Fox Fire chapter 7

Story by Deca4531 on SoFurry

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#7 of Fox Fire chronicles

The sky burned in the rays' of the setting sun as Arthur, Daniel, and Samantha walked into the town of Mullcreak, which lay in the shadow of mount crag. The three walked the streets, tired and weary. They found a suitable inn and booked rooms for the night; Arthur had his own, but Sam and Daniel shared one.

They stayed up for many hours, discussing what to do, how to do it. It was decided they would wait till morning before tiring to find a way up the mountain. As Daniel and Sam settled into bed they both found that despite the tired bodies their minds refused to allow them sleep.

"I'm scared." Sam said after many hours of science. Both had been trying to sleep to no success "things could be very dangerous up there?"

"Not to worry," Daniel said running a hand down her back and brushing the hair from her face "I promise I won't let anything happen to you while we're there."

She pulled him closer to her and snuggled her head into his shoulder "its not me I'm worried about, I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." she felt Daniel take hold of her hand and move it to his shoulder. She looked at him, then down to the place he had set her hand; it was the scar she had left when she bit him the night in the woods.

"I'll always be there, just like this mark. This show that I'm yours and no one else's, and this," he placed his other hand on her left breast, where his bite mark was "marks you as mine. Well be together always, no matter what, death its self won't separate us." he got up then, and moved to the fireplace where he set a kettle to warm.

"What are you doing?"

At the moment Daniel was searching through his bag, where he retrieved a small pouch of herbs. "We will both need our rest for tomorrow, and I have had trouble sleeping in the past so I always carried something to put me down." the kettle had become hot and Daniel poured out the water into a cup, adding a pinch of the powder from the pouch. "Sleeping tea, you want some."

Sam eyed the cup then shook her head "no, I think I should be able to sleep now." Daniel finished the tea and climbed into bed. Sam snuggled up to him again, her thoughts still plague her but she placed a hand over the mark on her breast and started to feel better.

It wasn't long before Daniel was asleep, but Sam still lay awake. She absently rubbed her breast where Daniel had bit her, thinking this might very well be there last night together. All the rubbing eventually started getting her worked up. She leaned over Daniel and gave him a small shake "Daniel, wake up." but it seemed no use. It was then she started to wonder just how deep of a sleep he was in.

She removed the blanket that covered them, taking a moment to admire him. Hesitantly she crept down him and placed a hand on his sheath; with a quick glance up she saw he still asleep. Now her curiosity, and the burning in her loins, was getting stronger. Never taking her eyes off his face she slowly started stroking him, both hoping and not that he might wake up. It didn't take long for the pink flesh to start to poke out, Daniel in the mean time never stirred.

A strange feeling was starting to take hold of Sam, a kind of sense of superiority and control. She found that the thought that she could do whatever she wanted to him and knowing he wouldn't say a thing made her more aroused than she thought possible. She moved her face to the glistening shaft and breathed deeply of his sent. Straining her eyes to watch his face, she ran her tong from the base to tip. The salty, sweet taste sent shivers through her body. She tensed when he stirred, moaning a bit in his sleep. Sam held perfectly still, and when he was settled again she repositioned herself so she was between his legs. She started licking him again, keeping herself propped up on one hand while the other started to roam her body. First she squeezed and massaged her breasts, teasing her nipples by pinching them in her claws. Soon this wasn't enough though, resting her head in his lap she brought her other hand down as well and stroked the lips of her pussy.

The room filled with the sound of heavy berthing, not all of it Sam. It didn't take long for her to notice that Daniel was starting to pant. 'I would give anything to know what he was dreaming about right now' lifting up with her knees she brought the tip of his cock to her lips. Her eyes were practically rolled up in the back of her head for all she had to strain to watch his face. The thought he might wake up at any moment terrified and excited her, as if she were doing something naughty despite the fact he most likely wouldn't mind. With a calm and steady motion she lowered her mouth over him, not stopping until her nose was pressed firmly against his groin. Deep throating was one of many tricks her last mate had taught her. With practiced ease she tightened her throat muscles as she drew up, making Daniel groan in his sleep. More and more thoughts were coming to Sam as she played with him, and herself. Her hands were working at a fevered pace as she groped and fondled her body. Her thighs were soaked and matted and there was a wet spot forming on the sheets below her.

