Mystic Springs Finale 2

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#10 of Investigating the Oasis

Nick watches Nangi take Judy to the end of her period of service among the cult of Nangi, and hates himself.

Commissioned by HeruAnubisSolares

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Mystic Springs Finale

Part 2

For HeruAnubisSolares

By Draconicon

Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps had become Nangi's mouthpieces, and for Nick, at least, it was as humiliating as it was terrifying. Not merely for the sake of what the elephant could do to him and Judy at the drop of a hat, but what she was ever so keen on making them do to sell the idea of the Mystic Springs being good for anyone and everyone.

In this case, it was posing nude at the front of the main center. He and Judy had left their clothes in the locker, standing just barely on the property with everything hanging out. He could feel the cameras, phones, and eyes on his junk as he stood there, his arm around Judy's shoulders, and he could feel the cameras clicking, ticking, and filming away as the reporters talked about how the two cops had become the main mouthpieces for the developing Mystic Springs project.

"...formerly such important figures in the ZPD have become what some have called freaks. These nudists seem completely comfortable with everything hanging out on display, and it seems that Mr. Wilde might have some excitement for that. Is that correct, Mr. Wilde?" a vixen reporter asked.

"Hardly," he said, rolling his eyes. "It's just not often that I get a good breeze down there, particularly with so many people around."

"Yeah, but you're showing off to the public. The whole public of Zootopia and beyond."

"Lady -"

"Nudists sometimes have unfortunate but understandable reactions to be completely naked," Judy said, jumping in and being far more civil than he felt that he could have been. "You know how it is. Sometimes, you get a little bit of a reaction even when you're not that interested. Come on, you've never had the little 'cotton peaks,' hmm?"

"Well, um...that's true, and that's fair," the vixen said.

Nick knew that he should have been thankful for Judy stepping in and rescuing the situation, but he couldn't find it in himself to feel that. He might not be able to sabotage anything in Nangi's operation himself, but there was still some faint, vain hope that he might make enough of a mistake for someone else to capitalize on it. Something, anything, that would drive the elephant's operation right into the ground. The same thing had happened when Bellwether had made the Nighthowler the first time; Judy had just stumbled on it and they'd brought her down more by accident than cop work.

Surely, something like that could happen with Nangi...

Except he knew that there was no way in hell that would happen. Nangi had the underworld under her thumb, had the cops working overtime running interference for her, and he would just bet that the mayor was just as much under her heel as anyone else. The only ones that might have had any chance of uncovering stuff was the press, and Nangi had him and Judy to manage them for the moment.

And the worst that he could do in front of them was lose his temper a bit, which would fit into the elephant's plans all the more. The dangerous fox that needed to be guided by the wise elephant: whether he got angry or stayed calm and reasonable, he was always feeding into her eventual success, and he hated it.

Why can't I just...

He already knew why he couldn't defy her. The Nighthowler that Nangi and the others had already used on him had left him an addict. It had been refined, pushing through his system and making everything feel better, stronger, more primal than it could ever feel without the Howler. Trying to feel that same pleasure again, trying to get off without the help of the drug, was impossible.

He needed her.

He needed the Howler.

The press report continued for another few minutes, but Judy had completely disarmed the vixen's questions, and nobody else wanted to try their luck against the sharp bunny. They asked a few more questions about public nudity, about the way that Gazelle was advertising for them, and a few of the usual questions that equated nudity with sex, but that was as far as they went. Once the cameras shut down, Judy and Nick turned for the club.

"I hate this," he muttered as the door shut behind them.

"It's what Nangi wants."

"Heh, you care more about that than I do."

"It'd be better if you cared, Nick. You'd stop hurting so much if you would give in to Nangi. She's the one that knows how things work. You see it, you've felt it. It's all her."

