TSRS: Lisa and Cole the Begnning (prequel)

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Silver Renomon Series

This is a back story of Lisa and Cole from my Silver Renomon series, with a small insight to book two included. Some writers create a back story for their characters that no one ever see's, and only hints at it in the real story. I felt that Lisa and Cole needed a back story to cement their past together, answer to a few questions about them.

TSRS: Lisa and Cole the beginning

By: Wolf421

Edited by: Lady Shalendrea Kit'ranth

Place: Thackry Farm, Idaho

Time: The past, two months before Lisa Thackry's fifthteenth birthday

Lisa walked through the empty house of her friend Ann; Ann's family had been forced to move south to another farm in northern California just days ago. Like some seasonal workers Ann's family moved with the crop production, if the crops failed in one location they would hire on elsewhere taking their family with them. Thus what had happened when the late freeze after spring had come this year, had struck the orchard, the apple blossoms had frozen and died on the limbs of the trees. Less than a quarter of their crop had survived the freeze. Thus her father had been forced to let the last of the seasonal workers go unable to pay them any longer, some had stayed on for free after the freeze like Ann's family until they could get work elsewhere. Lisa stood looking at the empty dining room remembering the last meal she had had with Ann. Her mother had made fajitas with real refried beans and all the other fixings to go with the meal. Lisa had eaten fajitas at a restaurant in the past but those where a far cry from the homemade ones Ann's mother had cooked. She stepped into the short hallway and walked down to Ann's room the last room on the left; slowly she pushed open the door and looked in. There on the wall was the poster they had made together in homeroom at school. Lisa walked into the room and over to the poster her hand touching the note left for her.

The note said:

To: My best friend Lisa.

I wanted to say how much I valued our friendship over the last year since we moved to your family's farm. Last night my father told us that he had found a new job in California and that we needed to leave before morning. I regret I was unable to say goodbye to you in person. I wanted to tell you something for some months now but I didn't know how you would take it coming from me. I like being with girls not boys, like they explained in sex education a few months ago. I'm a lesbian; I figured it out after the class. I have had feelings for you for months now and had intended to tell you at your birthday party, but now all I can do is leave this sad note. I hope you understand that I never wanted to tell you this way; instead I wanted to tell you out at our favorite spot alone. Dad's hollering for me to hurry up and get to the car, we're leaving here in a few minutes so I have to go. I'll write you when I get the new address; I really wished I had told you my feelings before now. Love and kisses Ann.

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she read the letter and then read it again. Ann had been her closest friend since her family had started working for her father almost two years ago.

"Oh I wish you had told me; things might have been different between us now. It's going to be so lonely for me now with only my pony for companionship." Lisa said out loud to no one. As she took the note down from the poster and carefully folded it and put it in her pocket. She took another look around the room before turning toward the door. As she stepped to the door a flash of light came from behind her. Quickly turning around she looked over the bedroom for any sign of what caused the flash. No one was outside the window with a camera when she looked; seconds pass before she notices the small object on the window seal. Walking over she picks up the white object and looks it over.

"What's this? Did Ann leave it?" Lisa thought to herself as she turned it over in her hand. The white object had a couple of buttons on the side and an lcd screen on one side. It looked like one of them new mini video games that were all the rage among her friends. Lisa had asked her mother for one when they were in town the last time but was told that they couldn't afford one. Lisa pushed one of the buttons and on the screen it showed a small character and gave it some abbreviations for the stats of the character. Lisa smiled and put the toy in her jacket pocket.

"I'll send it to Ann when she writes me." Lisa thought to herself as she walked out of the house and began the walk home halfway across the orchard. By the time she got home her tears had stopped but her mother noticed anyway when she walked in the kitchen door.

"Lisa, I'm sorry that Ann and her family had to move out. We knew they were going to move on, we just didn't know when." Her mother said as Lisa walked over to watch her mother peel potatoes for that night's dinner.

"I know mom, it's just I didn't think it was going hurt so bad." Lisa replied trying not to start crying again.

"I know it hurts, I had friends move away from this very farm when I was your age and more since then. Some of the ones that moved away this time have been friends with me for years also; so you're not the only one missing friends today. Well dear, sometimes people have to move elsewhere even when they don't want to. Especially families like Ann's; they go where the work is. And this year all the work is down in California and other states that didn't get hit by that hard freeze. Now go you and get cleaned up before your father comes home." Her mother replied shooing her from the kitchen with a dish towel.

That night after Lisa had laid down and cried herself to sleep. Her dreams are filled with creatures she has never seen before; and of a different world without humans or any other animal that she knew. Under her pillow the mini game glowed and beeped softly on top of Ann's folded note.

Time: The past, four months after Lisa Thackry's fifthteenth birthday

The moon shown through the open bedroom window; a light breeze made the curtains billow out briefly. On the single bed Lisa kicked off the covers as she tossed and turned in the midst of a dream. She watched as the big silver furred female pointed to the floor before her. She looked like a fox, but one that stood up on its hind legs like a human being. The female fox was adorned in gold jewelry and a small circlet on her head. On her neck a gem encrusted gold choker sat with small chains dropping down to the gold rings in her large nipples of her full round breasts. Chains dropped from her nipple rings to an equally impressive gold belt around her waist that supported the gold weave cloth covering her neither region. Lisa watched as the scene shift views to the one she was pointing at. Before her stood a male not impressively adorned as the female, if anything he was almost bare except for the simple loin cloth covering his loins.

"I will not kneel to you; nor will I consent to mating with you. I'm no one's breeder; I chose who I'll breed with when I'm ready!" The male said in defiance. The gathered clan members gasped in shock at his refusal, whispered words where rapidly exchanged between the circled members as the matriarch held up her paw to silence them seconds later.

"So you refuse to mate with the matriarch of the clan, you violate clan law by doing so. I ask you one last time to submit to me. Refuse at your own peril young renomon. So what say you?" She asked him.

"With respect matriarch I still refuse to mate with you, you have not earned the right nor are you worthy of my offspring I carry in my loins." He replied loudly holding his ground. This time the gathered clan members roared in outrage and disbelief at his defiance. Minutes pass before the matriarch is able to restore order in the chamber.

"Silence! You dare refuse the matriarch of the silver diamond clan! The females rule by clan law; this law is far older than even the oldest of us. Passed down through the digi-years when we first left our feral ways and brethren behind; and by that law all males are servants and required to do as we say. Your defiance to me and the law in front of the clan can only be worthy of one punishment; banishment! Thus you are cast out never to set paw inside of silver diamond lands or villages. You shall have no succor from members of the clan; anyone helping you shall also be banished. Nor a den of your own nor female to mate with until you submit to clan law and kneel before a female that finds you worthy. Tharan you are banished! And forever your name will be Ro'tharan the law breaker!" The matriarch shouted as her paws weaved the spell of banishment in the air in front of her. Mystical energies swirled around him and began ripping at his digital matrix pulling him into the vortex. The onlookers of the clan watched in horror and dismay as the newly named Ro'tharan threw his head back and howled in rage and anger. His eyes turned blood red as his voice came loudly out of the vortex just before it began to collapse taking him with it.

"A day will come when you will bow before me matriarch and acknowledge me as your superior!" Ro'tharan shouted before disappearing in the vortex. The clan members all turned to face the matriarch, the shock of his statement sinking in. Many whispered that it was prophecy for told ages ago. Others dismissed his statement as boasting. But the one thing they did agree upon is the matriarch looked scared.

"From this day Ro'tharan is an enemy of the silver diamond clan; his name shall be stricken from the rolls of the honored. His dishonor is his own! His name will not be spoken ever again in my presence, he is no more!" The matriarch said glaring a warning at Tharan's family members in the crowd.

In her bed Lisa wakes up crying over what she has seen in her dream; but minutes later she is back to sleep. Her dreams follow the banished Ro'tharan in his travels through the vortex and are forgotten by morning.

Later the same day long after breakfast.

The wind blew out of the north with a touch cold to it, signaling that fall was almost here. Already the leaves on the apple trees had started turning brown with the change of seasons. Lisa looked out at the grove of her family's apple orchard with its neat rows of apple trees. The orchard had been in their family since after the first settlers had made their way across the country, her great-great-grandparents had come here in the first wagon trains into the area with their two young daughters. Now with the higher costs of apples and the worse growing season in years the chances are her parents would be forced to sell the orchard. The cool wind blew her brown locks of hair into her face, with a flick of her hand she brushed them away and turned toward the barn, her chores had still needed to be done before father returned from Coeur-D'Alene some twenty miles away. He had went there to try and secure more money from the bank and or the government to save the farm at least until the next growing season. Father had to let go of the other farm hands that worked the orchard due to the failed crop months ago, and with it most of their family's had moved away taking her only friends with them. Thus the farm had been a lonely place this summer. School was ok during the week but on days like today when her father needed the truck to go into town way early she had no way of getting there; so today she stayed home with her mother. Even though she had friends in school, she only saw them during the week and very little during the summer unless it was for a birthday or Sunday for church. Thus the farm was not only a way of life but learning experience in being lonely, especially for a girl her age.