Another trick she had learned from her past lover came to mind. She wasn't sure if he would sleep through it, but her mind was so drunk with the power she held over him right now that she didn't care. She brought her wet and stick fingers away from her lower lips and placed then over his tail hole. She smeared her cum over it so it would be well lubed; the anticipation had welled in her chest to an almost unbearable level. She grinned to her self as she sucked him back into her throat. Taking in a breath she slowly pushed her middle finger inside him and rubbed it over his coalin. Women weren't the only ones with a g-spot and she happened to know where men hid theirs.

(author: in case you didn't know its true, men do have a g-spot.)

Daniel arched his back with a loud groan, actually managing to force deeper into Sam's throat. His body squirmed and writhed under her yet he still seemed to sleep through it.

Sam suckled the entirety of his shaft at once and pressed and rubbed at his g-spot. Pre leaked and was greedily swallowed 'just a little more' she thought. With one hard suck and a forceful press she got her reward. Daniel moaned and bucked into her face as he came. Sam fought to swallow all she could, still some leaked from her mouth as she visible tried to take all she could. Daniel collapse back onto the bed, panting and shivering from the sensation.

Sam was also slightly winded, but far from satisfied. After licking up what had escaped her she got up and moved up him until she straddled his hips. She looked down at him, gazed loving into his face as slept in the deep sleep of his own potion. She leaned forward to nuzzle him. "I love you." she whispered into his ear.

"Sam." he mumbled as he stirred beneath her.

As she straitened up and lowered a hand to her still sopping wet cunt. Using two finders she spared her lips open and let a thick strand of her cum to dribble out and all upon his still erect member. Placing the head into her folds she slowly lowered her self down, clapping both hands over her mouth to muffle her moan. Once she was fully on him she started to raise again, clenching the walls of her tunnel to get a feel of part of him. Bringing her fingers back down she added two inside her to join Daniel. She got them good and soaked before she removed them again and brought them to her mouth. She suckled her sticky fingers as she gently pistoned on Daniel's cock.

Over the years, and some persuasion from her old lover, she had gotten to like the taste of her own cum. she licked and sucked the thick juice from her furry digits, further soaking them in her saliva. Reluctantly she removed her fingers, a thin strand of spit hung from them to her tong for a moment. She regarded them for a second, then looked to Daniel and smiled to herself. Hunching over a bit she brought her hand back to his tail hole and pushed her middle finger back inside. Daniel took in a shuddering gasp but still didn't seem to wake. Slowly she added another finger, moving them in and out as they stroked over tight bundle of nerves inside.

Sam's loins seemed on fire, steadily fucking herself was keeping her highly aroused but wasn't enough to reach her climax. She knew one good slam would do it, but that would defiantly wake Daniel up. The sense of control she held over him was enough to keep her from doing that despite the maddening need for release her body cried for.

Up and down she rocked on him, grinding her hips into his before coming up again. As one hand pumped inside Daniel while the other worked at her clip, pinching and rubbing, tiring to bring about her ever mounting orgasm. Despite and horrible ache in her loins she couldn't remember ever being happier. All her life she felt a piece of herself missing, and now she could feel what it was, feel it ever time it slid back inside her. Still there was something still not there, something she just couldn't place her finger on. As she brought herself up again a pare of hands suddenly seized her by the hips and forced her down.

Sam screamed in shock, but that scream melted into a moan as her orgasm ripped through her body while her core was filled to the brim with hot, thick cum. once her rigged form had relax she collapsed onto Daniels chest, fighting for air. After she brought her shacking and trembling body under control she sat up and looked down. Daniel was smiling up at her, laughing to himself.

"How long have you been awake?!" she asked, angry at being tricked.

"The whole time," he said matter-of-factly "I woke up just after you shook my arm.

"why didn't you say something?!" she cried indignently, feeling she had been made a fool of

"I was about to say something, but you seemed to have something on your mind so I thought I would see what it was. You seemed to be having so much fun I didn't want to disturb you." he started laughing again, and soon so was Sam. They lay back in bed wrapped in each other's arms. Before long Sam was sleeping soundly, once she was Daniel climbed out of bed and went to the window.

