Weapon - Awakening

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#1 of Weapon

Its a new year and I have a new story starting, sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy the show!

Bright light, blinding, then a voice

Instructions, these I can understand, unlike the lack of any memory before now.


It doesn't make any sense. I don't remember doing this before.

".. and you must neutralise all targets in the allotted time, is this understood?", drones the voice.

Wait, they want a response, I nod.

The door opens, I move in.

Live targets, I remember something now, rumours from the guards, criminals?

Moving through, I can't remember something, something important, what was it?

"Oh yeah! The parole is mine!", yells a voice

My only thoughts

*remove the gun*

*stop the bullet*

*stop the target*

The thoughts were so fast, the result seemed so slow in comparison, the man's arm severed at the elbow, the solid slug from his shotgun froze in mid-air, then his eyes bulged and blood rushed to his head, the result of my crushing his heart.

I dropped to the ground, someone was screaming and wouldn't stop, there was blood everywhere.

Wait, was it me screaming?

The next minute happened in a blur, more came at me, 29 more, as I would later recall, they came at me and were butchered.

By me?

Back in my room, I know its mine, it smells like mine.

"... yeah, they say this one went nuts in its last run, finished it in less then 2 minutes"

"How the fuck? There was over two dozen hard cases in there, no way it could hav....", the voices trail off down the corridor.

The next few weeks were a blur, it seems I became the "star pupil", apparently me being able to remember what I had for breakfast is a big thing, poked, prodded, blood samples, you name it, they wanted to know about it.

Psych tests seemed ongoing, I seemed to make them mad though, somehow I remembered what the textbook answers were to all the tests, at first I made sure to answer everything perfectly, it got boring so I started answering the exact opposite. It was an amusing counter point to what they had me do to those people.

"The next problem, its a bright summers day, you are walking down a country road, on the dusty road ahead there is a sparrow, both its wings are.. ", hrmm, what was the wrong answer here, hammer?

Before the egg-head could finish, a voice I remember as one to trust orders, "That's enough, she will either answer with what you want or the opposite, its a game for her now."

He was about six foot one, hair leaning toward grey, cropped short and in very fit condition, even for an army officer.

The General clears the room, says something to the soldiers outside, walks back in and turns back to me and puts something on the table between us.

"Look at them, they raise any memories?", he asks, seemingly uninterested.

Necklace but rougher, two metal plates stamped with words and numbers, dog-tags.

For some reason, I don't want to look at the name, it doesn't make sense, but I hold onto them anyway.

"S-Sir", I stammer

My voice, what's wrong with my voice? My head? Wait, are those my hands? Why are they covered with black fur...

"Sir! Master Sergeant Walters reporting, Sir!", I have said those same words so many times before, they just tumble out of my mouth.

"At ease, Sergeant", The General commands.

Years in the army, specialising in field work and some signals.

A sister, a brother, loving parents, all dead.

Working under a good commanding officer, one of the best so the word goes, The General is his nickname.

All of it blurry, I could remember roughly what had happened in my life, but no specific memories floated to the fore.

Alien artefacts, 10 chambers had been constructed from the parts and blueprints, we managed to piece together that it was a gift to our people, it was supposed to help us to the next level of evolution.

I volunteered.

With the return of my memories, came the return of my status, and the end of the silly tests, they still gave me tasks to train my mind, and with every week I mastered it more and more.

I was the first to awaken, and so far the only one, each and every soldier who had gone into those machines had come out covered in red, white and black fur, looking for all intents and purposes a cross between a human and a red fox. While the others had shown some use of their powers, none had a conscious and now, trained, mind behind it, they were mostly acting in self defence. I was the scientists pet though.

I had to jump though their hoops for most mornings, but for the afternoons and evenings I was allowed to do my training.

At first they thought the only gift the machines had given to us before they failed and broke was these funky psionic thing, but soon I proved them otherwise, by researching and studying for a literature degree in just four months via a correspondence course. This just sparked new tests on my mental capabilities, eating into my already full days.

Six months after regaining my mind, the doctors finally had a complete picture of where my mind and body were at.

I was in a meeting with General Ruggers and a few of the doctors.

"From before the event, the Sergeant retains little long term memory, however her IQ has rapidly increased beyond our means to measure it and seems to have acquired an eidetic memory." The head shrinker I had been dealing with reported.

"Physically she is carrying no fat on her frame at all, is far exceeding what a regular human of her size could possibly manage in both strength and endurance..." Another doctor, my physical trainer added, tapering off when he realised there was nothing more to actually say.

"And of course there's her psionic, which has a range of about twenty five feet, has proven able to manipulate things down to the size of a human hair with pinpoint precision and cut through steel and armour plating like a knife through butter." The General added, cutting in front of the last doctor. Apparently he had read all the reports. "In short, your tests are done, she is turned back over to my command. Thank you gentlemen, you are dismissed." He told them, in no uncertain terms.

The egg heads filed from the room, closing the door behind themselves. "Well, thank the lord for small mercies, now they are gone I can tell you why I have broken you free from this hell." The General opened a folder on his desk, "This is a military camp just within Iran, we are fairly sure its not being run by the Iranian army, but we do know its holding four US hostages. I have put a team together, your running the show. We have run some computer simulations of all standard smash and grab tactics, and so far none have lead to successful recovery of all hostages intact. We need a hail-mary pass here Sergeant. Your plane is waiting."

Just like that I was packed into the cockpit of a jet and was winging half-way around the world.

Time to get my game face back on.

No one will notice, but this is actually a re-write of my first story I wrote (back in yiffstar days) that was denied because I hadn't had anyone furry in the first part. Well my brain reimagined the plot and story and its beginning again now with one hundred percent more fox!