Ivan turned around, but he was not even allowed that grace as the snow leopard started talking again.

"You're not leaving yet. Me and the boys had to run all the way back here from college thanks to a certain doofus not being there to pick us up, and our feet hurt. Isn't that right, guys?" Cody looked at his two friends, who did not know what to do. In the end, they just nodded along.

"Cody, what are you--"

"That's Mr. Goldsmith to you, Ivan, and I think you know very well what I mean." Cody snapped his fingers and pointed to a spot in the floor right in front of him. "We could use a footstool. Besides, you don't want me to tell my father about this latest insubordination of yours, right?"

Ivan walked to the snow leopard. He was grinning. He was fucking grinning. Ivan closed his fists. If only, if only... but there was no only. With no other choice, Ivan swallowed his pride (and audibly at that) and knelt over, soon feeling the pressure of one, two, and finally three pairs of feet resting on his back.

"Remember your place, footstool." He then caressed Ivan's cheek with one foot. "Though I wonder, what else you can do for us..."

"And that's what happened."

Ivan ordered another whiskey. Normally, the bartender would have told him to slow down, but he sympathized this time. At least the bitter taste of alcohol would help wash away all the bad memories and whatever that was still stuck on his tongue. Ivan grabbed the glass and downed it on one gulp.

"I'm sorry to hear about that." A voice came from his left side.

Ivan turned around. Sitting next to him was a grey rat, or at least looked like a rat from what could be seen from under his brown hood. Ivan didn't know when the stranger had arrived or how much he'd heard, but he didn't care. He just wanted for this day to be over.

The stranger leaned closer to him. "You know, I think I might be able to help you."

"What do you mean?"

The stranger smiled. "I could make all of your problems... disappear."

"I'm not killing the brat if that's what you mean." At least not yet.

"Oh no, no, no, no, I was talking about something more along the lines of..." The stranger then started whispering sweet nothings in Ivan's ear.

Ivan's eyes widened and he stared at the rat. "What... who are you?"

"A friend. So, are you interested?"

Ivan knocked on Cody's door.

He was conflicted. Was the stranger telling the truth? If not, he'd risk not only making a fool of himself, but maybe even the wrath of the Goldsmith family, and no one crossed the Goldsmith family and lived to tell the tale. Still, if he was, then...

No response. He opened the door and approached the bed. The snow leopard was still soundly asleep.

"Co-- Mr. Goldsmith, please wake up."

"I don't feel like it."

Ivan snorted. "But Mr. Goldsmith--"

Cody sprang up, the sheets slowly falling under his boy and revealing the leopard's naked body, a very noticeable red morning wood on him. "If you're going to insist on using that filthy mouth of yours, might as well do something useful!"

Ivan blinked. Did he really mean... "You must be joking! As if I'd ever--"

The leopard pounced at the polar bear, grabbing him by the collar. "You will do as I say. After all, you wouldn't want me to call my father, do you?"

Ivan closed his eyes, defeated. Cody smiled and loosened his grip on the older male, who started to get on his knees, where he belonged. Ivan slowly lowered himself until he was at crotch level with the leopard and opened his mouth.

"Good, I was missing--"

Before he could finish, Ivan tackled him onto the ground and turned him so that they were both lying on their stomachs. The leopard tried to scream for help, but soon found his mouth gagged by one of the bear's massive hands, soon followed by some ruffling sounds behind him. A cold, metallic sensation then came to his crotch. Once the bear finally let go of him, he put some distance between them and looked down.

Did he... did he just... did he put a chastity cage on him?!

He then looked at the bear, who was smiling as he dangled some kind of remote control on his hand.

"Just wait until my father--"

The bear pressed the big red button on the controller. Silence. The snow leopard stood completely straight and the bear moved closer. Cody's eyes were completely vacant, no life in either of them.


Immediately, the snow leopard got on his knees. His eyes being as vacant as before, and his nose only a couple inches away from the bear's crotch.

Stand. On one foot. Dance...