It was still a few hours before dawn, but mount crag was still easily visible the light of the nearly full moon. He looked back at Sam, worry constricting his heart 'I'll protect you, I swear It.' he took one last look out the window, and to his surprise he saw Arthur emerging from a tavern. He seemed much more relax than normal, especially considering what was to come tomorrow. In his hand was a card, for a moment he seemed about to throw it away but thought better of it and placed in his pocket. 'I'll have to ask about that in the morning'

A groan turned his attention back to the bed; Sam was groping the spot he had been laying while she slept. He climbed back under the covers and pulled her close, placing a kiss on her brow. She murred and snuggled into him. Soon he too was asleep, dreams of he and Sam tending flowers and making all new perfumes for the markets back in Faredrin.

"You guys up yet?" Arthur called from outside Sam and Daniels room.

"Yeah," Sam yelled back "well be, hey, right out Arthur. Stop that, woh! Mmm on second thought don't stop."

Arthur could hear a lot of giggling and other ruckus coming from the other side of the door, and thought it best to leave the two to their own devices. He went down stairs and got some breakfast, not long after Sam and Daniel joined him. They sat and ate, none saying anything. Daniel and Sam laughed and giggled as they pinched or poked the other.

Daniel looked to Arthur, his smile faded and his face became serous. "Arthur, I take it you have a plan for getting up the mountain?"

"Yes, from what I hear there's a tunnel not far that goes up the side. We should be able to get to Draken that way." they sat there and talked about how they intended to perform the rescue. It was well past noon when the three decided it was time to go.

As they were heading out the door Daniel took Sam by the arm and drew her aside. "Listen Sam, it's going to be dangerous up there, so I wont you to take this." he handed her the sack he carried with him.

Sam looked at the contents. It was filled with small glass jars "what are these?"

"Stink bombs," he said proudly "I've used them on those dragons before. If you get into trouble up there and I'm-" he paused, looking away from her face" I'm not around." he trailed off, but Sam took his meaning. She set the bag down and through herself into his chest, almost knocking him over. Daniel put his arms around her, stroking her hair "just in case, ok?" he said. Sam nodded into his chest, chocking back tears. They walked out of the inn, catching up to Arthur part way up the road.

The cave they were looking for wasn't hard to find, and old wagon trail led straight to it. Retrieving a torch from an alcove in the wall they lit it and made their way inside. The tunnel was like a giant winding coin, leading up and up. After what seemed like endless walking the cave finally emerged into daylight. The sun was far into the sky, night would be falling soon. They found themselves on a cliff several hundred if not thousand feet up. All that was around them was the cliff and rock face.

"I guess we climb." Arthur sighed as he looked up the side of the mountain.

"This is gonna suck." Daniel sated flatly. Arthur nodded his agreement.

The sun had just set when they eventually they came to a Plato only a couple hundred feet from the top. There was a small glade and a few trees here then another rock face. As they made there way further up the mountain a voice called down to them from above

"And where do you think your going?" Bormow said as he and his brother glided down to meet the intruders. "Well, well, if it's not our little dragon slave's rodent friends. If you think your going to see her then your sorely mistaken, Draken said he going to mate the dragon slut under the light off the full moon and told us to keep an eye out so no one disturbs him."

Without warning they plunged down and attacked. Arthur and Daniel clashed swords with the offending drakes while Sam, weaponless, held on to one of the jars Daniel had given her. They could see the full moon rising in the sky and knew there wasn't much time.

"Arthur, you go on ahead," Daniel shouted as he fended off another swing from Dormow "me and Sam can keep these two busy while you get Dratine!" Arthur looked at him with worry and indecision in his eyes, but Daniel only nodded and smiled.

Arthur wasn't sure what to do, he didn't think Daniel and Sam could handle them on their own, but Dratine needed her. He could see Daniel was set on him going ahead, and with a quick look to Sam who also nodded to him; he slipped out of the combat and made his way back up the cliff side.

Dormow turned to make chase, he only made it a short ways up the cliff after him when something struck him in the back of the head, seconds latter an overwhelming smell filled his nose "not again!" he screamed as he clutched his nose and slammed his face into the grass and rocks, trying anything to stop the smell.

Daniel was admitably nervice to fight the large dragon, having little in the way of fighting skills, but never the less Arthur had more important matters to take care of. He could hear Sam not far away yelling to him to duck this way or that, she wasn't very helpful but her being near gave him confidence, too much it appeared. Daniel was momentarily distracted and the flat of Bormow's blade connected with the side of his head. All of a sudden his vision exploded in stars and things began to spin.

