Glimmer - Part 05

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#5 of Glimmer

Ari was all but disenchanted with the holidays, and content to carry on in greyscale. But when a glimmer of hope steps into his life, he can't help but feel the rainbow shine through.

>> MATURE because this a steamy romance. Also, this final part gets particularly... festive. You may say 'owo' unironically. Go ahead, it's alright. I support you.

Ari was all but disenchanted with the holidays, and content to carry on in greyscale. But when a glimmer of hope steps into his life, he can't help but feel the rainbow shine through.

>> Author's Notes

I didn't quite expect to write a holiday story, but Christmas Day brought upon some sudden inspiration. So, while this is perhaps a touch late, I couldn't help but write it, and don't feel like hoarding it until next year.

This is perhaps a departure from what folks might be used to from me, but I've been wanting to write more romance. This was a fun opportunity to write a simple, sweet love story. And maybe you'll find a glimmer of hope for yourself as the story unfurls.

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>> Glimmer - Part 05 <<

Written by SynthW4V3

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Ohhh, the light... it burned.

Ari awoke to the sun's piercing rays, his eyes squinting against the afternoon light as he groaned while sitting up. The pounding earthquake in his head provoked another groan to escape his lips. He silently begged for someone, anyone, to put an end to the construction crew currently erecting skyscrapers inside his head. If they would kindly do so, he would be eternally grateful.

Shielding his eyes, he cast a glance at the recliner. He spotted Lucky and Iggy, both sound asleep, with Lucky sprawled atop the redhead. Out cold as usual. Ari rose unsteadily, his head throbbing, and staggered towards the bedroom, noticing the closed door. He rubbed his temples, gently rapping on the door.


No answer.

He turned the handle and opened the door, scanning the bedroom. No Ravi. In that unfortunate moment a wave of dizziness hit, and he stumbled in to the toilet, hurling up the contents of his stomach. Perhaps it was best Ravi wasn't in this room; if he had been, he'd be very upset over the mess he'd have all over him by now.

Ari rinsed his mouth out, but the awful taste lingered in his throat. He quickly brushed his teeth to no avail; the horrible taste remained. Popping a few breath mints into his mouth he walked out of the bathroom, and back into the living room where Lucky and Iggy were still knocked out.

"Ravi?" he called, looking in the kitchen.

He heard Iggy yawn into awakening, unravelling himself from his lover.

"W... what's wrong?" he asked.

Ari peered out of the kitchen. "I can't find Ravi," he said before wincing as a throb of his newly acquired hangover arched through his head.

"You sure he's not here?" Iggy rubbed his eyes and yawned again.

"I've looked everywhere! He's not in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen- anywhere!" He returned to the living room, clutching his aching head, "He must be mad at me for what I said last night. I'm such a jerk!"

"Can't agree with you more," Iggy agreed with a smirk. He rose from the recliner, carrying Lucky before setting him back down on the recliner. The little fox barely stirred the whole time. Iggy then walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of tap water before returning to Ari, and produced another red pill for him. "What'd you say?"

"Nothing. Kinda," he said before taking the pill and washing it down. "He asked me if we were together, and I didn't have an answer, so I just..."

"...So you said nothing."

Ari looked down in defeat.

Iggy picked up a pillow from the couch, and smacked Ari across the face with it.

"The hell was that for?!" he cried out, clutching his face, his headache alight with fire.

"For being a dumbass!" he shouted. "You don't say nothing, you tell him how you feel, that you like his company, but you don't know how to feel just yet, that you're still figuring it out." Miraculously Lucky didn't stir from his sleep throughout Iggy's outburst.

"I really screwed up this time."

"You think?"

"What do I do? He's not here. What if he hates me, what if he ran away?" Ari clutched his chest, panic swelling. "He has no money, nowhere to go..."

"Ari, quiet down..."

"N... no, Iggy! He could be out there all by himself right now! I... I gotta go find him!" Ari jumped up and tossed open the hall close, grabbing his coat. "You and Lucky should come and help me!"

Iggy quirked an eyebrow. "Lucky's still asleep, man, I ain't gonna wake the fox up."