He knew that was what Judy believed, and he knew for a fact that his once-girlfriend and partner had fallen down the rabbit hole. He, on the other hand, knew it for a con, a hustle, nothing but the delusions of someone that wanted to have power over others and would take any chance she could to get it. Whatever had tweaked the elephant to want to control others, or 'guide' them as she called it, it had taken hold hard, and she wasn't about to let anyone in her little cult get away.

Including him.

Nick growled under his breath as they walked across the grassy center of the Oasis, making their way to the locker rooms. He saw the glazed eyes that meant an addict, the Howler affecting almost everyone that attended the yoga lessons these days. He had yet to find anyone that had not been given some hint of the drug, though there were still some few that were only mildly affected rather than completely drugged down. Most, however...

Most had those lidded eyes that he knew meant that they were high off their ass with the Howler in their blood, and most of them were whispering the same mantra, though barely loud enough for him to make it out.

_Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler.

Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler._

It was constantly being repeated, everyone reminding each other of where they belonged, what they needed to be, and what Nangi demanded of them. The fox wondered if most of them really remembered what they used to be, or what they had wanted to be before they came here. He doubted that most of them remembered much at all beyond what Nangi told them to remember.

The only reason, he would bet, that Judy still had enough of a brain to actually talk to him was the fact that Nangi allowed it. She didn't have the will to resist, but she wasn't quite the full drone that the others had become. That, once, had given him hope.

These days...these days, it was only a source of pain, because it meant that she was choosing to believe this rather than seeing it with the same critical eyes that had seen through to the heart of the species-ist problems of Zootopia. It meant that the pleasure that she got from serving Nangi was better than the joy that she felt at achieving justice for all.

It meant that she had changed, and not for the better.

Through the grass, through the locker room, and down the stairs. Nick followed in her wake, looking down at Judy and seeing her with the same half-closed eyes that the rest of the drones in the grass had. He bit his lips, keeping his thoughts to himself as he followed her down the stairs.

She's going to Nangi. We're going to Nangi. Something is about to get a hell of a lot worse, and there's nothing I can do about it.

The fox tried to think of something, anything that he might have done to stop this. Maybe, at the start, he might have said something to slow it down. Maybe, just maybe, he might have been able to go to someone - someone in the press, someone that was sympathetic to the plight of a predator - but not now. Not when he was this deep. Just thinking about cutting off his own source of 'Howler was enough to send shivers down his spine, and he groaned as he felt the little shakes of a junkie taking hold of him.

I'm her little bitch now...

Shaking his head, he looked away from Judy's slow-swaying hips to the room beneath the locker room. It was dark, but moist, almost more like a greenhouse than anything else. He rubbed his arms as he walked along, feeling the slow sway of his cock between his thighs and the slight rub of his sac grinding against one leg, then the other. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but it was something that took some time to get used to.

The first room at the bottom of the stairs was a darkened greenhouse, clearly meant for growing the Nighthowler plant. Most of them were harmless, save for those that started to decay and get stronger, but those were quickly picked by the employees of the Mystic Springs Oasis. Nick had found out at least some of the operation just by hanging around and knowing how dealers did their shit with herbs and plants.

What he didn't know...

What he didn't know was how Nangi made it so much stronger, but now...he saw.

He stopped dead in his tracks as they left the greenhouse for the next chamber, and his eyes went wide as he stared at the elephant kneeling in the middle of the huge chamber. Along the walls were several female members of her cult, strapped to the wall with their arms bound to their sides, and their legs raised up on either side of their heads.. Every female had a pair of tubes split between their pussy and ass, both eclipsed by their swollen, distended belly.

And more than that...

More than that, their eyes were completely glazed over, a mask over their faces feeding them more of that dangerous purple mist.. As they breathed it in, he could just barely make out the purple light that burned through their flesh, the gas going down and into their lungs, and then...then doing something else. He wasn't sure just what it was, but the light suffused their bodies, filling them to the brim, making each one look as if they were purple-furred rather than their standard colors.