At four foot ten inches tall, Lisa was small for her age of thirteen when most of her friends where over five foot. A sudden gust of wind whipped the barn door almost from her grasp as she pulled the door open her long locks flew into her face again obscuring her vision for a second, before she brushed them away. Pulling the barn door closed behind her the interior was cool and dim with what little light entered through the high windows on the walls. Flipping on the over head lights from the switch mounted on the wall near the door Lisa looked down the empty row of stalls that had once held her horse and the family's cow. They had to sell both when this year's crop had died on the trees from a late freeze this last spring. The only live stock they had left was the chicken coup in the back of the barn, which was why Lisa had come to the barn; to collect the eggs. She pulled her jacket tighter around her and zipped the front closed as she walked past the stalls; the barn was colder inside than outside. Her father had turned off the heaters in the barn to save on money but had left the one for the chicken coup running; they still could eat the chickens and the eggs. Even in early September the heaters were needed to stay warm, but only when the nights grew colder than normal like this year. Stopping short of the door into the chicken coup Lisa leans against the last stall door looking in. The empty stall clean and bare of hay had been where her horse had last stayed before being sold. A silent tear rolls down her cheek as she turns back toward the chicken coup.

Her hand stops short of the door knob, a look of concern crosses her face. Usually the chickens can be heard clucking through the door, instead there's only silence. She swallows nervously and grips the knob slowly turning it; she pulls the door open and peeks through the crack. There's chicken feathers scattered all over the coup, the bones of one chicken lay just inches from the door. A low growl comes from the coup and Lisa feels her heart skip a beat. Fear flows through her as the growl grows in volume forcing her to act; she pushes the door closed and runs. Half way down the row of stalls the sound of the door behind her being torn apart reaches her. An even louder growl comes from behind and above her, as if whatever it is has either grown or is in the rafters up above her. A strange feeling hits her, like a premonition; whatever it is, is going to attack. Lisa dives to the floor just before a silver blur passes over her barely missing her by inches. Looking up she sees the sliver form slide almost to a stop before turning back to face her blocking the door. Just twenty feet in front of her is a being that looks like a fox but standing on its hind feet like a person but so many times larger than a fox of the four legged variety. Her breath catches in her throat as she pulls herself back to her feet; upon seeing him in the flesh for the first time. Recognition crosses her face as the months of dreams flood her conciseness; she had seen him too many times sometimes nightly.

"Is it him? Is this the one I've dreamed about for months? If he is the one, I mustn't appear a coward or weak minded little girl." Lisa thought to herself. Her stance changes from that of one afraid to defiance; she stands straight, proud and tall her eyes locked on his as she begins walking forward. She reaches up and unzips her jacket and shrugs it off her shoulders letting it drop to the floor. Her t-shirt does little to protect her from the chill of the barn, goose bumps form on her bare arms.

"I've waited for you to come for months, in my dreams you've shown me a world unlike any human could imagine. In those dreams we've ran through the endless forest to reach your packs home in the foothills of the great western mountains. We've laid on the soft blue grass on the plains of forever watching as the sun sets and the stars fill the night time sky. I'm not afraid of you, I know who and what you are." Lisa said slowly closing the gap between them. Lisa stops just shy of ten feet away as the fox being's head tilted to one side almost comically and his body relaxed visibly as she spoke softly to him. A smile forms on her face followed by a soft giggle at his reaction to her words.

"What would you know of my den, human? You have never been to the digital world, yet you know about places there? I need to understand how you know these things." He asked her gruffly.

"Like I said in my dreams; they told me about you. The mighty warrior of the Silver Diamond Clan highly placed amongst in the clans ruling class. So highly placed that the matriarch of the clan wanted you as her next mate, but you rejected her and we both know that you're not looking for that in a female. You're looking for a mate that will treat you as her equal, not a servant." Lisa said as her eyes took in his body now that she was much closer to him. Her words startled and shocked him causing him to take a step backwards. His silvery white fur seemed to thin as the finest silk thread and probably just as soft or so it looked like to her. A longer ruff of fur surrounded his neck and draped across his shoulders and chest. On his chest the ruff tapered to a point and thinned somewhat as it crossed his belly but grew long again around his sheath and covering his groin that it almost obscured the heavy sack between his legs. Lisa mentally shuddered at the size of his sheath and sack.

"God he is well endowed! My dreams didn't do him justice." Lisa thought to herself.

"You do know something's about me but not all human; so why am I here and not back with my clan?" He asked taking another step backward.

"I don't know the exact details about how you ended up in my family barn; but if I had to make a guess I would say you were banished. You're not a submissive like the other males of the clan which is what the matriarch wants in a mate." Lisa said taking three slow steps toward him.

"Then you know my shame; I didn't leave because I wanted to, I was forced to leave because I refused the matriarch." He replied as his shoulders slumped and he knelt before her his hands on top of his legs silent tears running down his furry cheeks. Lisa watched him for a minute before carefully stepping over the remaining distance between them. She knelt down slowly and placed her hands on his gauntlets.

"There is no shame in wanting a mate that doesn't look on you as nothing more than a servant. We humans passed that stage a very long time ago. For us humans, seeking a mate takes time until we are sure about it. And it's not just the female that decides, both of them decide if it's right." Lisa said softly as she reached up and wiped the tears from his muzzle softly.

"I'm Ro'tharan Silver Diamond, a renomon. Banished by my clan for refusing to do my duty and mate with the matriarch." He said softly his eyes fixing on hers.

"I'm Lisa Thackry." Lisa replied as she leaned forward and lightly licked him on the tip of his muzzle, his eyes widen in shock as she leans back on her heals.

"Why did you do that?" Ro'tharan asked shocked.

"Because you needed it and I wanted to. And besides we have a future together or so my dreams showed me." Lisa replied smiling.

"I don't understand how you would find me worthy of you even after finding out my shame?" Ro'tharan asked his eyes taking in all of her. Her long locks of brown hair framed her face and flowed freely down and across her shoulders. Her brown eyes bright above her rosy red cheeks and pert nose, her lips still held her smile but still her face betrayed her age. Farther down her nipples shown through her shirt making his own skin flush under his fur as he realized what they were. Even lower her hips made a nice curve in her jeans.

"You shouldn't feel shame because you are different, I'm different like you. For years I've never felt attracted to the boys, err, human males like other girls, instead I was attracted to a non human last year until he went away. But here and now I understand; I was waiting for you to come." Lisa said unashamed looking up at him. He watched her for a minute, her reactions and words rang true in his ears.

"And you find me attractive, enough to be your mate?" Ro'tharan asked, shifting his position somewhat in front of her. Lisa smiles and leans in and once again lightly licks his muzzle before pressing her lips against his in a kiss. Ro'tharan's eyes widen in shock at first and then soften as one of her hands slowly moves up his leg. His eyes go wider still as her hand moves into the longer fur of his ruff and softly takes hold of his sheath and strokes him softly. He gasps as her hand lightly squeezes his knot before she breaks the kiss, licking him again as she pulls away. Lisa leans backward on her heels before standing up and turns walking over to where she dropped her jacket. Ro'tharan watches as her shapely rear sways and almost gasps as she bends over picking up her jacket. Her jeans are tight on her, but not so tight to restrict her movement, but they failed to hide the soft curves of her mound as she bent over. Standing back up she looks back at him for a second before walking to the ladder leading to the loft. At the ladder she stops for a moment and looks back at him as her left hand reaches over and pulls down the handle on the breaker box turning on the heaters, smiling as she starts climbing the ladder to the loft. The electric heating units start up blowing warm air into the cold barn. Ro'tharan watches as she climbs the ladder until she is almost all the way up before he moves. In a flash he is at the top of the ladder much to her surprise holding a paw out to help her up. Taking the offered paw she climbs the rest of the way into the loft.

"Thank you." Lisa said stepping close dropping her jacket as her hands drifted to his sides. His muscles twitched at her touch.

"What are you planning?" Ro'tharan asked looking down at her upturned face her chest almost against his.

"Oh, just becoming what you're looking for." Lisa replied her tone playful but with a hint of lust. As she slowly stepped past him her right hand slid across his belly and sheath drawing another gasp from him. He turned with her and watched as her hands dropped down and pulled her shirt upward exposing the bare skin of her back as she pulled the shirt off and let it fall from her hand to the loft floor. When she reached the hay bales she turns around her arms crossed over her bare breasts. Slowly her hands drop to her belly exposing her pert breasts to his view. She smiled seeing his eyes widen as her hands went lower to her waist and unbuttoned her jeans one button at a time. When the third button was undone he got hint of her white panties as she sat down on the hay. Her feet come up as she kicks off her shoes revealing her white socks, she smiles at him as she leans back and in a swift movement pushes the jeans down to her knees before kicking them the rest of the way off.

Ro'tharan watches her intently his shaft grows hard in his sheath as she stands back up pushing her panties down letting them drop around her ankles. Much to his surprise he discovers that humans have hair elsewhere on their bodies as he stares at her exposed sex. Her brown pubic hair is trimmed neatly above the cleft of her sex leaving the sides of her sex bare. He takes note of the light shade of pink of her neither lips between her legs. Lisa smiles and walks over to him and presses her naked body against his fur covered one pressing her head against his chest ruff.

"Lisa, are you sure about this?" Ro'tharan asked nervously looking down at her. She looks up and licks him on the muzzle.

"Yes, I've dreamed of you for months and I'm not backing away now. Ro'tharan I offer myself to you freely as a mate." Lisa replied before she lowered herself to her knees not breaking contact with him. Her hands move from his sides to his sheath, carefully she pulls down on his sheath forcing a few inches of his shaft out. Ro'tharan growls lightly as the cool air of the loft hits the exposed flesh of his shaft. Fascinated he watches as her head lowers and the warm feeling of her mouth wraps around his tip. He gasps as she sucks softly on his tip, his cock swells under her ministrations. She looks up at him under her brows as he gasps as she runs her tongue around his head. Seconds later she lets go of his shaft and works her way upward, licking and kissing as she rises to her feet before him.