"Well then, the both of you stay here until I come back, alright?"

"Alright, dude, but..."

"Iggy, I'm serious!" Ari said, already halfway out the door.

"Alright, alright! We'll stay here."

"And if Ravi shows up..."

"Keep 'em here, I gotcha."

Ari closed the door and darted down the street. Iggy wandered into the kitchen, and grabbed a bottle of rum from the freezer. Sauntering back into the living room he looked over Lucky, still sleeping soundly.

"Shit, you're lucky all you gotta do is be pretty," he said as Lucky gracefully snoozed away, a pleasant smile writ upon his face. He tipped the bottle back into his mouth, and took a swig, already feeling the warmth tickle his senses. "Some of us have gotta be the adult in the room."

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Ari's heart raced with worry as he paced through the city streets, his mind a chaotic mess of concern. Where on earth could Ravi have disappeared to? The temperature was dropping sharply, a biting chill settling into the air, while ominous clouds gathered, hinting at an impending snowstorm. He didn't even know if he took his spare coat. Panic gnawed at him; the stores were likely shuttered by now, and he had no clue about Ravi's acquaintances or any places he might frequent.

His search commenced at the first rail station, scanning the area with a restless gaze. No sign of Ravi. Anxiety clawed at him as he moved onward to the second station, hope dwindling with each passing moment.

Determined not to leave any stone unturned, Ari scoured the alleys, his footsteps echoing off the closed shops. He checked around the mall, recalling the shared laughter and quiet moments they'd had there. He looked up at the rooftop sanctuary, but it would have been impossible for him to get up there with everything closed. It was a dead end. Even the diner they had visited together previously yielded no trace of Ravi.

Frustration mounted as Ari continued his quest, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him. Each empty spot he investigated only heightened his anxiety. Wherever Ravi was, he seemed to have vanished into thin air, leaving Ari in a state of restless disquiet.

He staggered toward the nearby trashcan, retching violently. When it finally ceased, he felt a wave of relief wash over him as the medication took effect. Determined, he continued his journey, this time heading toward Ravi's former residence. Navigating such a dangerous part of town alone wasn't his idea of a good time, but if it meant ensuring Ravi's safety, it was a risk worth taking.

Arriving at Brickstone Apartments he knocked on the door to apartment 36B, calling Ravi's name. A rat answered the door wearing little more than boxers and a tank top. His stature was short, but his attitude endless.

"Did someone named Ravi drop by today? About this tall, blond fur, pink hair?" Ari inquired.

The rat leaned against the doorframe, scratching his chest. "If someone that pretty came around here, they'd be in my bed right now," he chortled.

Ari wrinkled his nose in disgust, waving his hand dismissively before stepping away.

"Hey, if you ain't busy there's room in here!" the rat called after him.

Ari stumbled back over to the station, and sat on a bench. His stomach was clear of his lingering hangover, but anxiety was butchering him inside. He couldn't think of anywhere else to look. Ravi wouldn't really just up and leave, would he? He'd still have the state of mind like he owed something to Ari, right? He wouldn't abandon him like that. Maybe he just went for a walk to clear his head or something, and is back home eating breakfast with Iggy and Lucky. Yeah, that's probably it.

He eased at the thought, and his stomach settled a little. He would never forgive himself if something happened to Ravi.

"If I could take it back, I would," he promised himself. "Just... just be okay."

He got on the next train, and transferred at his station, and was now walking the lonely road back to his boring house. It seemed brighter and happier since Ravi had arrived. Sure, there was awkwardness and oddities, and they were still figuring things out, but there was just something about his presence that made the place a little more like home.

Snow began to fall gently as the skies opened up, a flurry encircling Ari. Of all the insult to injury to add in this moment, he had to walk home in this drudgery. He groaned, and stopped in front of a small shop to take a moment of refuge under the awning. The little shop had frosted windows and was decorated with trinkets, knick-knacks, and toys. How peculiar; it was open.

Ari pressed up against the glass, letting his breath fog it up. There was some old bear in there, white hair and a white little mustache and beard, and he was serving someone. The customer laughed, and took a bag from the bear. Just then a shock of pink came into view, a familiar coat, and a smile that could melt an iceberg.