Bormow new he had the upper hand now, he swung and slashed and found the skunk couldn't keep up anymore. With a hard swing he knocked the sword from his hand and sent him sprolling, he was about to finish him when he caught movement from the corner of his eye. He moved just in time to avoid a jar of whatever his brother had been hit with. He saw the squirrel standing there with another in hand.

"Leave him alone!" Sam shouted and through another stink bomb at him, but he easily avoided that one as well. She could tell he was very mad but at least he had moved away from Daniel, the problem was he was now coming after her! She turned and ran as he came after her, she through another bomb at him but he knocked it away before it could hit him. She was about twenty yards away when she tripped and fell to the ground. In moments Bormow was there and was preparing to strike, she fumbled through the bag but all the bombs were gone. Her eyes returned to his and she could see death on the horizon, she closed her eyes and screamed "Daniel help!" and just as she did she heard the clang of steel. She opened her eyes to see Daniel fighting him off again.

"Sam, run!" he yelled at her and she promptly did so. Blood was flowing down his face from the gash in his head and the world still seemed to spin. He stabbed and swung at one of the three drakes he saw before him, tiring to buy as much time as he could for Sam and Arthur.

Bormow had been preparing to kill the little bitch, but turned when he heard the sound of crunching grass and only just manages to keep from being run through from behind. The skunk as barley able to stay on his feet let along put up a fight. It wasn't hard to get around his defenses, "annoying pest, good riddance!" he called.

Sam had got only a few yards away when she heard the dragon's words, she turned again to see what was happening. Her heart sank as she watched Daniel being run through, she watched as Bormow's blade plunged into his chest and came out through his back. "Daniel!!!" she took a step forward but her legs buckled beneath her and she fell to her knees.

Bormow grinned as he watch his victim slump forward on his blade, the skunk's sword hung in his limp grasp. The skunk coughed once, splattering blood over his lips as death crept up on him. The girl's voice drew his attention, he turned his head and saw her fall to her knees and started to cry, "not to worry bitch, you next-" but he stopped and he felt a small had grabbed his. Bormow looked down into the eyes of the skunk.

"No!" Daniel said in a hoarse whisper, his hand on the drakes he pulled himself forward on the blade never taking his eyes from Bormow's "you won't touch her!" the hilt connected with his chest and he brought up his sword.

Bormow found himself frozen in the skunk's gaze and unable to move, the sharp pain in his chest broke his daze as he felt the blade pierce his chest and heart. In a desperate attempt to get away from him he through the sword in his hand like a javelin. He pitched forward and darkness fell over him.

The sword flew through the air, landing some twenty feet away. The blade sunk full into the ground and pinned Daniel underneath. Sam got to her feet and rushed over to him, kneeling down in the pool of blood that was slowly forming. She tried to talk, tried to say something to comfort him or scold him or anything, but her voice just wasn't there. All she could do was sit there and watch helplessly. Daniel's hand came to rest on her chest, over her heart. He whispered something that Sam had to strain to hear "I'll always be here, remember that."

Sam placed her hand over his, gripping it tightly as if she might pull him from death's grip. It was no use; his grip went slack, his eyes looked at her without seeing. She collapses over him and wept, consumed by grief and loss. She wasn't sure how long she lay there before she heard the voice "brother!" Sam looked up to see Dormow by his brother, seeming not able to understand he was dead. Then he looked at her.

"You!" he cried at her "you did this didn't you? You'll pay, do you hear me, I'll devour you and tear apart that dead rodent." he grabbed his sword and pointed it at her, declaring a challenge.

Her grief was spent, for now; all that was left was emptiness. As she looked from her love to the dragon she felt something grow in the hollow spot in her heart, rage. Like a poison fire it grew in her and consumed all other thoughts. Soon all she could think about was revenge, to take revenge for her loss, for her pain. She didn't even realize her feet were bringing her at him at full speed. If felt like she was watching some other squirrel as it dogged the sword stroke and latched onto the dragons face, clawing and biting like a rabid beast. She watched as the squirrel that wasn't her gouge out an eye, tore at his ears. All the time the dragon punched and tore at her, left blood gashes in her hide. At some point he got his face free enough to open his mouth, from witch he spued forth a searing flame that enveloped the squirrel's body.