"Why did you stop?" Ro'tharan asked softly. Lisa smiles and backs away her finger beckoning him to follow her. Instead of walking over to where she had undressed she steps around one side of the stack of hay bales. As he follows her around the stack his cock throbs in his sheath, and her bare butt cheeks bobbing as she walks doesn't help. On the other side of the stack on the floor a couple of horse blankets have been spread out, Lisa stops and turns around to face him.

"This is where I come when I want to be left alone, a private place for me to think and dream. Now it will be our place for whatever we want. And right now I want you to mate with me." Lisa said lustfully as she lowered herself to the blankets. Ro'tharan fights against his instincts to rush over and take her forcibly right there and then. Slowly he walks over to her and begins to slowly circle her; Lisa's breathing picks up as she nervously waits for him.

"Am I ready for this? Is he going to accept me as his mate? Why is he circling me like that? I want to taste him again but first I want him inside of me." Lisa thought to herself nervously as he continued to circle her.

"She has offered herself to me willing, but why do I prolong this. I should already have taken her, but I hold back, why? The matriarch was right to banish me for my refusal to mate with her, but I didn't love her. And here's a human female offering to be my mate unashamed of mating outside of her species unafraid of what may happen because of it. She has courage that even the matriarch couldn't deny; thus she is worthy of the clan even more so than the matriarch. The banishment be damned along with the ruling of the matriarch against me! I chose my mate not the other way around!" Ro'tharan stopped in front of Lisa and bent down taking hold of her shoulders and lightly pulling her to her feet to stand in front of him.

"I claim, no I accept you Lisa as my mate, my equal in all things." Ro'tharan said as he looked down and kissed her like she had done earlier. Lisa almost melted right there and then in his arms. His cock throbbed hard in his sheath pressed against her. She moaned into his mouth as his hands dropped down and cupped her ass as he picked her up and held her against his chest as they kissed. Her legs wrapped around his waist seemingly of their own accord. Lisa gasped as the hot tip of his cock throbbed against her now spread lips of her teen pussy. Carefully Ro'tharan lowered her to the blanket on her back and broke the kiss.

"I want to explore you before we mate." Ro'tharan said lustfully as he pulls away. Lisa unsure of what he meant watches as his head dips to her breasts. She gasps loudly as his tongue flicks out and licks her hard left nipple slowly; she shudders as his tongue works over the nipple before quickly switching to the other one. Lisa gasped loudly as his tongue swirled around her nipple before his lips wrapped the nipple and he started lightly sucking on it. Minutes later he lets go of the nipple and starts making his way down her body.

"Gods do that again!" Lisa said shuddering as he moved lower down her body causing her to giggle as his breath flowed over her belly. Ro'tharan admired the trimmed hair over the cleft of her sex; it had been trimmed back neatly. He turned his attention to her cleft; his nostrils flared as he breathed in her scent coming from her slightly spread pink lips. Her scent beckoned to him, no demanding that he mate with her. As he looked he noticed that the color of her sex deepened from the pink of the outer lips to a darker shade of pink inside her opening.

"Oh gods!" Lisa exclaims as his tongue spreads her sex, she shudders as he begins lapping her juices.

Ro'tharan's eyes close briefly as his tongue lapped at her entrance, her juices tasted unlike anything he had ever tasted. He savored her taste on his tongue for a second before his tongue slips between her lips again and again. Lisa shudders and cries out as his tongue finds her clit, a fact not lost on Ro'tharan. He divides his lapping of her sex between long licks of her inner lips and the nub that joins the sides of her lips at the top; which she seems to enjoy more.

She gasps for breath and shudders uncontrollably, her hands grip the blanket under her as his tongue works wonders on her clit and lips. She's never been so turned on in her life even when using her fingers. Lisa loses track of how long he has been lapping her cunny, for that matter time has lost all meaning, all that matters is what he is doing to her. From deep within her cunny she feels her muscles clench as a wave of pure pleasure spreads through her body, vaguely she feels her juices flowing from her sex. Ro'tharan's tongue laps faster as her fem cum flows freely from her sex. He shudders as the taste and scent of her juices cause his cock to throb painfully in his sheath. Slowly he forces himself to pull away from the spread lips of her sex. Lisa cries out as his paws take hold of her and roll her over on her belly under him. Lisa gasps again as he lifts her hips upward, vaguely understanding his intentions she pulls her legs under her until she is on her knees. Weakly she pushes up with her hands raising her top up and gasps loudly as Ro'tharan grips her hips with his paws. She looks back at him through half closed eyes as he positions himself behind her.

"Be gentle my mate, you are my first." Lisa said as his hot tip slowly began to push into her virgin pussy spreading her lips as it sought her tunnel. She gasps at how hot his cock is as it finds her vagina and begins stretching her as he pushes into her. Ro'tharan moans softly as he fights the urge to thrust his cock deep into her hilting and tying with her. His tip reaches her hymen and he stops pushing as she cries out painfully.

"Lisa are you alright? I won't do this if it's going to hurt you." Ro'tharan asked in a concerned tone as he began to pull out.

"Yes I'm ok, no don't pull it out I'm getting used to your size." Lisa replied pushing back against him in an effort to keep his cock inside her.

"But you cried out in pain, I don't want to hurt you." Ro'tharan said not understanding.

"I'm ok, there is a barrier that all human females have inside our sex that must be broken for us to mate fully. It alone proves that I've never been mated. So take me and claim me as yours." Lisa exclaimed shuddering on the tip of his cock. Ro'tharan looked down at her for a moment, his thoughts conflicted.

"I have to break this barrier inside her and it will hurt her. But without us mating our words mean nothing." Ro'tharan thought to himself as he fought with all the control he had.

"Why are you waiting like this? I'll be ok. This is a necessary evil and once done it never has to be done again." Lisa said in frustration as his cock throbbed needful inside her.

"I'm sorry my mate." Ro'tharan said softly as a tear flowed from his eye to drip down and land on her lower back.

"I know." Lisa replied as she pulled herself almost off of his cock before shoving herself backward impaling herself on his long cock. She screams out in pain and her hands grip the blanket as her hymen is torn asunder and her vagina stretches painfully to accommodate his girth. Tears flow down her cheeks as she sobs through the pain coming from her pussy. Ro'tharan behind her grits his teeth as her tight passage clamps down on him almost painfully; his paw slowly rubs her back trying to comfort her. The minutes pass and her sobbing slows down as the pain starts to fade. Carefully Lisa pulls forward and then pushes back against him slowly; it still hurts somewhat but it's nothing she can't deal with.

"I'm ok now, please mate me properly." Lisa said a pleading tone in her voice as with one hand she wipes away her tears. Behind her Ro'tharan looks down at her petit body as she pushes backward onto his cock. Her lips are spread wide around his shaft he marvels how she can take all of him as she pulls forward before pushing back onto him again. He watches as she shudders on his shaft for a second before his paws softly take hold of her hips. Lisa gasps as his paws take hold of her, his pads are soft but firm on her hips. The fur of his inner thighs rubs against her legs and she gasps from the erotic feelings it sends through her. Lisa quickly looks back over her shoulder; Ro'tharan is crouched down behind still standing as he pulls back his cock slowly sliding from her pussy. Lisa moans as he slides it back inside her; her passage embraces him tightly trying to force him out. Ro'tharan growls softly from her cunny contracting around him; not to tightly but just right and pleasurable for both of them. His tip presses lightly against her cervix for a moment before pulling away sliding almost out of her cunny before being shoved back in. Lisa gasps as the ridge around his cock rubs her g-spot sending wave after wave of pleasure through her. The dull pain of her hymen is soon forgotten as it is replaced by pleasure. With each thrust of his hips she cries out as his cock tip presses against her cervix trying to force it to open.

Ro'tharan moans and gasps behind her amazed that for such a small girl she is taking all of him into her teen pussy. Lisa moans as his pace increases, his thighs rub hers as his hips roll shoving his cock to the hilt inside of her. She shudders under him as her pussy clenches down on him tightly; her juices flow from her cunny down her legs as well as soak the fur covering his heavy sack. Lisa lets out along drawn out moan as her orgasm flows through her; her body shudders as her muscles clench tightly around his shaft bring a moan from him also. Ro'tharan's pace picks up as he leans forward over her back; he lightly licks her neck as one paw moves up her side then under to cup her breast. Lisa gasps and thrusts her hips back against him in pleasure. Ro'tharan picked up on her physical queue's and picked up the pace somewhat hearing her moan in pleasure at the new pace. Time became meaningless as they continued to mate; Lisa could careless how long had passed since they had begun. Her muscles twitched and hurt somewhat from the workout she was getting not only by his cock thrusting into her but by seemingly every muscle tensing and relaxing in time with the waves of pleasure flowing through her small frame.

Ro'tharan's hot saliva dripped from his open mouth to land between her shoulder blades. Their thrusts become synchronized shortly and they speed up with each thrust being harder than the one before it. Soon Ro'tharan's hips are going so fast that Lisa can't keep up; she lets out a guttural lust filled moan the slowly rises in volume as her orgasm hits and flows through her. His knot starts to expand and with each thrust it becomes harder for him to pull out; a shudder passes through him and his instinctual need to procreate takes over and he forces his knot back into her spreading her lips even farther around his cock. Lisa's moan of pleasure takes on a note of pain as her already abused cunny stretches even farther to accommodate the added girth of his knot. And with just a little more pressure his knot slips inside of her rapidly expanding and tying them together. Lisa gasps in pleasure as his knot rubs her g-spot for the first time like it was meant to forcing another more intense wave of pleasure to flow through her.