One of them, a female polar bear, let out a muffled moan. Her eyes swiveled down at the bewildered fox as her body twitched in its bonds. Still trying to break free...

It was Major Friedkin.

"What the hell..."

"Language, Wilde," Nangi said, shifting her pose -

"Oh god..."

Despite himself, the naked fox's cock started rising at the sight before him. The naked elephant, he had gotten used to, but the sight of her all but impaled on a thick, transparent tube was oddly sensual. It hit him hard enough that his cock started pushing upward, getting stiffer and stiffer, and he bit his lips as he kept the little moan in check.

It took him a full minute to see the purple fumes that were rising from the tube and going into the elephant's womb. Looking from her sex to her belly, staring at the flower and the slight purple light that he could only barely make out through the gray of her flesh, his eyes widened.

"Oh fuck..."

"I told you, Wilde. Language."



He was forgotten already, or rather, ignored. He opened and closed his mouth, but all it took was one look from the elephant matriarch to shut him up again. For all that he wanted an explanation, he knew that the more that he questioned her, the more chance he had of being punished. Once, that punishment would have been being strapped beneath her, forced to breathe of her flower, but these days, he would be forbidden from doing that very thing. It humiliated him to know that he would do anything to avoid that fate now, even though he knew that each expression of his addiction only made it worse.

But it didn't matter. He needed it. Just like he needed her.

The fox looked at his partner, instead. His eyes went right to her rump. He remembered when they used to tease each other, and how much he used to fantasize about enjoying her in bed with him. God, the way he'd imagined it. Things had been so simple back then.

No more.

"Judy. You have been a great help to me," Nangi said, her voice flat and monotone. There was no care, only a statement of fact. "Without you and your connections, your earnestness, the flower would not have been breathed by so many. Major Friedkin, Mr. Wilde, and so many others would have been kept at bay. Perhaps, at one point, you might have even found out how my operation worked, and stopped it.

"Thankfully, you did not. And now, you have the chance to be part of it. More than part of it, a key piece of it."

What are you going to do to her? Nick wondered.

Judy didn't answer, not even to question the bigger female. If anything, the rabbit looked positively ecstatic about being brought into the operation, no matter what it might mean for her sanity or her life. She bounced up and down, a few bits of anatomy jiggling.

"Yes, Nangi. Please, let me help!"

"You will. You will."



Nick looked up.

"You want to know what will happen to her."

"...Well, it's a big change. I feel that someone should know what's going on. Even if she's all for it," he said with an affected nonchalance.

"Look around you," Nangi said, slowly sinking forward on the tube once more. "They are my brewing vats for the pure Howler that you have breathed. The plant itself would have done nothing but reduce its consumers into mindless ferals, ignorant of everything that they could be. But by forcing it through them, purifying it in their bodies, and then extracting it through a series of collection devices, I can purify it, intensify it, and make it into something far more potent, far more addictive.

"Once it gets sweated out, I purify it again, steaming it, turning it into vapor and moisture. And then, I have it oozed into me..."

Nangi stroked her hand over her belly, rubbing up along her middle to her belly button, and then up to her chest. She had always looked big, but now, she looked huge, massive compared to the fox and the bunny before her. There was a tightness to her middle that hadn't been there before, and he knew that it had to be from the gasses that were inside of her.

"So, you've become a giant ball of gas."

"Howler, Wilde, Howler. And only partially; the fumes are absorbed into me, soaking through my womb to my blood, my skin... until my mere presence becomes intoxicating."."

So that explained why they always felt so...different near her. Just breathing in the musk that came off her skin, or scenting her sweat, had left him dizzy and happy, warm and needy. Now he knew why. She had drugged herself, turned herself into an eldritch being of pure lust.

She was poison.

She was an aphrodisiac.

She was Nighthowler incarnate.

Nick didn't say a word. He knew any protests were futile. the same time, he glanced back at Judy.