"Ravi?" Ari called.

Ravi stepped out of the shop and fumbled to put the extra change into his pocket. He sighed, and glanced at first to his left, then spotting Ari on his right.

"Hey! What are you doing out here?"

He walked up to the younger wolf, smiling and hugging him tightly, "I looked everywhere for you! I was so worried, I thought you ran away!"

"Now, why would I ever run away?"

Ari released him, and moved a stray spike out of the way of his face. "I thought you ran away because of what I said last night."

Ravi's smile faltered. "I was thinking about that," he said as he turned to walk toward the house, the snow gently falling around him. "It hurt a lot in the moment."

"I'm sorry, I..."

"Don't. I pushed you into it. I kept telling myself, take it slow, take it easy, you two like each other, you're probably the first guy he's ever felt anything like this for." Ravi confessed. "I let myself get hurt when I needed to respect your comfort level."

"You have no reason to think that, Ravi, I was... I was scared yesterday, I wasn't sure if I was ready, but..." He kissed his cheek. "Now I think I am..."

"Running out to look for me even with a hangover? Maybe." He laughed, kissing Ari's cheek back and holding the bag in front of him with both hands.

"So...what's that?"

"Your Christmas present."

Ari really hated Christmas. But he couldn't say no to a present.

"Really, now?"

"Yeah, of course! You've done all this stuff for me, and I have had no way to say thanks. But then I finally found something yesterday at break."

Ari grabbed the bag despite Ravi's protest, and took out the box inside, laughing to see that there now was no secret that his present was... already wrapped up. Great.

"You got me a nice little box wrapped in paper with a bow, how thoughtful!"

"Ari, don't break it! The guy at the store worked really hard on that!" Ravi pouted, immediately softening Ari to relent. "You can open it after dinner."

"Oh, goody."

"So, why'd you leave?" Ari asked, putting an arm around Ravi.

"Well, you were out of wrapping paper, so I had to get some. That guy's shop was the ONLY one open; can you believe it? Besides, I thought I would be back before you came to, I'm sorry."

"You couldn't leave a note?"

"You were out of paper, too."


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After a short bit the two reached the house, and were greeted by what could only be described as 'a situation.' Lucky was hung over, and monopolizing the bathroom. The smell of burnt toast wafted through the air as an entire charred loaf was laying on the counter. And amidst it all was a rather delirious Iggy, who was muttering in an embellished Trans-Atlantic accent while busying himself with preparing ketchup and mustard sandwiches.

"What in the world..." Ari just stood stunned in the doorway, Ravi peeking in behind him.

"Oh, dahling, you've arrived! Welcome, welcome, we've these lovely crisp delights with the most wondr'us strawb'ry jam and ahnje marm'lade you've ever tasted," Iggy said, practically floating as he spoke, clearly electing to ride the intoxication train right on through the station. "They're a bit tart, but they'll most certainly do."

"Since when did Iggy get replaced by Julia Child?" Ravi asked, looking upon the scene with playful skepticism.

"Okay then, it's beddy-bye time," Ari hurriedly put an arm around Iggy, attempting to guide him towards the bedroom.

Iggy booped Ari on the nose. "You know I've won seventeen Academy Awards and a wall clock made out of paper clips?"

After a short while Ari returned, having tucked both Iggy and Lucky into bed to sleep off their pickled state. By now Ravi had taken it upon himself to clean things up somehow. Already the kitchen looked better.

"Well, now that we're alone, maybe we can get some real food together," Ari stated, opening the pantry, and pulling out a box of lasagna noodles.

"Noodles!" Ravi exclaimed with a giggle.

As the minutes ticked by, the beguiling scent of slowly coaxed tomato sauce wafted through the kitchen, entwining with the alluring fragrance of freshly chopped herbs. The atmosphere was alive with a symphony of hushed conversations, infectious laughter, and affectionate kisses.

