A Birthday Change - Nargacuga TF

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A birthday gift for my bro kasadragon, as well as a Patreon-voted story. His bday was coming up, Nargacuga won the poll, so why not do that :P Enjoy!Shade, Azamuku (C) myselfConcept (C) ivanksDesign (C) Monster Hunter (C) Capcom

Posted using PostyBirb

"So... just where is it we're meant to be going?" Chris asked, following behind Shade, keeping a close eye on the anthropomorphic raven as she led him through a quiet, forest pathway. Normally whenever Shade wanted to meet up with Chris for something, it was either in the secluded mansion within the Ochre Forest, or at his own house, or sometimes outside of town, so it was a bit strange to him that she was leading him somewhere else.

"Oh, nowhere special, I just thought I'd introduce you to a friend of mine. Hell, you might even know him already!" The raven chirped, glancing back over at her human friend. "I told him about you and he was quite eager to meet up with you!"

"Someone I may already know?" He questioned - he did have a few friends, but some of them did live on opposite ends of the country, or in different countries altogether. Not a single one of them ever mentioned being friends with Shade, so unless any of those friends were really good at keeping secrets, he had no clue on who it could be.

"It'll all come to light soon enough, dear!" She responded, looking ahead at the approaching clearing, moonlight shining down through the trees.

"Right, right..." He wasn't quite sure on what to make of this, following Shade into the clearing. Everything around him seemed so serene and peaceful, but there was a nagging sensation pulling at his mind, as if he was being watched. "So how long do I have to wait?"

"I have a feeling that he'll be dropping in right about..." Shade glanced up towards the skies, a loud roar ringing through the area before a large, draconic creature swooped towards them, touching down in front of the duo. "Now!"

"Woah!" Chris nearly jumped backwards from the sudden arrival of the monster. He stood a few feet taller than him, covered in blackish-grey scales with red spines and spikes. His claws, along with the scorpion-like stinger on his tail, were crimson red, gleaming in the moonlight, his arms doubling as his wings. What really threw Chris off, however, was the long, silvery hair the beast had flowing from his head, the tattered remnants of what looked like shorts clinging around his legs.

"It looks like you came right on time, Azamuku~" Shade giggled, looking over the anthropomorphic Rathalos. "I told you I'd have Chris here, didn't I?"

"Heh... that you did, Shade." The creature growled, smirking from ear to ear. "You haven't broken your track record yet!"

"Although, thinking of that, maybe I should have brought him here earlier on, he could have seen your transformation!"

"There's always the next time!" Azamuku stepped forwards. "Either way, I think this is the first time I've met you whilst in this form." He looked at Chris.

"The first time you've met me in that form? I don't think I've met you in any other form you have..."

"Really now? I think all the Pokémon cards I've been holding aside for you might say otherwise!" The dragon laughed.

"Pokémon cards? Wait..." Chris took a moment to put everything together. "You're not... Peter, are you?"

"Not at the moment!" Azamuku hissed. "He's watching on from inside right now!"

"Watching from inside? Like he's a prisoner or something?"

"A prisoner? My friend, you insult me!" Azamuku huffed. "I'm simply Peter's wilder desires, his more bestial side, made manifest! Shade did play a small part in that~" He placed a hand on Shade's shoulder.

"Bestial desires?"

"Wanting to be free, to fly, to hunt, things a human body isn't capable of. In this form, there's not a man alive who could stop me..." He said with a sinister grin.

"OK, you're scaring me a little bit..." Chris gulped.

Azamuku noticed that Chris was looking a little pale.

"You're not thinking that I'm going to tear you apart, are you?" The Rathalos looked down at his friend, placing a hand gently on the human's side. "Trust me, if I had wanted to do that, you wouldn't have noticed the first blow being landed. That and Shade's not in the business of killing people, so believe me, you've got nothing to worry about from either of us. I know for a fact that Peter wouldn't want to see that happen, either, so there's no chance of that happening on my watch!"

"That's... good to know." Chris eased up a little bit. "So Shade did this to you?"

"Yup! Hell, I thought she was someone I had made up before she paid me a visit one evening!"

"Funny you should say that, Chris thought the exact same thing when I arrived at his doorstep!" Shade cawed cutely. "He even showed me some of the pictures you got, nothing new to me, but strange minds think alike, after all!"

"Heh... I think we should get back on track for now, though." Azamuku turned to Shade before looking back at Chris. "Your birthday's coming up, if I recall correctly, so I thought you'd like a special present from the two of us."

"Special? In what way?"

"Something that involves transformation, naturally~" Azamuku laughed. "Me and Shade spent an evening deliberating just what form might be the best for you, and after narrowing it down to a few good choices, I picked the one I thought you'd enjoy the most!"

"That sounds good." Chris nodded. "So what, is Shade gonna use some magic on me, or give me a potion?"

"Well that WAS the original plan, but Azamuku thought it'd probably be better if he handled that himself." Shade said. "And as he doesn't have any magic, there's only a couple of ways he can cause your changes, and we thought it'd be best to save any naughty shenanigans for later, sooo..." She glanced over to the Rathalos's giant stinger.

"Wait, you're gonna POISON me?!" Chris shouted in disbelief.

"Poison, no." Azamuku started to explain. "Whilst I can use this tail to deliver a deadly dose of poison to someone, I can, at will, change its effects before stinging a person. I just have to think of a creature or a monster, and the effects of my venom changes to match that. At the worst, it'll sting a little bit, but it's not gonna kill you!"