Pain, that's what brought Sam back to herself. It exploded through her mind as it consumed her body. Her mouth opened in a scream as fur disappeared in an instant, flesh charred moments latter. She brought together all the coherent thought she could and bit down on the monsters last eye until she felt it pop in her mouth. That done she went limp, the force behind the flame propelled her into the air. The next thing she knew she was falling from a tree, the branches ripped at her blackened flesh. The air emptied from her longs as she hit the ground. Through her dazed vision she could see Daniel, he lie only ten feet from her. She tried to stand to go to him, but her legs wouldn't work. So she crawled, leaving a bloody smear on the grass in her wake. It seemed to take days; years even, before she got to him. The first thing she reached was his head; she looked down at his face, at the peace and love frozen in his eyes. She placed her lips over his, one last time. She never broke that kiss, she held it, cherished it, let her soul carry in that kiss, carry her back to him.

Bormow flailed and screamed, pain seared endlessly in his head. He couldn't see, didn't know where he was. He stumbled blindly, not knowing where he was going. Then the ground fell away from his feet. He was falling, air wiped at his face and roared in his ears. He opened his wings, but he couldn't tell which way was up. "Bormow, brother, help me!" an instant latter there was a sound like an egg smashing, then all was silent, all but the sound of blood as it dripped from the rocks at the mountain's base.

The moon was full and shining brightly in the window. The old drake wore a grin of pure evil. Dratine lay on the bed, to afraid to move. Draken knelt down at her feet, placed his hands on her knees and spared them apart. Dratine turned her face, not bearing to watch. Then he paused before entering her to enjoy the moment. Just as his head touched at her slit a yell came from the doorway. "Hold it right there you vile beast!" Dratine looked up from the bed, hope and disbelief filling her face "Arthur!?" she called. Draken got off the bed and stood staring at the young fox boy.

"How did you get in here!?" he asked, enraged at being disturbed. "Did those two blunder heads fall asleep again?"

Arthur didn't answer right away, instead he looked at Dratine, she still wore the same dress she had been days ago, except now it was covered in stains and blood. Her face was like wise different, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying, and her beautiful hair was matted and stained. "Their dead, and soon you will be too!" Arthur called back to him, drawing his sword.

Rage was written all over Arthur's face, but the old dragon saw this as only a temporary annoyance. "So their dead are they? No matter, I'd have killed them in a decade or two my self anyway."

The Arthur charged at the drake, sword in front to scure the beast. Draken only chucked and waited until he had cleared half the distance before breathing in deeply. Dratine knew what was about and happen and called to her lover "Arthur, no! He's ganna'-" but she was too late. Draken let forth a blast of fire and consumed Arthur; Dratine burred her face in the covers of the bed and tried not to hear the screams of her love as the fire engulfed him.

Draken turned back to the girl, laughing heavily "foolish boy," he roared "never saw it coming. Now, where were we?" he moved closer to the bed.

"Don't take another step!" came a voice from behind him.

"No, its not possible!" he turned at the same time Dratine looked up from the bed in wonder. As the flames died they saw Arthur standing there, his fur aglow as if it were made of fire its self. "There's only one way you could..." he turned to Dratine, shock replaced by rage "you bitch!" he struck her with the back of his hand, sending her smashing agents the stone wall. "So, you gave your virginity to that rodent!" he looked back at the Arthur who still stared at his body as the glow faded, amazed he still lived. "Fine," he growled attracting Arthur's attention "if I can't roast you alive, then I'll beat you to a pulp!"

Arthur came to his senses and saw Dratine out cold on the floor and rage built in him again. He took up his sword as Draken charged him, fist cocked. He brought up his sword to defend himself but to no avail. The blow sent him flying and his sword flew from his hand and slid across the floor.

Dratine began to come around when she heard the sound of the sword clang on the floor near her. She shook her head to clear it only to see her love being knocked around. Arthur was being beaten to death and would not survive for very long. It was then the gleam of the sword caught her eye. She leapt forth to grab the sword only to be jerked back inches from her goal. The chain clasped around her wing joints was too short to reach the sword. She stretched and pulled, trying to reach it but it was no use. She heard Arthur cry out and looked to him. He was doing badly and needed help. It was then she made up her mind; she took a deep breath, than grabbed her chained wind and tore into it with her fangs.

Arthur could barley stay conscious. He was no match for Draken and knew it. He saw Dratine reaching for his sword and failing. He met her gaze and saw something he didn't like in it. He watches as she grabbed her wing and began biting through it, tiring though muscle and bone and not making a sound. He tried to call to her, tried to tell her to stop and he wasn't worth the loss of the skis he knew she loved but found speech imposable.