Ravi delicately sliced the mozzarella, his movements fluid and graceful. Ari's eyes followed his every move as he tended to the bubbling sauce, stirring and tasting with precision. As their hands brushed against each other, a spark ignited between them, amplified by the contrast of Ravi's soft pink fur against Ari's dark, velvety coat. Their playful chatter and laughter filled the air, creating an alluring, comfortable atmosphere that beckoned deeper conversation.

"...and that's why I got my nipples pierced," Ravi said, leaving Ari wide-eyed.

"You really went through with it?" Ari exclaimed.

"Yeah," he said as he slipped his shirt up to show off the studs.

Ari looked thoughtful. "How come I didn't notice those earlier...?"

"Because you kept getting nervous, and didn't go far enough," Ravi teased, grinning mischievously.

Ari chuckled, rolling his eyes.

The kitchen was alive with activity as utensils clinked together in a steady rhythm, sauce bubbled on the stove, and the radio played some of their favorite music in the background. The delicious aroma of herbs and spices permeated the air as they shared stories of their past lives before meeting each other. Their laughter echoed off the walls, punctuated by the occasional kitchen mishap that only added to the cheerful ambiance. Playful banter flowed effortlessly between them, like a familiar dance they had mastered together over time.

As they layered the lasagna, their creation mirrored their budding connection - layered, intricate, yet seamlessly blended together. The lasagna then slowly baked in the oven, filling the air with its mouthwatering fragrance. The two settled at the kitchen table, sipping wine and chatting idly as they awaited their culinary delight. Ari couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him in Ravi's company. For once, his worries and insecurities seemed to melt away amidst the comfort of their shared moments.

Their laughter echoed through the cozy kitchen, intertwining with the delicious scents that permeated the air. Soon after Iggy and Lucky arose from their slumber, feeling refreshed and relatively back to normal. They joined their hosts in the kitchen, and chattered away, blending effortlessly into the atmosphere.

Ravi brought over their dinner, proud of the beautiful lasagna they'd created with care. He smiled at Ari. It went unspoken, but in that moment the two felt that they were starting a new tradition. Ravi served the meal up, and the clinking of plates and rising of the din etched memory after memory in their hearts.

The conversation flowed freely, painting the room with laughter and shared stories. Ravi found himself caught in the whirlwind of Iggy and Lucky's infectious personalities, their tales breathing life into the room. Coming from the club scene they had wild stories to share. He delighted in their company, finally getting to know them beyond second-hand stories and idle gossip.

"So, Iggy," Ravi asked after savoring the last bite of his lasagna, "what was Ari like in high school?"

Iggy grinned mischievously. "Oh, man, he and I got into so much trouble. Remember the time we tried to plant that noise maker in the principal's office?"

Ari's eyes widened. "Oh, no..."

Iggy leaned in, relishing the memory. "So, we snuck into the principal's office after hours. I had this little remote-control device that made a bunch of noises, like farts and shit. What was supposed to happen was I'd hide it, have it make a bunch of noises... especially when he had someone in the office... and then it'd drive him nuts trying to find the source."

Ravi chuckled, intrigued. "So, what happened?"

"Well, I set it in a plant where he wouldn't see it. But just as I activated it, Ari here accidentally knocked over a stack of books!" Iggy gestured towards Ari, who sheepishly shrugged.

"Oops," Ari laughed.

"The noise from the books crashing down spooked us both," Iggy continued. "We tried to bolt, but Ari tripped over a chair, and I ended up knocking over the plant. The little thing coasted right over to the door just as the principal walked in!" The room burst into laughter, erupting further upon Iggy's next revelation. "We were still untangling ourselves from the mess!"

Ari grinned. "The look on his face was priceless! He was more confused than mad. I got a warning, but Iggy..." He chuckled, glancing at Iggy.

"I got a week of detention," Iggy sighed dramatically.

"I have no regrets," Ari laughed.

After a short while the evening died down, and Ari stood up, and went to his room. He came back with a couple of Christmas cards and presents, save for Ravi's that was safely tucked away in the closet. He gave the red card to Iggy, and the green one to Lucky, both of whom took pause to open them.

