An Indecent Proposal

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#5 of Art Excerpts

There always comes a point where there's no turning back. A moment where you have to keep to your agreements, no matter how vulgar, how depraved, or how obscene they might be.

But then maybe you like dancing on the edge of decency...

Commissioned by FA: Khendar

Artwork by FA: Khendar and available here.

"Unbuckle it."

Rather ironically, Khen was very much the proverbial deer in the headlights, though the thought was lost to him with his heart thundering in his ears and his mouth sourly dry.

"I ain't gonna ask nicely." It was the bear. From up above and behind his swollen obese mass, his voice came just as deep and full as he looked. Khen didn't dare raise his gaze to meet him, but he could feel the bear's eyes burning into him. "I'm waiting."

Instead, the deer's anxious dumbstruck stare was fixated on the one thing that sat between him and Ben worth any consideration at all. Even behind the nearly bursting constraints of the man's apparel, it was objectively impossible to somehow ignore that engorged crotch. A bulge so obscenely obvious as it surged against Ben's belt, jutting up and out under a chub of an overhanging gut, and all just a breath away from the deer's face. It only took a breath too to get just the faintest sample of him in Khen's mouth, an oozing slime of musk that slathered itself upon his tongue and wallowed there until there was an indelible sear left on every possible taste bud. Enough to entice, enough to want more, enough to promise regret if he decided otherwise...

Perhaps that was what drove the deer's paws as they acted alone, lifted to numbly fumble at the bear's waistline with the uncomfortably warm metal of his belt buckle. Ben's sheer size meant there was little slack to take, but pushing hard against his fat and finding just enough purchase he felt the leather suddenly give way. Straps fell away to leave behind just a straining zipper, the fly of the man's trousers now bearing all that mass alone, and Khen's fingertips danced along its teeth. Or maybe they tiptoed, almost as if his addled mind mistook doubt for delicacy.

Naturally, Ben was quick to smother such concerns.

"Don't stop," he said with a catching breath, the air itself apparently so thick that even he had to suck with as much effort as he expected the deer might. "You're so close."

Indeed he was, as the fly immediately made for lighter work. Whether it was the sheer mass crammed behind it or the simplicity of one light motion down seemed irrelevant, especially when no sooner had Khen's fingers begun to unzip the bear's fly had his crotch done the rest for him. Spilling out like shapeless meat, everything the bear had packed away slurried forth even closer to the deer. Dark, damp flesh threaded with throbbing veins surged before him, a drooling head already dribbling down his chest with a shuddering voiceless plea for the deer's lips. With little more than a hair's breadth between him and that monstrosity, Khen could feel his heartbeat screaming while every fiber of his being turned cold and clammy. He could smell it, slovenly and warm, much like the heat that scoured his face, and all he'd need to do to taste it was open his mouth and lean...

"Go on then. This is what you wanted. It's what we agreed. You know you want to."

The weight of Ben's legs spread themselves just a little further apart, his torso looming over just a little bit more, almost as if he was silently demanding the deer with just his physical size alone. Yet while his inaction implied civility and his words suggested choice, his tone commanded otherwise,

"You could still stop this," he said with only a mild effort to disguise a low growl, "You can just walk away."

But where could he go? Khen was surrounded by the bear, engulfed if not in his fat just yet then his control at least. That swilling, broiling air of authority that like any furious ocean bore down on him with an almighty pressure. Yet Khen allowed himself to sink, drifting down into the hot, musky embrace of the man's folds.

He closed his eyes, he opened his mouth, and he leaned forward.

Hot, wet meat slid to greet him and Khen felt the bludgeon of that cock head pressing itself inward with brutal insistence. Even just the tip was straining at his lips, jaw yawning wide and mouth agape while Ben fed himself inside. The taste of him was ripe, as if mired in an oily sheen that carried a muted bitter note, softened only by the ceaseless drippings of his pre. Khen tried not to struggle, especially not so soon, but with one inch after another quickly filling him to the point of breaking it was impossible to deny that it was too much. His instinct was to gag as the bear summarily pushed to the back of his throat, though he was just as intimately aware that he wasn't even a third down the shaft and already he was at his limit. Wincing with a choking grimace, Khen gargled on the bear's dick as he tried to retreat.

But there was nowhere he could go, not that the bear would have let him anyway.

"Don't you dare," Ben slurred, a slab of a fist clamping itself atop the deer's scalp, "You had your chance to back out. Now finish what you started."

Khen was no longer in control as, despite the obscenity of his maw being violated, the bear forced his cock into his waiting throat. The aching stretch, the breathless splutters, the spilling saliva, and Ben's manhood slid down the curve of his neck and deeper into him. Overhead, the bear's gut descended onto him, first pressing to his face and then settling down until his skull felt as though it might be crushed in the vice of fat. With his jaw split open and his neck impaled with his cock, Khen swore that he was going to become entombed by the bear. He would be completely consumed, both inside and out until he no longer knew where he ended and the bear began.

His nose was ground into the bear's pad of fat around his crotch, swollen balls hung under his chin, and his cock was buried halfway down his throat. Everything else was left to the suffocating sweaty darkness, the man's weight trapping him in place while he languished in the deer's willing hole.