There was no regret in her eyes. There was barely a hint that she understood what she would be going through if she agreed to this. Nick glanced back at the 'brewing vats' that lined the walls. Even more than the drones on the surface, he could tell that they had lost their minds, enslaved to the pleasure of the 'Howler as it coursed through them. They weren't even ferals. They were more like plants, filling up and waiting to be harvested, dripping and sweating and cumming their brains out from the drug in their veins.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I mean, Judy's still pretty useful as a spokesperson. You could have her up there, doing a lot of helpful things to keep things running the way you want them."

"My plan is already underway, Wilde."

"I almost screwed up."

"Then you best not do that again, hmm?"

"...What about the fact that she's a celebrity?" he pointed out. "Someone might come looking for her."

"The only ones that would dare do that are you, and her family. And her family are too far away to care at this point."

Nick gritted his teeth as his excuses for Judy's continued freedom were ripped away one after another. He knew - absolutely knew - that there had to be something that he could say that would keep her safe, that would stop Nangi from pinning her to the wall and stripping away her mind, but -


Judy pulled him out of his own head. He looked down at her and saw the same earnest gaze that he remembered from the first day that they'd met, way back when he had been doing the paw-psicle scam with Finnick. She looked him right in the eye, her smile softening.

"I want this."

"Carrots - Hopps, come on. You don't - you don't really want this."

"I do."

"But -"

"Endless pleasure. Endless service. I can breathe the flower, and be a real Howler."

"That is correct," Nangi said.

"But -"

"It's what I want. Please...Please, Nangi..."

She was turning away from him. Something in Nick broke at the sight of her just giving up, giving in, being so utterly taken in by something so horrifying. The fox reached out, almost resting his hand on Judy's shoulder...

And then Nangi glared at him. The massive elephant's eyes were steel-hard, and he shivered as he saw the promise in them. His addiction no longer fed, his arms pinned to the wall as he watched others breathe the flower, his body shaking as he was wracked with the consequences of his addiction. He would be given the scent only often enough to keep him addicted, neve enough to sate or satisfy. If he rebelled, if he tried to get in her way again, that would be his fate.

He lowered his hand to his side.

"I would normally not make someone so small into a brewing vat, but you are an exception, Judy," Nangi said, bringing her eyes back to the bunny. "Back up to the wall. The others will tie you down, and then...we will begin."

"Thank you, Nangi. Thank you."

"Say goodbye to Wilde."

Judy turned to him, and Nick did his best to smile as if nothing was wrong. It was a lie - the biggest lie that he had ever told - but it stayed firm on his muzzle.

"Well, Carrots. It's been fun."

"So fun."

"I'll miss you."

"Heh, I'll miss you too. But this is what I want...what I need...Nangi needs me to do this...and that's what I'll do."

You little idiot...

There was nothing that he could do aside from hug her as she embraced him. He wanted to hold on forever. Heaven above, he wanted to shake the living daylights out of her for doing something like this. She couldn't be this stupid. This was all down to the flower she'd huffed so often, all down to Nangi breaking her, and yet...

Yet, he was too much of a coward to stop her.

He let go when she pulled against his arms, watching as she backed up against the wall. Her arms were pinned to restraints at ear-level for her, her legs pushed out and her thighs fastened to the walls. She was lifted off the floor, a small platform under her thighs lifting her up while keeping her pussy and her asshole completely exposed.

He watched, his mouth dry and his throat clenching as he fought back tears. Judy smiled the whole time, her eyes closing to slits as a few wisps of the 'Howler smoke reached her. Other, barely visible assistants to the elephant stepped forward, gently sliding a pair of hollow toys into her holes. A collection vat hung below for anything that squirted out without warning, and finally...

The mask.

Nick stared at the gas mask, the eyes glinting darkly as they were brought to Judy's face.

The hose that linked up to it made her look like an elephant herself, be it far smaller than the cultists dangling alongside her. Major Friedkin and officer Francine.