Iggy flipped his open to read it, and laughed. He then unwrapped a small present, a keychain with a photo of the three of them taken at a photo booth taken one day while visiting Ari at work. Lucky opened his own, and received the same.

"Aww, Ari these are adorable!" Iggy said, putting it back in the envelope.

"Yeah, thank you Ari." Lucky added, handing his to Iggy for safekeeping.

Iggy quietly finished his dinner, and was busy playing with Lucky's hair while the fox ate. At the first sign of being done, Iggy was at it, crashing their lips together, and threading his hands through the younger's hair. Lucky's eyes were alight with fire, passion arching over his body. He didn't have many skills to his name, but the ones he did have were all Iggy that was interested in right now.

"Ahem." Iggy looked up for a moment at Ari. "Right... we'll just be going to the bedroom, then."

"Oh, no-no-no, ya don't." Ari said, standing up with the pair, stopping them from moving. "If you're going to do that, then you'll have to go home this time."

Iggy looked at Lucky. Lucky looked at Iggy. Both of them looked at Ari, then to Ravi.

"...Alright, I can respect that." Iggy said, reaching out to Ari for a hug.

Ari embraced him, shook Lucky's hand, and the two were out the door.

Ari sighed, sitting on the couch next to Ravi. The sunny wolf laughed, gently moving closer to the other, and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"So, no getting shitfaced drunk today, Ari?"

"Not today."

He smiled, gently kissing Ari's cheek and resting his head on his shoulder.

"Do I have to wait for Christmas to get here before you can open your present?"

"I don't believe in Christmas."

Ravi widened his eyes, "Really? Why not?"

"Christmas just sucks. Bad parties, horrible family... I just never cared for it."

"Well, tonight wasn't so bad," Ravi stated.

"Yeah, it was oddly cozy," Ari chuckled, looking around in jest as if something were amiss.

"Well then, fine, I'll get your not-Christmas present," Ravi smiled.

"No, you're getting yours first." Ari stood up, pointing down at Ravi, "Stay."

Ravi giggled, watching Ari come back with a flat box wrapped in gold paper. He handed it to Ravi, and he just stared at it...

"Ari, I can't..."

"It'd be a waste if you didn't..."

"But..." Ravi began, looking up at the other, "You've already done so much for me, I don't know..."

"I bought it special for you, Ravi, if you don't open it then I'll have to give it to Lucky. And I don't want to give it to Lucky because Iggy spoils him rotten."

Ravi laughed. "Okay..."

He gently tore the paper apart, pausing to admire the sapphire blue box inside. He then pulled the top of the box off, gasping when he pulled out a brilliant crystalline dragon figure.

"Oh, Ari, you actually got me one of those!"

"Not just anyone. It was the one you were looking at when you first walked into Spender's."

Ravi turned to Ari, and hugged him tight. "I can't believe you thought of something so specific."

Ari looked inward, practically in disbelief of himself. Just a few days ago he absolutely hated the season, and had no reason to celebrate. And yet here he was giving a thoughtful present to someone he honestly couldn't imagine not being a part of his life.

Ravi gently opened the card Ari had penned for him, a soft smile lighting up his face. "You are my glimmer of hope," he read aloud, his voice carrying a touch of warmth.

"I made a mistake and hurt you last night. I don't want to do that anymore," Ari confessed, reaching for Ravi's hand. "I don't know quite where this is going, but this is new for me. And I'm happy you're here to share this journey with me."

Ravi leaned in and gave Ari a sweet kiss on the nose. "Me too," he agreed. He then pulled away, and got up. "Alright, let me go get your gift."

He stepped out and returned a few moments later, bringing along the expected package from earlier. He then presented it to Ari, placing it in his lap, before sitting down next to him.

"I want you to have this because, well, nobody has ever shown me this level of kindness before. Sure, a handful of people have lent a hand in tough times, but they came and went, you know? But you're different." He gazed into Ari's silver eyes. "I think this might help your journey a bit, and wherever it leads, I'm grateful to be a part of it."

Ari smiled, tearing through the paper, and laughing at the objects inside. Inside was a case including a few chocolate pens, some lubricant, and some other helpful accessories. He laughed again, looking up at Ravi, watching as he moved to sit on his knees, leaning closer and kissing him chastely on the lips.