Each and every time, it worked. No matter what he said, the leopard obeyed with no hesitation. His problems we finally over. No more parties! No more failing grades! No more... whatever it is that Mr. Goldsmith wanted to pin on him that day! The leopard would anything he asked him to do. Anything. In fact...

"Kiss the tip of my shoe."

The leopard did as he was ordered and Ivan took out his phone. Here he was, the heir of the Goldsmith legacy, debasing himself over and over again. Granted, anyone familiar with the leopard would not even bat an eye to the spectacle, but Ivan still took the opportunity to snap some pictures. He then sat down at the edge of the bed and looked down. The snow leopard was still crawling towards him, ready to continue kissing his shoes, when an idea came to Ivan's mind.

Might as well do something useful with that mouth, right?

He unzipped his pants and his semi-hard penis flopped out from inside them.


Cody sat on his knees and greedily took the shaft inside his mouth. No teeth. Either the cage was working better than expected, or the leopard's slutty nature was coming across even with the cage in place. Though in the end, it didn't matter, did it? The snow leopard continued to suckle the polar bear's cock, desperate for some of that milk stored inside. A pleasant feeling for sure, but Ivan did not want to come. Not yet. It was now when he wished that the leopard was not a mindless drone, but if he had to direct the way he was receiving this blowjob, he might as well do so.

Ivan started to give order after order, and the leopard followed suit. He darted his tongue from side to side, cleaning the accumulated sweat from the day and night before. His soft, non-calloused hands rubbed the bears legs and massaged his ball sack. For a short while, his muzzle was pulled in deep within the bear's ass and he sniffed, he kissed, he licked that pucker.

If only Mr. Goldsmith was there to see his son, or better yet, to join him...

Still, that was not enough.


The snow leopard sat on the bear's lap. For a moment, Ivan thought about maybe lubing the boy, but then remembered who he was. This was Cody. The bane of his existence. The stain in the Goldsmith family's name. The... no, he was no longer any of that. He was just a toy, a toy for him to do whatever he wanted to. Ivan put one finger inside the snow leopard...s mouth and scraped a hint of saliva. That should be enough, right?

He moved the barely wet finger over to the snow leopard's hole and rubbed it. No purring or any other semblance of emotion on the leopard's face, but the cage twitched a little as he did so. Then, without any care or any warning whatsoever, Ivan went balls-deep inside his toy, bobbing him up and down. The leopard was riding him like a king, well, more so a slave in this case and not long after his insides were painted white with bear cum.

Feeling the strength leaving his body, Ivan let go of his toy, who landed on the carpeted ground with a dull thud. He then lay down on the bed and took a quick glance below. The snow leopard was lying still on the floor, his hole, just like the bear's cock, still dripping with juices..

"Clean," he ordered, and the toy started to lick the bear's penis, swallowing every drop of cum still left behind.

Toy was too good for him. Maybe fleshlight or cum-dump would be a better name, though he would still need to clean him before his father...

Ivan chuckled. Him, he still considered Cody a him. Nah, it would be more fitting pronoun for the poor thing.

As he was relishing on the snow leopard's attention, his phone started to ring. He didn't feel like answering, so just let the voicemail pick it up.

"So, did it work?" A familiar voice came from the phone.

Ivan leaned over and grabbed his phone. "Like a charm. Are you sure he won't remember any of this?"

"No, no, well, he'll think that this was all a dream. At first. But the more you use it, the more permanent the changes will be. I hope that's not an issue."

Ivan petted the snow leopard's head. "Not at all."

"Good, good, glad to hear. So, about my payment..."

Ivan smiled. "Don't worry, once the boy is completely broken, he's yours. As agreed."

"I'll be waiting." The voice said before hanging up.

Ivan looked down at the snow leopard and kicked it. With it on its stomach, he rested one foot on its back and with the other he tapped the snow leopard's head. The toy seemingly understood the indirect order and started to lick the sole in front of him. Ivan closed his eyes.

A man sure could get used to this.