Ro'tharan also gasps as her muscles tighten up like they have never done around him. Seconds later he is unable to hold back any longer, both his hands grip her hips almost too tightly as his hips become a blur.

"Yes! Oh Gods yes fuck me like this always!" Lisa exclaimed loudly as Ro'tharan starts to howl out his orgasm. Lisa is shocked into silence as his tip presses against her cervix almost painfully. Strong jets of his seed hit her cervical opening forcing its way into her womb. Lisa is unable to even moan as his hot seed continues to fill her womb. Soon her womb is full and his seed still jets against her cervix only to flow outward coating the walls of her vaginal passage; his knot expands and presses against her g-spot blocking his seed. Lisa gasps for breath as each jet of his hot seed fills her; she shudders and moans loudly as another small orgasm flows through her. Ro'tharan shudders with each jet of his seed is forced from his orbs and up through his shaft into her womb. His arms wrap around her mid section holding her to him as they both ride out their orgasms. He softly and tenderly licks her neck for a second before she turns her head and their tongues meet. Each look at the other searching the others eyes, warmth and love radiate from within and in that brief nano second each of them realize that their love though just beginning is true love. Without words Ro'tharan holds her a little tighter and lowers them to the blankets lying down on their sides. Not a word is spoken as they lay there; Ro'tharan's paw lightly rubs her side. Lisa gasps softly as another jet of his seed flows into her. Lisa smiles and closes her eyes, seconds later she is asleep in his arms. Ro'tharan listens to the sound of her breathing and lifts himself up carefully onto his elbow. He smiles looking down at her, a lock of her brown hair has covered the left side of her face. From her profile she looks even more beautiful to him even asleep. He felt his knot shrink and there was a gush of their combined fluids as his cock pulled free of her cunny soaking both of them. Lisa moaned in her sleep and snuggled closer to him. His fur and body warmth in the still cool barn attracted her like a moth to an open flame.

"So this is the why I refused the matriarch, I was meant to come here and on some level I knew it. She is a very intriguing puzzle though; how did these dreams of hers tell her about me? And who was this other non human that she was attracted to last year? Maybe she'll tell me about it sometime." Ro'tharan thought to himself as he watched over her sleeping form; meanwhile Lisa dreamed.

Her dream:

Lisa cringed inwardly at the loud shouting of voices around her and Ro'tharan, they stood together side by side in the shimmering white circle that made up the center of the matriarchs court. A circle of guards surrounded them but faced away with their backs to her and Ro'tharan protecting them from the crowd. Mostly the voices sounded angry with them but amidst the sheer numbers voices it was hard for her to make out one voice alone. From somewhere other than her dream a loud beeping came to her and Ro'tharan's gentle shake of her arm snapped her back to the present in the loft of her parent's barn.

"What-, oh mate what's that sound?" Lisa asked rolling to sit up somewhat disoriented. Ro'tharan crouched in front of her with her jacket.

"I don't know but it's coming from this." Ro'tharan said handing her the garment.

Lisa took her jacket from him and reached into one of the pockets she pulled the digidevice out. The screen flashed bright white light and it continued to beep loudly. Ro'tharan gasped when he saw what she had in her hand.

"You're one of the foretold ones." Ro'tharan said in shock.

"What are you talking about? This here's a video game, nothing more; here see." Lisa replied holding up what she thought was a toy. From the screen a bright flash of light extends and in the space just above the floor of the loft a swirling portal opens. Ro'tharan grabs her just as the suction pulls them both from the floor and into the portal. Lisa screams and grabs hold of Ro'tharan's arm as he pulls her to him. Lisa buries her face into Ro'tharan's chest ruff as the swirling winds of the vortex try to separate then. Ro'tharan's other arm joins the first holding her to him as the winds seem to strengthen even more. Through barely open eyes Ro'tharan looks the direction they are traveling in; far in the distance is an open portal rapidly approaching them. Ro'tharan curls into a ball around his mate to protect her when they land.

Bright light fills his vision as they fly through the portal. Upon landing, they bounced off of something soft and furry. With a bark of indignation coming from behind them Ro'tharan realized that they had just rolled over someone. With their speed dropping rapidly as they rolled Ro'tharan quickly calculated when he needed to extend his legs to gain his footing. With the grace of a professional dancer he brought them to a standstill in the middle of the room. All around them the voices of the gathered crowd shouted out in alarm at their sudden appearance. Ro'tharan slowly sat Lisa on her feet in front of him, chest to chest they stood as he looked down at her.

"Welcome to my home, my mate, however I think we're in quite a lot of trouble." Ro'tharan said to her with concern in his voice but maintained an outward appearance of calm.

"It's Ro'tharan the law breaker! Guards Take Him!" Someone shouted from the crowd. The court guards quickly surround them and at first face them until as if by some silent signal they turned and faced outward in a protective circle. Ro'tharan smiled as they turned around at least not all of them was the matriarchs puppets. The court goes suddenly silent around them; Lisa pulls away and turns the way he is facing. Lisa gets a worried look on her face as she recognizes the matriarch as she steps up to her seat on the dais; Lisa reaches out and takes Ro'tharan's paw stepping beside him.

"Ro'tharan you're gone from my sight less than a digi week and here you are disrupting my court again. Let me guess you've come back to beg forgiveness and take your rightful place at my side." The matriarch said arrogantly from her seat.

"No, mother I'm not here to beg anything of you. I'm here because of the challenge you issued on the day of my banishment. You said if I found one that I would submit myself to that my banishment would end. (The court whispers start.) (Lisa looks up at him in shock) I have found such a female that I would submit myself to and am here rather abruptly to present her to the court of the Silver Diamond Clan." Ro'tharan said.

The matriarch chuckled from her seat for a second before her features changed to a cold and calculating dead stare at them both.

"Sadly you are the one that misunderstood what I meant. I meant one of our race not some furless freak like what you have standing next to you. So if you're not here to submit to me then I'll just have to banish you again." The matriarch replied as she started to make signs in the air in from of her. Lisa pulled her hand lose from Ro'tharan's and stepped in front of him, her face a mask of rage.

"You will not harm my mate! If anything his banishment ends here and now! Per the challenge you put to him at his banishment; or do you not follow the law like you claim?" Lisa asked forcefully not caring that she was nude in front of the court the dried evidence of their mating on the inside of her thighs.

"What manner of being is this to talk to me this way in my own court? Does it not realize who I am? What was the matter with your thinking Ro'tharan to bring this thing into my court?" The matriarch asked in a very insulting manner and tone.

"I'm no thing! I'm a human being and unlike you I do have feelings for someone other than myself!" Lisa shouted up at her; even as Ro'tharan was trying to hold her back.

"You are whatever I say you are in my court. Now do shut up or I'll make you." The matriarch replied as she continued to weave the banishment spell in front of her.

"Why you arrogant self centered bitch! I'm not one of your subservient males that hasn't any balls to stand up to you! You give orders and expect everyone to obey them while you sit on your tail and do nothing. As a matriarch you're the leader of the clan yes; but you don't understand what it is to be a true leader to your people even your own son." Lisa said as Ro'tharan pulled her back to him. The matriarch had completed her spell while Lisa was talking.

"Be gone from my court!" The matriarch shouted as she her arm came over hand and a ball of glowing light flew toward them. Lisa fought free of Ro'tharan's paws and quickly stepped three paces in front of him, her arms coming up in front of her as if to catch the ball.

"I said no! We're not going anywhere!" Lisa shouted as the ball of light reached her hands. Ro'tharan taken off guard by Lisa pulling away from him watched as the ball impacted her hands. Time seemed to slow as the ball exploded in her hands, Lisa's arms bent under the force of the impact and she slid back a foot. Lisa grunted under the strain as the force of the explosion spread outward her thought's centered on protecting Ro'tharan behind her.

"I'm not letting this bitch banish Ro'tharan again! He is mine and I am his!" Lisa thought to herself as the digi-device in her hand started to vibrate and glow as its true function activated for the first time. Inside the little device electronic pathways sprang to life as the power of her emotions flowed into it. The devices defensive program activated at the same time as the ball exploded in her hands; to those watching it looked like the explosion started to spread outward at first but reversed and disappeared into her hands. The digi-device glowed as it drew the force of the explosion into it; even more electronic pathways activated and channeled the power from Lisa's emotions and the explosion where it was programmed to send it. Behind her Ro'tharan threw his arms wide and his head back as he howled loudly as the raw uncorrupted power flowed through his digital matrix. Inside his digital matrix lines of code came to life sub functions routed power and activated other functions at the speed of light.

To those in attendance a beam of light jumped from Lisa's hands to Ro'tharan and he began to glow with power as he howled in pain or pleasure no one could know for sure. For Ro'tharan he howled as his digital matrix applied the new lines of code over writing whole sections at a time. In a split second his digital matrix expanded twice as new abilities and forms became available, his power level increased exponentially.

"Digi-evolution, Activate! Renomon warp digivolve to Taomon!" Ro'tharan shouted as his body changed to the new form. The other renomon and renamon in the court stood in shocked amazement, the guards around Lisa and Ro'tharan backed away quickly.