"I know it's a lot right now, and there's no rush, but I think you're ready for this." Another kiss. "And even if not, it's there when you are."

Ari grinned as he continued to kiss Ravi. "I think I am," he said, melting into the other.

The presents slipped from Ari's lap as Ravi took their place, gently wrapping his legs around his waist and kissing him sweetly. As Ravi deepened the kiss, Ari felt his heart race, the passion between them defying the boundaries of time or space. It quickly turned hungry, both of them feeding from the other selfishly, licking lips and nipping necks, completely lost in each other. Clumsily Ari reached down, and slipped some of the presents in his pocket before standing, hoisting Ravi in his arms. Ravi continued to explore Ari's mouth as they inched their way in the direction of the bedroom.

Ari backed into the bedroom door with a low groan, holding onto Ravi desperately. Their jeans rubbed together, tongues battles, hands traveled, and Ari wasn't sure he could take anymore. After so many dreamy fantasies and happy accidents he wasn't letting this moment slip away. He groped around the door until the knob came into reach. He turned it clumsily, holding Ravi close as they nearly fell in when the door opened faster than he'd anticipated.

Thankfully his head was still clear enough to remember where the bed was.

They stumbled backward, lost in each other's bodies, tumbling down on the mattress. Ravi was already slipping off his belt, flicking the buttons on his jeans. Ari flipped himself on top of Ravi, grabbing Ravi's shirt, and practically tore it off, and flung it across the room. He then slipped his jeans off, tossing them aside as well. All that remained between himself and paradise, once again, was a shimmering pair of briefs, moist with desire.

Ravi kneeled forward, and slipped Ari's shirt over his head, wrapping his hands around his pectorals, feeling the shadowy fur in his own fingers as he traced outlines of his muscles. He leaned in and nibbled gently on Ari's neck and he reached down to unzip his jeans, Ari's breath hitching in anticipation.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," Ravi reassured.

Ari shook his head. "No, I want this. I've wanted you so badly."

Ari shuddered as Ravi's hands caressed his heated skin, feeling the soft fur against his back, making his heart race. He slipped his own fingers under the waistband of Ravi's underwear, feeling the warmth of his own desire, and Ravi's own heartbeat accelerating. The two men were lost in the moment, sharing a passionate kiss that made their souls dance.

Ravi's hands found their way to the button of Ari's boxers, his eyes never leaving Ari's as he carefully unfastened it. A low growl escaped Ari's throat as Ravi's fingers dipped beneath the fabric, a warm, wet heat enveloping his fingers. Their eyes met, their gazes locked as if time stood still.

Slowly, Ravi began to stroke Ari, letting his fingers glide over his sensitive skin, while Ari moaned softly, his body arching. Ari straddled the younger wolf, feeling his light body between his legs, feeling Ravi's hands stroking over him. Ravi looked up, his brilliant sapphire eyes sparkling in anticipation.

Ari stopped for a moment, taking in Ravi's beauty as he continued his ministrations. Despite the dim light in the room, his slender form practically glistened, his honey fur almost aglow in the haze. His nipple piercings glinted softly in the muffled light, alight with enticement. Ari's fingers traced over Ravi's fur gently, feeling the warmth of his body against his own. He ran his hand lightly down Ravi's chest, tracing every curve and dip in his skin. Ravi's eyes fluttered closed, his breath hitched in pleasure as Ari's fingers grazed over him.

"Beautiful," Ari whispered against Ravi's fur, planting soft kisses along his neck.

Ravi smiled, his eyes fluttering open to meet Ari's gaze. He looked deep into his eyes before leaning forward, gently pressing his lips to Ravi's. As Ari's lips touched his again, Ravi felt a rush of warmth, a jolt of electricity coursing through his veins. Ari grinned into their kiss, taking his time, wanting to etch this moment into memory forever.

Ari reached across the bed, the chocolate pens having been cast aside in the throes of their passion. He held a pair up, and handed a strawberry one to Ravi, giggling as he uncapped his own.

