The Spark Of Life - Chapter 02

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#10 of Colchechestrians

A Homunculus is celebrating the new corpses he's added to his frame, with a nice card game with his fellow corpses.

-Geeez mate, you might be the first person to say "But you should see the other guy" but somehow you still come out looking worse.

Calmet comments as she ties up Kreatur's sling so more than gravity to keep the heap of flesh together. There weren't any actual medical supplies designed for... This, so the bar towel had to do for now. Kreatur just kept staring into space the entire time not saying a world.

-Hey thanks for helping them out, if we knew they were trying to start a fight we would've passed on the forfeit! So cheers uuhhh....

-Freya (she/her). Introduces The Vampire while sipping on her goblet of blood. Since they're not feeling very talkative right now, who is this one?

-Oh uuhhh, Kreatur that's their name currently. We go through a lot of them.

Freya's eyes stare at the Kreatur with absolute curiosity, even as Camlet is trying to say goodbye as they head back with the rest of the corpses. Kreatur remains where they are, however. Freya steps closer to them.

-A makeshift sling huh? Suits your whole... Explains Freya as she waves her hand at the entirety of Kreatur's body.

Kreatur gives the vampire a perturbed look before staring back into space again, Freya walks around his eye view before sitting on the table of the bench, hitting Kreatur's head as she goes to cross her legs, hoping to further wind him up. Kreatur doesn't retort or do much of anything, just sighs a little bit. Freya, sensing she's wounded his pride enough, she was genuinely curious about the homunculi sitting before her, or rather his actions.

-Tell me honestly, corpse, why on earth did you engage with that human tonight? You're an anthropomorphic pile of rotten meat, I'm not sure how else you thought it was going to go tonight.

-I was just trying to help, alright!? It's not complicated or owt, just I dunno throwing a body at the problem's better then doing fuck all innit?

-Aaaahhh it speaks! Declares Freya. But no, no no this is not true, helping is letting someone with functioning arteries know I was in trouble.

Freya leans down from the table top to meet Kreatur's eye level.

-This was an act of roleplay wasn't it? Fancied a role change of being the big manER instead of the big manIE hmmm?

Kreatur meets her gaze but doesn't say anything, just a look of annoyance. She continues as she picks at the threads on his remaining good arm.

-I cannot imagine it was easy assembling your body like this homunculi, what was the goal?

-Like I said I wa-

-No no no no, tonight was putting preparation into action, what were you preparing for?

No one's really questioned Kreatur's thought process like this before, he pauses for it a bit as he struggles to find the words to express his reasons. After half a minute he tries to push something out:

-Like it's just... I see so much of the shit these 'sapiens put us through you know? I'm bored of just 'aving to deal with it like, asking one if he's had enough or trying to de-escalate. Just being aware of this bloody body, this lump'a meat, knowing they could just end it whenever they wanted the entire time, it's exhausting being passive, man.

He finally sits up as he's getting animated, he gets up out of his seat and Freya leans back on the table accordingly. He continues:

-Wouldn't It be great tho'? Like to be able to just intervene at the drop of a hat? Against anything! From any human harassing a Monster on the streets, to being able to stop people at a national level with your strength and will alone? That's how we'll enact real change, like having the fuckers out! Not sitting around doing 'A Big Moral' by letting it happen cos 'Well at least we didn't stoop to their level' like I'm not wrong for wanting to do something, for being mad am I? Like we can do it, we can make real change!

Freya in response to this is having a right old gas, taking Kreatur's sincere declaration as pure comedy. He shoots the vampire a look as his previously stoic body language limps.

-I don't know what it is with you boys needing to craft these Human Emulating Identities.

-What do you mean? It's about being a Man, nothing human about it!

-Uh huh. Well, at the risk of coming off a cliche: What is a man? If not, the carrot they dangle in front of professional fronters like yourself to get you to dance to their tune?

The Creature looks at Freya with bamboozlement, a complete obliviousness of how she got from A to B.

-Okay well think about it my little creature: What you call the almighty principles of manhood, who invented that? Why does it look so much like those human men, who have been men since birth?

-You're overthinking it. It's not some set of rules, it's like a feeling you know? Just like being decent. It's the me I made for myself, and I feel good! Kreatur says with absolute lack of conviction in his voice.