"You deny the challenge you made to me before my banishment; mother you are not fit to be matriarch!" Ro'tharan shouted silencing any and all whispers in the court, all eyes on him.

"I deny nothing! Only your misunderstanding of the challenge given to you." The matriarch said as she started to move toward them.

"The challenge you gave and I quote "Nor a den of your own nor female to mate with until you submit to clan law and kneel before a female that finds you worthy" unquote. So you deny your words, there is no defined race or being implied by your wording of the challenge. Thus I'm free to pick any female of any race and I have made my choice as she has made hers. Attend members of the Silver Diamond Court! The completion of the challenge put to me. Lisa Thackry I submit myself to your rule; (Ro'tharan kneels in front of her.) And humble ask you to be my mate if you find me worthy." Ro'tharan said; Lisa smiling reaches out her hand and gently rubs his cheek.

"Ro'tharan, I accept your submission and I find you worthy to be my mate. But I must also do this for it is my races way. Ro'tharan Silver Diamond I submit myself to your rule. And hope that you'll find me worthy to be your mate." Lisa said as she knelt before him and kissed him gently on the lips. The crowd gasped as they broke the kiss and smiled at each other.

"Not since time immortal has a female submitted herself to the rule of a male." A voice said from the crowd. The matriarch screamed in outrage as her designs fell to ruin in front of the court.

"NO! You will not mate! I will not allow this union to happen!" The matriarch shouted weaving her hands as she prepared another attack spell. Upon hearing her exclamation the court guards moved to intercept her. The crowd shouted in outrage "She breaks the law she claims to follow! Remove her, she's unworthy!"

Ro'tharan quickly jumped to his feet placing himself between the matriarch and Lisa protectively.

"As I said you are unworthy of me and I reject you! Likewise you are unworthy of being matriarch of the clan being your refusal to accept my completing your challenge. Lisa is my mate by my acceptance of her in word and deed; even now my seed fills her womb." Ro'tharan said taking up a defensive stance.

"You have no idea what you have done! My line is cursed to ruin and you are the instrument." The matriarch said.

"The one to bring your line to ruin was you mother, by your insistent need to mate with each male offspring you've had over the years; not mine." Ro'tharan said as his paws moved for a second weaving a spell and stopped, all he needed to do was flick his wrist to complete the spell. The court watched as the fight left her with the realization that her son was right, her stance changed almost instantly. Her shoulders slumped and she lowered her head and tails into the submissive position taken by omega, with a sob she fell to her knees in front of her son. The crowd gasped as she knelt in front of him, and someone shouted out.

"Take her data she is unworthy!" the voice shouted. Ro'tharan looked down at her in pity. Instead he did something unexpected; he reached down and took the circlet off her head. His paw drew back to strike her down and stopped at Lisa's cry.

"Ro'tharan! Mate please stop. Isn't it a better punishment to let her live with what she's done?" Lisa asked.

"You mistake my intent mate." Ro'tharan replied turning back to face his mother kneeling in front of him.

"The law says that for your dishonor I must take your data, but I do not follow the law as you see it. Instead this is your punishment (Ro'tharan quickly strikes backhanding her out of the circle toward the main doors to the court) you're forever bared from court; your dishonor is your own. And as you live out the rest of your life think about your fall and what brought you there. No one may take her data; she is to live suffering with what she has done. (He looks up at the gathered crowd) The elders in the crowd nod their heads. His mother rubs her cheek and looks up at him, his paw points toward the doors. With a nod she removes the gem encrusted necklace and belt placing them on the floor in front of him.

"These belong to the next matriarch; they are passed down from one to another when the time comes." She said as she bowed slightly and backed away before turning and walking out the door.

"You did the right thing my mate, and I proud of you for it." Lisa said as she watched the disposed matriarch leave the court.

"I only did what was needed these by right now belong to you." Ro'tharan replied as he placed the circlet on her head before gesturing to the necklace and belt on the floor.

"No, they aren't, they belong to the new matriarch." Lisa said as she looked at the renamon here.

"By law I can't lead the clan, and if you decline to accept the honor as my mate you must chose another." Ro'tharan said somewhat downhearted that she was going to decline. Lisa walked around the circle of light looking at the gathered renamon. She stepped into the crowd looking for the one to lead the clan. The renamon parted for her where ever she walked. Lisa looked in the eyes of each one she passed by looking for some sign. She stopped abruptly and looked between the standing renamon near her, behind the crowd one renamon sat on her small bench while the others stood her eyes on the floor. Lisa smiled and walked toward the renamon not looking at the others standing near her anymore. The crowd parted and allowed her to step over to the younger renamon.

"Why do you not stand?" Lisa asked as she knelt in front of the renamon to look her in the eyes.

"Because I'm too young to rule and I was told to stay here hidden from your search until you had chosen the new matriarch." She replied. Lisa studied her for almost a minute before taking the renamon's hand.

"Come with me." Lisa said giving her hand a light tug. The renamon stood and followed her through the crowd until they stood on the dais in front of the throne much to the renamon's surprise.

"But I'm too-" Lisa stopped her from speaking with a finger across her lips, before turning to the crowd to speak.

"I name this one to be the new matriarch! She unlike the rest here is not biased yet; and she was told to hide from me by her elders. And because of that I proclaim that her elders will not gain from the status that comes with her being made matriarch. Her elders dishonor is their own. (Lisa turns to the young renamon) And because you don't want this is why I chose you. Those that do not want power find it thrust upon their shoulders. Those make the best leaders." Lisa said as she placed the circlet on her head. The crowd cheered loudly for the new matriarch as Lisa moved down the dais and knelt next to Ro'tharan who was already kneeling.

The cheers continued for over a minute before the new Matriarch held up her paw for the court to quite down. Lisa watches as the new matriarch draws a breath in and her courage before she begins to speak.

"Members of the Silver Diamond clan, today we witnessed the changing of the guard. Namely being my ascension to matriarch. That would not have been possible without the help of Ro'tharan and his mate Lisa. I can't say that the coming weeks and months will be easy for us as I learn to be a proper matriarch to govern the clan. As I learn the issues that my predecessor ignored we will work them out together as it should be done. Now something I feel must be done, Ro'tharan I restore you to your rightful place as a clan member your banishment ends now. I restore your honored name to you and on the rolls of our warriors. I welcome you and your mate to the halls of the Silver Diamond Clan." She said motioning them to stand with a paw.

As they stood up the crowd cheered in response, Lisa held Tharan's hand nervously as she blushed turning her skin a nice rosy red. She noticed that she was naked and blushed even more. But after the events of the last hour or so she realized that trying to cover her nakedness didn't matter anymore.

"Now what can the court do for you two?" The matriarch asked looking down at them.

"Add my mate to the rolls; show her as a warrior of the clan for I will teach her to be one." Tharan answered smiling.

"Her name will be added as well as your mating once you have consummated it in front of the court." The matriarch said smiling down at them. The court did a collective gasp upon hearing her decree. She watched the look of shock and then horror cross both of their faces. Lisa blushed even harder than before as her skin changed to almost a beat red color. Tharan looked down at Lisa's blushing face before leaning down to kiss her passionately much to the crowd's amazement. Seconds later they break the kiss and Tharan turns to the Matriarch.

"There is no requirement under clan law that says we must mate in front of the court." Tharan said as the giggle coming from the matriarch turned into full blown laughter followed by the rest of the court. Tharan and Lisa both blush with the realization that they had just been pranked. Once the laughter had almost died down there was disruption by the doors.

"Matriarch if I may speak!" A short and squat old man said as he pushed his way into the circle seconds later. He gave Tharan and Lisa a once over for a second before he started to blush at seeing Lisa naked.

"What would you have to speak with me about?" She asked from the throne.

"Oh first off I need to speak to them. Then I'll handle your problem." He replied rather rudely before turning to face Tharan and Lisa.

"You two need to be back at your family's barn in the loft, there's no time to explain how I know that; I just do. And girl, do get some clothes on when you get back." He said as he rapped his cane on the floor twice. Behind him a portal opened out of nothing.

"There you go one gateway home, now off with you two." He said motioning to the portal with his cane.

"But, we need some answers." Lisa said not moving toward the portal.

"The answers you need, you're not ready for my young lady. Now get into that portal before your mom finds your clothes in the loft. And Tharan train her well she'll need it with what's coming." He replied before making another wave with his cane this time a force shoves them into the portal before they could say anything else.

The trip through the portal was easy when compared to their first ride. This time instead of bouncing and rolling the landing they dropped directly on top of the stack of hay bales in the loft. Lisa quickly moved off the hay bales dropping to the horse blankets. Seconds later Tharan appeared in front of her with her gathered clothes. She quickly took the offered clothing and started putting it back on. She had a worried look on her face as she pulled her jeans up, and shoved her feet into shoes. She pulled her shirt on and grabbed her jacket. Tharan had a worried look on his face as the sound of the barn door opening reached them. Lisa quickly walked over to the corner of the loft and flipped up a hatch and as Tharan watched she smiled at him and dropped into the chicken coop some ten feet below. Tharan moved into the darker area on the rafters and watched as Lisa's mother stepped to the middle of the barn.

"Lisa, are you in here?" She called out waiting for an answer. The door to the chicken coop opens and Lisa steps out. She looks up and acts startled seeing her mother.

"Oh, hey mom; why are you out here in the barn?" Lisa asked pulling an ear phone from her ear.

"I've been calling for you almost ten minutes; why haven't you answered?" Her mother asked.