"Are you sure about that?" The human asked defensively. "Have you tested it out on others?"

"Oh I'm sure, Shade lined a few people up for me to practise on, and all the tests were successful, so you're in good hands with me!" He raised his tail upwards, the stinger dripping a sanguine fluid. "So, are you in?"

"If you're REALLY sure it's not gonna kill me, then I suppose there's no harm in trying..."

"Famous last words~" Shade chimed in with a giggle.

"Come on, Shade, don't be cruel~" Azamuku couldn't help but laugh as well. "Either way, you may want to brace yourself, and I'll try to do this as gently as I can!" He turned his attention back to his friend, the tip of his tail diving down towards Chris. With great restraint, the stinger's descent slowed down, pricking the human as lightly as he could right in the shoulder, allowing the venom to flow into him.

"Ghh!" He winced - whilst Azamuku did sting him as gently as he could, it still hurt like hell all the same, the venom initially burning as it flowed into his system.

"There we go! Probably not too different from getting a shot, only I don't really have any lollipops to hand out!" The wyvern playfully joked, pulling the stinger away. Chris rubbed at his shoulder, the pain quickly passing.

"I was never one for those anyway, so I couldn't tell you what the difference was!" He groaned in displeasure. It didn't take long at all for Azamuku's transformative poison to take hold, pitch-black fur starting to sprout around the human's shoulders and back, greyish-black scales growing over the flesh on his arms from the elbows all the way down to his hands, long, sharp claws sprouting from his scaly fingertips.

"In this case, it's kind of obvious to see the difference, I have to admit!" Shade winked, seeing the human's arms bulk up with muscle, the sleeves of his shirt tearing apart. At the same time, two long, broad spines erupted from the sides of his arms, a shorter one jutting out from his elbows, all lined with red webbing, giving him a pair of wingarms. The fur moved to grow over his back, shoulders broadening ever so slightly, whilst his chest and underside were rapidly being coated by thick, armoured scales, the muscles swelling underneath, abs and pectorals showing up underneath. His shirt was feeling a lot tighter thanks to his larger muscles, his stomach slightly exposed due to his stretching spine.

"Yeah, what doctors give out shots that transform people?" Azamuku smirked, a bump appearing just above Chris's rear, fur and scales wrapping around his legs. The bump grew larger and larger until it eventually began to protrude outwards, tearing a large hole in the back of his trousers, a long, thick, whip-like tail growing out, the fur at the tip momentarily bunching together into sharp spikes before settling back together against the new limb.

"I suppose that's true!" Chris looked down at his new tail, his body taking a few moments to get used to it. He could feel the fur growing down to his knees, his trousers feeling tighter around his legs where his thighs gained muscle, the fur poking through various holes in the fabric. Plated scales took over from the knees downwards, working to cover his stretching feet, shoes splitting open as pressure shifted to his tiptoes. The big toe on each foot shrank away, rough, scaly pads forming on the soles of his feet, deadly claws growing out from his thickening toes. He wobbled about momentarily as he adapted to his new stance, Shade and Azamuku offering him their support as he nearly fell forward.

"Starting to think that maybe I should have taken off my clothes, though - I kinda liked the gear I was wearing!" Chris laughed, looking over himself.

"Eh, they're easy enough to replace!" Azamuku told him. "I go through so many of them with my own transformations, so it helps that Shade's got a few clothing repair and duplication spells up her sleeve!"

"I also know someone who'd be good at making clothes that can withstand the pressures of transformation as well, so there's that, too~" Shade cawed, watching the fur creep slowly over Chris's head. His ears shrank away into tiny holes on the sides of his noggin, a pair of sharp, fur-covered horns growing out from above his eyes, the flesh taking on an orangey-red hue. "Azamuku chooses not to use those because he claims it's more fun to grow out of them every time!"

"What, it is!" Azamuku grinned, watching Chris's face push forwards, smooth black scales forming across his upper jaw as it elongated, almost beak-like in appearance, complete with a pair of 'fangs' on either side. At the same time, his teeth grew out into serrated fangs, tongue growing longer and thicker to better fit his new muzzle. His eyes moved slightly to the sides of his head, a feral yellow coloration filling them, the pupils pulling into slits.

"And with that, I think you're done!" Shade smiled, looking at Chris, conjuring a full-length mirror from nowhere so he could properly look over himself. He approached it, checking out the tall, muscular anthro Nargacuga that was staring back at him. "So, how do you feel?"

He continued to look over himself, his tail wagging from side to side.

"Honestly, not too bad!" He said with a happy smile, turning to face Shade and Azamuku. "I think I could get used to this new look!"

"I should hope so, cause things tend to be non-reversible!" Azamuku told him. "Why you'd want to reverse something like this is honestly anyone's guess!"

"Eh, I have a few reversal spells up my sleeve, but I've never needed to use them for the most part." Shade shrugged. "Still, we're both glad that you enjoyed your birthday gift! Though, truth be told, this isn't the whole present..."

"Oh?" Chris tilted his head.

"We're not saying anything else, you'll find out when we get back to the mansion!" Azamuku added.

"Gotcha." Chris nodded. "So, should we fly back? I'm eager to give these wings a test!"

"There'll be time for flying later, it's only a short walk from here. Besides which, it gives me a chance to get to know you before the real fun begins~"

"Sounds good to me!" He smiled, following on alongside Shade and Azamuku as they made their way back to the mansion, talking among themselves.