The rest of the mask was transparent, probably to show that the purple fumes were flowing through when it was active. He held his breath as the assistants pressed it to Judy's face, flattening it against her cheeks and tying it off behind her head. Her eyes were just barely visible through the darkened lenses, and he could just barely see her mouth already going slack with relaxed pleasure.

This isn't her anymore, he thought. This isn't Judy. She is just...another cultist, broken by the flower...

His breath caught in his throat, but the fox kept the lying smile on his face as she kept staring down at him. Someone pulled a lever and sent the gas flowing down the lines, feeding into the mask. Judy breathed it in, and the rabbit arched her back, a hard twitch running through her body. Her toes curled, her pussy clenched, and a sudden shot of her juices hit the collection bowl beneath.

It was the first of many spasms. She breathed in, shaking, her hands curling into tighter and tighter fists as the 'Howler fumes filled the gas mask to capacity. She shook, her chest heaving for a full minute as she clearly strained to get more air than fumes, and he could see every inch of her trembling, going stiff. It was like watching someone die.

It was exactly like watching someone die.




He clenched his hands at his side, watching as Judy's nipples stiffened through her fur and her pussy grew wetter and wetter around the tube that had been shoved inside of her. The tremors ran down her legs, and he could just barely see her eyes through the glasses of the mask. They stared out at him for a moment, then were slowly forced back, rolling upwards in their sockets until all he could see were the whites of her eyes.


It was the only thing that he could think as the bound bunny's spasms reached a fevered pitch, only to suddenly stop without warning. She sagged against her bindings, a few last twitches all that was left of the brilliant girl that she had once been. The promising bunny cop was gone, and the only thing left was a dangling, dripping, horny brewing vat of nighthowler. Her belly groaned as her womb filled with bubbling liquid.

"You got her," he muttered.

"She is happier now."

"She's gone. She's completely gone!."

"You dare to deny her legacy? And defy ME?"


"Choose your next words VERY carefully, mister Wilde."

He wanted to lash out. He wanted nothing more than to lash out and spin around, snarling and biting and doing what little a fox could do against an elephant. For one, two, three seconds, he even considered throwing his life away to at least show her that some people wouldn't be beaten down. At the very least, it would have been a tribute to Judy to at least do something to stand up to the elephant.

But he couldn't.

The three seconds of angry resistance passed, and he was reminded of his addiction once more. The hint of Nighthowler in the air was enough to make him tremble, feel dizzy, and be reminded that it had been twenty-four hours since he'd had his last dose. His cock remained hard, his eyes remained watery, but oh, he needed...he needed...

The shakes were on him. He couldn't resist her. He had to submit. He had to go along with what she wanted.

Like a coward.

Like a broken coward.

Nick turned around, facing the impaled, kneeling elephant. Nangi looked down at him, her head cocked to the side, and Nick couldn't meet her eyes. As much as he hated her, he couldn't face her.

"I'll do what you tell me."

"Of course you will. I am Nangi, goddess of Howler. All will kneel before me, and breathe DEEP."


"Lie down, Wilde."

He knew what was coming. His mind hated it, but his body craved it. By the time that he lowered himself to his knees, his heart was beating fast enough that he could almost feel it against his rib cage, and his breath came faster, harder. He laid back, his spine flush to the floor, his cock hovering just over his belly as it throbbed and dripped into his belly button.

This is wrong. I shouldn't...I shouldn't...

But he did crave this. No matter how it hurt him, no matter how much it had hurt Judy, he craved the same treatment. The fox stared as the elephant slowly pushed herself upright, the long, slimy 'schlick' sound of her pussy sliding off the Nighthowler rod filling the room. She kicked some sort of lever under her, cutting the feed of the gas at the last second, and she stood up with long strings of her own arousal hanging from her sex.

He could see faint wisps of the fumes leaving her, tickling and almost stroking her sex before disappearing. Nick imagined how it would have felt if he had his face buried in the tube that she kept inside of her. He would have lost his mind in short order, but Nangi...Nangi just absorbed it.