"Oh, sorry, I had my ear phones in and didn't hear you. I have to clean up the chicken coop a predator got in and killed all of our chickens sometime last night." Lisa said.

"Well then I got more bad news, we'll be moving in with your grandfather before the end of the month. The bank said no to the refinancing, so that leaves us no choice sell the orchard to pay off the debts we owe." She said a note of sorrow in her voice.

"We're losing the orchard? What about the house and everything else? Lisa asked worried.

"Unfortunately the house and everything else is on the deed along with the orchard. Your grandfather saw this coming earlier this year and has already cleaned the rooms for us to move in. So finish cleaning the chicken coop and then come onto the house we have a lot of packing to do in the next two weeks." Her mother said before turning and leaving the barn.

Seconds later Tharan stood beside her side his arm around her waist, his eyes on the barn door. Lisa couldn't believe what her mother had told her, they had to move out. Lisa wrapped her arms around Tharan's waist and buried her face into his chest as she began to sob softly.

"It will be alright my mate as long as we are together." Tharan said rubbing her back softly with his paws.

"I just didn't think we were going to lose the orchard to the bank; they've always worked with dad before but I guess this time they couldn't." Lisa replied minutes later after she had stopped crying.

"I don't know what all of that means my mate; I still am learning about this world. But I'll help in you anyway I can; no matter what the future holds for us." Tharan said.

"I know that you will; it's just I didn't expect that it was going to happen. Let's get the chicken coop cleaned up from the mess you made; the work will take my mind off of us having to move." Lisa said as she pulled away from him and walked toward the door to the chicken coop.

Tharan watched her walk to the door to the coop and followed her seconds later to help her. As Lisa had previously stated the work helped take her mind off of them having to move within the month. Slowly but surely they had gotten the chicken coop cleaned up in time for Lisa to run into the house for dinner. Tharan watched as Lisa walked to the house from under the eve of the barns roof; she was tired from the days events and would sleep well tonight. Tharan fast traveled over to the house and peeked in each of the windows one by one until he found Lisa's room. Her room turned out to be on the upper level of the house, and the reason he knew it was her room; Lisa was undressing when he peeked in.

He watched as she pealed her jeans off of her legs shortly followed by the white panties. Lisa frowned at the sight of dried blood in the crotch of her panties for a second before tossing them with her pants into the basket she used for her dirty clothes. Shortly her shirt joined the rest of her dirty clothes. Tharan's eyes widened as Lisa's fingers dipped into her cleft, she winced as she spread her neither lips slightly and shoved a finger into her cunny. Tharan's shaft grew hard as he watched her move her finger around for a minute before withdrawing it from her cleft. In the light of the room her finger shone brightly with their combined fluids; Lisa examined her finger for a few seconds before the finger disappeared into her mouth. The expression of ecstasy on her face was priceless as she sucked their fluids from her finger before quickly pulling it out of her mouth. Her expression changed to worry and she turned to face the bedroom door. She said something and quickly got clean clothes on before walking out of the room.

"She most have been called by her mother. Not that I didn't enjoy watching her; she seemed to enjoy the taste of our juices. I did enjoy her taste immensely also, I can only hope that we have time to be together like that again. Maybe later after she is finished with dinner, whatever that is." Tharan thought to himself as he sat back to wait for her to come back to her room.

Two weeks later.

Lisa smiled as she watched as her parents left in their pickup. They were going to town to pick up the moving truck so they could start loading it up for their move to her grandfather's place in the morning. They wouldn't be back until later that night after they ate in town. Lisa waited for ten minutes before she ran upstairs to her room. Tharan was waiting for her on the single bed. As she entered the room she walked over to her dresser and turned on the radio, soft romantic music came from the speakers as she glanced over at him. Tharan started to stand but stopped as Lisa pointed down at the bed.

He watched as she started to sway her hips and move her feet in time to the music. Lisa smiled as she turned in a circle like a ballerina dancer her hands pulling her shirt up and over her head before letting it fall away from her topless form. She stopped the spin and walked over to Tharan her feet crossing in front of each other making her hips sway even more as she walked like a model. Tharan felt his cock start to harden as she approached him, her teen breasts bobbed lightly as she walked. Upon reaching him she leaned over and lightly licked his muzzle before turning and walking away her hips swaying.

Tharan had no idea what his mate was planning; but whatever it was it was going to involve her being nude. Lisa kicked her shoes off as she danced away from the bed and stopped in the middle of the floor.

The tip of Tharan's cock poked from his sheath as his mates pants suddenly dropped from her hips exposing her bare butt to him. His cock throbbed forcing more of it from his sheath as she lifted one leg and pulled it from the pants and then the other; her neither lips barely visible below the crack of her ass. Lisa slowly spread her legs as she danced in place slowly giving him a better view of her sex. Tharan gasped as she placed a hand on each of her butt cheeks and squeezed lightly giving him a quick view of her tail hole nestled within. He almost jumped behind her as she bent over at the waist still holding her cheeks spreading them wide for his viewing pleasure. Tharan's mouth fell open as Lisa's left hand let go of her butt cheek and move between her legs.

Slowly she spread her labia giving him a view of how wet she is; her fluids glisten and her scent of arousal reached his nose. He shudders as one of her fingers dip in between her full lips and pushes into her vaginal opening. Lisa bucks her hips for a second forcing her finger deeper into her sex, her palm presses against her clit sending waves of pleasure through her body. Lisa audibly gasps and shudders for a second before pulling her finger from her cleft. Straightening up she half turns and as Tharan watches her finger disappears into her mouth; she sucks on it provocatively as she backs away from him. She reaches the bedroom door and steps through as her finger comes free from her mouth. Smiling she curls her finger beckoning him to follow as she disappears from view.

Tharan in seconds is at the door looking down the hallway the way she went. Down the hallway her hand sticks out from another door way, her finger beckoning to him before disappearing into the room. Tharan's cock throbs almost painfully as he steps down the hall following her. At the door he peeks into the door way and inside the room Lisa is standing facing him her arms spread wide welcoming him to her. Tharan steps into the room and goes to her taking her into his arms; his cock presses against her bare belly. His arms wrap around her and his paws cup her butt cheeks as their mouths meet. They kiss for over a minute before she breaks the kiss and looks up at him.

"I see you're more than ready my mate; but first we need a shower." Lisa said and giggled lightly at his confused expression.

"What is a shower?" Tharan asked.

"Where we humans wash our bodies to get rid of dirt and body odors we don't want to smell." Lisa said pulling away from him. Tharan watched as she turned on the tap and in seconds hot water sprayed into the shower.

"I knew you humans were very intelligent but this is beyond my ken. How does the water get into the wall? Where is it stored? I saw no lake or pool anywhere near the orchard." Tharan asked very curious about the shower.

"Enough questions mate, lets get into the water before we run out of hot water and I'll wash you first; then you can help me." Lisa replied taking his paw in her hand pulling him toward the shower. She steps into the spray and smiles as the water soak her hair and body.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Tharan asks still standing outside of the shower.

"No silly, it feels good to get soaked especially when the water is this hot. Now come on in here so I can pull the curtain closed." Lisa replied giving his paw a light tug. Tharan slowly climbed into the shower the hot water started to soak into the fur of his paw and arm as he joined her. Lisa pulled the shower curtain closed and grabbed a bottle of shampoo from the shelf. When she turned around to face Tharan she had to almost bite her tongue not to start laughing. Tharan's eyes were closed and he was just standing in the spray and the expression on his face was one of enjoyment. He turned slightly this way and that allowing the spray to hit different parts of his body. Lisa popped open the cap on the shampoo and poured some out into her hand. Tharan flinches as Lisa's hands start rubbing his back the cool shampoo reaches his skin and he looks back over his shoulder at her.

"What is that you're working into my fur?" Tharan asked as she kept working.

"This is shampoo, it cleans hair or in your case fur. When I'm finished your fur is going not only to be clean but shine like it has never before." Lisa replied as she continued working down his back to his tail.

"Mate whatever you are doing feels very good. Why haven't you done that before?" Tharan asked.

"Because we haven't had a chance to, now turn around so I can do your front." Lisa replied nudging him with her hand. Tharan watched as she worked the shampoo into his fur, she looked up and smiled at him as she took hold of his sack and sheath. Tharan sucked air at the suddenness of her hands working over him and then her hands had moved on down to his legs.

Just minutes later she pushed him into the spray and helped him rinse the soap out of his fur. Once she was sure that all the soap was out of his fur she stepped back into the spray and soaked herself down again. Tharan waited and watched as the water ran over her body, he noted her nipples where standing hard on her breasts just begging to be licked and sucked on by him. His cock throbbed in his sheath but he ignored it as Lisa picked up a bottle and fluffy ball of cloth and handed it to him.

"This is body wash and this is a luffa sponge, here I'll show you how to wash me with it." Lisa said as she opened the bottle and poured some of the body wash onto the luffa before wetting it in the spray. She then handed the luffa to him and turned around so he could wash her back.

"Just rub that all over my back." Lisa said waiting for him to start. Tharan slowly and carefully rubbed the luffa across her back until he felt her press back against his hand.

"You can press harder I'm not going to break." Lisa said as his paw worked lower on her back just above her crack. Tharan couldn't help it as he watched the soap flow down her back and into the crack of her ass, his cock throbbed and the tip began to poke out of his sheath. Carefully he worked his way down past her butt to her legs, when he reached her calves Lisa abruptly turned around. He looked up and realized that her neatly trimmed pubes where even with his muzzle. Her swollen clit was peeking out between her labia just a few inches in front of him, her scent even in the shower was strong enough for him to smell. Unable to resist his tongue slipped out and licked her lips spreading them and rubbing her clit at the same time. Lisa shuddered and her hands grab his shoulders quickly.