Dratine want to yell, wanted to scream. Not only because of the pain but also because of the knowledge that she would never fly again. All her life her had loved the wind through her hair and the freedom it brought, all dragons did. Yet she did not cry out, for if she did Draken would hear her and stop her. And even despite that, Arthur was worth more the clouds. She tore half way through her wing then held on tight and ripped it off her body. The heavy clasp fell to the ground and made a loud clang sound.

Draken was rather enjoying himself. It had been a long time since her had had this much fun. He thought it a shame the fox would be dead soon, he felt like he could do this all night. And when he was done with him he would teach that sluty bitch a lesson. It was then he heard the metallic clang behind him. He turned to see Dratine standing there, minus one wing, holding the Arthur's sword in her hand. He looked at the sword, speckled in blood the was gushing out from where her wing had been, then up to her face. Her eyes burned greater than any fire, and for a moment he thought he was looking at hell. "What... what do you plan to do with that, girly?" she only looked at him. Then she raised the sword and through it. He thought the thing might hit him for a second but it flew harmlessly between him and the half dead fox "you missed, foolish girl! And you'll pay for it too!"

"She wasn't aiming for you!" as Draken turned to the voice Arthur plunged the sword into his chest.

Draken stumbled back and clutched at the sword burred in his chest. "Vile... rodent!" he snarled and pulled the sword out "you'll pay for that with your life". Black blood gushed forth from the wound like mud and Draken fell to his knees holding his chest.

Arthur stumbled wearily to his lover's side and took her in his arms for the first time in what felt like an eternity. They held each other, kissed each other, never wanted to let go of each other. "I thought I'd never see you again!" Dratine cried, burring her face in his furry chest.

"I promise I'll never leave your side again for as long as I live!" they stood there for a moment, not wanting to let the other go, until their happy moment was interrupted by a roar.

"Fine," Draken snarled as he rose to his feet. "You might be protected from my flame... but I'll bet she's not!" he summoned the fire within him and spat all the flame he could muster at her.

"Get back!" dragon yelled and pushed Arthur behind her, knocking him to the ground. She only had an instant but she made good use of it. She called for the fire within her body and let forth a flam just as powerful as his. The two infernos met in the space between them and swirled in a fiery vortex.

Arthur stared in disbelief as the two flames fought agents each other for ground. But it soon became apparent that Dratine was loosing. Her flame was being pushed back and soon she would loose. Arthur got to his feet and tried to think of some way to help. All he could think was that he had come all this way and now he was about to loose her again, and for good this time. The thought raged within him, and with it something else as well. His body felt like it was getting hotter and hotter by the second and not from the outside in the from the inside out. He clutched his head and tried to think clearly. Thought failed him however, and so instinct took over. Acting with a knowledge he didn't know he had he took his place at his loves side and let fourth an explosion of green flame. The two flames mixed and turned from red and green to gold.

Draken saw this but could not believe it. In moments his flame was over taken and he was consumed in golden fire. He dropped to knees and cried out in pain. "COURSE YOU!!!" He screamed before his body turned to a pillar of ash.

The two lovers fell to the floor, exhausted and bewildered at what they had just done. They looked into each others eyes for a long time before Dratine through her self into his arms and hugged him as tight as she could

Arthur stroked her long red hair and kissed her neck "lets" he whispered to her and they walked arm in arm out of the cave.

The journey home was not easy. The two lovers were overcome upon finding their friend dead on their arrival. They dug a small grave for them on the mountain, and promised to return every year to pay the respects and give their thanks for the help they had given. Finding that Sara had died was also hard for them, though not as bad as for Mary it had seemed. Arthur took Dratine back to her home, a small cave in the hills. There they stayed for a few nights, Arthur nursed Dratine's wound and tried his best to cheer her up, though he himself was just as grieved by the loss of their friends.

"Dratine, I think we should find a new cave." Arthur said after many failed attempts at a conversation "we should find a cave big enough for us to raze a family in." this had gotten her attention, her eyes filled with hope and excitement, only to have it fade again.

"Family, what family." she said bitterly "we can't have children, your a fox and I'm a dragon, it won't work."

He placed a hand on her shoulder "we'll find a way, love will find a way."