How she didn't get affected the way that everyone else did, he didn't know. All he knew was that she somehow resisted the effects of the Nighthowler and passed them on to others. And made it all the more addictive.

She took one thunderous step after another until she was standing over him, her legs spread just enough for him to stare up and see the tattoo of the blue flower over her sex.

_Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler._

The mantra had been burned into his brain just as much as it had been to everyone else. He groaned under his breath as he realized just how intense that mantra was, and how much it had broken him. And here he was, waiting, staring, as Nangi slowly brought her hips down closer and closer to his face.

And then...she was over him.



His nose lodged briefly against her clit before she slid forward, staining him with fragrant, musky juices. One little breath was enough to bring that tickling tingle to the front of his mind, the high that always came with the 'Howler fumes hitting him. His cock felt more sensitive than ever, and his entire body burned with the raw sensitivity and awareness that the feralizing drug brought with it. He could feel everything: every individual tile, every little spot on her rump around his face, every little strand of fur that covered his entire body, head to toe, and know how it would feel when he shifted and slid against the ground.

That was how intense the drug was. That was how powerfully the flower affected those that breathed it in.

As Nangi settled over his face, Nick breathed in. Each breath brought him further down, further in a trance of sorts, and he kept repeating the mantra to himself.

_Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler.

Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler.

Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler._

And as he slipped into that state once more, he felt the pain of Judy's loss leave him. He felt the shame and guilt of being a coward disappear. He felt everything go, replaced with nothing more and nothing less than the ancient instincts of being a fox, and more than that, being male.

All he needed to think about was cock, and cum, and pleasure, and doing what he was told.

_Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler.

Breathe the flower.

Be a Howler._


Nangi maintained her position over Nick Wilde, feeling the fox's tongue slowly slide free and enter her. She expected that from the start, though had been rather surprised that the habit hadn't been instant when she sat down on his face. Perhaps there had been something more in his head than she had thought; perhaps he had been closer to Judy than even she had realized. The pain that he might have felt seeing her 'go' when she was turned to a brewing vat had probably been more intense than she had anticipated.

Regardless, he was already fading. The eager licks from below told her just how much he wanted to make that feeling go away, and her pussy was the only way that he could make that happen. Lick, sniff, taste. Lick, sniff, taste.

And particularly sniffing, she knew, as she pressed down and clenched her muscles. More of the fumes from her womb, more of her tainted juices, more of everything that contained the fumes of the flower came from within. He kept breathing it in, and his cock kept spitting his juices over his belly. She reached down with her trunk, wrapping it around his shaft, and pumped it slowly as she whispered to him.

"Breathe it in and lose yourself. There is no shame. There is no guilt. There is only Nangi, and the power of her words. You are nothing more than Nangi's mouthpiece, nothing more than my servant. You will not fight; you will not resist. You will serve, and you will serve happily. Breathe the flower, and be a Howler."

He groaned against her sex, but she could feel his mouth echoing her words. They were slowly sinking in, becoming part of his very being. Sooner or later, he would be in her hands completely, and there would be no more resistance. He would give in, and he would submit to her.

We are almost there, she thought. Once the other Mystic Springs open, and Gazelle has her festival, we will have customers that would never think to come before. And once they see the truth, once they breathe the flower...

Then she would have many Howlers all across the city, all willing to listen to the guidance of a wise elephant. It was only a matter of time, and that time was rapidly counting down to the end.

The End

Summary: Nick watches Nangi take Judy to the end of her period of service among the cult of Nangi, and hates himself.

Tags: M/F, Femdom, Nudity, Mystic Springs Oasis, Nangi, Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Rule 34, Bondage, Nighthowler, Mind Death, Series, Orgasm, Aphrodisiac, Facesitting, Face Sitting, Public Nudity, Toys, Elephant, Fox, Rabbit,