"Not now mate, later after we are finished in here." Lisa said pushing back against his shoulders.

"I'm sorry mate, your scent is so inviting and I couldn't help myself." Tharan said before returning to washing her legs. Lisa smiled down at him her face framed by her wet brown locks of hair. As Tharan washed her legs he found that she was enjoying the attention and care he was taking; her soft moans told him as much. When he reached her sex she spread her legs slightly and shuddered as he softly rubbed the luffa across her sex. Moving upward he carefully rubs the soap into her pubes before moving up to her belly. Shortly he has to stand to reach her breasts, she gasps softly as the luffa rubs one nipple and then the other. As the water washes away the soap from her nipples Tharan can't help but to lean over and give them each a light lick. Lisa's head goes back as she gasps at the touch of his tongue on her hard nipples; she shudders as his hot breath travels upward to her neck. Tharan's tongue lightly licks her neck and then the underside of her chin before his lips meet hers in a kiss. His arms wrap around her as they kiss and pull her tight against his body. Lisa almost melts as his semi hard cock presses against her belly. Lisa's hands push against him softly and he breaks the kiss letting her go.

"I know, later after we finish here. I just felt you needed a kiss." Tharan said as he pulled her into the spray with him to rinse out the soap. Lisa giggled and helped him wash out the body wash that had gotten into his fur when he was holding her.

Minutes later Lisa turns off the water and steps out of the shower grabbing a towel she begins drying off. She glances back at Tharan and stifles a laugh, Tharan looks almost like a drowned rat with his fur plastered against him.

"Give me a minute and I'll get the hair dryer out and get your fur dry." Lisa said as she ran the towel over her tits drying them off. Tharan watches as she dried off, her cream colored skin sets off her blue eyes and brown hair. Tharan notices that her fur is a lighter shade over her sex for the first time. She finishes drying off and pulls out a hand held white device and plugs it in. Tharan watches as she flips a switch on the side of the machine and it begins to make a loud noise. At first Tharan is leery of the machine as Lisa comes over to him with it in front of her.

"Don't worry this is a hair dryer or in your case a fur dryer. It will dry your fur in a fraction of the time that it would if you just let it air dry." Lisa said as she directed the warm air blast across his arm for him to see that it was alright. Lisa watched as the look of surprise crossed his face and then wonder as she began rubbing his fur with her free hand while directing the warm air at the same spot. Lisa giggled as Tharan's expression changed as she dried his fur, especially when she directed the warm air at his furry sack and sheath. She could have sworn that he was going to cum right there and then. When she had finished drying his fur she turned off the dryer and sat it down on the counter.

"How do you feel now?" Lisa asked as she picked up her hair brush and began brushing her hair out.

"My fur feels softer than ever before mate. The wonders of your world never fail to amaze me." Tharan said as he ran his paw through his fur.

"Well a good shampoo and conditioner mix will keep your fur looking great. That's the reason humans made shampoo, we have the same problems with our hair as you probably do in the digital world. And I can tell by your reaction that you like the way your fur feels now." Lisa said as she put her brush down.

"Yes mate my fur feels like it's hardly there now; its so light and soft. Is this what shampoo does to fur?" Tharan asked.

"Well the shampoo also cleans the dirt out of your fur, did you even notice how much dirty the water was before it went down the drain?" Lisa asked as she stepped over to him.

"No I didn't, was it that bad?" Tharan asked somewhat ashamed.

"Yes and no, it could have been worse than what it was; but I noticed how you tend to keep yourself as clean as possible. Even if it's with just your tongue for cleaning your fur; which I just don't understand how you can do that." Lisa replied with a smile teasing him.

"In the digital world we don't have shampoo to my knowledge so keeping ones fur clean has to be done somehow even if it's just by one's own tongue. Besides I thought you liked my tongue when I put it to use cleaning you." Tharan responded looking down at the cleft of her sex. Lisa blushed when she realized just where his eyes where looking.

"My, aren't we the randy one tonight, but I can understand why." Lisa said stepping over to him. Tharan's arms wrap around her and pick her up as if she weighs nothing, in a second they are in her bedroom in front of the bed.

"I think this is a more appropriate setting than the bathroom for what we are both thinking about." Tharan said before kissing her. While they are kissing Lisa moves them toward her bed, when the back of her legs touch the bed she breaks the kiss. She lowers herself to the bed and leans back spreading her legs slightly. As Tharan watches her hands rub down her sides and then inward across her belly and downward to her pubes. She licks her lips slowly as her fingers spread her labia open exposing the nub of her clit and glistening entrance to him.

"I want to feel your tongue right here mate." Lisa said looking up at him in a sultry voice. Tharan smiled and dropped to his knees in front of her, his paws on her knees. Leaning over slightly he lightly kissed and then licked her on top of her left thigh and then switched to her right thigh and did the same. Back and forth he went kissing and licking her thighs slowly spreading her legs with gentle pressure on her knees until his muzzle was scant inches away from her semi spread labia. Lisa's breathing had increased as he worked his way up her legs as she watched him. She waited almost painfully for his tongue to dive in between her engorged neither lips.

Tharan gazed up at her over her neatly trimmed pubes for a second as she pleaded with her eyes for him to taste her, to make love to her with his tongue. Lisa almost jumped backward when seconds later his hot tongue parted her labia and sought entrance to her tunnel of love. She shuddered in pleasure as his tongue delved into her slick tunnel and withdrew taking her juices back to his waiting mouth. Seconds later his tongue was back spreading her labia again, but instead of delving into the depths of her cunny his tongue centered on her clit massaging it. Lisa gasped loudly as waves of intense pleasure flowed from her clit; her fingers rubbed her already hard nipples and pinched them lightly increasing her pleasure.

She shuddered and gasped as a mini orgasm radiated from her clit under Tharan's hot tongue. Tharan's felt her cunny spasm through his tongue and wasn't surprised as her hips lifted upwards pressing her clit harder against his tongue. Tharan shifted his paws under her knees and lifted her legs upward and spread them farther apart causing her labia to open naturally. Lisa gasped as his hot breath flowed over her clit as his tongue pushed deeply inside her; a low moan came from her as his tongue searched her dripping passage scooping her honey into his mouth. She shuddered hard and almost cried out as his tongue rubbed her g-spot and waves of pleasure flowed through her.

Her hands moved from her nipples and gripped the side of the bed as he started to fuck her with his tongue. Each thrust of his tongue not only rubbed her g-spot but bottomed out against her cervix, she cried out in ecstasy as his tongue rubbed her deepest parts. Her hips bucked upward forcing her clit to rub on his upper lip and muzzle with each swipe of his tongue. Never had she felt anything like this.

Lisa's eyes rolled back in their sockets and her head went back as she screamed as her orgasm flowed through her. Tharan's mouth was flooded with her sweet tasting cream; hungrily he swallowed every bit of it. Lisa's body thrashed uncontrollably on the bed her legs clamped against his head as she rode out her orgasm.

Tharan held her legs tightly as her orgasm continued, her cunny muscles spasmed around his tongue as the seconds passed. All too soon for Lisa her orgasm subsided and her body relaxed in his grasp; her breath came in ragged gasps as the wonderful afterglow filled her being. Minutes pass as she recovers from her orgasm, slowly her fingers still weak from the force of her orgasm pulled lightly on his head fur; taking the cue Tharan crawls up over her body until he is looking down at her. Lisa's hands slip down his chest and belly till his sheath is nestled between them.

Tharan murrs softly as her fingers gently massage his sheath, his hips jerk as if having a will of their own.

"Mate, now who's the one teasing?" Tharan asked softly as he leaned down and nuzzled her neck.

"Oh this isn't teasing, it's preparing for round two." Lisa replied smiling up at him a mischievous look on her face; without warning her hands move to his sides and her legs wrap around his hips as she rolled him onto his back her small frame straddling him. She shuddered lightly as the tip of his sheath covered cock pressed against her labia.

"Because it's my turn mate to pleasure you like you've done to me." Lisa said lustfully as she adjusted her position above him and started rubbing her cunny against the tip of his sheath forcing it back exposing his bright red shaft. Tharan moaned as his tip was forced in between the lips of her sex. Lisa moaned and gasped as she continued to push farther backward with her hips until his cock was almost fully inside of her. Her hips began to slowly roll sliding his semi soft shaft in and out of her cunny. Tharan's hips began to lightly thrust upward forcing his cock farther into her as his instincts start to take control. Lisa smiles and bites her lip and begins to roll her hips faster shoving his cock deeper into her hot clenching passageway, his forming knot spreads her labia wider as it slips in and out repeatedly.

Tharan not to just lay there passively takes her breasts into his paws, she gasps as his he pinches her nipples before lifting his head upward and takes one of her hard nipples into his mouth and begins to nibble and suck on it. A sloshing sound comes from their joined sex as their thrusts match rhythm. Each of them moan and gasp in shared pleasure as his knot spreads her wider than before, her expression is a mixed one of pleasure and pain as she pushes herself down on his cock hard. She cries out as his knot gains entrance locking them together, her cunt spasms around his swelling knot causing him to groan lustfully.