"You know, when I saw these, I kinda wondered what it'd be like using them," Ari remarked.

He shook it a few times before pressing it against Ravi's chest. It drizzled out lazily in little ribbons, creating small shapes and squiggles which Ari erased with his tongue when he was done.

He held it firmly in his hand, watching as the chocolate oozed out in slow, seductive ribbons onto Ravi's chest. Ari couldn't resist the urge to trace the delicate patterns with his tongue, erasing them one by one, sending shivers down Ravi's spine.

Ravi laughed, grabbed the strawberry one, popped it open, and flipped the both of them over so that he straddled Ari's thighs. With a flick of the pen he doodled a pink heart over Ari's own.

With a mischievous grin, Ravi reached for the strawberry pen, teasingly popping it open and straddling Ari's thighs. As he playfully scribbled a pink heart over Ari's own, their bodies were pressed together in an intoxicating tangle of desire. The warm breaths of their laughter mingled, creating an electric charge between them.

"Right where it belongs," he growled with a mischievous glint in his eye. Not one to be outdone, he leaned in and sensually licked away the chocolate, swirling his tongue around, tracing the contours of Ari's nipples as he savored every taste.

Ari's laughter danced across Ravi's skin as their lips met in a passionate embrace. They traced each other's bodies with the pens, leaving marks and claiming ownership of each other. Ravi traced his name onto Ari's ripped abs, washing it away with a flick of his tongue. In return, Ari drew a particularly amusing penis shape around Ravi's nipple, eliciting moans of pleasure as he gently sucked and licked it clean, the clinking of his jewelry awash in his mouth. Ravi copied the motion, and bit his nipples softly before pulling away. The two continued to explore each other's bodies, indulging in their sensual dance of desire.

By now Ravi's lips were stained with a rosy hue, while Ari's were a deep, earthy brown. He chuckled softly, pressing their mouths together with fervent hunger, savoring the sweet strawberry flavor of his lover.

The room was filled with a light moans and impassioned breaths as the two men lost themselves in each other's touch and taste. The chocolate pens had been abandoned long ago, but the remnants of their play still adorned their bodies. Their bodies were glistening with a mixture of the chocolate strawberry drizzle and their own sweat, a testament to their passion.

The room was alive with the sounds of moans and heavy breaths as their bodies collided in a frenzy of desire. The pens lay forgotten and spent on the nightstand, a mere side note to the decadent feast they were indulging upon in each other. Sweat and chocolate mixed in a sensual concoction, coating their bodies in a glossy sheen that mirrored their fervor. In this moment, nothing else existed except for the intense pleasure they shared.

Ari traced his fingers down Ravi's spine, feeling his muscles beneath his fur. Ravi's breathing was heavier now, his body trembling slightly as Ari's touch sent shivers down his spine.

"Do you want to..." Ari asked softly, his voice husky with desire.

Ravi's eyelashes fluttered open, a sly smile curling on his lips. "Y... you have to prep me, first," he hummed lightly, "it'll hurt less..."

"What do you mean?"

"You know... like..." Ravi demonstrated by taking two of his fingers and putting it into his mouth, teasing them with his tongue.

"Oh... oh!"

"It will hurt less..." He repeated, his eyes met Ari's, and for a moment, they were lost in each other's gaze.


Ari's fingers grasped the bottle of lubricant, his eyes fixed on Ravi's anticipating gaze. With a slow twist, he uncapped the bottle, letting a small amount drip into his palm. The warm liquid sent shivers down Ravi's spine as Ari spread it gently over his entrance, causing him to arch his back and let out a soft moan.

Their eyes met once more, speaking volumes without words. Ari slid one finger inside Ravi, relishing in the sounds of pleasure escaping his lips. As he explored deeper, Ravi's eyes fluttered shut and his body quivered as he surrendered to the pleasure of Ari's exploration.

"You feel so good," Ari whispered, his voice low and filled with desire.