Tears welled in Dratine's eyes, she hugged him close and whispered "oh Arthur, I would love to have a family with you."

It was late; the sun was setting in the west and light flowing into the mouth of the cave they had found. Arthur stood in the center of the large dome structure "I think this will do nicely," he said in a soft voice and turned to look at Dratine "what do you think?" she regarded him for a second, then looked around, then back to him. Her answer was simple; she leapt into his arms knocking him to the ground. Before Arthur knew what was happening Dratine's lips were pressed agents his and her tong had found its way into his mouth. They held the kiss for a long moment, this being their first intimate moment since this all started. When Dratine pulled back they gazed into each other's eyes, lost in the infinite sea that was the love they shared for each other.

Tears rolled down Dratine's cheeks and dripped onto Arthur's muzzle "Arthur," Dratine said and a voice the quavered with all the feelings of relief, gratitude and love "I.... you.... we." she stammered for a moment then gave up and kissed him again. Streams of tears fell unbroken down her face and up his.

Arthur returned the kiss and hugged her body close to his, feeling the warmth radiating off her and thanked the gods for her every heart beat, her every breath, for they were a gift to him, she was blessing. He knew what she had meant to say; or rather he didn't because they were the same things he himself could find the words for. He ran his hands through her hair, but stopped when he came to the nub the had once been her wing. There kiss ended and this time she looked at him with sadness and regret, thought of her awful time there brought back. Then Arthur began to laugh, drawing a very confused look from Dratine. "Here, let me." he said and leaned forward and licked the side her face.

She laid her head on Arthur's chest, she knew all that was in the past and the he would never let anything happen to her again. It was then she noticed something, it was getting very warm, too warm. She looked again to Arthur and found him sweating and panting. She kissed him, knowing something was happening to them but it not seaming to matter. As they kissed their bodies grew hotter and hotter, they could feel the immense heat coming off the other. Their kiss ended and they began to nuzzle, panting heavily, their hands running over fur and scale, caressing and fondling.

Soon the heat was more then they could stand, strong hands began tarring at fabric in order to get cool, yet neither would part from the inferno that was the others body. Instead they got closer, kissed and stroking the other. Each berth seemed to grow hotter until their breathing turned to flame. Arthur rolled Dratine onto her back, they were now enveloping the other in fire but the flames didn't do any damage, before they knew it they were in the middle of a swirling mass of searing heat and fire. Dratine's crimson flames mix with Arthur's green to become blue. Along with their growing heat was their growing lust for the other. Arthur ran his tong from Dratine's navel up to her breast, causing her to shiver with pleasure. When he came to her beasts he took one into his mouth and began to lick and suckle fiercely. As he licked he felt something strange, scales began to give way under his tong and come off. As he continued he found something even stranger, he began to taste hair, "no, not hair, fur!"

Dratine griped Arthur's head at his tong sent her wild, his other hand moving up and down her side from hip to breast. She began to run her fingers through fur of his back, she could feel the flames that encompassed their bodies and she felt something frightening. As her hands roamed his back she felt the fur begin to singe them burn away, at first she thought Arthur was in danger but he never stopped the assault on her breast and it didn't seem to bother him. Then she felt lumps start to grow on his back, she opened her eyes and looked down him. All the fur on his back had been burned away and replaced with gleaming red scales. Then she saw his fluffy tail burst into fames, for an instant his tail looked to be made of blue fire, but them it was gone and what was left was the thin pink flesh that much resembled a rat's tail. But she noticed it was getting longer and turning the same color at his back, before long he had a six-foot long tail that was four inches thick at the base.

All these things were swept from her mind though as she felt Arthur's growing member brushing agents her thigh. She gently slipped a hand between them and caressed his shaft, which also seemed bigger than she remembered. She was moaning quite loudly now as her head lulled back and her tong hung from her mouth as she panted with lust.

Although he felt the changes to his body Arthur paid no attention to them, his thoughts were centered on giving her all the pleasure physically possible. He gasped as her hand came to rest on his highly erect member. He removed his mouth from her chest and looked down at her, her face showed her agreement to go further and almost seemed to plead for it. He repositioned himself and felt her hand grip him tightly and guide him to her entrance. In one quick motion he hilted his full length inside her. Dratine cried out and bucked her hips into him, her tail came up and wrapped itself around his waist to pull them closed together. Her tail seemed odd though, longer and slimmer then normal. It was then he noticed his own had changed as well, that's when an interesting thought accrued to him. As he continued to thrust into her he brought his new tail around and tickled at her tail hole before slowly sliding it inside her.