Tharan unable to ignore his instincts any longer grips her hips stopping her thrusting against him. Lisa looks at him questioningly a second before his hips start short and rapid thrusts ramming his cock into her, Lisa's head goes back and howl of pleasure comes from her mouth as her eyes threaten to roll back in their sockets again. His knot slides across her g-spot as his tip threatens to push past her cervix into her womb. Tharan growls as his climax approaches, her muscles clamp tightly on his shaft almost forcing his seed to fill her again.

Lisa moans loudly and shudders as the tip of his cock presses against her cervix and his knot presses almost painfully on her g-spot. His hips jerk back hard stretching her labia painfully for a second before his hips ram his shaft all the way in. She feels his fur covered balls slap against the spread cheeks of her butt as his seed jets against the small opening in her cervix before his tip presses against it. With the tip of his cock pressed against her cervix the opening of his cock and her cervix match up his seed jets directly into her womb.

Lisa screams in pleasure as his hot seed floods her womb quickly filling it. Then it overflows into her vagina around his shaft until it reaches the seal made by his knot. Her orgasm this time is stronger and lasts longer as she shudders over him for over a minute before collapsing on top of him. Both of them gasp for breath and say nothing for almost five minutes afterwards.

"Your willingness to mate does you credit, almost like a renamon." Tharan whispers softly as his arms wrap around her. Lisa looks up weakly from his chest fur.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. But we have a problem, I'm cold." Lisa said shuddering from the cold and as his cock throbbed inside her.

"I can fix that." Tharan replies reaching over and pulling the bed spread over her. Minutes pass as the lovers snuggle in the afterglow of their mating and shortly are asleep.

Sometime later the sound of her family's pickup pulling up in the driveway outside reaches Lisa's ears through the cracked window just five feet away waking her up. Groggily she looks up at the darkened window; it's much later than she thought as she glanced over at the clock on the nightstand.

"Oh god I hope mother or father doesn't walk in and catch us. Mother might understand, but father would be going for his shot gun." Lisa thought to herself as she glanced over at the open door of her room. Downstairs the sound of the kitchen door opening and closing could be heard, the stifled giggle of her mother comes up the stairs.

"Honey it looks like Lisa is asleep; you get the wine and glasses while I run upstairs and grab that special surprise for you. See you in the family room in a few." Her mother said her footsteps sounding on the stairs. Lisa gazed down at Tharan, a worried look in his eyes as her mother's footsteps reached the upstairs hallway. Tharan could see the fear in Lisa's eyes and smell her fear as her mother's footsteps grew louder every passing second on the hardwood floor of the hallway. Then the sound of the master bedroom door opening and her mother's footsteps became muffled on the throw rug in their bedroom. Lisa strained to listen what her mother was doing in the room across the hallway. There was the sound of her mother giggling lightly in the other room to herself as something heavy hit the floor. Lisa jumped and gasped as Tharan's knot pulled against her labia; she shuddered and moaned loudly as his knot pressed against her g-spot again. In the other room her mother stopped whatever she was doing at hearing Lisa moan. Seconds pass and then the sound of her mother's footsteps enter the hallway and come toward her bedroom. Lisa tenses up just before her mother walks into the room.

"Lisa, what's wrong, oh I can see. (Her eyes glanced down toward their joined sexes.) We'll talk in the morning after your father is out of the house. Just keep the noise down while father and I have some special time together in the family room. It wouldn't do any good for him to come running up here with the shot gun trying to defend his daughters honor." She said softly and blushing taking the door knob in her hand and pulling the door closed as she backed out of the room.

Lisa stared at the closed door and shuddered in fear. The sound of her mother's footsteps receding down the hallway and then down the stairs had Lisa worried at first, she halfway expected her father to come rushing upstairs any second. When her father didn't appear in five minutes she relaxed and snuggled against Tharan even more.

"Was that was your dam?" Tharan asked softly.

"Yes, I can't believe she didn't go into hysterics seeing you in bed with me." Lisa replied as she realized that the bed spread wasn't covering anywhere but her midsection as a cool breeze blew in the window across her bare butt and sex. Lisa blushed with the realization that her mother had seen everything.

"What's the matter mate?" Tharan asked softly as Lisa pulled the cover down over her rear.

"My mother saw us tied together. Oh god I'm going to get it once dad is out of the house in the morning." Lisa replied with a worried tone in her voice.

"If nothing is going to happen until the morning we have till then as long as we aren't too loud." Tharan said before his hips rolled shoving his semi hard cock deeper into her cunny. Lisa bite her lip to keep from crying out as his semi deflated knot pressed against her g-spot sending a renewed wave of pleasure through her.

"I like the way you think mate. Let's just keep it down we don't want dad to hear us." Lisa replied with a grin as she pulled herself forward and then shoved back down on his cock. Tharan's cock responded by hardening quickly inside her, and she smiled as they slowly made love for the second time in so many hours. Minutes passed as they made love, her mother's loud scream of pleasure came from downstairs startling them for a second. Lisa giggled at first and then gasped as Tharan's cock throbbed in the tight spasming passage way of her cunny as his hot seed flowed into her. Lisa shuddered and buried her head into the pillow as she screamed out her orgasm. Minutes pass as they ride out their shared orgasm, downstairs her parents unawares join their daughter as their voices full of lust cry out in the throes of their own orgasms. Their lustful voices are heard upstairs by the young couple. Time loses meaning as the two couples snuggle in the afterglow of their shared orgasms only separated by the wood floor between them; soon the couples are asleep entwined in the arms of their lovers.

Hours later Lisa wakes hearing her bedroom door open and the soft sock covered steps of her mother enter the room before closing the door. Tharan tenses below her as Lisa's mother leans up against the dresser across the room.

"Your father is out packing the stuff from the barn in the moving truck, so we have time to talk. So when were you going to tell us about your lover?" Her mother asked softly. Lisa blushed bright red before speaking.

"I didn't mean to keep you from knowing about Tharan, mother; I just didn't know how to broach the subject with you." Lisa replied nervously from the bed. Her mother seemed to think a minute before speaking and chose her words wisely.

"Daughter you can speak to me about anything without fear; you should know that by now. So how long has this been going on?" She asked. Lisa had thought a lot about that very question and how to answer it over the last two weeks and had decided to be honest about it.

"We've been mates for a little over two weeks now." Lisa replied.

"So for the last two weeks you have been having sex with your digimon partner and didn't think to speak to me at least about it. I'm disappointed with you Lisa; but I can understand your reasons why. Your father isn't as forgiving as I am, but still you should have talked with me about it." She replied the hurt feelings and expression showing on her face.

"Forgive me, but you know about digimon?" Tharan asked somewhat stunned by her statement.

"Oh good you can speak, for a minute I thought you where one of them that didn't know how to. Yes, I know about the digimon, or at least what I've seen on the news about them in the past few months." Lisa's mother replied.

"Mother I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Tharan; but there is something you need to know. (Lisa paused for a moment before continuing.) Tharan and I are not just partners; we're mates, married if you want to call it that." Lisa said hoping that her mother would understand. Her mother surprised both of them with a giggle and a smile.

"My dear daughter you're not the first female in this family that has had a nonhuman lover. When I was your age I lost my virginity to our family's German Sheppard, in fact he was my lover for many a year afterwards; until I met your father that is." She replied with a chuckle watching the shocked look on her daughters face.

"I thought that I was the only one that felt that way about non humans." Lisa said blushing.

"Oh no my dear, humans both male and female have had nonhuman lovers for ages. It's just frowned on by so called religious nut cases that always seem to get elected into some government office and push their agendas on how people should live and whom they should love. I can't tell you whom to love or marry my daughter, that's a personal choice for you to make. To be honest I would have accepted your choice of lovers even if it was another girl; I'm no hypocrite like so many others are." She replied smiling at the couple.

"Mother I don't know what to say." Lisa said shuddering in relief that her mother wouldn't try to force her and Tharan to break up.

"Well you can start by introducing me to my future son in law for starters; then you can get cleaned up and dressed we have a lot of packing to do today. And open the window and air this room out it smells like a whorehouse in here. How many times did you two have sex in here last night anyways?" Her mother asked smiling. Lisa blushed and tried to hide under the covers in embarrassment.

"Three maybe four times not that you and dad screaming in orgasmic bliss downstairs last night allowed us to sleep." Lisa replied from the bed as her mother's stared at her.

"Well you two weren't exactly quite as church mice either, your father wanted to come up here with his shot gun when he heard you two last night; the floor squeaks something awful downstairs when your bed is moving most of the night. Now come on out of the bed you two, I want to see my future son in law." Her mother replied smiling. Lisa looked at Tharan for a second before pulling herself up on her knees over him letting the blanket fall off her back. Lisa flipped the blanket off her lower legs and climbed out of the bed; the dried remains of their love making coating the inside of her legs. Tharan climbed out of bed and stood for a second next to Lisa before dropping to one knee.

"I am Tharan Silver Diamond of the Silver Diamond clan in the Western Mountain range of the digital world; sworn mate and protector of Lisa your daughter." Tharan replied with as much regal bearing that he could muster.

"Well Tharan, welcome to the family you can call me mom. Now the question is how to break this to your father." She said looking at the two of them smiling.

But that is another story...

((Well there you have it the tale of how Lisa and Tharan aka Cole became mates. Hope you enjoyed this prequel to The Silver Renomon Series. Oh an BTW: TSRS book two: Chapter Three to be posted soon.))

( editor's note: I wanted to kill my mate for stopping it here, however he appeased me but informing me that he planned another chapter to this prequel...well at least one more...LOL ))