Ravi's heart raced as he nodded, his body trembling with anticipation. He had yearned for this moment since the first time he saw him. He tried to hide it, but after their shower encounter, he couldn't deny his desire to feel Ari inside of him. In a bold move, he guided Ari's throbbing length towards his entrance, causing Ari to gasp at the sensation of being enveloped in Ravi's heat. As they both moved in sync, their bodies melding into one another, their passion grew and their movements became more frenzied with each thrust. This was everything Ravi had dreamt of and more.

Ari's hands roamed eagerly over Ravi's body, caressing every inch of each other they could reach. The room was alive with the rhythm of their bodies, the sweet music of moans and gasps filling the air. Every touch, every sensation heightened their desire for each other. Ravi's nails dug into Ari's back, drawing him closer as they moved in perfect harmony. Their hips rocked together, sweat glistening on their skin and fur as they lost themselves in the heat of their passion.

Their lips met in a frenzy of kisses, tongues dancing and exploring as they surrendered to each other completely. Their kisses were hungry and insistent, lips melding together in a fervent dance. Every movement, every touch, fueled by an unquenchable desire for one another. Ari's hands gripped Ravi's hips tightly, pulling him closer and urging him on. Their movements became more frantic and wild, desperation taking over as they sought release from the burning desire that consumed them. Ravi's heart thudded against his chest, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he felt his passion building within him.

Ari wrapped his arms around Ravi, pulling him tight against his chest as he felt himself nearing the edge. Ravi's eyes fluttered open, locking gazes with Ari once more. As their moment approached, Ari's pace quickened and he captured Ravi's lips once more, engulfing them in a deep kiss, hoping against hope that this moment could go on forever. Their tongues danced together, matching the rhythm of their bodies as they both were consumed with each other. Their hearts beat in sync, their souls tangled together in a dance only they could share.

As they reached the peak of their passion, Ari let out a low growl, his body tensing as he thrust into Ravi one last time. Ravi moaned, his body quivering as his climax washed over him. Wave after wave of pure bliss washed over them, their cries filling the room as they found ecstasy together.

As the intense passion subsided, they lay entwined, panting heavily, their bodies still shuddering from the aftershocks. The room was filled with the lingering scent of strawberry and chocolate, now infused with the husky aroma of their lovemaking. It was divine.

Ravi's arms tightened around Ari, pulling him closer. Ari smiled, stroking Ravi's fur, feeling the warmth of their connection radiating from their bodies. Ari brushed a stray lock of hair from Ravi's face, his thumb gently tracing the curve of his jaw.

"I've never felt anything like this before," he whispered, his eyes soft, his voice barely audible.

Ravi smiled, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of joy and passion. He gently kissed Ari's lips, their warmth mingling with the sweet taste of strawberry.

"What a ride," he grinned.

>> >> <> << <<

Ari and Ravi walked up the driveway of an expansive house, Ravi's eyes widening like saucers. It stood grand and proud before them, adorned with sparkling lights and festive signage, a splendidly decorated tree visible through the window. A radiant glow spilled from the windows, casting warm hues across the snowy yard. The air carried the scent of pine and cinnamon, and soft holiday music faintly reached their ears.

"And I thought I was gaudy," Ravi remarked, his pink spikes swaying in the crisp winter breeze.

"This might be a bad idea," Ari mumbled, looking up with unease.

"Come on, Ari. It's just your folks. Nothing to worry about."

"They might not like you," Ari said, concern etched in his tone.

Ravi shrugged, a carefree smile on his face. "Who cares? You like me, and that's all that really matters."

Ari furrowed his brow, his charcoal fur catching the soft glow of the holiday lights. "Do you ever see the dark side of things?"

Ravi's gaze softened. "Only when I look at your fur, Ari," he teased. He then stared deep into his silvery eyes, a twinkle of light subsumed by his dark visage. "Besides, I've got you with me."

The two stood on the porch for a moment in the stillness of the winter evening, the moon high above. Ari's gaze fell upon the window lights sparkling gently, persistent despite the blanket of snow. They looked into each other's eyes. finding all they ever needed within each other's depths. He couldn't help but pull his mouth back into a smile.

Come what may, it was a gentle reminder that even in the deepest of darkness, there was always a glimmer of hope for the light to shine through.

Together they pressed the doorbell.