All the light-heartedness from Freya's voice was gone as it dawned on her that her companion was being completely serious with what he says. A trickle of white starts to bleed from the corner of his mouth.

-Uh huh, well did it feel good getting absolutely fucking decimated tonight? Your body doesn't look like it felt good and you made the bloody thing. Maybe start listening to it?

-I am listening to it and this is what it wants!

Freya without pausing pulls on The Creatures sling, before he even has a chance to react the entire thing comes off, bits of the seams and threads fly everywhere.

-Oi some of that went in my drink! Protests Walker.

Kreatur just stares as Freya triumphantly holds what may of once been an arm in the air, again the worst part was not even feeling it, it had already gone in some sense. The vampire drops the dead flesh on the floor before rubbing the dome of her head with her fingers.

-You misunderstand me homunculi, I question not the anger, the passion or the will to enact action itself, Freya explained. But the form in which your will takes. You understand what you lash out at is something inherently human, correct? A system and idea to be dismantled and destroyed. But you talk of masculinity and heroism, which is shit humans made up in the first place! Gendered nonsense and individualism. You wish to dull that blade by unsheathing the exact same sword against it? All you're left with after the battle are the same weapons occupying the battlefield, Homunculi.

Freya leans right into Kreatur's face, like a wolf about to deliver the final blow.

-And that is why your punch crumbled on contact; there is simply nothing behind it.

It was like a lens that had poisoned their view for so long, shattered in an instant. They even forget themselves, speaking their grief out loud in the moment:

-I spent so long on this body though, what am I supposed to do...?

Then they feel the cold claws of the vampire lift up their chin. Freya's still condescending face is replaced by a playful smile and a curious look.

-You fascinate me, creature, I think I'll make you my little project, announces Freya.

Nothing about that sentence filled Kreatur with a good feeling.

-You construct yourself from human corpses, right? Delightfully retro but, no no no, inferior materials for a homunculi, it all just... Only leads to a single conclusion, fitting for Humans I'd say. With these foundations you are doomed to their singular path, no no no we must rethink this approach.

The Creature comes alight with both hopeful glee and disgust at the callous nature in which that sentence was spoken. Freya continues:

-Just think homunculi, you could return to a blank canvas, you can align your shape, to the one you embody in your dreams. In fact, scratch that, when you're sitting in front of the wheel, new dreams will start to flow within. The doors you assumed closed to you for eternity will creek, and the breeze from underneath the cracks will crawl up your spine. You will dare to waste idle hours of bodies and selves that suddenly will be at your fingertips.

Freya leans into Kreatur until her ice-cold breath engulfs his cheek, it's the first thing he's felt there in years.

-If you surren... Well consent to me, this will be your new reality. She continues.

Kreatur's breath quivers and his chest begins to shake, devoid of any evidence to the truth of her words, his thirst to hang on to every word is too strong, it distorts sense and reality itself. They slowly nod. A grin creeps upon on Freya's face as she licks her lips and places her claws on the side of Kreatur's face. She traces the edge of their cheek as her hands hover just over the side of their neck. In an instant, she grips one of the seems keeping one part of Kreatur to another and gives it a sharp tug.

Anything that once resembled The Creature comes to a collapse, arms, muscles, chest, eyes, bones, ligaments, anything that completes an anthropomorphic shape is reduced to a cereal bowl of a thing all over the pavement.

-Okay boys, get them into my carriage! Freya demands as she claps into the air.

Two Humans lunge onto the scene seemingly out of the curtain of the shadows, a man and a woman unremarkable in stature, the only tell of something being 'off' here is the purple scaly rash that seems to originate from a bite on their necks, even discolouring one of their eyes.

-Sire, could you not give us more of a heads-up next time? The Familiar Woman asks. I have a meeting with my Advocacy Team early next morning?

-Oh not even I knew this would be happening tonight, it was a truly delicious prospect that fell on my lap tonight! Freya explains. Now quit complaining and carry this lump of flesh onto the carriage! I got a foolish boy to fix.

The two familiars got to work loading the chunks onto a cart they had nearby to transfer to the carriage parked down Vineyard Street. Freya looks on, nursing her glass of blood as they do, gazing with such affection. She cannot wait to see what this thing can become. Will he seize his dreams or relegate himself to a facsimile of Humanity? God, she hopes the former.