As Arthur filled her needing sex she felt more filled than ever before in her life, the feeling was made even greater as his cock seemed to grow inside her with every thrust. What had once only been two inches thick and seven long now felt to be three by nine. Soon she could feel him pumping into her very womb, but her thoughts of this were diverted by a tickling at her tail hole. Feeling the tip of Arthur's tail enter caused her body to tense and she moaned and groaned harder. He never let up on his powerful thrusting as his tail slowly and gently crept deeper and deeper into her, inch after inch, foot after foot slowly pushed itself into her bowls, reversing every now and then before continuing on. Finally all six feet had been inserted inside her and she shivered at the sensation, Draken had been big but no where near the four inches that now stretched, thought not painfully, her twitching ass hole. Then it too began to thrust into her, gently at first only an inch or more moved inside her, then more and more until three feet thrust in and out of intestine. It felt so good she felt like returning the favor. Without warning she unwrapped her tail and pushed six inches of it into his ass.

Arthur threw back his head with a groan and she penetrated him. After the shock wore off her looked into her eyes with a grin, there was the same mischievous grin that had been on his face. He leaned down and kissed her, while pushing back in the tail inside him to tell her to go on. His tong writhed in her mouth, thinner and longer than it should have been. He was able the completely wrap it around her tong and even go down her throat; to his surprise she could do the same. And soon they were throat fucking each other on top of all else. As Arthur's chest rubbed agents hers with his thrusting he felt that instead of a scale chest and belly it was now covered in soft fur, her soft and warm mounds squeezed to his chest making his fevered lust grow hotter. He braced his hands on the ground and pushed himself to a standing position, Dratine through her arms over his head and was brought up with him. With strong and scaly hands he griped her ass cheeks and lifted her higher with ever thrust.

Their tails still went wild as they squirmed and pumped inside one another, now causing a loud, wet squishing and sucking noise. Dratine's juices seeped madly from her pussy and drenched Arthur's legs. They were both nearing their climax at this point, in a breathless and husky voice Dratine said "Arthur, please, I need it, fill me, fill every inch of me with you!" Arthur didn't need to be told twice, after a few more thrusts and griped Dratine's ass harder, sinking his talons into the flesh as he pulled her down hard on his cock and released what felt like gallons of seed into Dratine's awaiting body. The powerful jets of cum push Dratine over the edge as her body thrashed and her climax ripped throat her. Light exploded in her vision, she let out a screaming, wailing kind of moan then went limp in Arthur's arms.

Arthur stood there for a moment; his knees shook under him from all the exertion. He put his hands on her back and held her close to him; he could feel their mixed juices leaking from what promised to be a very sore and bruised cunt latter. He let out a soft groan as he felt Dratine's tail slide out of him with an audible slurp, then he gently pulled his own out. Now that all the excitement was over he took a moment to look around, the walls of the cave looked like they had been molten not to long ago. Their bodies were just as different, as he laid he gently on the ground to rest he could see that now a fine coat of black fur covered her front, it came from just under her tail up to her jaw. Her tail, as well as his own, were about as long as their bodies. He sighed with relief as he saw her right wing, the one she had savored to save his life, had regenerated. Looking behind him he found he also had a set. He stuck out his tong and as he thought it was now more reptilian, thin and forked. Scales covered his back as well as arms and legs. But all this could wait till another time, he was tired. And so he lay next to Dratine and drew her close to him, wrapping his new wings around her and planting a kiss on her cheek.

Weeks latter they had turned the cave into a very nice dwelling. Dratine had shown Arthur how to fly and soon after they became the first members of what would one day be known as 'the mile high club'. Fall was setting in outside as Arthur sat reading a book in front of the fire. Dratine walked in with a look of peaceful bliss on her face. "What is it?" Arthur asked. Dratine looked at him, then down at her belly as she rested a hand upon it

"Arthur, I'm pregnant."

author: alright, its done. i know a lot of people don't post coments untill they have read it all, thats why i never asked, but please, PLEASE comment. i have a novle i hope to write and your feedback helps. also keep an eye out for "fox fire 2: son of the flame" coming (or should i say cuming) to a yiffstar near you.